Attitude of catitude…and gratitude

Well, that fortnight went by in a flash! I hope you’re staying safe and keeping well.

I just thought I’d pop in to say what a lovely Mother’s Day I had thanks to my wonderful, human children. I’m also a mum of three feline children, you know. They both absolutely made my day even though we didn’t get to spend it all together. Like so many right now, their cash flow is more of a trickle than a stream so I told them I did not want them to buy me anything. A card and a chat on the day would be more than enough.

Well, my son, Tom, wrote me the most beautiful three pages in his card which made me smile and also brought a tear to my eye. It was full of praise, respectful admiration, love and his characteristic wit. I won’t share it, though, as he is a very private person. This is also the reason you don’t see me doing my ‘proud mum’ bit publicly very often about him. I respect his wishes but I am hugely proud of him. He’s kind, gentle, caring, intelligent, talented and a brilliant cook, too! I could write a whole blog on each of them, in all honesty. They’re good-hearted souls.

My daughter, Chrissie, put together a truly lovely video gift. Because both of my children are talented singer/songwriters whenever they ask what I’d like for birthdays or Christmas I say hopefully, “you could write and/or sing me a song”. They smile and say, “yeah, maybe one day”. Well, Chrissie got to work and created a ‘mash up’ (her words, she’s young and cool, ha ha!) of some of my favourite songs from over the years. We’ve always had a house full of music from a broad spectrum of genres and these are songs that have been special to us along the way. Here’s a link to the song on her Instagram. Her message below the video made me cry more happy tears!

The main body of the arrangement is from ‘Hey Mama’ by Kanye West. Many years ago my son played it to me as a little gift and told me to listen to the words carefully. They are full of a son’s appreciation for his mother. Ever since then the song moves me to tears and swells my heart with love all at the same time. I recall one Mother’s Day when the two of them prepared my breakfast and gifts and then called me through to the living room where they had the song on repeat for me! Happy memories indeed.

I hope all the mums out there were able to enjoy the day, even if it was very different from ones spent during happier times.

Every year I also like to take a moment to spare a thought for all of those for whom Mother’s Day is not a happy one. Those whose mothers are no longer with them, or grew up without one, those mothers who have lost children or have been unable to become a mother, themselves. I could go on and on with examples. Sadly, there are too many to begin to mention. I just want you to know you were in my thoughts.

I know many of you reading this are mums (and dads) to fur babies, like me. I thought you might appreciate a few piccies of my feline family, Popsiecat, Bowie and Ziggy.

The integration between the trio continues at a slow and steady pace. It may be slow but it’s definite and it’s really important to me to do the right thing by them. I don’t want to rush them and have them feel uncomfortable.

First impressions are lasting impressions when it comes to cats. It’s better to have careful, supervised sessions ending on a positive note than to upset them and create negative associations with each other. I make time for each one of them individually as well as spending time as a group.

Popsie has always enjoyed her own company and the boys are inseparable. They will bring me so much joy. Surely it would be unfair to keep that all to myself so I hope you enjoy these photos.  By the way, even my latest PJs from QVC have cats on! Tigers! Have you spotted them? I love them.

So, that’s it from me for another fortnight but remember you can join me on my social media channels, primarily Instagram these days but I do keep as much of an eye as I can on my others. I’m on there with updates most days.

One more thing, if you’re looking for a great little, casual jacket to see you through the coming sunnier months you’ll want to tune in on Sunday at 9pm and midnight for the latest Today’s Special Value from Kim & Co.

Oh and just one more thing…(getting more like my mum every day in terms of ‘just one more thing’) if you like the pet beds in my photos they are from QVC, by Silentnight. I’m not sure if these are in stock but it’s worth a browse if you’re looking for pet supplies. We often sell out fast but sometimes get some real gems!

One final thing…thank you. Thank you for being there and for supporting us all on our blogs and socials. Also, when you shop with us you are helping to support small businesses that have been reliant on their partnership with QVC for survival. I appreciate you so much.

Lots of love,

Catherine xx

8 Responses

  1. I adore all of your sweet kitties but that ziggy is such a character!!! I just LOOOOOOVE that one of him on his back!!

  2. Oh Catherine, the photos of your ‘fur babies’ are absolutely gorgeous. They look so relaxed, and content, I think your white cat should have some of his own pj’s dont you !!!! bless him. Truly they are two beautiful felines….and I am sure they will receive so much love and attention. Take care Catherine, much love and cuddles to your ‘fur babies’.

  3. Hi Catherine,
    I don’t often comment on your blog as there’s just too many blogs to look at and not enough time but I do enjoy them when I read them. You’re a very kind person. I think you’re so right saying not to buy anything to your children. Honestly it’s just such an unfair world when it comes to so many things. Money being just one. I can’t understand why I’m this day and age there is such a have and have nots state of affairs. So nice of you to mention people who aren’t mothers etc too. How is your own mum? I haven’t kept up sorry.
    I love your cats. Such funny poses. I didn’t realise you had 2 new ones either! So behind!
    Take care x

  4. Love your little ones. They bring so much joy. I have 3 rescue babies and I love them very much. They have seen me through some sad and tough times. Felix is the older boy and he has the softest fur and he is lovely. I had another cat Willow at the same time I had my Felix but he didn’t live long – I found out he had cancer and he died at home. He was a lovely grey kitten at the time and only six months old. He broke my heart. However then Titch came along with a fridge (long story here). He is very shy and does not really get on with the others – he is an independent kitty.
    Eventually, I was able to bring myself to get another grey kitten and I called him ‘Cookie’ who looked like a little teddy bear and he was absolutely beautiful. However, he was stolen and I heard from a vet he had been killed. It was an absolute awful time. I swore then that I would never have another grey cat, but then I heard about a little grey and white kitten that needed to be rescued. I went to see him and he looked so lonely and the people who had him weren’t very nice, so I sort of rescued him. He is like no other cat I have had. I call him Munchkin and he gives me lots of kisses! He jumps on me and falls asleep on my shoulders! He is very much an indoor cat and he likes to have lots of cuddles and hugs. These are my friends and they give me so much love and joy. I love looking after them. They are my family. Take care everyone.

  5. Catherine I just wanted to say thank you so much for mentioning you were thinking of those who are unable to become mums, it’s all I ever wanted to be in my life but because of previous long term ill health it wasn’t to be. I dread mothers day, it’s so hard as a childless women and more so as my mum passed 11 years ago. So few people ever mention those like me so a big THANK YOU!
    Take care

  6. Just beautiful, looking at your beautiful cats is so so relaxing, thank you, our animals have been so important to us they always were and will continue to be thank you for showing yours Catherine just lovely

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