Deciding on how to begin my blog is not normally something I find easy – so much information to include and almost impossible to prioritise – but today it’s easy. I’m going to start with a huge thank you for all of the incredibly kind, heartfelt, thoughtful and empathetic comments you posted on my last blog. I have read every one of them, and they were such a comfort, but do please forgive me for not responding individually as I would do normally. I was very sorry to realise that there are so many of you who no longer have your mum with you, whether it happened recently or many, many years ago. We all know how it feels, and the hole I have in my life right now is one that will never disappear. It’s just one I hope I can learn to walk around the edge of, rather than pitching into the middle…
We were blessed on the day of Mum’s funeral with clear blue skies and bright sunshine, but the biggest blessing of all was that my brother Peter and his wife Sarah came all the way from Australia to be with us. He had written a beautiful eulogy, and Jenny and I put our thoughts together, and I read those out. It’s so hard to condense a lifetime of love into a few minutes, but I hope she would have been pleased. My niece, Emily, read a piece from Winnie the Pooh, and my daughter Lucy had chosen a perfect poem. But just a week before, I’d found a small piece of paper with Mum’s handwriting on it, tucked inside a book she had wanted me to read. The book was ‘Somebody I Used to Know’ by Wendy Mitchell – a very moving memoir written by a 56-year-old woman who has dementia. She had suggested I get in touch with the publisher, as she felt it was similar in writing style to my own book. Mum wasn’t one who believed in self-publicity, so this meant a lot to me. Lucy looked it up, and found the quote to be written by Teresa of Avila, who is the Patron Saint of Writing, and Lucy told me she believed mum had copied it out for me.
May today there be peace within.
May your trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others.
May you use the gifts that you received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
Let this knowledge settle into your bones and allow your soul the freedom to dance, sing, praise and love
It is there for each and every one of us.
I thought it was absolutely beautiful, and the words most definitely resonated with every one of us at the ceremony.
Peter and Sarah flew back to Australia on Friday, and I came back to work on Monday night, which was absolutely the right thing for me to do. After all these years at the Q, there is definitely a sense of belonging, and it did me good to see my friends again and to bring you the fabulous Today’s Special Value from Peony, which I know sold incredibly well. Of course I missed the Elemis TSV, but I am very glad to be back in time to tell you about a four-piece Liz Earle ‘Big Deal’, which is available all this week. It contains the award winning Cleanse & Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser (my cleanser of choice for the last 18 years), the intensely hydrating and beautifully fragranced Orange Flower Body Wash, the Nourishing Botanical Body Cream, and your choice from one of the five signature Liz Earle fragrances! The interest-free instalment deal means you can buy this now for just £18.99, with a total price of just £56.97, when the fragrance alone would be £52! No. 20 is definitely my favourite fragrance, but I have to say that No. 9 with its blackcurrant, bergamot and ginger notes is a close second. What’s yours?

Another one of your favourite beauty brands will be heading up our Christmas event this Saturday with a TSV that gets top marks from me for its festive packaging! Just have a look at this seven-piece collection of bath and bodycare from L’Occitane, available in three different options: Warm, Fresh or Floral scents and with a payment option of four interest-free instalments – basically £12.49 to secure your order with our reduced P&P of £1.95, and then three months interest-free credit to follow on the remaining payments. But the best bit is that you can buy it now, rather than having to wait until Saturday! Go on, treat yourself! 🙂

I must admit, the last few months have run away with me, and I can’t quite believe we are so close to Christmas. I took these photos just a week or so back when I was on a walk.
Stunning colours this autumn, and lots of berries too, which is good news for the birds.

We visited Colin’s son Danny and Rae last Sunday, and spent time with our granddaughter Calla who loved the reindeer.

I know Christmas can be a difficult time for many, for all kinds of reasons, but I hope that whatever you have planned it will be a happy time.
I hope you’ll be able to join me on Sunday at 5pm on our Style Channel when I’ll have an hour of luxury jewellery, before legging it over to the main channel at 7pm to show you how many steps I’ve done according to my Versa 2 from Fitbit! You may have seen me wearing it on air, and I have to say that on those mornings when I’ve not really felt like even getting out of bed, it’s really helped to motivate me.
Take care, and do drop me a line, this time I promise I will get back to you. You can also keep in touch on Instagram, Facebook (my new page Alison Keenan QVC) and Twitter.
