I’m very excited about this week’s blog, as I’m finally able to announce the Charlie Bears Big Deal! This bundle of joy is particularly special in the Brook home.
We love Charlie Bears and have done so ever since they came to QVC some 15 years ago. I’ve bought the range for family, friends, my children and my mum, who adores the miniatures in particular.
My children, when they were very young, got to know Charlie and Will very well, and we’ve been firm friends ever since. My children would often send them pictures of different bear designs too, including one little bundle of fluff called Ragsy! Charlie and a Will adored Ragsy, and this little bear inspired their very first patchwork plush bear. So, Ragsy was born. And she was loved.
Well, to celebrate 15 years at QVC, Ragsy is back as an anniversary bear. I had no idea this was happening – it was a wonderful surprise to find out. Charlie can tell you all about Ragsy, but there are even fewer Ragsy bears to go round this time compared to little Ragsy back in 2010.
So rather than me typing away, Charlie can tell us more about Ragsy, the anniversary bear!
We love her hand-stitched nose, air-brushed detailing and finishing touches by the bear stylists. Another irresistible bear. And as we know… there’s always room for one more bear!
See you soon, and happy 15th anniversary to Charlie Bears.
Charlie x