Shearing, sharing and celebrations!

I am delighted to be able to begin this blog with good news! I have just heard that my heart tests have all come back clear, with just slight arrhythmia, which is not in any way a concern to the cardiologist. I am feeling far better than I have been and my energy levels are slowly, but surely, improving. Interestingly, the anti-body test for Covid came back negative, so I apparently didn’t have it back in March, which has come as a big surprise to me and means that my weird symptoms were not in any way connected with the virus.  I’m not any closer to knowing why any of it happened, but I will be seeing my GP so we can work out whether beta-blockers or something similar might be the way forward. I’ve been told to build up my activity slowly this week, but all things being even, I will be able to drive by the weekend, and will be back with you at the Q on the evening of Tuesday 7th July! Honestly, it is such a relief now the wait for the results is over, and I have to thank you SO much for all your support here and on the various social platforms. I think it’s been the not knowing and having such a long time to think about things that has made it harder. As we’ve often said, it doesn’t matter how many times you tell yourself it won’t be anything, there’s always that negative whisper that says it just might be… It may sound trite to say it, but I really do mean it, as it is such a comfort to have that support and has helped me enormously to stay positive over these last few weeks. 😊 Bless you.

Because of my ‘enforced’ rest, I haven’t really been doing a great deal, but I have been lucky enough to have a visit from my sister Jenny – it’s been months since we had any time together and I really enjoyed seeing her and Linda. Also several old friends, whom I’ve not seen for ages, popped along, with another visit from Sam and Jack. The weather was so beautiful, we were able to sit outside and have a good old catch-up at a safe distance.

Having far more time on my hands, I also decided to do a bit of baking. I had to sort out a few cupboards before I found my baking tins – some really tatty ones that I’m ashamed to say were given to me in 1980! Rather than going for the usual non-stick or sprung-based tins, I treated myself to a couple of lightweight aluminum ones and they produced the most even sponges I think I’ve ever baked – mixed with my KitchenAid of course! I filled the cake with fresh cream, strawberries and strawberry conserve – delicious! 🙂 On a savory note, I made my own basil pesto and that too was a success, made in my little Ninja blender with plenty of garlic.

Colin bought one of those little basil plants you can find in the supermarket, so I’ve planted it out in the garden and am hoping it will continue to grow.

I’ve not been sleeping too well, but then I haven’t done for years! The heart monitor didn’t help as I kept catching my hands in it at night, but I did find a few beautiful sunsets last week, and I loved this ‘kiss’ that was created in the clear blue skies over Berkshire.

Our bedroom has two large windows in it and the sun shines in throughout the afternoon and evening. Wonderful because of the light, but it does leave the room really hot. I decided to invest in the Meaco Meacofan 650 Air Circulator – hot flushes on top of temperatures of over 24 degrees aren’t conducive to a good night’s sleep, but this I’m hoping will make all the difference.

I was so chuffed to know that a number of you have been saving the stories I read for Ali’s Story Time on Instagram and Facebook and listening to them at bedtime as they help you to sleep. Cecelia Ahern’s wise tale was very popular and thank you for your suggestions of new authors. I’ve looked at Amanda Prowse and also Marcia Willets, and I am awaiting delivery of a collection of short stories from Tom Hanks!  I have to find stories that take no longer than 15 minutes to read otherwise I can’t post them directly to Instagram, just Facebook, and that’s a shame. If I find a really good one, I may read it over two Saturdays – what do you think? I intend to keep up with it for as long as you’re prepared to listen, and thanks for sharing them too. I think over 2,500 folk listened to last week’s tale from Maeve Binchy. 🙂 You can find all of them on Ali’s Story Time QVC on YouTube if you’ve missed any.

I have to admit to being very relieved to know that the hair salons will be opening this weekend, along with my dentist and the local optician, although in truth it’s probably a blessing that I can’t see my reflection that clearly at the moment! I’m booked in for a cut and colour on the 14th July and cannot wait! I’ve been using Color Wow’s Platinum Root Cover for my parting, but using talcum powder for the rest of my head! It gives it volume as well as lightening the dark bits. Needs must and all that… Reading some of your comments over these last weeks it sounds as though you’ve been pretty inventive too when it comes to colour and cutting.

Colin finally took the clippers to his incredibly long and curly hair-do. Look how much hair he shaved off! I had to do the back obviously, and it was like shearing a sheep…

Here’s a picture of my man with his shorn head raising a glass with me to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary last Friday. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, so we ordered a rather special takeaway meal and set a table up in the garden. It was great to get dressed up and eat al fresco, and I think the mood was enhanced as we’d both finished off these incredibly impressive pina coladas that Colin made earlier! Here’s to the next five years 🙂

And so to work, which is where I will be heading next Tuesday the 7th July, joining you at 7pm for an hour of beauty, which I’m pretty sure will include the Rio Facelite LED Anti-Ageing Face Mask as it’s our TSV that day (look for item number 402808).

