Kos, Christmas and coming home

Possibly one of the more unusual places for me to be writing my blog… thousands of feet above Paris and travelling at over 500 miles an hour! It’s a relatively short flight to Kos, and I always find it hard to believe I’ve been away when I’m on my way home, but looking back through the photographs and chatting with Colin, I think it’s fair to say we’ve packed a lot into the last nine days, and feel exceptionally lucky to have been away.

We were originally booked to go to Turkey, but when the quarantine restrictions came in some weeks back, we thought we’d lose the holiday or have to postpone as so many other folk have had to do. Luckily for us, the travel company managed to find an alternative holiday on Kos, a Greek island we’d not been to before. My godmother stayed there 30 years ago when they only had tiny hotels and tavernas, and she and her husband Ian cycled everywhere. It was, as she told us, completely unspoiled and beautiful. To be fair, I imagine if she ever came back, she wouldn’t find it all that different. Of course, mask-wearing and constant hand-sanitising have changed the world for all of us, and it’s the same in Greece but I’m getting more used to it now and fully appreciate that it makes sense. I’ll have to get used to wearing my visor at work again though. Last time I wore it, I forgot I had it on and shoved my sandwich into the front of it, missing my mouth all together! 🙂

Thanks so much for your kind words and messages on the last blog, and it was good to catch up with all that you’ve been going through too. I was sorry though to know that Covid has upset so many plans – travel, birthdays, even weddings – but I guess we just keep having to keep looking forwards and hoping…

Because it was so last minute, I tried to take less with me this time (never easy!) but managed to leave my prescription glasses and my Bose in-ear headphones on the plane! Thanks to Dan from TUI, they were waiting for me at the airport when we flew home, but I was glad I had my audiobooks to fall back on as I can’t easily read without them. The weather was a little mixed, but I’ve still managed to absorb a fair bit of vitamin D, which will hopefully stand me in good stead for my DEXA scan on Thursday! Our hotel was right by a lovely sandy beach, quite unlike many of the other Greek islands we’ve visited over the years, where the beaches are normally quite stony and although it’s late October, the sea was still warm and great to swim in. We hired a car for a couple of days and drove to a fabulous coastline near Kamari – Bubble Beach as the locals call it. It curved gently with a really long stretch of very soft sand and we walked pretty much the entire way around – it was just beautiful.

The island is fairly small, but towards the middle of it you’ll find the most enormous castle that’s stood there for over 600 years ago. Antimachia Castle was built in stages, the first part constructed in 1319 as a fortified settlement for the islanders to live in.

It certainly served its purpose when 25,000 residents fought off the 1457 Ottoman invasion. With the exception of two small chapels both built in the 1800’s, the other dwellings inside the solid walls are now just rubble, and apart from a few other tourists, the only other things we saw were the wild goats, but it had a definite sense of history and peace about it.

We had a lovely evening exploring the town of Kos with its wide streets and fabulous harbour and enjoyed some traditional Greek music in the local square. The following night we decided to visit Kia, having heard about this beautiful little village that is also one of the higher points on the island and meant to be fab for the sunset. Sadly, it was cloudy that evening, but we had a delicious Greek meal there, enjoying home cooked vine leaves, courgette salad and garlic mushrooms while overlooking the valley.

And then it was time to head home, but we’ve made some fabulous memories and met up also with a lovely couple, Phil and Claire Noch, who have been loyal QVC customers for 25 years! Obviously, we had a great deal to chat about and our conversation reminded me of how important the channel has been to so many during these difficult times. Me included, as a constant in my life.

I’m looking forward to getting back to the Q this, week although when I’m away I always fly the flag fashion-wise! I took two Coco Bianco jumpsuits with me, a couple of Frank Usher tops and my fab Joules white jeans. I’d be lost without my Ultrasun, and this year Liz Earle’s Cica Paste has been a blessing on my skin overnight. Gatineau’s Tan Accelerator served as an aftersun, and Philip Kingsley’s Elasticizer comes with me to the beach!

All change once I’m home though, as I guess I’ll have to start wearing my winter clothes. I do enjoy the opaque tights and boots though, and if you’re looking for footwear, there’s the Moda in Pelle boots Today’s Special Value coming up soon, also perfume from Prai, and a great price on the Artisan Kitchenaid stand mixer over the next week.

