It’s been a pleasure – thank you for 22 years


We would like to say a big thank you to Claire Sutton for her loyalty and dedication to QVCUK over the last 22 years. Her team spirit and enthusiasm will be greatly missed and we would like to send Claire and her family our warmest wishes for now and the future.

152 Responses

  1. Oh I’m upset I love your blogs and hearing about your beautiful family. Hope you enjoy your pastures new and will miss listening to your great presentations at QVC. Good luck and lots of love Karen x

    1. Oh just seen this Claire,,we will certainly miss your cheery smile and presentations ,,,hope you enjoy your life Claire along with your lovely family,,take care and stay safe,,Cora and Susan x

    2. Love and best wishes to one of our favourite qvc ladies you will be missed a million times over

  2. Will miss you Claire! You have been and will always be a ray of beautiful sunshine!
    Wishing you all the very best to you and your lovely family!

    Love and best wishes
    Rachel Willmer

  3. Aww Claire I can’t believe you won’t be at QVC you are so bubbly and always got a smile on your face take care whatever you do next you will be missed. Xx

  4. Oh Claire
    How emotional but well done for getting through the speech!
    You will be greatly missed as your effervescence is catching. Always smiling and bring a warmth to our screens
    Absolutely you must put family first and I wish ALL of you the best of luck. Hope Tom achieves what he wants to do. Have fun fighting beau’s from beautiful Maddie and your middle lad (his name escapes me for now 🥴) best of luck in his future. Take care. You are a lovely, honest and caring young woman xxx

    1. Dear Clare , I have watched you though all our good and bad times and you are a breathe of fresh air on qvc. You will be sadly missed but I wish you all the luck in the world with whatever is your future project . Thank you for all those years take care and much love you and your lovely family.

  5. Au revoir Claire! 😢
    Your sparkle has been so upliftIng and such a joy and now you are going to sprinkle it elsewhere.🧚 Go with much happiness and love and know that you make a difference wherever you are and will be sadly missed. Good luck to you and your family for the next chapter, health and happiness. Love and light.
    Angela ❤️

  6. Hi Claire
    I haven’t messaged you in a few years now but couldn’t let this one go. I am so very sorry you have left QVC. I am going to miss your smiling happy face & upbeat spirit. Watching you always made me feel uplifted. I have watched you since you started at QVC, watched all your children growing up. You have a wonderful family & husband. I hope you will be very happy in your future life wherever you go or whatever you do. Good luck, good health & Love sent to you all. X Sylvia

  7. Hi Claire hope you get to see this: Sad news that you have left Qvc, I remember when you first started! I hope what you have planned for the future for you and your family goes well. Good luck love Debbie Xx

    1. Dear Claire I’ve not messaged you before but I felt I had to this time because I was so sorry to hear that you’re leaving QVC. It was always such a pleasure to listen to you and watch your presentations.Sadly my husband died last year and watching you over the last few month has managed to bring a smile to my face I will miss seeing you but I can understand that family takes priority. I wish you lots of happy times ahead. Take good care xx

  8. Claire sorry to see you are leaving QVC.

    You are wonderful person and you have a lovely family and I wish you all the very best.

    Teresa (the lady who would love a Diamond tree).

    If ever I get one I will send you a cutting.

  9. So so very sorry Clare to learn that you have left QVC.

    You truly are my favorite presnter.

    I met you at a Beauty Bash in London a few yeaars ago, and you sre just as lovely in the flesh as on screen.

    Please let us knoW hoW you are, and what you are doing.
    Lots of love to you and your family

    1. Oh Claire, have only just seen this and had to write a msg. I can’t believe you are leaving QVC, I have followed you on the Q just after you and Dan got married, seen you go through your 3 pregnancies and watch your children grow up. You have been an utter delight, always sparkly and bubbly, lovely smile and have brightened up my day on many occasions. I appreciate it can be hard at times to juggle a family and all it entails AND hold down a job, but you always seemed so happy on-screen. Your children have grown up so fast and I guess life at home can be manic (I know, I’ve worked and brought up 2 children)! I wish you, Dan and your lovely family all the luck and happiness for the future, I hope life is kind for you, never change Claire, you are such a lovely kind and caring person. God bless you all in wherever and whatever life has in stall for you. Take care, much love xxx