At 8pm I’ll be back in Studio C for my regular Diamonique show. I’ve really missed seeing all the new jewellery and having been in touch with the buyer, I know there will be some fabulous designs and colour for you to choose from.  I did also want to mention the four-piece Summer Fragrance collection from Shay & Blue that is our Today’s Special Value on Thursday (look out for item number 242576). Dom Devetta, the founder of this British business and creator of the perfumes, has brought together some of his most exclusive and original fragrances so that we can keep the summer with us always. I know you are going to truly appreciate them.

Well I’m off to do some ironing but hope you can join me on Saturday at 7.30pm on Instagram and Facebook when I’ll have another short story for you. Take care, stay safe and do keep in touch with me here or on the other social platforms.

With my love,

Ali xx

92 Responses

  1. Dear Alu I am so pleased you are on the mend. You are so brave and appear up beat with all the things you have been through. My own darling Colin passed away a month ago after a very brave battle with cancer. I am totally heart broken as I am sure you will understand. I wish you and your own lovely Colin lots more happy anniversaries.
    Marie xx

    1. My dear Marie, and I am so terribly saddened to hear your news, and understand completely your devastation. I hope so much that you have family and friends around you who can love and support you through this terrible time. Sending you my love and a hug, and remember, we’re all here on the blog to help in any way we can… just to listen when you need to talk. Take care, Ali xx

  2. Hi Alison so pleased all is ok such a relief I wonder what made you pass out . Glad your meal was nice it was also my birthday if you remember we all got together at the weekend for les birthday and our 42nd a wedding anniversary too. Had a viewing on the house not sure on the feed back yet. I know what you mean about the hair my colour and cut is on the 4th July can’t wait it’s a mess my hairdresser Jo luckily made sure I got in her first day back. Oh well not much other news glad you will be back to work , sorry to hear Claire Sutton is leaving a lovely person I wonder what is next for her. Take care and best wishes to you and Colin. Love Loraine xxxx😀

    1. Hi Loraine, How did the anniversary go? I do hope the weather held out for you? Fingers crossed you’ll get some positive feedback from the viewing – it does seem as though the housing market is on the up 🙂 Lucky you for getting in early with your hair – my stylist is also called Jo and I can’t wait to see her on the 14th. Yes, I’ll miss Claire on air too, but we tended to keep in touch outside of work anyway, so I’m grateful for that. Love to you, Ali x

  3. Oh Ali what a relief for you and your family, I am so pleased that you are doing well and there isn’t anything to bad to worry about!!😍 July the 7th will be a day to celebrate, you are back at Qvc and I am getting my hair cut, I also need my highlights done but as our hairdresser is coming to the house and doing most of the family I didn’t want to push my luck. Ha ha She can come back in a few weeks when the mad rush is over! Colin must have been relieved to get rid of all that hair especially in the heat,which seems to have left us at the moment. Glad you enjoyed your wedding anniversary you both looked lovely 😊 I also live in Berkshire,quite near the large Trading Estate but I have noticed the last couple of weeks flocks of parakeets,coming every evening to roost in some trees near my garden,it’s great to see some different wildlife. Once again I am happy that you are okay,take care. Love Debbie X💖

    1. Hi Debbie, yes, definitely a relief for us all, and looking forward to the 7th when I’ll be back too. I hope you’re pleased with your cut, and maybe your hairdresser will find time to do your highlights in between cuts 🙂 Yes, my Colin was definitely glad to be rid of his locks, and it’s amazing to see how quickly it’s growing again. I’ve seen those parakeets you’re talking about, mainly flying over the M4 but they are the most fantastic colour. Not that I’ve been on the M4 much in the last 3 weeks but hope to be back to driving by the weekend. Thank you so much for your kind words and I hope you stay well, love to you, Ali x

  4. Hello Ali
    Congratulations on your anniversary. Where has that gone? So pleased your results have all come back clear. It is a worry for you. It’s nice to hear you are improving and gradually getting back to some sort of normality. What a lovely setting you had for your meal with .Colin. It helps if the weather is kind to you. I hope to catch up with your stories and intend to start soon. I am back in hospital and hopefully they have now been able to decide some medication for me. I am in for a few days until I am happy I can control the treatment at home. I find my audio books a god send to pass away the long days and nights. Hope you continue towards good health. Stay well and positive and as always I send love and hugs to you. Judith xx

    1. Dear Judith, I am sorry to know that you’re back in hospital, and very much hope they will be able to find some medication that suits you so you can go home. I too am a huge fan of audiobooks. I have just started Where the Crawdads Sing which is beautiful, and I can recommend A Single Thread by Tracy Chevalier too. Both beautiful books. I hope you enjoy the short stories – they’re all on YouTube – and I’ll have another one for you this Saturday too. Stay positive and please do ask for help if you need it 🙂 Love Ali xx

  5. Hi Alison, I am so happy to hear you are feeling so much better. Wishing you and Colin a happy belated wedding anniversary. I can’t believe it’s been 5 years already. Wishing you all the best.

