Looking back and moving forwards…

“Crikey Bobs” as my Aunty Edna would say, where did the last fortnight go??

Christmas at cracking speed, and having over the week before New Year, that too came and went in what seemed to be, a ridiculously short space of time.  How was it for you?  I very much hope that if you had plans they all panned out, and if you were facing a difficult or lonely time, that it was better than you’d anticipated. Thank you for all your sweet wishes here on the blog – I hope you found your replies – I’m just sorry it took me so long to write them this time!

We had our Christmas sort of spread out.  The ‘family’ party was on the 21st December and involved as many of Colin’s and my children as could make it.  We had most of them with us, and along with crazy games, far too much food, and dancing until the wee small hours, a good time was had by all.  We hardly took any photos, but I found these two:  me with Colin’s two daughters – Lily and Vicky – and then Colin with his son Dan and granddaughter Calla.

I was glad I didn’t have to get back to work until the 23rd as it took me almost a day to clear everything up! As Honey was to be with her daddy this Christmas, Colin and I, Jack and Sam all went up to Lucy’s to spend Christmas Eve with them.  It was a lovely day, full of more fabulous food, lots of laughter and game playing, and making new memories.

The boys came back home with us that night, and then Lucy joined us first thing Christmas morning and helped me in the kitchen.  I have to admit to making a bit of a muddle of the Christmas lunch as I managed to singe my pigs in blankets and my sausage meat patties! When we moved into this house seven years ago we inherited a large double oven range type thing. The oven on the right has never worked properly, and has always functioned at a lower heat so I put all the trimmings in there expecting them to cook slowly. Unfortunately this year it decided to ramp itself up to 220c!  Sausage meat patties are something my mother always made, and looking at my somewhat burnt offerings I could almost hear her voice telling me they should’ve been cooked on a lower heat… there were many moments over Christmas when I thought of her and missed her…

My children luckily have iron constitutions, as does Colin, and the fabulous boned and rolled turkey from our local butcher went into the main oven so was fine, along with the roast potatoes.  Everything was eaten and then we all flopped about in front of the fire, playing Trivial Pursuit and enjoying the Gavin and Stacey Christmas special before bedtime.

If you watched QVC over the holiday, you’ll have seen me there on Boxing Day with my fabulous Clarks boots Today’s Special Value.  I think we surpassed ourselves with winter offers and of course our New Year sales have only just begun!  I hope you got yourself a bargain or two.  As I worked over the Christmas week I had New Year off which worked very nicely as it was my friend Jo’s 60th birthday on New Years Day!  Jo and I met each other on the first day of secondary school – way back in 1971, so our friendship goes back 49 years!  She’s been with me through some of the best and the worst times of my life, and I can honestly say, I don’t know how I would have got through most of it without her.  In keeping with her family tradition, we had a cheese fondue – well four fondues as there were 14 people – and Colin made a mighty MDF table topper for the dining room so we could get everyone round it.

It was lovely setting everything up with her, and then having her family here with us all.  Her daughters had asked Jo’s friends and those of her family who couldn’t make the evening to video a little birthday message for her, and they put them together in film form for her.  It was really touching and lovely to hear how special she is to all of us. We did manage to get a few photographs that I thought I’d share, and we made some fabulous memories too.

And so here we are in 2020…  From The Naughty Nineties, this decade has already been dubbed The Roaring Twenties!  If I remember correctly from my history lessons, in the 1920’s this term came about because of the major changes economically and socially in the USA.  Their economy boomed, Prohibition had less of a hold, the movie and fashion industry flourished, so for some it was a great time, but not for all.   Looking back over the last decade, it was a definitely a mixed time for me as you know.  I couldn’t believe just nine months after turning 50 I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  The treatment and surgery definitely took up a lot of the following four years, but I felt incredibly lucky to get through it.  Sadly I lost far too many friends to the disease, and of course we lost my mum at the end of last year after a short illness.  But on the plus side, it was an incredible 10 years with so much to be happy about.  My marriage to Colin, Honey being born, travelling around the world, and having my first book published and now working on it as a novel are just a few of those things.   I know from this blog, and our interaction on it, that life and health has been mixed for you too, but I hope that you’ll be able to hang onto the positives as we move into this new decade.   You know me, I’m definitely a glass half full kind of gal, so I’ll just crack on with the year ahead and wait to see what it holds.  I’ll be 60 in March, and Colin and I are heading back to Holbox in Mexico for some sunshine, so that’s definitely a plus!