With my love,
Ali xx
63 Responses
We found a poem in my mum’s handwriting that we had read out at her funeral. We are not sure who wrote it or whether she did. Poetry I find can be very comforting at difficult times. Sending hugs
Dear Anne, that is good to know, as it makes the whole event that little more personalised. I like you find poetry very comforting. I am sorry that you too are missing your mum. Sending you my love, Ali x
Hi Ali so lovely to see you back. Loving the Liz Earle big deal of the week. My favourite is no 15 and i often get compliments when im wearing it. I also like no 20 and no 100 – which to go for this time? I wonder!! Am also looking forward to the L’occitane TSV and oh oh boy im spoilt for choice again – havent ordered yet cos i keep changing my mind which to go for!! Sending love to you and your family xx
Dear Karen, It’s good to be back, and I’m so glad you made the best of the Liz Earle Big Deal. Pleased also that you enjoy their fragrances too. Which one of the L’Occitane options did you eventually decide on? I think my favourite was the Warm. Have a good week and thanks for getting in touch Love Ali x
Nice to hear from you .I too lost both parents and my husband of 6 years in the space of 13 months in 1981and1982 so this time of year can be scary but I treat myself to a few nice things and do whatever I feel like. I don’t have family so I make this as festive as I want .
Dear Suzi, How incredibly difficult a time for you, and such an incredible feeling of loss. I understand that you will find Christmas a reminder, but I do hope though that you have friends who will help you through this. As you say, at least you can make your own plans so I hope that you can make the best of things. love Ali x
Dear Alison, thank you for your lovely blog. I am so happy that your mum had a beautiful funeral, and the skies were blue. My mum always use to say that the sun shines on the righteous. That’s what you and your lovely family are. Stay strong, cry when you want to. May God continues to bless you and your family. All my love. Antoinette
Dear Antoinette, that’s a lovely expression and one that my mum believed in also. I find the sunshine can always lift my spirits even when times are hard, but as you say, recognise sadness when it comes. Thank you for your kind words and for getting in touch, love Ali xx
Its lovely to have you back. It doesn’t get any easier but you learn to live with it. They are just in another room. Take care and much love x
Hello there Karen, and thank you for writing to me. I think that is a very comforting thought.. and one I will hang onto. I hope all is well with you, love Ali xx
Hi Ali it’s so hard when you lose your mum and dad, I lost my mum when I was 14 years old then daddy 18 years. It doesn’t matter what age your parents die is still hard. I have been looking after my brother after his triple by pass, he is doing well. It just takes time.
Good to see you back.
Take Care x
My dear Christine, how incredibly difficult for you. To lose your mum when you were so young and to have then no doubt become even closer to your dad only to lose him too. I am glad that you have your brother, and I am sure he is incredibly grateful to have you in his life to love and care for him. I very much hope he is improving and able to take it easy. Thank you for writing to me, and you take care of yourself. Love Ali xx
Hello Ali & welcome back, Returning to work after an absence we’d rather not have had can be daunting so it’s so lovely to read that you have a sense of belonging at QVC. Your photos are also lovely, as is Calla. There do seem to be a huge number of berries this autumn & I’m holding onto the premise that the conditions were right when the blossoms were pollinated rather than the thought we may have a long & harsh winter. I can understand your feeling that the last few months have run away with you; my brother in law has been in hospital for the last seven weeks, unfortunately the level of care & hygiene have been so poor my sister has chosen to stay in his room & do all his care herself so she’s existing in a very different universe. Unfortunately three weeks ago he contracted sepsis when a simple procedure not done properly. He now has post sepsis syndrome & mental distress so severe he’s forgotten that he’s paralysed due to cancer & is convinced everyone’s trying to poison him. For the first time in my life I can’t find much to discuss with her because everything I do sounds so ordinary & she hasn’t had any of that for such a long time. Colin & I have always followed the concept of carpe diem & take every opportunity to do things so I’ve just bought my first piece of original art & in a couple of weeks time we’re off to York, our favourite British city, for a long weekend & Watchet Auf at the Minster. Last words my lovely, you didn’t condense a lifetime of love into a few minutes you lived a lifetime of love for each other, you both knew it & so did all those at her funeral. Blue skies & sunshine, love from Jo x
Dear Jo, I’m so terribly sorry to hear about your brother-in-law’s situation and the dreadful predicament your sister finds herself in. So incredibly difficult for her and equally difficult for you to know what to say or how to even comfort her. I’m sure though that just talking to you will be an escape for her, even if only for a short while. I remember when Sam was so desperately ill and contracted MRSA, it was incredibly difficult to stay focused, but we do. Having the other two children with me helped as did a reminder of normality. I pray that things will improve for you all… In the meantime Carpe Diem. Such a strong statement and one I am glad you feel able to live by. Original art is fabulous, and I hope you have a wonderful time in York. I visited there 38 years ago… I’m sure it looks much the same though. A beautiful place.