    1. Antoinette we can’t quite believe it either! But it’s been good – ups and downs like most folk – but here’s to the next five years. I hope all is well with you, love Ali x

    1. Thank you Elaine, yes a big relief. Puts years on you all the waiting. And thanks for your kind words, love Ali x

  6. Hi Alison so really pleased all is ok with you it is such a worry until you get your results.
    You have mentioned before that you go into Windsor shopping do you have your hair salon there as
    I| live in Windsor and would like to know which salon you go to as they do a really nice cut on your hair.
    stay safe and look after yourself.

    1. Hi there Chris, and thank you for your kind words – your right, its the waiting that is the biggest worry. I do indeed visit a salon in Windsor. It’s called ArtWorks and Jo is the owner and my stylist and colourist. They are excellent and it’s a really nice salon. Have a look online – you may need to book in now to get an appointment before the end of July! You stay safe too, love Ali xx

  7. Hi Alison, so pleased you feel better and your tests were ok. It will be good to see you back on QVC. Love the photo of you and Colin, you always look so lovely. Take it easy and enjoy your few days of before the 7th. Love Karen x

    1. Karen, you’re very kind – I’m glad it wasn’t close up in the photo – but we did enjoy our evening 🙂 It’ll be good to be back at work too – I’ve missed everyone. Just pottering about until then. I hope you’re well, love Ali xx

  8. So glad you are feeling better, Alison. I do know what you mean – you tell yourself all the time ‘It will be fine’ and do your best to stay positive, but that nagging little voice in the middle of the night tries to tell you otherwise. Such a relief to know that all will be well.
    And the pina coladas are indeed very impressive! Happy anniversary to you both xx

    1. Dear Cherry, I’m absolutely in your camp on that one! It’s always the wee small hours that haunt me… A huge relief to me now. And glad you liked the pina colada. Colin modelled it on one we had in Mexico! Love to you, Ali x

  9. Wonderful news ! Happy Anniversary to you both! You both look so elegant and relaxed .I do hope matron Honey looked after you I’m sure her nursing skills helped.Please keep pottering as I’m doing dont the weeds just keep on coming? Anyway I dont mind I just keep remembering Monty Don’s a weed is just a flower in the wrong place lots of love Suzi.

    1. Oh Suzi, that is such a great expression – a weed is just a flower in the wrong place’! Not sure Colin would agree with that – our front lawn was re seeded by him and is full of weeds! Nightmare. Sadly Honey and Lucy live quite a way from me and as I’ve not been able to drive and Lucy works because she is a teacher, a lot of the love has been via FaceTime. But it’s helped hugely 🙂 I do hope you are well and coping with the continued situation, love Ali x

  10. Oh Ali that’s wonderful news so pleased all the tests are back negative it us be such a relief to you , Colin and the family, stay safe lovely Lady and keep on gaining your strength back.

    Love Linda

    1. Hi Linda, and thank you so much for your kind words. It was a great relief to know that all was well as it’s the waiting that is such a negative thing. I do hope all’s good with you and yours too, love Ali xx

  11. Dear Ali, so Very pleased you have had your results and especially that they were so much better than you probably anticipated! You must and are so relieved that nothing is too amiss. Stay well now dont overdo things!
    Big Congratulations on your 5th wedding anniversary – you both look lovely in the garden al fresco! You wait, youl catch us up (25th last December).
    Alan & i send you lots of love, a couple of hugs & xxx’s.

    1. Hi Sandi, yes they were better than I could have hoped for. Still not sure what caused me to pass out, but it’s not happened again, so maybe it was just a blip. I’ve been fairly chilled at home and now the weather has changed there’s not a lot I can be doing in the garden. Thank you for your kind words about our anniversary. I can’t believe it’s five years! Congrats to you and Alan for your 25 years, love Ali x

  12. Hi Ali so pleased to hear your good news. I have been looking out for your blog wondering how you were. What a relief. It is easy to say don’t worry but we all do and you don’t realise how anxious you are until you are given the good news and the relief almost lifts from your shoulders.
    Pleased to hear your anniversary meal well and the sun shone too. I bet Colin felt better after his hair cut.
    My daughter cut my 15yr old grandson’s hair last week his hair is curly too. Thankfully she got the thumbs up!
    I’m desperate to get my hair cut and coloured as we all are. It was February when I went to the hairdresser. I had surgery at the beginning of March (unfortunately it went wrong!) I have now been referred to a specialist unit in Manchester. Hopefully they can help even if it means another operation.
    I had my new Sealy Mattress from QVC delivered a couple of weeks ago. I would definitely recommend it. It was great that they took the old mattress away too. I find QVC so reliable for quality, service and a friendly person at the end of the phone.
    I wish my cakes would rise like yours has I usually get two uneven halves – it always tastes ok but looks more like the leaning tower of Pisa! Also the pesto looks good my granddaughter Ivy’s favourite.
    I have been thinking of travelling up to London to see them on the train in a few weeks. I would be picked up at Euston. I am a bit anxious about it. My daughter said her friend travelled to York & it felt very safe all wearing masks & limited number of people on the train. I think most of us are feeling unprepared for being among more people since we have been in lockdown.
    Look forward to seeing you back on screen again. Take care and lots of love Julia (Smith) xxxx