I do plan to keep up with my walking as I really enjoy being outdoors and in my garden, and if you’re the same you may be interested in this Thursday’s TSV from Grumpy Gardener which is a bird feeding station.  If you already use Richard Jackson’s amazing High Energy bird food you might like to know that it’s our Garden Product of the month, and would be perfect with the TSV.  Richard’s improved the ingredients so there are now whole sunflower hearts and higher energy suet pellets included.  Doesn’t exactly whet my appetite, but then I’m not a robin, but I know how much the birds in my garden are going to enjoy it!  I’ve had it on Auto Delivery for the last year, and will repeat it again this year – delivery every 60 days and SO worth it for results like this.

Please do keep in touch with me here and if you want to keep up to speed with our special offers and events, then Alison Keenan QVC is my new Facebook page, or you can use Twitter or Instagram.  I’ll be back with you at 8pm with my regular Diamonique show, and a chance to see the brand new promo they filmed for it!  Here’s a sneaky preview. Happy New Year!

With my love,

Ali xx

48 Responses

  1. Happy new year Ali

    I hope the roaring twenties bring good health & happiness. : )

    My celebrations were hampered by cystitis – so bad that I forgot to cook our pigs in blankets on the big day lol.

    I look forward to joining you later for some lovely jewellery.

    Big hugs, Joanna xx

    1. Hello there Jo, thank you so much for your good wishes – may this new decade bring you the same! That said I am so sorry to know you were poorly over Christmas – I hope you managed to cook your pigs in blankets on Boxing Day! Thanks for your company and comments, love Ali xx

  2. Hi Ali, lovely blog as ever and lovely pics of you with your dear friend Jo. She looks great for 60 and so do you at nearly 60. Glad you had a lovely time. We had a quiet but nice one. Happy new year to you dear Ali. Loving the Diamonique advert. Wouldnt be without my Diamonique and i have never looked back since buying my first piece about 17 years ago – hence i have far too many pieces to count and they are all beautiful. Indeed i am infamous for my love of all my QVC jewellery in my local shop where i volunteer and i get many compliments on the lovely designs. Much love to you and your family xx

    1. Hi there Karen, and how lovely to know that you enjoy your Diamonique as much as I do! I was in the shop I bought my special bras from in Dorset and the saleslady there was wearing a Diamonique band ring which I recognised! It looked lovely on her hand. Glad you liked the advert – I had fun filming it. Much love to you and your family, Ali xx

  3. Hi Alison lovely to hear from you,when you said in your last blog that you were going to do them on Facebook I was worried that they wouldn’t be on the Qvc website and i’m not on any social network. Glad you enjoyed your Xmas,I think the burnt patties were a sign that your mum was still with you! I hope your brother and his family are all safe in Australia,it’s heartbreaking seeing the fires on the news. Love Debbie X

    1. Debbie, you may well have been right about my mum and the patties! Although, she never burned hers to be fair! So glad you’ll be keeping in touch with me here – the blog is forever – or for as long as I am with QVC – so here’s to the next 19 years! My brother is fine and although the fires have mostly subsided he says there’s still a fair bit of smoke around. It’s desperately sad to know of the other devastation though I agree. Take care and keep in touch, love Ali xx

  4. Hi Ali can’t believe a decade has gone. Just thinking the family I have lost but you have to move on. Hubby going to hospital next week to check on spot has appeared. Here’s hoping. I will be 70 in March same big birthday but I older 😄.
    So good health 2020.
    Take Care x

    1. I can’t believe it either, and I’m sorry that you too have lost those you love. Everything crossed for your husband and I hope that his hospital visit last week went well. Do let me know prior to your big birthday so I can give you a mention. Best of health to you both too. Love Ali xx

  5. Happy New Year Mrs E, I agree that the time of year that involves so much planning, spending, house & tree decorating & general busyness goes by in an instant & before we know it we’re out the other side. Super photos, as always, & looking at all those smiling faces you’re obviously wonderful hosts, as were my parents, & being aware that past Christmases are never far away I know how much you would have missed your mum. After all the twinkle & sparkle of December I find beige January a damp squib but as I’m also a glass half full girly I try to see its best features & don’t just wish the month away making plans for later in the year. Your lovely photo across the field is proof that we do get good weather in the middle of winter & it’s one of my 2020 aims to get outdoors whenever possible. I resume Etty sitting tomorrow & she’s resigned to being walked for miles on our two days together even though she laments “Beebees, beebees, Jo” (Cbeebies) as I’m zipping her into her coat! You looked very stylish in that natty promo, I wear my Diamonique with delight & the thought of lots of new designs is very tempting… Love from Jo x