Finally, thank you so much for your beautiful comment about a lifetime of loving someone. I will hold it close. Take care and stay strong, Love Ali xx
Such a moving blog Ali. I lost my mum 7 years ago, she died very suddenly so was a big shock. I think of her every day. God bless you xx
Dear Helen I am so sorry for your loss, and although the years pass, when you lose someone suddenly as I did with my dad, the shock never really leaves you. I am glad that you think of your mum every day though, as that is the way you keep her with you. Take care and God bless, Ali xx
Thinking of you Alison take care lovely girl sending love to you all xx
Dear Kay, so very kind of you… Thank you very much for writing to me, love Ali xx
Alison so lovely to hear from you and I am so pleased that you have had your family abs friends around you for comfort at this time. The hole left in your heart will fill up with memories of your mum, I have a ‘dad space ‘ in mine and he is always with me.
I love the Autumn, it’s my favourite season and your photo of the beautiful tree epitomizes why I love it so much. Nature is breathtakingly beautiful. I was hoping to take full advantage of my half term break to a beautiful lodge set in farmland surrounded by wonderful trees..however I have been very poorly with breathing difficulties, a horrid chest infection and I stayed in the lodge more than I was out of it but daughter Chloe and my sister enjoyed the beautiful surrounding with the dogs . Happily my chest infection has finally cleared but after being without a voice for 5 weeks I am now on total voice rest and off work for 2 voice rest is impossible…I only talk to the dog as he cannot read!!
I am hoping that my voice returns ready for my annual Milton Keynes shopping trip next weekend..YES it’s that time of year again..21 years this year!!
I have lung function tests at the hospital on Monday so hoping we get this thing sorted and properly medicated so I can get on and carry on as normal.
Trouble is being at home is dangerous..too many beautiful things on the Q
Much love Mary
Dear Mary I’m so glad that your chest infection has cleared, but I hope that the lung function tests have found the cause and now you can be treated so that it hopefully won’t return. How was your shopping trip to MK? I hope you felt better for it and had a fun time with your sister. Thank you for your kind words about mum – that space is for Dad and mum now. Poor old Honey has got chicken pox so I’m back to Swindon on Wednesday to take over mummy duties! Take care and thank as always for keeping in touch. With love from Ali x
Oh Ali what beautiful words your mum left for you. I hope returning to some sort of normality is helping you. I found it did. You are right there is always a hole left in our lives but eventually as you so beautifully put we do learn to walk around the edges. Elaine x
Dear Elaine, I so hope Lucy was right, and they were there specifically for me to find, as that means a lot to me. I’m glad you liked my analogy, but I hope you saw Mary’s words. I like the thought that we can fill that hole up with memories of those we love. I know life hasn’t always been that easy for you, so I’m sending you my love, Ali xx
So sorry to hear about your mum. I lost my mum and dad last year within 6 months of each other. Dad had dementia. This year my mother in law died. So within 14 months we lost 3 parents. No matter how old they were it still hurts.