    1. Hi Julia, wow February is a good few months ago! It’s been grand for those who already have long hair, but if you like me have a shorter style, it’s not easy trying to look groomed. Glad your 15 year old grandson was happy with his cut – they can be tricky at that age! I am sorry to know that you may have to have more surgery, but it would be good to sort the problem out. I had years of that and actually was very well looked after just unlucky! Re the baking maybe try new tins -also don’t keep your eggs in the fridge! Definitely makes a difference to have them at room temperature. Pesto is a doddle to make if you have a small blender – garlic, basil, pine nuts, olive oil and salt. That’s it. I’m sure Ivy would love to make it with you once you can see her again 🙂 Do try the train, I think the worry of travelling will be forgotten in the joy of seeing them both. You take care too, and I’ll see you next Tuesday evening, love Ali x

  13. Dear Alison. Im so pleased you’re sorted out with your heart. Your results gave me confidence as my daughter has tachycardia and is waiting for a heart monitor to wear for a week and will probably need beta blockers. Her consulta isnt overly concerned. I was worried as shes only 22 and already Type 1 diabetic. Shes very brave just like you. You both look lovely on the photo in the garden. I’ll look forward to seeing you on telly next week. Stay safe and take care.
    Best wishes Shirley 💜

    1. Gosh Shirley, that must have been such a worry for you – I’d be so worried if that was my daughter and she is so young too. But if the consultant isn’t overly worried then it must all be under control. Bless her for her courage – Type 1 Diabetes is tough I know, but with your support I’m sure she can manage most things. So glad you enjoyed the blog and I’ll see you next week. You stay safe too, love Ali xx

  14. Oh Ali that’s wonderful news about the test results it must be uch a relief to you, Colin and your family. Just take things steadily till you feel 100%, I know Colin is a great help and support to you which makes things a lot easier to cope with when you don’t feel 100% . So take care Lovely lady and see you on Q next week.

    Love Linda xx

    1. Thank you Linda. It’s quite hard to take it steady as the immediate feeling is of relief and you want to get back to normal! However, I still find I tire quite easily, so am trying to potter and spend time writing instead of getting out there and doing – the rain helps too! Thank you for your kind words of support and I hope this finds you well and safe. Love Ali x

  15. Dear Alison I am so pleased to hear your good news about your results. I can imagine how much worry has been lifted from your mind. And I am really happy to hear that you are starting to feel better. Keep well and keep safe. Also a belated very Happy 5th Wedding Anniversary to you and Colin. The 5 years have flown by so quickly. That is a really beautiful photo of you both. Sending you love and all best wishes. Gillian xx

    1. Dear Gillian, yes indeed it has been a huge weight off my mind, and for the family too bless them. Thank you for your kind Anniversary wishes. You’re right, the five years have flown by and we’ve actually been together 14 years in October. I can’t believe that either. I do hope all is well with you and yours and do keep in touch, love Ali x

  16. So glad all your results are in and everything is ok with you, sometimes these heart arrhythmias can come on because of the simplest of things. I myself have had four attacks they were called rapid Atrial Fibrillation, hospitalised with them every-time, the heart racing so fast could not count the beats and breathlessness
    /lightheaded, it turns out every time mine was set off by the medication I was on, had all the tests like you did, it was simply medication that my heart was reacting to! It is scary though when it happens and we tend to always think the worst like you say. So it’s all good for you what a relief.
    Your sponge cakes look magnificent Alison, mine never come out so even. I’ve just baked a ginger loaf today, it passes the time while we have to stay indoors due to this pandemic, but all this baking is not good for my figure 😉I’m actually going to have my eyes tested tomorrow, need new glasses so much, had a cataract op just at the beginning of lockdown and had to wait for the opticians to be able to reopen, without proper specs found it difficult reading my books that is why I have enjoyed your storytelling so much, so glad your going to continue, you have the perfect voice for telling stories. Looking forward to Saturdays story Alison. x

    1. Dear Steph, that all sounds terrifying! I am so glad that they got to the bottom of it and have changed your medication – such a relief for you. It sounds as though we’ve been doing much the same things while at home, although I’d swap my Victoria Sandwich for your ginger loaf any day! I also had my eyes tested on Saturday and I’ve been told that I have just the very beginnings of the yellowing on the eye that will end up being cataracts. Hopefully not for a bit longer yet and I need to wear glasses when I’m reading or on the computer. You’re very kind with your sweet comments about the stories. I am Glad you enjoyed them and I’m looking forward to trying to find a different one for this week! Take care and stay well, Love Ali xx

  17. Hi Alison
    I am so happy for you that all has turned out well.I am sure it has come as a great relief to you and your family. You are an amazing ,inspirational lady! I pray you have turned a corner and continue to enjoy the health and happiness you deserve .