This weekend will see a two day Christmas event – two months to the day! We’re introducing a new coupon, BAGS4Z, that will allow you to buy any bag with four interest-free monthly payments! It’s a special offer that runs until the 25th October and might well be worth it if you’re thinking of buying a gift and want to spread the cost. We can post it directly to someone else too if you’d like, which would save you a trip to the post office.

I’ve already ordered my step-daughter Vic’s birthday present. It’s her birthday next Tuesday, but sadly we can’t all get together as a family this year. It was my daughter Lucy’s birthday last week, but luckily I got to see her and Honey before we went away. Here’s a picture of Lucy the day after she was born… such a sweet pea.

Well, we’ll be landing shortly, but I did want to say thank you for all the support these last few weeks for my Story Time with Ali. I’ve been reading from my book, A New Kind of Normal, and although I didn’t manage to post part three while I was away, I’m planning to do so before the end of the week and then again at the weekend. From your comments on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, I know it has resonated with many of you, and as the campaign for Breast Cancer Awareness heightens, it’s good to know we’re all doing our bit.

Take care, stay safe, stay well and do stay in touch.

With my love,

Ali x

40 Responses

  1. Hi Alison glad you had a nice break We have never been to kos but have been to a,few other Greek islands Clare (daughter)and Geoff got married in skiathos it was lovely Santorini looks nice somewhere they have also visited. Les and I seem to like Italy at the moment been a few times now and definitely hooked. Gary and Lamis moved all went ok will see them when they come to stay for his birthday on the 6th november. I have been helping Clare looking after Ottilie she has a little job eight hours a,week at Osprey in ringwood it’s nice and as you can imagine she’s all over the place now she is walking ,Willa is,at school full time now and loves it .Hope your scan goes ok you look really well . Nice you met that couple on holiday plenty to talk about regarding qvc, I remember when we were in Florida at Hollywood studios I saw Lee Holbein but didn’t like to approach him I knew it was him just hearing his voice then on qvc the week after he mentioned being there. Anyway take care nice to see you back again love Loraine xx

    1. Hi there Loraine, how lovely that you actually went to a wedding in Greece. I visited Santorini in the late 70’s and it was stunning. I do so hope that you’ll still be able to see Gary for his birthday on the 6th, and I’m glad that their move went well. I’m sure you really enjoy your time with Ottilie and Willow, like Honey, is just the right age to enjoy school. I just hope that things don’t change and they have to have time away from their friends again. You should definitely approached Lee Hobein when you saw him he is just the nicest man and would have been really chuffed. You take care and thanks for keeping in touch, love Ali xx

    1. Thanks Bobbie, yes we were very lucky, especially in light of the latest news… And it’s been great to be back. I do hope you and yours are all well and thanks for writing to me, love Ali xx

  2. Hi Ali,lovely to see your blog as usual. I am glad you have had a wonderful time away and I have enjoyed your views of Kos,we have never been to that particular Greek island although we have visited many of the others. I was very interested because Ron and I have booked a holiday there for next May,a long time off I know but fingers crossed 🤞 as it will be 3years since we have had a holiday,due to Ron’s health problems that have now been sorted,thank goodness! I have just been watching the news and where we live (Slough) has just been moved up to tier2 so no seeing the grandchildren again,just when we had got things planned for half term! So disappointing and I found it so difficult last time,am hoping it won’t last as long this time. I read your book when it first came out,a very moving read. Have just made a donation to the Royal British Legion and printed out a poppy for the window, I do hope it’s a successful campaign as they do an important job. Will be good to see you back at the Q. Take care and love Debbie X

    1. Dear Debbie, I am sure that by March the world will be a far more settled place and you and Ron will enjoy your visit to Kos. I’m sorry that he’s been struggling with his health – weirdly we’re just up the road from you so still on Medium Risk but I think that will all change. It’s rotten that you can’t see the grandchildren. I am in a social bubble with Lucy but am not sure if things have changed over the summer.. So glad that you have read my book and I really appreciate your comments. Totally in agreement with you regarding the Royal British Legion… I very much hope as it’s a 75 year remembrance that they will do well with their campaign. You take care and stay well and safe, love Ali xx

  3. Aww this was lovely to read Ali, and it was fabulous meeting you both and thank you for remembering us, this made our holiday and now our night seeing you mention us in your memories, take good care of yourself and I hope the hospital went well, don’t you go changing you are a very special, brave lady, be you every day your just lovely, say hello to Colin too. Lots of love Clair and Phil xxx

    1. Clair how lovely to hear from you, and apologies for adding an ‘e’ onto your name! It was our absolute pleasure to spend our last evening with you, and thank you for all your positive comments – you and Phil are a delightful couple and I very much hope your sister and your niece are well and settled now. Colin says hi to you and Phil too. Stay well, love Ali xx

  4. Glad you had a nice holiday Kos is beautiful and still a wee bit unspoilt. Hope all are well and good luck with DEXA.Planting is going well but after 21 years it appears sciatica has returned so I’m being careful.Love to Honey hope school is ok for her Happy Halloween!.