    1. Happy New Year to you too Mrs D! Lovely to read of your Christmas and I really think you should consider writing a book or short stories maybe? You describe things so well, and I’m sure there’s plenty you could write about. I’m glad that you’ll be back with Etty and that you can get her outdoors – she’ll soon prefer it to stopping inside I’m sure. Lots of careful lighting and makeup in the promo but I was very pleased with the Hobbs dress. Fabulous colour and a nice fit. I’m so glad you enjoy the Diamonique hours and still wear your jewellery. Plenty of new designs coming up in the next few months. I hope you enjoyed the sunshine today. Love Ali xx

  6. Firstly Ali I must wish you a very happy new year, and secondly oh my days I can’t believe how Calla has grown, it seems like only yesterday you were posting a picture on here when she was born, where does the time go. You say you are the big 60 next birthday, well November I will be the big 70 ,😯😯that is so scary to think we’ve had most of our time in this world, so we have to make the next few years really good ones none of us know what is in store for us but let’s make it lots love ,health and happiness. I seriously hope this year is going to be better than the last one, I can now tell you something I couldn’t when it happened, but last July,John and myself were going out for the day, we needed to get some diesel, so while John was doing this another irate driver for what ever reason we don’t know started shouting at John and saying he was using the wrong pump ,(which he wasn’t as they were extra long hoses for either side) John tried to say this to the man ,who promptly just ran over and punched John, which resulted in his glasses being broken, a cut eye which turned into a lovely black one in no time at all ,security were called but the man just got in his car and drove off ,we were told by the police everything would be on CCTV, but after both John and myself making statements, numerous hospital visits, because at first visit to a&,e they thought he had a detached retina ,and months of police calls we were informed the case would be dropped through lack of evidence, 🤬so basically its seems you can do anything and get away with it 🤬sorry for that rant over .it has made us both very nervous now when we are out .well lots of love xx Linda F

    1. Dear Linda I was horrified to read about your upset last year and to know how it has upset and affected both you and John. Such an awful thing for you both, and I am sorry that although you felt you had a case it wasn’t going to be followed up. It’s a worry too, as whoever the man was, he sounds as though he needs help with his temper too. I completely understand how you must be feeling now, although I hope in time you will feel safer and more confident when out and about. Love to you both, Ali xx

  7. Hi Ali,
    Happy New Years wishes from a rainy South Wales! You looked as if you had a fab time over the hols. It did indeed fly by . As usual we bought far too much food so as soon as the festivities were over I took the surplus mince pies and biscuits to my local food bank collection point. Why do we always do it? Every year my hubby warns me about buying so much but I always end up buying things ” just in case”.
    Well I hope the next decade is a kinder one to us all health wise at least. As usual I am adamant I must try and get fitter and start walking more. We have beautiful coastal walks near us if only it would stop raining long enough!
    Amazing to see the parakeet on your bird feeder. We have a Sparrow Hawk visiting our garden quite often after my little birds. The markings on it is truly beautiful. We keep meaning to visit Brecon which is not too far where you can spot Red Kites. We have spotted some a few times near to where we live.
    January can be such a drab month but one I look forward to as it was when we got married. We’ll be celebrating our 35th Anniversary on Sunday. It only seems like yesterday when we were clearing away the snow from the front of the church where we were getting married. Happy days!! We got snowed in so couldn’t go on honeymoon. Never mind, at least the sun shone brightly….
    Well once again, Happy New Year and may it be a healthy one for us all.
    Love and best wishes, Tina S. (S. Wales ) xx

    1. Hello there Tina and a Happy New Year to you and your hubby. I will always remember you writing to tell me about your wedding in the snow. Happy 35th wedding anniversary to you both – I hope you celebrated in style and that the sun shone this time! I so envy you the coastal walks and I remember when you were still trying to sell your old home in the hope of buying your coastal retreat. We are SO lucky and have many Red Kites flying over our home. Apparantly the parakeets are quite common here too and I’ve seen many of them flying over the M25 of all places! Enjoy the sunshine and may you get to visit Brecon sooner rather than later. With my love and hope for a healthy and happy new year, Ali xx

  8. Happy New Year to you and yours and tks for the xmas card.I see your mums spirit was in evidence by the oven playing up cant keep an old gal down. Here’s to a wonder ful 2020 and lang may yet lum reek !