    1. Dear Caroline, how very kind of you. Yes it was a worry – it always is when you’re waiting for results – but I’ve been lucky yet again. Back to work tonight and fingers crossed that will be the last time I ever have one of these funny turns. I do hope that you are well and happy and thank you for keeping in touch. Love Ali xx

  18. Alison I am so pleased you had good results I have been thinking of you will be glad to see you back at QVC. Love the Dress you are wearing for your Anniversary meal congratulations to you both. Can’t wait to hear what story you are going to read on Saturday. Hope you will continue I look forward to Saturdays. Sending love. Xx

    1. Hi Kay, yes I’m looking forward to returning to work this evening. I should be with you at 7 pm and then 8 pm for Diamonique. The dress I am wearing in the picture I bought online! It’s really very very light fabric but it’s a lovely length. I hope you enjoy the story on Saturday – I’ve now got to try and find some new ones! Stay well and safe, love Ali xx

  19. I am so pleased the test were clear for you, at least you can settle yourself now, which you are going back to your baking, it will be great to see you back on QVC you have been missed but at least the only way is up now and I can tell that is happening by your enthusiasm about things. Happy Anniversary as well to you both. Take care xx

    1. Dear Hilary, that is a very good way of putting it – settling myself. It is very unsettling when anything happens in the family or anybody is slightly under par, and it is a relief to be feeling so much better. Thank you for keeping in touch and I hope that you are well love Ali XX

  20. So pleased to hear you had good news and your feeling much better, but till you return to QVC next week just relax and take things easy, like you we’re all looking forward to our hairdressers opening, I only need my hair cutting as I dont colour mine had silver hair since I was 40, look forward to your story on Saturday, you take care Alison x

    1. Hi Theresa, nice to hear from you and slightly envious of the fact you have silver hair. I was thinking of going the whole hog to be in platinum but my hairdresser said because my roots are very dark she thinks it will drive me mad having them grow out so quickly. I can’t get my hair done until Wednesday the 15th so I will be somewhat badger like on air tonight! I hope you enjoyed Saturday’s story? Love Ali xx

  21. Hi ali what good news I’m so glad you are on the mend you always seem optimistic and happy. Congratulations to you and colin on your anniversary. I love the dress you are wearing is it QVC? It will be lovely to see you back on screen. Much love from Scotland xx

    1. Hi there Lorraine, thank you for your kind anniversary wishes . The dress is one I bought very cheaply online! It’s a very light fabric but a great length – almost ankle length – and I loved the print. I do hope that the weather is better in Scotland and it has been down here for the last week. I hope you’re well, love Ali xx

  22. Hello Lovely, Like everyone else I’m so relieved that you’ve been given an explanation of what happened to you & hopefully you’ll also get a solution. I had an episode of this nearly four years ago & after the same tests you’ve had I was told it was probably due to electrolyte abnormalities because I was dehydrated at a food festival on a very hot day. I did have a moment today, after I’d heard that the lovely Claire has left QVC, when I thought you’d do the same… Please stay there a tad longer, you are very important to so many of us. I love your photos of the sky, I’ve always spent a lot of my time looking at the sky & the moon, they both delight & amaze me. That’s a very stylish anniversary photo, you look gorgeous in your Pretty Woman dress & I’m very impressed with Colin’s hair; I’ve done my Colin’s three times since the barbers closed, unfortunately every time I suggest a fourth session he finds several more important activities to do & he now looks like John Thaw when he played Reagan in The Sweeney! Finally, we are now grandparents to four as Bex had her third baby on Saturday. It’s so strange to have seen her on video & not know when we will be able to see her properly or even pick her up. Tallulah & Max are very happy with their baby sister & now that Bex has stopped shielding they are both going back to school for the final two weeks of the year. Continue with your gentle return to activity & thank you again for the Saturday evening stories, I’ve always loved being told a story or reading one to someone else, it must have been growing up with Jackanory. Love from Jo x

    1. Hello there Jo, Good to hear from you and very glad that your episode was a one off… I’m hoping mine will be the same! Many congratulations on the birth of your new granddaugter… I am very sorry that you will not be able to see her or cuddle her for a while yet. Good for Beck so that Tallulah and Max are able to go back to school – it will give her a short break and I’m sure they will enjoy it. I remember you saying how much you loved photographs of the sky and particularly the moon. I was really chuffed with a photograph I took at the end of last week – I’ll put it on next weeks blog. I think I can visualise your Collins hair! Hopefully the barbers will open soon. I am very pleased with the reaction to the weekly story reading and it’s something I hope to continue with. I too grew up with Jackanory and even listen with mother on radio four – I think I’m a lot older than you! Take care and thanks for keeping in touch, love Ali xx

