A timely return!

Well goodness me folks… it has been a while!!

Without boring you with all the details, the reason I haven’t been around these past couple of months is that I’ve been a tad under the weather… but all good now!

So much for the start of new chapters after my “big” birthday in July (that was my last blog)… not quite the chapter I’d planned on writing! But onwards and upwards as they say and absolutely fine and raring to get back to the “Q”!!

I had originally planned on posting my blog early next week to coincide with my return next weekend, but having seen the incredible Liz Earle Today’s Special Value (TSV) coming up this Sunday… I simply had to sound the trumpet!! 🎺 It’s an absolute corker and it’s the BIG ONE before Christmas! 🎄🎄 So do not, I repeat, do not miss out!! In fact, without further ado, you can click on the link here and see for yourself just how exciting the offer is and then if you absolutely love it (and who wouldn’t), secure your purchase ahead of the rush!

Regarding my return next weekend, I’ll be on the Style Channel on Friday (the 23rd) with some Winter Fashion at 3pm followed by Skechers at 4pm. Then we’ll be bringing you two more great and giftable TSV’s that I’ll be on with Saturday and Sunday at 2pm and 6pm respectively.

TSV’s are always pretty exciting as after all they are our main deal of the day, but boy, when Crimbo approaches the excitement really does get cranked up a bit!! Of course, this is all so fabulous if you’re doing a bit of Christmas shopping.

I’ve already bought my first Christmas present… the Molton Brown TSV from the other day. Not made up my mind who it’s for yet (that’ll keep them all guessing!!) but I mustn’t get lulled into a false sense of security. It has been known for me to buy one or two things in October and then mad panic when we hit the second week of December!! But “no more” say I… I shall be all wrapped and ready by the 11th of December this year (do feel free to hold me to account on that one)!!

Of course TSV’s aside, next weekend I’ll also be bringing you gorgeous fashion with Phase Eight, comfy super looking footwear with Vionic and some great heritage skincare with Gatineau!! What’s not to love indeed?!!

Can I also just say a big thank you to those of you who wished me a Happy Birthday on my last blog (seems like a lifetime ago!). So very much appreciated.

Hope you’re all keeping well.

See you next weekend and I for one will be glued this weekend! Bring it on!!

Stay safe!

Anne xxx

27 Responses

  1. Hi Anne, I am really pleased to hear that you will be back on our screens shortly….you have been missed. I am glad to hear that you are feeling much better. Enjoy Christmas shopping with QVC!!

    1. Hi Chris.
      Isn’t it lovely when we hear we’ve been missed? Brightens my soul. Thank you!!
      Looking forward to being back on at the weekend.
      Take care
      Anne xx

  2. Hi Anne, so lovely to here from you and that you are well enough to go back to work. You have been missed,I only said to my daughter,another Qvc fan, a couple of weeks ago that I hadn’t seen you for ages,was worried you had left! I have already ordered my Liz Earle😊 Good luck with the Christmas shopping 🛍Once again glad you are on your way back! Take care Debbie Xx

    1. Hi Debbie,
      Lovely to hear from you and thanks for your kind words.
      Yes I managed to stop at 2 lots of the Liz Earle TSV. Done a bit more Christmas shopping, so feeling a tad pleased with myself (except when I go online banking….lol)
      Stay in touch
      Anne x

  3. Anne!!! I am so glad to hear from you!!! Honestly, I wondered had I missed something that had happened to you what with being out at work and not tuning in and then this blog site well you think did I miss her? I’m so glad you’re ok although I fear you’ve been through the mill. It’s been such an awful awful year in so many ways this year and I don’t know about you but I don’t feel much hope for the future. I’m sure you do because you’re so upbeat and I need a dose of you in my life. I hope your boys and family are ok. I hope you had a nice birthday and that you weren’t sick over it. Look forward to seeing you soon x

    1. Oh Susan,
      You’re so lovely!! Thank you so much for your lovely comments. No I wasn’t sick on my birthday (a few days later 🙄).
      Anyway like I said all good now!! Difficult times we are in but you’re right, I’m a “glass half full” girl so yes always trying to look on the bright side. I actually think it makes life easier that way……but maybe that’s just me!!
      Stay touch lovely lady!!
      Anne xx

