Pamper your body and mind…

I really hope you are keeping well in mind and body. Although nobody is immune from anguish during these challenging times, it’s so important at the moment we keep on top of our physical and mental wellbeing… don’t forget where the mind goes the body follows, so it’s important to uplift our emotional and physical sides. Here are some products I’ve found very helpful for both from QVC:

8Greens are a delicious effervescent drink containing an essential mix of eight real greens with vitamins C, B12, B6, B5 and zinc to help maintain optimum energy levels and promote healthy-looking skin. They’re packed with goodness, with a single tablet containing vitamin C (found in oranges), B6 (found in spinach), B5 (found in broccoli), B12 (found in milk), and zinc (found in peas). Bonus – they’re only 15 calories and are also sugar free and gluten free. I pop one in a pint of water every morning so I’m super hydrated at the same time!

Decleor Cica Balm, I absolutely love this balm. I carry it around with me all over the house and to work. It’s very calming and soothing. I’ve been using it on my very dry cracked hands and on my chest to help me breathe clearly and feel relaxed at night. It’s wonderful for healing skin but I love the aromatic qualities too, made with powerful essential oils including eucalyptus, rosemary, niaouli and geranium.

Beats Solo3 Headphones that work both wirelessly via Bluetooth but also come with a wire. Play your favourite songs, listen to a podcast or keep in touch with friends and family with these super comfy, stylish earphones. They are excellent quality and although they aren’t noise cancelling, they do a good job of cutting out the background noise. They also come with their own little pouch and have a whopping 40 hours of battery life on one charge. So put your favourite songs on and have a boogie, because music really is the answer to helping your worries go away.

Finally, one of my favourite and fun things to do is some bamboo body tapping with the Bamboo Tapper from Hayo’u – a self-massage tool that’s designed to be tapped on your skin to help it look and feel revitalised. It’s a great one to add to your skincare routine.


Through communication and passion QVC will continue to be with you in your homes and hopefully together we can carve out a happy, harmonious existence. Thank you for being part of our community and keep watching.

Stay safe and well, love Chloe

2 Responses

  1. I rang QVC to check out the house yu were wearing on Saturday afternoon with Ken from plants 2 Garden, to see if I’m ours order the flowery top yu we’re wearing …alas not available on QVC… just wondering if yu we’re willing to share just how to obtain this top….is at all possible…
    Luv your presentations and many of the tops yu wear in the process…

    Kind regards Barbara Bach.

  2. Hi chlo, interesting blogs. Love your doggy.

    Also wanted to say you’re my favourite female presenter … downtoearth, and great sense of fun and humour.

    I’d love to have a girlie drink with you in London !!!

    Stay well, and hopefully family.

    Nicky x

    (My fav. male presenter I think has to be Dale coz he’s funny too.😂)

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