  23. Alison I am so relieved to hear that your tests have come back with good news. I can imagine how stressful this has been for you and your family, the fear of the unknown is terrifying and I hope you get a plan put in place with the doctor.
    How lovely that you have been able to see friends and family again. I saw my two best friends on Saturday for the first time since lockdown..we have had ZOOM calls but it’s not the same..I put on afternoon tea and we social distanced in the cabin at the end of the garden as it was raining..but it was so lovely to see them both.
    I did a drive through meeting with mum last week and it was the first time I had seen her in the flesh..she was sat under a gazebo and I was allowed to remain in my car, 2 metres away with my window down. Mum had got the carers to write us notes in big love hearts which were stuck on the gazebo frame…certainly brought a few tears.
    I bought a meaco 650 from the Q about 4 weeks thing ever..mine certainly keeps me cool. I love it.
    Sadly i will not be kept on in my secondment admin role as there are no vacancies when my predecessor returns from maternity leave so in September I go back to my old job working with the kids..I have applied for three admin jobs in other schools as my health has been so much improved for not being with the kids and it’s time to do what’s best for me..the less asthma attacks and chest infections I get the slower the degeneration of my COPD..keeping my fingers crossed.
    I am now in work 2 days a week which is fab..its so hard working from home without an office and I have been very busy..did a 9 to 6pm as I had a big task to complete..which I have finished but Olly the dog was fed up with me as he couldn’t sit on my lap so he got his toy elephant and tore all the stuffing out of it!!
    I hope you feel a little better each day..keep baking by the way, your sponges looked amazing.
    Well done for getting a chair appointment. My short hair is now resembling a birds nest although I colour it myself at home so at least it’s not grey. It’s easy for men..just a Shaun the sheep look is adequate!
    Hope you get some sunshine to enjoy..its been cold, wet and windy in Westgate and I am hoping my giant lilies are still in their pots tomorrow!
    Take care. Lots of love Mary

    1. Hi there Mary, lovely to hear from you and so pleased that you saw your best friends on Saturday. I too have been managing with FaceTime and zoom calls but last week when the weather was so beautiful it was easy to sit in the garden and catch up. Loving the sound of your drive-through meeting with your mum although that must’ve been very hard for you not put your arms around her. I’m waiting for the delivery of my fan – could definitely do with it my hot flushes have gone mad again. I’m sorry that you could not Keep up with your admin role but glad that you’re back at work for two days a week. I know having spoken to some of my colleagues that working from home is good in some respects very difficult and others. It was incredibly windy here over last couple of days and my giant tiger lilies were blown over but mercifully didn’t snap. I’m still waiting for Richard Jackson’s lilies to flower. I think it’ll be August. I hope you get the chance for some more beach walks with Olly soon. Thanks for keeping in touch, love Ali x

  24. Hi Ali, so glad to hear all is ok with you! What a relief. Happy Anniversary for last week. Take

    1. Dear Sandra, that’s very kind of you – yes mightily relieved myself. It’s incredible what you can imagine is going on without the facts. I hope all is well in your world and that you are safe. Love Ali XX

    1. Dear Jo, never a backward Bessie – and very sweet of you to take the time out to comment. I hope you are well and do keep in touch, love Ali xx

  25. Hi Alison so pleased to hear your good news, it must feel as though a huge weight had been lifted from your shoulders…you and Colin can now breathe a huge sigh of relief…wishing you good health for the future 💕🙏🏻💕🙏🏻🌈🦋

    1. Hi Agnes, yes it was a big relief and I’ve continued to feel much better over this last week. I do hope that you and your family and friends are well and staying safe. See you soon, Ali XX

  26. Dear Ali , very pleased to hear that you’re feeling better. I also have arrhythmia which does make you tired and I don’t get on with beta blockers so I hope that you can find a medicine regime that suits you!
    Looking forward to your return to our screens and a very happy belated anniversary!
    Qvc has been a super help in doing my garden during lockdown plus the chit chat in shows as I’m shielding alone! Much love Barbara xx

    1. Hi Barbara, that is so good to hear that QVC has been keeping you company during lockdown – I think many of us have spent more time in the garden than ever before and it’s lovely to get such a choice of products I think. I have yet to try one of the beta-blockers but I’ll let you know how I get on! I hope that in spite of the arrhythmia you are well. Love Ali xx

  27. Congratulations on your anniversary seems like only the other day you got married time flies so glad to hear your test results were ok I’m sure it’s a big weight off your mind I was praying all would be ok love and hugs xxx

    1. Dear Irene, that’s exactly what Colin and I said! It’s extraordinary to think so many years have passed, but Honey was just 6 weeks old when we married, and now she is all grown up at five years old! And thank you for your kind prayers – it’s a relief to be feeling so much better. Love Ali xx

  28. Such a relief to hear you are feeling much better and had good results. Missed you on QVC but enjoy your Saturday stories. It gives me something to look forward to.
    Take care Ali. Lots of love xxx☺😀

    1. Dear Sonia, thank you very much for getting in touch and for letting me know that you enjoy the stories. It’s nice to have something regular to look forward to I think, but I am definitely going to have to start searching harder for stories of the right length! Thanks also for your kind wishes – it’s great to know I’m going back to work. I hope you are safe and well, love Ali xx

  29. Dear Ali, so pleased to hear your good news. I too am a breast cancer survivor and am always worried when I go for my yearly mammogram but so happy when the report comes to say all is well. Just had my 5 year one and all ok so that is the last one.

    Arrhythmia is more annoying than anything else and I have a trick you might try. If you have a syringe you blow down the bit where the needle would attach and try to blow the plunger out. Make sure you seal your mouth around it and blow like you are trying to play a trumpet. Blow for as long as you can and sometimes it re-regulates your heartbeat.

