Gtech genius!

Well hello everyone and I hope you’re all well.

It feels like we are well into the autumn months now, but for me it’ll only be when the clocks go back this weekend that I will feel completely justified in snuggling up in front of the fire in the evening, writing Christmas pressie lists and thinking about getting the house ready too!! In fact the latter part can be more involved than present buying, especially since we make it so easy for you to Christmas shop here at QVC!! (Please note my own piece of submitted photographic evidence that I am indeed building up a secret stash of QVC parcels and ticking more than a few names off that above said list)!

So back to getting the house ready… and even more so since I have my lovely daughter-in-law Anna’s family over from Texas for the festive season. I will in fact have around 12 to 14 bodies (live ones of course!) staying at mine between Christmas Eve and the day after Boxing Day (…and a few more besides not staying!!). Which brings me neatly to the point that this Sunday’s Today’s Special Value (TSV) from Gtech will be a must have!!

The K9 AirRam & Multi Handheld Vacuum System & Accessory Kit

This is genius cordless cleaning made easy. Perfect for when you need to clean sudden mess, not so sudden mess and everything in between. You have the main upright and then a fabulous independent appliance that you can just run around the house, the car, the caravan… the list goes on.

The attachments are brilliant… even a feather duster! Gone are the days of cordless cleaning for like five minutes and the battery needing recharging too, with 40 minutes run time when fully charged! Like I said… genius!!

It’s a great offer as you would imagine so make sure you tune in!

Also… if you’ve not spotted it already, don’t miss the TSV on offer today. It’s a set of three Pop Up Lanterns from Securebrite, which are so fabulous and handy that I reckon they will be going by the bucket load.

They are perfect for illuminating understair cupboards, dark spots around the home, the garage (or even the garden)… and what about for getting those Christmas decorations down from the loft?! I have a strong sense of a multi buy coming on!!

Finally, the girls from LAB will be here on Monday to bring us the latest in anti-ageing microderm technology that will get us looking our best for the festive season.

The Microderm-Pro with Diamond Tip 30 Filters & Treatment ElixirSo busy times ahead this weekend but lots to look forward to… including that extra hour in bed this Sunday! Happy days!!

Take care,


One Response

  1. Hi Anne,
    How are you all? I can’t believe your present stash already?! How are you so organised?! Mind you I can’t believe you’re having up to 14 staying!!! I suppose you used to be in hospitality so you’ve got that gene going for you! You’re a marvel! I’d love to come to your house! Have fun x

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