    1. Dear Suzi, So sorry you are struggling with your sciatic pain… miserable… I hope you’ll get some decent pain killers to help you. You were right Kos was beautiful, and there were definitely unspoilt areas on the island. The DEXA was straightforward and I’m just waiting for the results which I hope will show no change… Honey is in good form and enjoying her half term holiday but Halloween this year is a quiet affair, although, she Lucy and I all went on the Pumpkin Trail where we had to guess the various book titles from the displays her neighbours had created in their gardens and windows of their homes. Luckily it stayed dry for us, and I was impressed with the amount of effort some folk had made 🙂 Hope you’re well, love Ali xx

  5. Hi Ali,
    Glad you had a great holiday. Boy I wish you could have taken I just read his blog. It breaks my heart when I hear what he’s dealing with.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Susan x

    1. Dear Susan, thanks for your kind words although you’ve worried me know as I don’t know whose blog you were reading that broke your heart? I checked back but most of my male colleagues were doing well? I hope that you and your family are well love Ali xx

  6. Hello Ali
    It’s good to hear you’ve both had a lovely time in Kos. John and I visited there there many years ago and in fact recognised the square where you are standing and having a meal there also! It’s a lovely island and on one of our trips into the mountains we bought a lace table cloth which we loved from an old lady sitting outside her house making. The hours of love and dedication that went into it is quite something, and made without a pattern!!! I often think of that day when I use the cloth. I’m pleased to say in the last few days I have made some progress to my full recovery. My tummy is still playing up but hopefully the last new medication will have some effect. It has been a real problem for my GP to sort. I have now to try to put back some of the weight which has dropped off me. Not a nice way to diet. I am hoping by next week I will b able to visit the hairdresser for a much needed cut and colour, fingers crossed. It’s raining here today and I won’t be venturing out. Hope you and yours are all good. Take care and love and hugs as always. Judith xx

    1. Dear Judith, I am SO glad to know that you have been making good progress and that you are finally feeling close to a full recovery. Fingers crossed you get an appointment with your hairdresser early in the week just incase things change…Eat the things you love best and I’m sure the weight will build. It’ll be good for you to know what foods suit you best now too. It’s been very wet here too, although we did have a little sunshine this afternoon while I was at the Q. I love your story about the tablecloth. Colin and I did the same thing in Crete and the tablecloth will always be something we use and smile at the memory. Take care and stay well, love Ali xx