      1. Hi Anne,
        Great to hear from you and so glad you at least could enjoy your birthday 😊 especially a big one! I think you’re probably right about having a natural glass half full belief making life easier. But I think when you take so many knocks it is hard to keep it up. Anyway, lovely you’re back!x

  4. Oh Anne,
    Have missed you and wondered how and where you were. Hope you didn’t have the dreaded Covid……I’ve just succumbed and it’s not fun. The TSV looks amazing but I’m sitting on my hands as I could start a Liz Earle shop!
    Will be lovely to see you on air. Take care xx

    1. Hi Kathryn,
      Well poor you!! Sounds like you’ve been through the wars. Hope you’re ok now.
      No I didn’t have COVID thank goodness.
      Know what you mean about starting a Liz Earle shop……I often say that if we ever run out of stock in certain brands at QVC they should just contact me!! I could certainly start a Skechers shop for sure….😀
      Stay well my love
      Anne xx

  5. So pleased to see you back, Anne- I was wondering where you had got to. Glad you are ok and am looking forward to seeing your cheery self back on our screens soon. Xx

    1. Ah SoggySox (love that!!). You are way too kind. I am certainly looking forward to the weekend.
      Stay in touch
      Anne xx

  6. Hi Anne

    I had been wondering where you had got to. So pleased you will be back next weekend I have missed you I always cheer up when you are on. And so glad you are feeling well.

    A fellow Scot May xx

    1. Hello fellow Scot …May.
      Lovely to hear from you and thank you for your kind words!!
      Really looking forward to being back at the weekend.
      Which part of Scotland are you from?
      Anne xx

      1. Hi Anne,
        Originally Edinburgh but been in West Lothian for the last 30 years. I do miss the hustle and bustle of a big town. I live in hope I can move back one day. So looking forward to your return.

        Take care and see you at the weekend May xx

  7. Hello Anne,

    I too wondered where you had got to. I thought surely she hasn’t gone away on her usual jaunt to Italy with all that’s been going on.? Anyway very pleased that all is now well and you will back back soon.

    Look forward to seeing you.

    Best wishes
    Janet Groves

  8. So glad to hear you are ok, I too bought the Molton Brown TSV, can’t decide what to keep and what to gift yet.

    Take care

    1. Hi Debra,
      I know what you mean!! I have made my decision but I’m also keeping a wee bit back for myself (how cheeky!!)
      See you at the weekend
      Anne xx

  9. Ah Diane! Thanks for the lovely comments.
    All good in the proverbial hood as they say and can’t wait to get stuck back in at the weekend 😀😀
    Take care
    Anne xx

  10. Hi Anne. I have wondered if you still worked at QVC as I haven’t seen you for a while. Saw you on an advert and decided to check your blog. Your bubbly and honest presentations have been sorely missed. Speedy recovery and look forward to seeing you on TV soon x

    1. Hi Tina,
      Lovely to hear from you. Thank you for your kind words. So cannot wait to get back at the weekend.
      Stay safe.
      Anne xx

  11. Hi Anne, So glad to hear you will soon be back as I was concerned. Really sad to hear you have been under the weather as I had commented earlier how fantastic you look these days , happier, healthier and wicked 😉😍 Can’t wait see you back on air. Tina if love xxx

  12. So so glad you are returning to our screens. you are my favourite presenter. just went on line dreading to see that you have left but although I am so sorry you have been I’ll, I am delighted you are better now and will be back shortly. I’ll be tuning into the style channel tomorrow!! xx

  13. Just watching you on Sunday evening and had to look twice to see if it was you. You look fantastic, love your hair and makeup. You look 40 something I think. Great to see you back. Keep up the good work.

  14. Just watching QVC with you back on my TV so nice to see you again Did I hear you Correctly when you said that’s my Daughter in Law about one of the beautiful models or have I been making it up again Old Ears not what they were You be safe Megxx

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