Oh (dear) Christmas Tree!!

Hi everyone,

Just checking in to see how all things festive are progressing.

Everything was going so well chez moi and I was particularly pleased with the choice of tree this year. If you’re into real trees you will of course be very familiar with the annual saga of trying to get the perfect shape with just the right amount of branches for an all-round, full and bushy effect.

Well check out the photo… not too bad I thought, maybe you do too… but as per the blog title it wasn’t always the case. As the finishing touches were being added we had a slight accident (I say ‘we’, I mean ‘me’!!).

If you look at the enclosed photos, you will see the tree in all its glory and beside it a table with a Christmas ornament on top (a QVC purchase from 20 years ago incidentally and quite heavy). I have also enclosed a close up of the said ornament. It lives in this position every Christmas, but this year I decided (in my infinite wisdom) to try moving it elsewhere. Please don’t ask me how I managed this but somehow as I lifted it, I stumbled and literally threw it at and assaulted my newly decorated tree?!

An incredible feat of genius I might add, which I would like to say left me speechless, but this was not the case and several words did in fact tumble out of my mouth which I would definitely not wish to include in my blog!! If it had been filmed even I would have laughed hysterically (many days later of course!). So there I was with half the decorations now on the carpet and a great gaping hole in my tree. Now, if this had been an artificial one it would have simply been a question of bending those branches back into shape… but alas no!! It took a lot repositioning and replacing those decorations with all the precision and expertise of a top class surgeon in order to achieve the final result. I am quite pleased with the finished product, although I reckon if you look closely……!!

As yet however there are no gifts underneath my precious Christmas tree, purely because I haven’t got round to the wrapping of any as yet. Speaking of which… if you haven’t got Christmas ‘all wrapped up’ yet you have until close of play Friday night to do precisely that. If you are looking for inspiration we have some cracking Big Deals available. I particularly love the Elemis Winter Saviours Face & Body Collection and the fabulous Maison Bedding Set offer that we are bringing you. The bedding is ideal if you’re trying to spruce up a spare room for those Christmas guests… and the Elemis set could be a relaxing treat for you once all those guests have gone home!! (Only joking of course).

Now this will not be the last you will hear from me this side of the Big Day as I fully intend to give you the low down on our presenters Christmas lunch. There are always two dates available to allow maximum participation. The first has already been and gone (everyone still in one piece I believe) and the next one for the shy, retiring and ever so slightly more sensible presenter, is taking place today! I can hear those protests now! Lol!!

Anyway, “Keep Calm and Carry On” as they say, during this final countdown and I shall be in touch very soon.

Lots of love,

Anne xx

2 Responses

  1. Hi Anne,
    Happy Christmas. I hope you had a nice day. I am watching you on tv and thinking how tiny you are! I hope you are ok. And the boys. Happy new year x

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