    1. Hi Suzi – great to hear from you and you’re very welcome to the card. Thanks for yours! I hope that 2020 will be your year and do raise a dram or two to me on Burns Night! Lang may yet lum reek! Love Ali xx

  9. Hi Ali ,first a very happy new to you and Colin, second oh my days how Calla has grown it seems like no time at all you posted a picture of her when she was born, its scary how time flies. I’m so glad you enjoyed time with family over the holidays, and was so nice for you to spend time with your friend on her birthday, its handy when you have someone who can turn a smaller table into a large one ,we have to do the same at our house, you say you will reach the big 60 next birthday, I will reach 70 in November, I ask you how did that happen too scary to think about, I just hope this year will be a happy and healthy one for us.all lots of love linda f xxx

    1. Thank you Linda for all your kind words and good wishes. So glad to be posting the picture of Calla and you’re right – she has grown so much! We’ve just had all the children here for Sunday lunch and Calla and Honey got on like a house on fire! Such a treat to have these opportunities and yes thank heavens for the MDF table! I very much hope that this year will be a healthy and happy one for you and your family too. Love Ali xx

  10. Dear Ali, I’m so glad you managed to have a lovely Christmas with your family. I don’t know if you remember but I wrote to you several months ago as my mum had gone into a nursing home around the same time as your mum. She hadn’t really settled and only stayed a month before she was back home with dad, they had been married 64 years and she wanted to be with him. Sadly, she was admitted to hospital on the Sunday before Christmas, and rapidly declined before passing away the day after New Year (which incidentally would have been her mum’s birthday). I know I am lucky to have had her in my life for so long, and that she is now at peace, but it has not been a good festive season this year. I wish health and happiness to you and your loved ones for the new decade, and love reading your blogs (I don’t do social media), little Honey is a similar age to my youngest granddaughter and I know how much pleasure they bring us. Happy 2020, love Anne xx

    1. My dear Anne, I think I probably know exactly how you are feeling now, and I am so terribly sorry that you had such heartache over Christmas and into New Year. I’m very glad that your mum got to be home with your Dad for at least a short while. She is at peace now, but it’s those of us left behind that have to search for that peace. I hope that your grandaughter and your entire family are there to love and support you and your dad and that time will ease the pain. Sending you my love, Ali xx

  11. Happy New Year Ali & family…what a lovely blog. Can’t believe your 60 this year. Wow you don’t look it. Glad I can still get your blogs. Did wonder with you saying about changing ….. Great😀
    Thanks for reply. I had bad year last year. Mole turned into malignant melanoma & I ended up having 2 lots of surgery in8 weeks to remove lymph nodes under left arm. Thankfully all ok now. Body blade & pilates machine helped my arm get going again….especially as I’m left handed I did worry if it would ever be the same. But it’s back to normal thanks to all the fantastic staff at hospital.Checks every 3 months going well. Grabbing every moment & enjoying my life. It’s not a dress rehearsal so LIVE IT….. Much love & happy hols. Liz 😘 Xxxxx

    1. Liz your words are inspirational! And you are SO right. Life’s not a dress rehearsal, and we only get that one chance to ‘go live’ so do it! Sorry that you had such a scare and I hope very much that the removal of your lymph nodes hasn’t resulted in lymphodema – sounds like the body blade and pilates will make sure you stay fit and strong and well done with keeping up with the hospital checks. May 2020 be YOUR year. Love to you and thanks for keeping in touch, Ali xx

  12. Hi Ali, you certainly done your friend Jo proud for her birthday! The table setting looked really good, I’m sure she will remember that day for a long time. We had a lovely surprise our Grandaughter Hollie is having a baby in June, it will be our fourth great grandchild and our daughters first grandchild, Heidi has longed to be a nannie for so long, I know she will be a very “hands on” nannie. Merchexx

    1. Dear Merche CONGRATULATIONS! How wonderful to be welcoming a new member of the family and a fourth grandchild for you. Fab news for your daughter Heidi too! Smiles all round in June. Enjoy and a very happy new year to you all. Love Ali xx

  13. Hi Alison lovely to hear from you nice photo of you and Colin by the way. Glad you liked the picture I posted on Twitter they are lovely little girls. Glad you had a,great xmas we all did too, luckily we all kept well but now paying the price I think clare and I had a,touch of flu better now than in two weeks yes the wedding is nearly here. Hope you have a nice time in Mexico something to look forward to we went sure what we are doing yet I think I I mentioned we are all going to Wales in April my Les ‘s sister husband and nice are joining us too. Clares husband is about to go into business with three other men something they have planned for a !ong time but nevertheless you just hope it all goes well they already have there own clients and are good at what they do its better than working for a company who don’t always treat t you right. Geoff is very good at his job but also knows he has family to support and mortgage to pay so fingers crossed to success. Well must go need to do a bit of shopping before they close take care love Loraine xxxx