    It will be great to have you back on Qvc and I wish you everything that is good.

    1. Tina that is fantastic news! Completely understand the build up to the yearly check. Five years seems to be a milestone and it’s good that you are doing well. Liking your idea of using a syringe to re-regulate my heartbeat. I think the old idea was a paper bag wasn’t it? I’ll give it a go although I’m hoping I don’t have a repeat of it. Stay well, and do stay in touch, love Ali XX

  30. It’s not often that we are able to express how we are coping in a positive way with trauma and problems. Ali, you have a gentle gift of spirit and tell it as it is with a benediction of hope and strength. I, like many others have been in similar scenarios and your words do resonate. Being caught in a delicate yet unyielding spider’s web is what I remember feeling. It was the sun and dew drops and gentle breezes that led me out of my darkness and allowed me to start to believe again, albeit without my eyes blinkered, but ready to grasp whatever I could of being well and moving forward on my journey again.
    Admitting fear is powerful and accepting what is, is the benchmark. Trust in the marvels of modern medicine as a blanket of comfort and reassurance.
    You will be looked after and you will embrace your energy and life once more with the passion you always have shown. Go gently and enjoy the adventure! You deserve nothing but the best life can offer.
    Sending you love, light and angels’ wings.
    Angela 👼

    1. Dear Angela, you write beautifully. I hope that you, along with so many other people, have maybe managed to put your thoughts down on paper during lockdown? Hope is eternal and it’s what keeps me going every step of the way. It’s stronger than fear and is as mighty as love. Sending you love light and angels wings too. Ali xx

      1. I am very touched that you have found the time and quiet to respond to me. Thank you Ali , it means a great deal.
        Happy to see you back on air with your exquisite delivery.
        Bless you.
        Angela xx

  31. Love yr story telling. And congratulations on your good health news and happy 5th anniversary to you both. Xx

    1. Thanks Marie, very kind of you to take the time out to write. I hope that you too are healthy and happy love Ali xx

  32. Hi lovely Ali that is fantastic news about you health. Am so pleased for you. Lovely pic of you and Colin enjoying your anniversary meal. Wow he did have a lot of hair to cut off! How happy will we be when we can see our beloved hairdressers! Looking forward to your return on screen. Big hug xx

    1. Dear Karen, very kind of you to send us anniversary wishes. I think if Colin hadn’t of had his haircut he would’ve cost a shadow over the table! I will be so pleased to see my hair dresser next week. My return to work tonight will have me looking more like a badger I’m afraid. I do hope that you and your family are well, love Ali xx

  33. Dear Ali, I’m so glad for you that your results have come through at last and the results were good. You never cease to amaze me how you cope with whatever life throws at you, always smiling and upbeat when sometimes you must be so weary and afraid. I’m glad you have the support of your wonderful friends and family, not forgetting your lovely Colin. You truly are an inspiration!
    How lovely your anniversary celebration looks, so nice that you could enjoy your special meal in the sunshine, which we know you love 😊.
    Looking forward to seeing you back on screen soon, in the meantime put your feet up while you can.
    Take care, Anne xx

    1. Dear Anne, thank you so much for your lovely words and your kind upbeat message. I am very lucky to have support and I know not everybody is as blessed as me but it’s nice to be able to share the good things isn’t it? I do hope that all is well in your life and with those that you love and thank you for keeping in touch, love Ali XX

  34. …& breathe deeply. ❤ So pleased all is well & the next story will be extra special knowing you are over the worst. Phew! The 7th is my birthday so I may treat myself to something from your Diamonique show. 🙆‍♀️ I feel like the sun has come out even though it’s a chilly day. 😘😘😘

    1. … Yes Penny, there has definitely been a bit of that going on. Breathing deeply and leaving it all behind is a huge relief to me. Belated happy birthday wishes for the 7th and I hope you found something in the Diamonique show that you were able to treat yourself to. Enjoy the sunshine this coming week and keep in touch, love Ali XX

  35. Hi Ali
    I’m so glad that everything is negative although a mystery
    I think the longer time between possible Covoid and testing the less reliable the result is so maybe you did have it
    Anyhow hopefully your GP can sort out some meds for you
    Happy belated anniversary to you both. The sun shines on the righteous 🌞😂🥂
    Take care and don’t rush back too soon. Kxx

    1. Dear Kathryn, Thank you for your lovely anniversary wishes – I can’t believe that was two weeks ago! I think you may be right about the Covid testing – a great many of us who believed we had it I’ve been told we didn’t so who knows? It might have been what I had last month was Covid! It seems to take many different forms, but I know how incredibly lucky I am to be better now. I hope you are well and enjoy the sunshine, love Ali XX

  36. Hi Alison
    So happy to hear you are feeling better. Happy belated anniversary wishes to you and Colin. Can’t believe it’s been five years already I remember when you got married. Looking forward to seeing you back on QVC and your story times. Maureen

    1. Dear Maureen, lovely to hear from you and I’m so glad you are enjoying the story times. I too cannot believe it’s been five years since we got married – I remember our wedding as clear as it was yesterday. Take care, love Ali XX