Oh my dear Catherine that is so tough… for all of you. But for you and your husband it will be very hard. I lost my dad and both his parents within two years of each other, and that was hard too. It will always hurt. Losing someone you love does hurt, and it’s a testament to that love. You take care and I’m sending you my love, Ali xx
Hi Alison nice to hear from you again how nice your brother came over albeit for a sad visit it sounds like it went as well as possible and your mum had a good send of as you say it leaves a hole I find even all these years later I still think mum would have known when I can’t remember something. How nice the letter was found in the book it’s strange isn’t it how things work my mum had a gold locket and after she died I had her jewelry and on the back she had my name and love mam enscribed on the back mam being she was from Sunderland she always told me everything so it was quite overwhelming when I saw it. Anyway it’s good your getting back to normal it’s the only way isn’t it . Hope all is well with the family all is ok here baby is doing well 4 months now and Gary’s wedding is getting close now January 26th I really don’t know where the year has gone I have wrapped the children’s presents so it’s a starti suppose . Take care and thinking of you with love Loraine xxx
Dear Loraine, how lovely for you to have found that locket and that your mum and meant this as a gift for you, and better still, a surprise. I’m sure it was overwhelming and I’m sure it’s a piece of jewellery that you treasure. You’re right about all the little things that remind you of them.. still early days so everything a little raw. Lovely to know that the baby is doing so well – four months seem to have flown by! Exciting to think it’s only two months before Gary’s wedding too and that you have Christmas in the middle of all that as well. Good luck with the present wrapping – have your tried Gift Mate?? Thanks for keeping in touch, love Ali xx
Hi Alison, I sent my condolences to your last blog . I truly believe the beautiful quote that you found ( coincidentally?) was a message from your Mum to try and give you some comfort in the days, months , years ahead … It was lovely to see you back on QVC on Monday as you have to try and get back into some ‘ normal ‘ routine again. You have a lovely family and I’m sure little Honey will keep you on your toes ! Take each day as it comes ..
Love Sam .
Dear Sam, thank you for having taken the time to write to me on the previous blog as well as this one. Your message of support meant a great deal to me, as does this lovely network of friends here on the blog. You’re right, coming back to work has been good for me, and has definitely kept my mind occupied. I was with little Honey and Lucy this last weekend and have just learned that poor Honey has chicken pox. I’m back there on Wednesday to take up the slack for Lucy. Take care, Love Ali xx
My dear Ali,that was very hard to read 😭,thinking of you ….no more words but sending you lots of love xxx
Sarah, bless you, and thank you for thinking of me. Love Ali xx
Hi Ali, lovely to hear from you. Like you I love the Autumn colours, they look so rich and warm. Calla has certainly grown since the last pictures I saw of her, how time flies. Next Christmas will be upon us, my grandchildren are all of an age where they prefer to have money. But I have 3 great grand children and it is nice to buy gifts. I have treated myself to the warm option of L’Occitane they are so rich and creamy. Take care Merchex
Hi Merche, I like you love the autumn colours, although in this last week we seem to have lost the golden shades and it’s all a little grey! Hard to believe that a month today and it will be Christmas Day! I’ve managed to get a fair bit of shopping done this weekend, but now face the wrapping up 🙂 How lovely for you to have three great grandchildren. Mum loved having her three too. Glad you’ve treated yourself to the L’Occitane and I think the Warm option was the first one to sell out! Nice to hear from you, love Ali xx
Oh Ali what lovely, meaningful words from that book your mother wanted you to read. It’s a sign that’s she is always with you. I am so glad your brother and family managed from Australia. I know the distance issue. When mum was dying my sister clocked up 60000 miles back and forth from Cape Town! This time of year will be hard but you have such a wonderful loving family to be with which will be a comfort. I’m glad to see you back on tv. Kxx (aka Mimimine16) xx
Kathryn, how lovely to know your real name 🙂 And thank you for keeping in touch with through Twitter etc. I’m sorry to know that you too lost your mum, and that your sister lives so far away from you. I bet it was hard saying goodbye to her after the funeral… I found it very difficult to wave my brother off… The family are all good though and we are all looking out for each other. It’s good to be back at work, and thank you for writing. Love Ali xx
Dear Ali,what a sad time for you all,lovely you were altogether a great comfort.My love and thoughts to you all,I still miss my Precious Mum after six years, but we have wonderful memories.
Dear Margaret, so sad to know that so many of us have lost our mums, but I am very glad that you have so many wonderful memories to look back on and to keep close. My love and thoughts to you too and I hope you have family and friends to lean on. Love Ali xx
Hi I lost my mum30 years ago she was my best friends wonderful mum afantastic nannyi was so lucky to have her as my mum this last 3 years hads been the most huerendoes time of my life I lost my husband who was my childhood sweetheart was married 50 years then his 3 brothers died then the most heartbreak of all my wonderful kind brave sonpassed15 months ago but unfortunately for me life has to go on and I’m holding they are all together with my mum. Sending you big hugs xx
My dear Linda, I don’t know quite know how to express how desperately sad I am to know of your situation. Such huge losses in your life, and yet as you say, you have to go on. I am certain your family are all together now, and they are all still with you, a part of you, the reason for you to carry on. Stay strong and I very much hope you have others who love you to lean on. Sending you a hug and my love, Ali xx
Hello Ali,
As always a real pleasure to read your Blog, and again I have to say thank you for including us in your family news. Once again I shed some tears for you but it was lovely to know that the very special day for your dear Mum was celebrated in such a beautiful way.