  10. You will be sorely missed Claire but I wish you much joy, contentment and success in the future.

  11. OH NO!!!! Claire I will miss you so much,love your shows. Good luck for the future and best wishes xxx 😘

  12. It’s so very sad to see Claire going from our QVC screen she has that rare quality to be able to brighten up the darkest day I’m sure we all have them Claire your smile and sparkle will be hugely missed Please sprinkle some if your sparkle on some of your fellow presenters who take it all so terribly serious Take care Good luck and I hope your futures wonderful

  13. Oh Claire, you will be missed so much! I always love watching you – your smile and zest for life light up the screen. Wishing you and you lovely family sunshine and smiles always – and wish you success and much happiness in the future, wherever it takes you. Enjoy your next adventure! xxx

  14. Oh no Claire out of all the presenters you have honestly in my opinion been the most genuine with no sides.
    I hope that QVC really tried their hardest to make you stay!

    Wishing you and your lovely family all the best for the future.

    Janet Groves

  15. On no what a shock. Was expecting one of your joyous blogs and instead no more lovely you. Sadness aside, you are obviously leaving for the best of reasons, your wonderful family who you love very much. I will miss your effervescent personality, you truly light up the screen. Oh boo hoo don’t want you to go! God bless to you and your lovely family – take care forever love Tanya x

  16. Hi Claire,
    So sorry to hear your leaving QVC, I always enjoyed watching your shows with your tremendous enthusiasm.
    Will miss your lovely smiley face, but family must always come first.
    Take care and very best wishes to you and your family for the future.
    Hazel xx

  17. Wishing you & your family a bright & happy future. Being totally selfish I feel as though someone has taken away my glass of fizz & replaced it with a sugar free cordial, I’ll survive & I know that you’ll do that & so much more. Thank you for all your vivacious enthusiasm. love from Jo XxX

    1. Hello Claire. This is my first time leaving a message for anyone. I had to leave one for you. I’m really emotional writing this. You will be missed so much, but you are a wonderful Mum and a really good person. I have a wonderful Mum who is now my guardian Angel. So be with your wonderful family, being around the people who truly love us, gives us peace of mind. If we are Healthy We are wealthy. You will be terrible missed, and hopefully one day we will see you back. In the meantime. I wish you all the happiness in the world with your wonderful family. Tell them from one who knows. When you have a wonderful Mum, you have a head start. Bless you all Claire, and your lovely family In good health happiness, and peace of mind.
      Freda Robinson.

  18. Hi Claire
    All the above and more I will miss your vivacious bubbly personality take care and enjoy your lovely family good luck and all the best.

    Love Maureen MacTaggart X

  19. Hi Claire will miss you and your smiles hope you enjoy whatever you do next and some me time hopefully best wishes to you all love Loraine xxx😀

  20. Such a shame your leaving you’ve been a wonderful natural warm friendly presenter , I’ll miss you on screen, good luck in all your going to do and to all your family xx

  21. I was so sorry to see this yesterday. You have brightened my day many times, so so sad to see you go, you will be very much list. Unfortunately there aren’t that many good presenters left in my opinion, still miss Debbie Greenwood take care sending love to you and your family xx

  22. Oh Claire that was a shock I had no idea you were leaving us. You will be missed. I wish you every happiness and success for the future. x

  23. Hi Claire, I am so very sorry that you are leaving QVC. Your bubbly personality always lights up the screen and it’s like watching a treasured friend. It can’t always have been easy on screen as I know having read your blogs over the years that life hasn’t and isn’t always a breeze for you. That shows what a true professional you are as well as such a lovely lady too. I can understand your decision as family always comes first and I think the times we have been living through recently have given us the opportunity to sit back and assess our lives. I’m wishing you a fond farewell and wish you all the very best for the future but be in no doubt that you will leave a very big void on screen and will be sadly missed.