    1. Hi there Lorraine – I think I’m right in saying that Clare’s wedding is this weekend? ! I very much hope that she is over the flu and that you are all excited for the big day. Do let me know how it goes. Fingers crossed for the business venture too. Sometimes you have to strike out to make a difference – I very much hope it works for them all. Colin and I are very much looking forward to Mexico – it’s been hard this last six months barely seeing each other, and I think a bit of sunshine and a rest will do us both the power of good. Take care and thanks for keeping in touch, love Ali xx

  14. Lovely positive blog. I had my breast op, now taking it easy until my follow up appointment on the 16 Jan 2020 when I find out the node biopsy results and whether the margins were clear. Horrible waiting for news but I’m taking one day at a time.

    1. Dear Tricia, I’m so sorry I didn’t get to reply sooner but I have been thinking of you and very much hope that your node biopsy results were ok and the margins were clear. It is ghastly waiting for news so I’m praying that when you received it, it’s made things easier. Do let me know? With my love, Ali xx

  15. Happy New Year Ali. I hope it’s a really good one for you and your family. We had a very quite Christmas with my daughter, son in law and eldest granddaughter and my friend who is on her own. Quiet we hoped but John was called to our family garage place of work at 10 a.m. by the alarm people to say we had a fire! By the time he reached it 25 minutes away from our home there were fire and police on scene. Some hours later and the fire out he returned home to start Christmas! We made most of the rest of the day but it was spoiled. Needless to say the next few days were spent with accessors, fire people and insurance people. Some 10 days in we are gradually getting sorted. At least nobody was hurt. I am slowly recovering but my GP is sending me for more tests to be on the safe side. All other tests have come back normal but she thinks it could all be viral. This year can only get better but at least I am still smiling. 😀 it’s been really cold and blowing a gale here today so I have been playing with my new sewing machine which was a present. It has kept me out of mischief or least that is what I am led to believe. It was nice to see your lovely pictures with your extended family and I hope Santa was good to you all. Take care as always and sending love and hugs. Love Judith xx

  16. Hi Ali, ill make this one short because I’ve posted on here on the 7jan checked it twice and it was there then its disappeared ,so happy new year to you and colin ,and oh my days how Calla has grown, time sure does fly ,its scary to think of the time we’ve had and the time to come 😯😯Love Linda F xxx

    1. Hi Linda, thank you for your perseverance! Your comments came like buses – all at once! Happy New Year to you and your family too. Love Ali xx

  17. Hi Ali, loved reading your blog! Yours is the first I have ever read and it wont be the last. I have been a Q customer for 13 years and have been through so much, like you guys!
    May 2020 bring you sunshine joy and laughter. Lots of Love. ‘Trish’ in Hull. East Yorkshire.xx

    1. How lovely that you’ve been with us for so long! Delighted that you enjoy the blog, and thank you so much for taking the time to write to me. May 2020 bring you sunshine and much joy too. One day I hope to make a visit to Hull – not been back to Yorkshire apart from my Three Peaks Challenge, since I was in my 20’s. Beautiful part of the world. Love Ali xx

  18. I had my followup appointment on 16 January, resulting in a further op following day as margins were not clear. Now resting at home.

    1. Dear Tricia, thank you for letting me know, and although I am sorry they had to do follow-up surgery I am very glad that your margins are now clear. This should make the road ahead a lot easier – I do hope so. Please keep in touch, love Ali xx