Ali please don’t apologise for not answering all of the messages sent to you, I should think the amazing volume tells you how much people care for you, and how very highly you are regarded.
Take good care of yourself,
Dear Gwen, Thank you for your understanding about my lack of response on the last blog, and I really appreciate you writing to me now. Your words are a comfort to me, and I do indeed feel incredibly blessed to have such a strong support network here on the blog, with so many friends. Take care of yourself too, with my love, Ali xx
Dear Alison, God bless you.
Dear Christine, thank you. Love Ali xx
Dear Viv, knowing all that you’ve been through I am really touched by your words. But you’re right, no-one can take those memories, and they are something special to keep forever. Lots of love to you and your family too. Ali xx
Dear Christine, thank you, love Ali xx
Hi Ali I’m so glad you got back to work. We missed you. I know you have had a terrible time these last few months but you have wonderful memories of your mum. Hope you are feeling a bit better l know it will take time but you are very strong look how far you have come after all you have been through. You are my inspiration. Lots of love to you and your family. Viv 💖
Dear Viv, knowing all that you’ve been through I am really touched by your words. But you’re right, no-one can take those memories, and they are something special to keep forever. Lots of love to you and your family too. Ali xx
Hi Ali, I do hope you are starting to feel stronger after all you have had to cope with recently. The gorgeous autumn colours in your photos are something we don’t have too far to go to see if we are lucky enough to live in or near the countryside. You are right Christmas is just around the corner and I am sure there will be lots on QVC to enjoy ” and buy” of course. I will look forward to seeing you as a presenter as you make us feel part of it, one big happy family. Lots of love Ali, thinking of you . Pennyxxx
Hi Penny, that is such a lovely thing to say, and my sentiment exactly regarding QVC as a family. It’s how I feel and it’s really good to know it’s somewhere I belong. I hope that your Christmas shopping is coming along well and that you’ll be able to join me tomorrow afternoon and evening. Love Ali xx
Dear Ali,
Just thought I would get in quick to leave a comment on your blog as you get so many. I left one on your previous blog and understand with so many comments you had you couldn’t reply individually to them all.
Time is a great healer they say even though at the time we feel so much pain and sadness. It is hard when you see everything carrying on as normal. Life goes on as it must go on. It’s hard to lose a parent at any age because no matter how old we are we are someone’ s little girl (or boy). I still feel proud when someone says ” oh you’re Tom’s daughter or Betty’s daughter. When I look in the mirror I see my mother staring back at me . So our loved ones will always be with us.
I don’t know if you recall me saying previously when you asked what our most precious thing was that we cherish. Well mine is a tatty old Christmas card my father had sent my mother while he was serving in the army during the 2nd world war. The verse is so special and always brings a tear to my eye. He was a Sergeant in P.T. Instructor and trained his regiment before being deployed. I remember him telling me that hardly any of them returned. So I might be here today if he had been posted with his regiment!
Well, sorry for wittering on. Hope you and your family will find comfort in each other.