  7. Hi Ali, its nearly 4am and it’s another restless night, quite the norm recently however Olly is snoring loudly snuggled up next to me and hubby seems to have remained asleep on the sofa after working 12 to 10pm at the pub.
    I do hope you managed to read my response to your last blog although I wrote it on 10th and you were probably away.
    Kos looks idyllic, and I’m sure the sunshine recharged and topped up your batteries.
    Its been a very uncertain few months for us, the pub being a constant worry and of course the restrictions of seeing mum for only 45 minutes a week behind a plastic screen is so hard.
    However, this last 2 weeks have been a rollercoaster of emotional turmoil. Mum suddenly took very very ill and we were told to prepare ourselves for the worst and were told mum had ‘days’ and was on end of life care. As you can imagine, this was devastating to us all, although we have been here many times during the last 15 years since her initial brain surgery which only had a 50/50 survival rate but she’s machine and has some become through each time but each time becoming less strong. We have always said that since mums first operation every day with mum has been a bonus. Because of covid, the nursing home told us that there could only be one designated family member who could visit, so us three daughters had to make the agonising decision of who was going to be that person …utterly heartbreaking for us all and although it was agreed that I would be that person, the guilt I felt was immense. I felt I was depriving my sisters of the chance to say goodbye and that they would in time resent me although I was reassured this would not be the case. They felt guilty as they couldn’t go and see her..Covid affects more than just those who get it, we were in emotional turmoil with the everlasting effect on our mental health intolerable. So I have spent the last two weeks at mum’s bedside in full PPE not knowing what to expect when I went in every day and watching the phone at night in case it rang..but it didnt..mum obviously isnt ready to go yet and has battled through a horrendous infection, not covid as her testes negative, and somehow has fought back but she is still weak from not eating and remains bed ridden…but, with this slight improvement comes a slap in the face. The nursing home told me yesterday that as mum’s death is no longer imminent I can no longer visit..I couldn’t bring myself to tell my mum that I wouldn’t be there to read to her or feed her yesterday and asked the manager to explain to my mum why I could no longer see her when even though she’s improved mum is far from well and we are unable to go back to our weekly visits as mum remains bed ridden and cannot manage video calls due to hearing loss and the fact that her processing function is very slow. It’s so sad. ..but I have had the opportunity to have held her hand and give her many kisses..sneaked with out a mask gloves just to have that brief skin to skin contact
    Its half term so I have, as usual a to do list, and the first job was completed yesterday which was make a Christmas cake..not done one in years as only me and hubby eat it but i decided when i was awake in the early hours one day last week that i was going to make one this year and pile the top high with roasted nuts, cherries and dried apricots once cooked. I cant stand icing and only like marzipan in stolen or grated into the crumble mix on top of plums!! So huge amounts of mixed dried fruit was soaked in lots of brandy overnight and baked yesterday and my cake looks gorgeous..it came out of the oven yesterday evening and I can still smell the aroma. I will steep it today then wrap it up and hide it in a tin so hubby can’t find it and help himself to a slice!
    Job number 2 is the tax return..figures done just the computer bit to do…I’ve usually done it by now but ive been putting it off!!
    Job 3 is to remove all the loose paint from the exterior walls of the kitchen and one side of the neighbours extension, re seal and then re paint with weather shield extra tough exterior paint then job 4 is to tidy up the garden ready for winter….I’m so rock and roll!!
    Well, I’m going to try and get a nap in before its proper getting up time!
    Take care, love Mary

    1. Hi Mary,
      You’ve been through such trauma absolutely. I can identify with some of it having tread a similar journey this year but there’s just no easy way. It’s so difficult when you can’t visit or have a designated person and you’re faced with possible death. You’ve done your best though and I hope you get a breather sometime soon. Take care x ps you might have read Miceal’s blog but he has also had a similar experience so you might find useful x

    2. My dear Mary it is as always lovely to hear from you, and yes I did respond to your news on the last blog. I am heartbroken for you, your mum and your sisters also. It is a dreadful situation and I understand your despair knowing that although she is a little better it means you can no longer visit…I pray that things will change and allow you all the opportunity to be where you should be, at your mum’s side. I’m sending you my love and know that your way of coping is to keep busy which you no doubt will do with your tax return, your painting and also tidying up the garden. The Christmas cake sounds as though you have it all wrapped up! I hope John can be kept away until you’ve decorated it 🙂 Fingers crossed you caught up with your sleep too and will be feeling a little better when the sun returns this week. Take care Mary, love Ali xxx

  8. Hi Ali,
    My dad has an old saying
    “Travel in hope” and listening to your story , that absolutely shines through. Your courage and honesty, through the hardest and most uncertain of times, is a privilege to listen to, and a lesson in life for all of us.
    Thank you.
    Anita X

    1. Dear Anita, your words have really struck a chord with me… I love your father’s saying and it is one that I have held tight to for the majority of my life. Your kindness and thoughtful message means a great deal to me, and I thank you very much for taking the time out to share it with me. Love Ali xx

  9. Hi Ali you and Colin look so Happy and Relaxed a Holiday and time to reboot one’s inner Body Immune system is what is needed so back to our New way of Normality and I love how all you Percenters and all the Q.V.C. Staff have made so many of us able to cope and there is always a cheerful face and voice thank- you xx Pamela

    1. Hello there Pamela, and thanks for your message. Colin and I were lucky and definitely felt we’d had a chance to boost our batteries with this brief holiday and yet it was good to get back to QVC and to spend time with my colleagues. I have passed your kind words on to my friends and all those who work backstage and in the gallery. In these ever changing times it’s lovely know that by doing what we do, you have felt more able to cope with it all. Thank you for being there too, love Ali xx

  10. Hi Ali
    So glad you had a lovely time and you deserve it. Love your blogs as they are so honest and feel like a chat rather than a good read!
    You are looking well so fingers crossed for the DEXA scan xxx

    1. Hi Kathryn, that’s really kind of you to say that, and yes, Colin and I were lucky to have a truly relaxing time away. So glad to know that the blogs resonate with you and that you see them as more of a chat and a connection which is what it’s all about really! Keeping everything crossed for the DEXA scan and hope this finds you and your family well too. Love Ali xx