  37. Hi Ali. So glad you’re now on the mend and looking forward to seeing you on ‘Q’. We’ve missed you. Stay strong and safe. x

    1. Jeanette, you are so kind! I’ve missed being on the ‘Q’ as well. I hope that you are safe and well and thank you for your good wishes, love Ali xx

  38. Glad to hear all is well for you Alison, I love the picture of colins haircut you did well. I’m pleased that your results came back clear. Happy Anniversary to you both. Sue x

    1. Hi there Sue, lovely to hear from you and thanks for the praise re Colin’s haircut! He looks like a larger version of the Action Man doll now with a suede style haircut! I hope you are safe and well, love Ali x

  39. Hi Ali,
    You must be so relieved hearing the outcome of your tests. I am the world’s worst worrier when it comes to health issues ! I always tell family and friends not to worry when things are bothering them, that worrying won’t help matters but I don’t practice it myself. I seemed to get worse the older I get. I used to be in charge of a busy ward when I had just qualified as a S.E.N. and later went on to qualify as a R.G.N. I don’t know how I did it back then. Must have been the confidence of youth.
    I’m glad you received my letter anyway. When we are allowed to get out and about more I shall pass your book on to my sister as it was so inspirational.
    Lovely photo’s to. I just looked out to see the full moon. I would love to be overlooking the sea now with the moon lighting up the sky.
    So Colin has shaved his locks off to. I always cut hubby’s hair with the clippers. He has saved a fortune over the years not going to the barbers. One time I came home to find he had used the clippers on himself instead of waiting for me. He hadn’t put the attachment over it so he was almost bald. I won’t tell you what I called him when I saw him !! He just said ” I thought I’d forgotten something.” Men’ what are they like??
    I bet you were glad to get the heart monitor off. I had to have my blood pressure monitored for 12 hours some years back so had to have a blood pressure cuff and monitor attached. It was very difficult driving home from the surgery as it started inflating before I had got home. It is very hard to drive when you have to keep your arm straight let me tell you. LOL !!
    Well hope you get sorted out medication wise and are soon on the road to recovery as well as back behind the wheel. It is hard not being mobile but it won’t be much longer now. When I couldn’t drive for that month I was ticking off the days literally until I could drive so I empathise with you.
    Wishing you all the best and look forward to seeing you back on air. Take care of yourself.
    Love from Tina S. (S. Wales ) xx

    1. Hello there Tina, I remember you telling me about your nursing career and as my friend Roz is a nurse I totally appreciate how worried you can get when you understand the full implications! I’m so glad you liked my moon photo – I also love the moon on the sea… A beautiful sight. I don’t think Colin used the attachment on the clippers which is why his hair was so short! As you say men – what are they like? 🙂 Yes I was glad to take the heart monitor off and your story of your blood pressure cuff reminds me of when I was giving birth to my son Jack and for some strange reason I had a blood pressure cuff on both arms! I had no idea what was going on! Feeling so much better I’m able to drive again and feeling like my old self. I hope you are well too. Love Ali XX

  40. Hi Alison, So glad you have had some good news about your health. It must have been very comforting to know that so many people were thinking about you. That is a lovely photo of you and Colin in the garden,would look lovely in a frame. Keep getting better and sending love. Carol. Xx

    1. Hi Carol, good to hear from you and thank you for your kind words. Yes it’s one of those photographs that turned out better than we thought! I’ve been printing more photos off since I got my new printer from QVC and this may well be one of those That ends up in a frame! I do hope you and yours are well, and do keep in touch,Love Ali xx

  41. Hi Ali,

    That’s WONDERFUL news. Maybe your body was trying to tell you to slow down just a little bit. Happy 5th Anniversary!

    Take care Ali, and keep safe too.

    Love Sue Radford xx

    1. Dear Sue, you may well be right! Thank you so much for your kind words – it wasn’t a good time for me and I’m very relieved to be feeling better. Love to you and yours, Ali XX

  42. I am sooo glad you are ok now. Happy Anniversary to you and Colin you are such a lovely couple. It looked amazing weather when you celebrated in the garden what a great idea. Fortunately i was able to celebrate mine just before lockdown. Take care Alison xx

    1. Hi Ali, yes I think we were luckier than some – it was cloudy in the morning but from midday onwards the Sun was extraordinary. It’s stayed with us until 9:30 pm. I’m so glad you were also able to celebrate your anniversary before lockdown. Stay well and keep in touch, love Ali XX

  43. Hi Ali good news you will be relieved. I just found out I have HPP when I turned big birthday March.
    Congratulations to you both time flies what a lovely photographer.
    Got my hair appointment think I will get another hairstyle.

    Take Care
    Christine x

    1. Hi Christine, I am not sure what exactly HPP is, but I hope it’s something that can be treated and that you are not feeling unwell? The photographer for our photograph was the timer on my iPhone! We set it up and then had to pose! So glad you have a hair appointment – definitely go for a new style! I can’t wait to have mine done on Wednesday! Take care, love Ali x

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