Best wishes, Tina S. (S. Wales) xx
Dear Tina, I never think of your comments as wittering and your words are a huge comfort and echo my own sentiments. I will always be Jim and Kathy’s daughter, and I know that for your years after my dad died at 54 years old, I desperately wanted to talk to folk who might have a memory of him that they could share with me, or maybe a story about me that he’d told them… I see him now, particularly in my son Jack’s face, although his kindness and sense of humour are in all my children. Your story of your mum and dad’s romance is just beautiful. How wonderful he was spared and so your family tree could grow. Love to you and your family from Ali xx
Hello Ali
Such a lovely blog which I am sure must have been very difficult for you to write. Having seen the replies to your original blog I am not surprised just to see how many people replied to it. So many people care about you, me included. You are such a lovely lady. My last reply didn’t appear and I presume it is still flying around Cyber space, although I was writing to you from Cyprus. We had a lovely holiday and finally made a visit to Kyrenia. We have tried to do this for over 20 years but everything comes to he who waits so they say. It was worth the visit although the heavens opened and the wind was unbelievabley fierce. All hot rain and wind though and it soon cleared up. We had a mini heatwave of 35 degs which is quite hot for October. To my horror we arrived back to rain and a temperature of 8 degs. It was so cold. Well we are back to normality now and looking forward to next years break. Tomorrow we are looking after our youngest granddaughter who is a little poorly. This is her first day since starting school September 2018 that she has missed a day, so she must be feeling rotten. Hope all is good with you and yours. Nice to see you back on our screens. Take care and sending love and hugs as always. Judith xx
Dear Judith, so glad to know that your holiday was a sunny success and that you got to visit Kyrenia. I bet the storm was dramatic, but I’m sure the sunshine that followed was spectacular. Colin and I visited there three years ago and it was the hottest resort we have ever stayed in. Stunning landscapes and sea though. Such a shock to the system to return to the freezing cold temperatures here! I hope that your granddaughter is now completely better and back at school. Poor Honey will be off for the next few weeks as she has just come out with chicken pox! I’m heading there on Wednesday to care for her. I’ll see you on Tuesday though, and thank you for writing to me twice even though the first comment was lost, love Ali xx
Hi Alison. Sorry to hear you lost your mum last week. For me it is 33 years since that happened – time passes. Hope you are well. Best wishes Heather from Wayneflete
Dear Heather, How lovely to hear from you, and I remember well the terrible shock when your mum died. Such a terrible time for your and your siblings. I do hope life is happy for you now and that everything has worked out well. Love Ali xx
Dear Alison, I am so glad that the sun shone for you all for your mums funeral.It is such a daunting time . You must look after yourself now and remember your mum with fond memories. Love from carol s xx
Dear Carol, you’re right, the funeral was a daunting thought, although the crematorium was absolutely beautiful and the vicar Hazel incredibly kind. I’m holding onto those good memories although sometimes the enormity of it all hits me like a wall… I hope life is well with you and your family, love Ali xx
Hi Alison, so lovely to have you back. Your words about your lovely Mum were very touching, read it twice as I teared up. A beautiful send off by the sound of it with a lot of thought going into everything. The poem in the book in her handwriting made me swallow hard! A lovely addition to all your other memories. You’ll miss her always but if you are anything like me you will be chatting to every butterfly or robin who crosses your path. It’s a sign! Much love Aileen x
Aileen I clearly am like you and it’s the robins I have most connection with. There’s been a robin we call Reg after Colin’s dad who sits with him when he’s gardening. But my children bought me a rose the day after mum died and as I was planting it a brand new bright red robin came and sat on the pot with mum’s original rose in it. It made me smile… Thank you for writing to me, love Ali xx
Dear Ali, lovely blog as usual. Its nearly 4 years since I lost my mum just before her 94th Birthday, she had dementia for the last 2 years of her life. Although it was hard my sister and I did manage to care for her at home until she was taken into hospital where she died 10 days later. I think of her every day . Sending lots of love to you and your family xx
Gosh Jenny, how wonderful that you were able to keep your mum with you all that time, and although she may not have connected mentally with you at that time I am sure she knew you were loving her and looking after her. I think of my mum too, and that way we keep them always with us. Love to you and your family too – and your sister Jenny (same name as my sister). Ali xx
So great to have you back with us, Ali. No doubt the next few months will be especially hard for you. I lost my beautiful sister-in-law three years ago this January, and have my own little traditions for Christmas Day, her birthday and the dates we lost her and her funeral. I play a song she used to sing with the group she and my brother were in and we always associate her with, and I light her favourite candle for the day – Yankee, of course! I also light the Angels Wings one with it. I find this helps. Take care xx
Dear Kim, how lovely to read this and to know how sorely you miss your sister in law, yet how much comfort you gain from remembering her in this way. I am sure you are a huge support to your brother and the rest of the family, and I love the idea of lighting a candle every day. A beautiful sentiment. Thank you for sharing this with me and for your kind words, love Ali xx
Dear Mary I’m so glad that your chest infection has cleared, but I hope that the lung function tests have found the cause and now you can be treated so that it hopefully won’t return. How was your shopping trip to MK? I hope you felt better for it and had a fun time with your sister. Thank you for your kind words about mum – that space is for Dad and mum now. Poor old Honey has got chicken pox so I’m back to Swindon on Wednesday to take over mummy duties! Take care and thank as always for keeping in touch. With love from Ali x