  11. Hi Ali ,so glad you had a good holiday, I sooo can’t wait for ours next year with Simon, with one thing and another which I have told you about before, it will be two and a half years since we had a holiday, this week is half term and Simon was due to go to whitby but with north Yorkshire being in lockdown that wasn’t possible, now we in south Yorkshire are in total lockdown again, there’s not much we can do, we had just got used to going to Simon’s and them coming to ours now we can’t do that ,so its just shopping for essentials and going for walks, which with the heavy rain we have had over the last few days has not been good ,one good thing though I made my Christmas cake, have to hide it from John or there wont be any left 🙂🙂,well take care and stay safe, lots of love Linda F xxxx

    1. Dear Linda, I am so sorry that the situation in Yorkshire has changed the way you and Simon have been able to see each other. I am hoping very much that we will know a little more about the way things are moving and that you’ll be able to see a light at the end of the tunnel. I’m sure you will miss him and obviously all the kind things he’s done for you. Make sure you keep that Christmas Cake hidden won’t you! John will love it all the more once it’s decorated and finished 🙂 You take care and stay safe too, love Ali xx

  12. Dear Ali it is with a very saddened heart to tell you that Keith lost his battle with cancer in the early hours of Monday 26th October. With the hospice at home team and as a family we were awake with him for four days & nights. He finally became calm and pain free. Charlotte and Emma were there with me. We played him You’ll Never Walk Alone his beloved Liverpool anthem. Unfortunately Sarah couldn’t be here she had to be in isolated because her husband is in ICU with covid we are taking each day at a time and he had a better day today.
    As you can imagine I feel bereft and in disbelief despite knowing it would happen. I can’t seem to string even a sentence together. The hospice nurse came round today with little wooden hearts for us and a little comfort blanket for me.
    When Ivy came round afterwards she straight away said Where’s Grandpa?
    I want to thank you again for your support it has helped me a lot and I will never forget all the love and support I have received. (Thankyou to Susan too)
    Until next time sending Much love from Julia xxx 🤗🤗

    1. Hi julia,
      I am so sorry to hear of your husband’s passing. It is such a trauma and no words will be enough. Just know you are in my thoughts along with your family, especially your son in law now too. It is just terrible that you are going through this also. Look after yourself. Love susan x

    2. My dear Julia…. there are no words… I am so terribly sorry to know that you’ve lost Keith.. after he’d fought so hard to stay with you. I am so glad that Charlotte and Emily were with you although I know how tough it must have been for them, and just so sad that Sarah couldn’t have been with you… I’ve learned though over the years, it’s not all about being there in the moment it’s about having been there for the moments before and for keeping those moments close for the years to come. I am sending you all my love and hope that you will be able to lean on those who love you and be comforted by their love…Hold onto what you shared because it is for you and Keith alone, and no-one can ever take that from you. Please look after yourself, with my love, Ali xxxx

  13. Hi Ali, I’ve just found you reading from your book on your Facebook page. It was very difficult to listen to in parts as I’m sure it was to narrate. I felt the emotion, especially when you spoke about the children. You speak beautifully and I thoroughly enjoyed listening (just wish it was fiction rather than truth). I never did find episode 3 though. Very thought provoking and grounding. I must say that all I wanted to do was give you a big hug, so one big hug on its way to you. I felt every word as it brought back memories of my mum whom I nursed with cancer. Everything you said resonated with me; very difficult times going through chemotherapy. You came out the other side though, thank God, and I’m glad life is treating you well. My mum didn’t make it but I’ll always remember her strong spirit and brave stand up to this terrible disease (my mum had lung cancer). Your story brought back so many memories. I loved listening to you, you are such a lovely speaker. An audio book would be nice. We are all only as good as we feel at this precise moment and, for me, that’s hungry 😋 Wishing you continued good health lovely lady xxxx

    1. Dear Gail, Thanks so much for not just taking the time to write to me, but for listening to my story too. I am sorry though to know that you lost your mum to cancer, and that you were the one to nurse her. It’s hard for anyone actually going through the treatment and coping with the diagnosis but equally hard I believe for those who have to care for them and try to remain positive and strong. Thank you for the hug… it’s been a long week for us all so it’s very welcome. I actually started up a YouTube channel thanks to my daughter Lucy and am currently trying to update it and upload all the stories that I have read. You’ll find it there soon under Ali’s Story Time or Alison Keenan if you’d like to catch episode three and the other stories that I’ve read too. I have recorded audio books in the past and hope one day to record the whole of A New Kind of Normal. I hope that in spite of the difficult circumstances at the moment you are well and safe. Take care, love Ali xx