  19. Hello Alison, a fabulous blog as usual and I so enjoy the photos of you all. I to cannot believe that the tree is down and all the decorations packed away and I have been back at work2 weeks, seems like we’ve never been away.
    And….I GOT MY VOICE BACK…finally returned after some intensive sessions with the speech therapist .The first words I spoke reduced me to tears, after not having a voice since 3rd October I was getting increasingly worried. But it’s almost back to normal and its such a huge relief..more so because I can go and see mum in her new nursing home and actually have a conversation with her. I can take Olly on the beach and let him off the lead as I can call him. I am to return to the speech therapy if it goes again.
    I’ve just seen your fb post about breast cancer and getting checked, I hope it gives those that do not go for whatever reason a shove in the right direction. I go to a mobile unit in Tesco car park for my screening.
    I love your family Christmas photos, and as situations change new memories are made..I host christmas every year now as my two sister dont have houses big enough..but I have what i call a ‘through lounge’ ..very old fashioned but seats us all even if we gave to shove the sofa a bit!! My sisters help with the prep and both bring stuff. I am always exhausted after as I like to clear up when everyone goes so I dont have to face it in the morning. We di9nt eat til about 4 because John opens the pub xmas day for lunchtime..but we had a great day and I did it all again for John’s family a few days later then on New Years Day..we play dog bingo, monkey bingo, harmonioke..karaoke but with a harmonica…hilarious..then calm down with a game of cards.
    January is a double birthday month for us..hubby had his birthday yesterday, the 17th..and my daughter Chloe is 20 on 26th…luckily hers is just after payday 🤣.
    Everyone us out this evening so me and Olly chilling on the sofa with sole ownership of the remote.
    Much love Mary x

    1. HOO BLOOMIN’ RAY!!!!! So relieved for you Mary – I know how worried you had become with no voice since October. Lovely to be able to talk to your dear mum too, and call Olly back on the beach. Yay! 20202 is definitely an improvement for you already. I’m amazed you managed to do everything for both your families inspite of having no voice – I just hope you had a tad more help this year than usual 🙂 Belated Happy birthday to John, and Chloe shares my neice Claire’s birthday – I bet you can’t believe Chloe will be 20! Where does the time go…? I wish you good health and every happiness in 2020 and thank you as always for being such a support here on the blog. Love Ali xx

  20. Happy new year Ali! Sorry it’s so late. I just got round to reading your blog. What a busy time it’s been for us all. In work and out of. As you say I’m sure we’ll all crack on with 2020! I can’t believe you’re 60 in March! You look so INCREDIBLE! I am sure you also are so delighted and grateful to be here as you say it was a life changing and painful in many ways time after your 50th. It’s one of the most cruel diseases as it changes you so much physically. I admire you totally. So glad you had honey to get you through too and hope she enjoyed her Christmas. You’ve done so much entertaining as usual that you’ll be looking forward to March and your holiday. How lovely you have that exotic holiday to look forward to! Chat soon and take care x

    1. Dear Susan, You’re right, it has been crazily busy – for you too by the sounds of it. But thank you for taking the time out to write to me, and for such kind words. I’ve got everything crossed that this next decade will be an easier one, but with Honey and the family alongside me, I can get through pretty much anything 🙂 My holiday is actually next month – next week in fact, so not long to wait now! Take care and do keep in touch, love Ali xx

  21. Hi Ali, thanks for your kind words…I hope you and your lovely family plus all your friends, including all your QVC friends a happy and healthy new year…Looking at your pictures ,what a close family resemblance ,especially, Honey B and Colin’s son Dan…he’s so much like his Dad.
    What a fabulous table you had and so many guests..It looked amazing….My Xmas table this year consisted of my husband and son, no turkey or trimmings …I barred all others from visiting as I believe in isolation with flu…I warned my son not to visit but he turned up …consequently I ended up nursing him and my husband in the new year when they both succumbed to the flu .
    Now that’s behind us and its time to think of spring..The snow drops are out in our garden which is always lovely to see…
    My daughter Janette has her birthday in March also, she’s a decade behind you and I am a decade in front of you…Big birthdays this year…I travelled to Ireland when I had my 60th,
    (August)..I remember at that time I bought my daughters a pearl and gold ring each to commemorate and as a mark of my love for them…also my nieces a pearl necklace each , All from QVC..Its great to be able to pick things at your leisure…Since then my daughter Liz has purchased lots of diamonique , especially Michelle Mone..fabulous quality…
    I hope you have a wonderful birthday Ali and wish you lots of love to you and Colin and your family for 2020.. Tricia C-W….

  22. Dear Tricia, good to hear back from you, and I’m hoping that you’re through the worst and that both your husband and son are now completely better. Your comment about the snowdrops made me peer into my garden, but mine aren’t up yet – hopefully soon. The woods close by though are always full of them! Such delicate and beautiful flowers. I do like your idea of buying your daughters and nieces jewellery to celebrate your 60th. A really kind thought. So glad too that you were able to choose it from us. Diamonique may well be my jewellery of choice if I decide to do the same. What do you have planned for your next big birthday? Take care and do keep in touch, love Ali xx

  23. Happy new year alison to you and your family alison iam currently on a2week holiday from mcdonald s where i work having a2 week lazy holiday doing nothing.

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