    Much love and happiness,
    Denise xx

  24. Sorry to see you go Claire, it was always a pleasure to watch you on screen and read your blogs. Your lovely smiling face, enthusiasm and positive personality will be missed. Best wishes to you and your family x

  25. You brought a tear to my eye tonight Claire.
    Wishing you & your lovely family all the best for the future.

  26. Hi Claire I’m sorry to hear that you have now left QVC. I have enjoyed watching your shows you are a great presenter and you will be missed. Best wishes for the future x

  27. Distant memory, many many years ago, presenting with Julian over Christmas, I’m sure it was Christmas Day? Much has happened since, you have juggled family life with three lovely children and a great husband and QVC!! Best wishes to you and the family, the future is exciting, follow your dreams xxxx

  28. Oh this is such bad news for QVC, hope this isn’t the start of others going. You have a wonderful way with you and will be terribly missed. One of the few genuine people on the channel. Good luck with the family and your future. Fingers crossed you will return to the Q one day xx

  29. Hi Claire, I have never left a message for anyone before, i just had to send a message to you. You have been a joy watching, a joy to listen to and a joy getting to know. I too have a son with special needs, hes 27 although we love him dearly, like you we have our challenges. Life certainly is, at times, very difficult. We smile and get on with it, inside sometimes struggling. You are such a lovely person. The future for you will be bright and very rewarding (you know what i mean) I wish you and your wonderful family, strength, good health, love, happiness, laughter and success going forward. Take care of yourself. Love, kisses and hugs Jackie xxxxx

  30. Will miss your lovely vivacious personality. Enjoy making precious memories with your family. Keep well and stay safe. Hugs Jules

  31. Dearest Claire,
    Only just read that you have left QVC, I felt quite sad, but I understand it’s very important to give time to your family.
    Wishing you all the best, enjoy your family, you will be missed.

  32. Hi Claire I have left you a message on your last blog which I am sure you will read – but I hadn’t actually seen the footage of your leaving message then. You did well to hold it together and it showed how much your friends at QVC mean to you.
    Life throws many things at us and at times we wonder how we get through some of the downs but as they say a trouble shared … But at the same time the ups can be shared too and joy is nothing if it is not shared with others.
    Our lives touch so many people along the way and to have a loving family and friends alongside you is true wealth indeed. Memories are the loveliest thing and I am sure that you will have so many over the 22 years that will stay with you always.
    You will be much missed by colleagues and viewers alike. Wishing you future happiness in all that you do
    With love from Julia xxx

  33. Good luck Claire
    You will be so missed have been watching since before you got married and watch you grown as a
    Wonderful caring Mum. Wishing you good luck for you and your family in the future.
    Your honest opinions were always appreciated. Take care and stay safe kindest regards Robina xx

  34. Thank you for lighting up the tv for so long, you have made me smile through my low times over the years. Good luck and much love to you and your gorgeous family. You will be in my prayers xxxx

  35. Oh Claire I filled up watching you announce you were leaving. You have always been a pleasure to watch, lighting up the screen with your big smile and fabulous hair! A true professional, genuine, lovely, beautiful person. You enjoy your new chapter with that amazing family of yours. Thank you for all the joy you have brought over the years. I’m going to miss you.

  36. Aww Claire 🙁 I will so miss your beautiful smiling charismatic face. You have always bought sunshine into our home.
    I wish you and your wonderful family all the very best for your futures. God bless and take care. Love from another Claire xx

  37. Hi Claire, i was very surprised to see your video message on Instagram saying you were leaving QVC. I will miss your lovely bubbly unique personality and the joy you seem to find in everything. I also understand that your family comes first. I wish the very best in life to you and your family.
    Love and hugs

  38. Remember when you first appeared on our screens Claire. Seems like your part of the family. Will miss your bubbly friendly face. Can’t believe it’s been 22 years. All the best for the future to you and your family. Love Julie xx

  39. I send good wishes to you and your family,you will be missed. But your family.must come first. Pauline Wx

  40. Aww Claire sure gonna miss ya! Love your bubbly personality, but all the very best in your future ventures, best wishes to you and your family x

  41. Hi Claire
    So sorry to hear you are leaving loved watching your presentations. You were always so happy and bubbly no matter the show you were presenting. Hope all goes well in your new chapter for you and your family.
    Maureen x

  42. Claire I will so miss your blogs.. You once posted a poem by LR Knost… I have it stuck on a mirror at home you never know how it has helped me through some dark days.. Thanks Claire
    I’m sure you will enjoy whatever you do next.