  14. My dear Ali. Well, it’s been a while! I’ve actually messaged before, 2.or 3 time, halfway through typing, I got sidetracked by one or other of the munchkins, cane back to it, and had timed out, grrrr.
    I have half hour to myself. My “crew” are out for a walk with Humphrey. Yes, we have a dog. As if there wasn’t enough chaos in this home, Humphrey came to stay! He is 3 years old and is a sweetheart. He’s a mix up of some sort, who even knows. He’s so ugly he’s cute lol. He belonged to a neighbour, who sadly is now unable to look after him. We offered to have him to stay while she was in hospital, and basically, he never left.
    I’ve managed to pop in and out and read what you’ve been up to. You’ve been busy Mrs. I hope you are completely well again. Your escapade in the car when you were poorly must have been terrifying. Honey is just a wee gem. She’s growing up so fast. Way too fast probably lol.
    Meli and Adam are doing so well. Our lockdown was actually a really good time for us. We just made the most of what we had, and got stuck in with the reading and writing. Adam didn’t even know how to hold a pencil when he came to live with us. He’s got it now though. He can write his name, age, address and he’s working on his Xmas list at the moment lol. He’s a wee darling. We still have our moments, but even during lockdown, we were still doing the counselling work with him. Our counsellor is amazing and has worked so hard with all of us to get us to where we are now. We have been told more about his life before he came to us, and it breaks my heart every time I look at him. Meli just adores him, she was really the one who got him writing his name. He can read too, thanks to her. She still uses her walker outside, but 85% of the time, if she’s in the house, it’s sitting in the corner. I actually had to confiscate it at one point. The wee monkeys were using the blooming thing to race up and down the hall!! My poor floor lol. Just watching your Orly show. Your hair is beautiful. You look stunning.
    Well. I can see my lot walking up the hill. Ahhh, the sound of silence!!! Lol.
    Take care and stay safe Ali.
    Lots of love as always.
    Una xx

    1. Hi Una!! How lovely to hear from you after all this time, and better yet to know that you, Adam, Meli and now Humphrey are all well. It sounds as though you’ve got it all going on but in a very positive way. Fantastic that Meli is managing without her walker and has forged a real bond with Adam. It’s not always easy for children to accept another little person who will share their space, but clearly yours is a house of love. When I think back to all you’ve been through over the years it makes me happy to know that you are too. It’s been a strange year but we just have to hope that next year will be better. I’m lucky that Lucy and Honey are in my social bubble and that when restrictions were lifted we got to see all the other children at various times too. You stay well and keep on doing what you’re doing; you’re an inspiration to us all. Lots of love, Ali xx

  15. Hi Ali.
    It’s good that you can get away and I hope your scan goes okay too. We have been to Corfu & Kefalonia which were both beautiful. It’s good to see you looking so well.
    I have been through the Breast Cancer thing twice with my Darling Wife Jean. First time was in 2003 and again in 2018. On both occasions I was there when she went into Theatre and still there when she came out.
    In between the 2 bout of Breast Cancer she was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease in 2009 which devastated us again.
    Jean is absolutely amazing and so laid back about it all and I feel extremely humble in her company. In our almost 47 years married I have never once doubted her or regretted the day we Wed in 1974. She is the love of my life.
    Please take care of yourself.

  16. Dear Ali, Its been quite a while since I’ve been on line and looked at anything. Its been a horrendous time of late. Sadly my husband passed away after a very short illness! I have been as you can imagine beside myself with it all. I nursed him at home. It was so hard and I don’t know how I would have coped these past few weeks without my friends being there for me. Its a true saying that we need to make the most of everything because life is short indeed. This year has been one that I know a lot of people will never forget. We need to be there for one another at these hard times.
    Best wishes, Tina S. ( S. Wales )

  17. My dear Alan, thank you so much for taking the time to write to me and tell me about your dear wife Jean. I am truly sorry to hear all that she has endured, but so glad that you have been by her side throughout and given her all the support and love that she needed, as you still do. 47 years…No doubt far more than just the Greek Islands you’ve visited and many beautiful memories you share too – how wonderful for you both. I send you my love and every good wish for all the years you still have to share together. Take care of each other, love Ali xx

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