Family holiday and Today’s Special Value!

Holá from sunny Spain! Well, the runway at Seville to be precise! Which of these two photos do we look most relaxed in!? Spot the before and after!!!!

After a gorgeous family holiday, I’m realising that, crikey, it’s September and it’s gonna be ‘go, go, go’ the moment we touchdown (it’s now four days since I started to write this… forgive me as I pick up where I left off!).

Madds has asked for the taxi home to drop her off directly to a party… Joe too is straight out… I guess the fact we had them en masse with us for 10 days was quite a feat and an achievement! So it’s just Tom, Dan and I prepping for the realities of ‘back to it’: me with an early start (now that will be a shock!) and Dan with a mountain of work to catch up on.

Tom is quite delighted to be getting back to a routine, and some cooler weather! He’s definitely not made for heat and has struggled in the cities of Barcelona and Seville… our days were punctuated with multiple drink and food stops.

We had a midway haetus at my brothers place for a few days, where I moved from pool to sun bed and back again in a finely-tuned choreographed routine! This allowed my poor feet to recover after the 1000’s of steps in the punishing heat.

We walked so much and I so wished for Sketchers. I really did, as all my shoes rubbed my feet raw… bless Madds, she lent me her trainers, thank goodness! So, my Seville experience was rather improved.

Blisters and midge bites… us girls’ daily tot up. Why the girls? Any thoughts? No boys were bitten on this trip, I tell you. It’ll be the hormones, I tell you. Hormones are MASSIVE, are they not?!

I have loved the freedom of wafting around semi-clad. The speedy get-ready, when all you need is a waft of makeup here and there. To be able to say that you’ll be ready in two minutes and still have seconds to spare; to leave the hair as is, fresh from the shower in a bun, a plait or a ‘scrumfle’ of sorts (a messy side blob!). I’ve loved it, it’s so freeing…

Back to normal service in a matter of hours now, though. With my ‘on-air ready’ face and hair.

So, Barcelona versus Seville… for us it was hands down Seville. The food, the quaintness of the culture… we loved it. Our hotel was gorgeous, super traditional in style, with a divine collection of courtyards. And the spectacular air-con, of course. Such a treat after the heat of the city.

One of my heart swelling moments was this:

You’ll notice these are clearly on different days. I just loved seeing the other two recognise him struggling. Sometimes I must admit that having a slow 18-year-old attached to you can be testing at times, particularly when it’s hot. You are blister-making at the rate of knots and let’s not mention the inner thighs connecting… crikey, that seriously HURTS!

I snapped these beautiful moments of sibling love. On a grey day that will cheer me no end.

Ok, so now it’s Friday and I will continue where I left off.

It was a delight to be back on-air last Tuesday with you, less of a delight to be in my bed on Wednesday struck down by a migraine. After my Daith piercing in November which had seemingly done the trick. It seems those dragged hormones are refusing to play ball – that and dehydration, I reckon.

Though interestingly the pain was in a different part of my head: the back and neck as oppose to the front. So I’m now wondering if I had the other ear pierced, would that help?

I’m researching supplements, tracking my hormones (there is a pattern I think), so let’s hope I can find an answer. Rest assured, I will share all.

I have just posted this photo of my fresh naked face on Instagram:

Obviously the gentle glow of a tan does wonders, but seemingly the fresh-faced look is appreciated. It is sooo much easier to go bare, so-to-speak, in the summer, isn’t it?

I thought I’d share my current skincare routine and my holiday make-up choices, just in case you are interested…

For skin care, I’ve been cleansing with Elemis Pro-Collagen Cleansing Balm (a Beauty Award winner once again!), then applying the Elemis Superfood AHA Glow Booster. I love it but I was so disappointed when I failed to screw the lid on thoroughly, so my make-up bag got more benefit than my face… grrrrrrr.

Then I use Alpha-H Absolute Eye Complex, followed by Isle of Paradise Glow Happy Gradual Face Self-Tan – I’m totally obsessed with this whisper of a glow serum.

I’m also loving Liz Earle’s Natural Neroli Superskin Moisturiser for fool-proof and necessary hydration! After fifteen minutes I then top it off with the Decleor Green Mandarine Sun Kissed Cream – new to me and part of a trio that I am loving. I’m also adding little extras along the way if I’m near my cupboard. A girl can’t have too much hydration, after all.

After a sunny summer, our hair needs hydration just as much, so let’s all vow to use our Philip Kingsley Elasticizer more regularly in order to help with the everyday cleanse.

For Today’s Special Value we have a fabulous three-piece Rose & Lychee Supersize Collection with the amazing and skin-balancing Elasticizer in a luscious rose and lychee fragrance, to make the ordinary a joy! You get the same Elasticizer, so no excuses but to make it a new habit. You’ll thank me for it!

Thank you soooo much Philip Kingsley and QVC for also including the ordinary must-haves of shampoo and conditioner in the collection, with the litre sizes of the much-loved and best selling Body Building Shampoo and Moisture Balancing Conditioner.

Talking of hydration, having recognised I lack it with the result of a migraine, I have drunk so much water these last few days, I may pop. It’s so irritating constantly having to go to the loo, but there’s something super gratifying about all those toxins that I’m eliminating that I’m sure I’ll get used to the loo stops. I just look about 5 months pregnant! It would be a water baby… ah, I did love reading the Water Babies by the Reverend Charles Kingsley!

Now, my make-up on holiday consisted of Gatineau Eye Contour Cream and a smidge of Benefit Gimme Brow and Hoola California, Mally Eyeliner and my Tarte eye palette just to soften down the liner.

I also brought alomg some Bareminerals, I either used the punch of Barepro Longwear Lipstick or the gentle Gen Nude shades and boom, pretty much a two-minute make-up routine. I think the lashes take the longest time!

So, September has begun and my three are back in the swing of sixth form, year 11 and college for Tom. I feel it’s going to be a tumultuous year for Tom and heads down for Maddie and Joe. Provisional Driving license has also been applied for (OMG), as Joe turns 17 in a few weeks. How can this be happening?

There is a definite nip in the air now, regardless of sunshine. But I’ll hang onto colour and summer. Well, until I look like a complete idiot and then I’ll slide gracefully into Autumn! That being said, I’m already peeking into the website and admiring/ordering some autumn fashions! We have some great boots coming up from Marc Fisher (178715) on Friday.

As we move into a new season there is less washing on the line and more draped around the home… luckily a Lakeland heated airier (806444) is coming at the weekend. To continue the hydration theme, watch out for the TSV on Sunday 15th September with Elemis 4 Piece Pro-Collagen Skincare Secrets on a great offer.

Now that holiday season is done, I’ll be back to speed with you and look forward to chatting back with you here and on my Instagram and Twitter pages.

Lots of love,

Claire xxx

13 Responses

  1. Claire, love the pictures of your children taking care of Tom. Beautiful inside and out.
    They are a credit to you and your husband.

  2. Hi Claire love all your photos the heat is hard going isnt it I’ve just been to lake maggoire did loads of waking my feet swell bad but managed better than normal now I’m on hrt couldn’t put up with the aches and pains hot flushes and feelings of anxiety any longer I sympathise with you my mum suffered awful with migraine when she was going through menopause hope you get it sorted soon. Anyway glad you had a great time away with your lovely family love Loraine x

  3. Hi claire,
    Your children are gorgeous and such a credit to you. I’m glad you had a good holiday. You have extra permanent responsibility but I hope you had a bit of a break. So lovely to see the other two comfort Tom.
    Sorry about your migraine and I really sympathise. Stress has a lot to do with it I feel. Take care x

  4. So I have been suffering from the most chronic migraines for some years now and had one wIth pierced at the beginning of this year which did reduce them but not stop them. This did improve from at least one migraine a month lasting at least 3 days to a migraine lasting a few hours. 2 months ago I had the other faith pierced and have not had a migraine since!!! If I was you I would try as T the moment it has certainly worked for me 😀 on j have also been told to twist them regularly which I do every day! I hope that helps.

  5. Fantastic blog Claire. Lovely pic and the pics of your children with Tom bought a lump to my throat. Those pics say it all – lovely children and the love they have for their older brother. You look great in your hol pics and wow in your fresh faced pic you look fantastic, you really do. As for the bites – us girls are so often the tastier ones! I often get bitten while the fellas get off with none!! You have my sympathy with the migraines and hormones. Oh boy it is so hard. I too am looking at alternatives to help. You certainly looked great on the Philip Kingsley show. You have a fantastic head of hair which many of us can only dream of – however, thanks to PK us finer hair ladies can take the best care possible of our hair. Fantastic TSV and i couldnt wait to order mine as i havent yet experienced this fragrance and the value for money was outstanding for those fab sizes xx

  6. I adore the photo of your “fresh naked face”, you look so healthy, and relaxed. The way your children are with each other shows how nurturing and respectful they are, truly a sign of a wonderful family life. xxx

  7. Oh Patsy – me too , super special – I could only hope having more children would be the right thing for us all – I was so right – Thankyou for your kind words xx

  8. Claire, lovely heart warming pictures of your children helping Tom. I am a fellow migraine sufferer, I have found however since I started taking Co-enzyme Q10 tablets they have been massively reduced. With best regards. Cindy Corrigan

  9. What beautiful skin you have Claire, loved the family photos, looked like a marvellous holiday, you all look so happy…hugs.. Kathleen xx

  10. Claire, what lovely holiday pictures of your gorgeous family. Beautiful ones to treasure with Tom being helped by Joe and Maddie. Talking of Maddie, she has the most beautiful eyes, she will break a few hearts with her good looks. She is like you Claire and your skin looks lovely on the bare faced picture. Sorry about the migraines, wish I could help, but don’t have any answers. Just a question of time! I have hair like yours, long, thick and curly so reordering the Philip Kingsley TSV was a must for me. Love the products. Lovely seeing you back on air, God Bless xx

  11. Hiclaire as we say here in aberdeen fit like which means how are you iam not bad.enjoying a2week lazy holiday from mcdonald swhich iam doing nothing hope your family are well.
    next my 25th year working at mcdonalds but i enjoy my job.

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