  43. Beautiful lady, be happy, look after your wee family, you will be so missed, you did sparkle every time on air, your fabulous smile and enthusiasm shone through every time, enjoy your next chapter ❤️ lots of love…… Take care.

  44. Sorry to see Claire leave QVC. My favourite presenter.
    Wishing Claire and her family very best wishes for the future.x

  45. So sorry Claire that you have left, you were one of my fav’s, always brightening up the day with your beautiful smile and gorgeous hair!! Never pushy, always genuine, you will be very much missed. Good that you can get to spend more time with your beautiful family now. My very best wishes to you for the future, love Karen xx

  46. So sorry to hear that you are leaving Claire. I wish you and your lovely family every happiness in the future. I know that you will face the challenges ahead with the positivity that you always show.

    I shall miss your bubbly personality, your fabulous hair and your gorgeous engagement ring.

    Lots of love. Helen xx

  47. Claire, it’s been a pleasure for us too. Your sparkling professionalism is a joy to watch.
    Hoping that one day you will return.Best of luck to you and your family. Xx

  48. Hi Claire, I hope you get to read this message. I am so sorry that you are leaving Qvc. Wishing you all the happiness in life. Take care. Antoinette

  49. Claire Sutton the Queen of the QVC screen!
    Will miss your lovely happy face.

    With Best Wishes
    Janet X

  50. Dear Claire, so sorry to hear you are leaving QVC. Thank you for all the love and personality you have shown in your shows. I will miss you. Take care and all the very best for the future. Carol x

  51. Claire, so sad to hear that you are have left QVC. It has been a joy to see you on screen and to read your blogs, many of which have been a real inspiration.
    Thank you for sharing all your stories with us over the years. You will be greatly missed.
    Wishing you and your wonderful family all the very best for the future. xx

  52. Claire

    Thank you for years of sharing your love of life and wonderful family with us for years. It was kind and enlightening to see your journey so far with your three beautiful children.

    Good luck to all of you stay healthy and happy. Sheelagh x

  53. Oh Claire,I didn’t see that coming😢. I will really miss your blogs about your family and of course your cheery disposition.Good luck in the future in whatever you do,you will be missed.

  54. So sad that you are leaving Claire, you will be truly missed. You are such a gorgeous person inside and out and a fabulous presenter. Best wishes for the future, XXX

  55. Hi Claire. I was so sorry to hear that you are leaving QVC. You are one of my favourite presenters and you will be sorely missed. I have watched you from your very first day on this channel and you have always been so professional, genuine, caring and thoughtful. Enjoy this new chapter with your lovely family and take time for yourself too. Lots of love Sue xx

  56. You will be missed more than you will ever know. You were the best presenter on QVC ! Have a wonderful life with your lovely family, you deserve it. Best wishes x.

  57. Oh Claire so sad to hear you are leaving qvc I will miss you and your happy smile I have followed you from day one just can not believe you are going but I understand you have to put your beautiful family first. All the very best to you lots of love Pauline xx

  58. Oh gosh, Claire! I think we all have tears in our eye now. Bless you, you have been amazing. We will miss your sparkle and your dazzling personality but, when it is time for new adventures, then you have to follow your heart. Wishing you and your family the very, very best. Judith xx

  59. So sorry to hear you are leaving QVC, you are such a lovely lady, I wish you all the very best for the future….. Look after your self…… Xx

  60. So sorry that you’re leaving after all this time x You will be missed. But having recently left my own job of 30 years, I’m sure you won’t regret it. Best wishes to you and your family, now and for the future.

  61. When you read ALL these blogs perhaps you will reLise how very much you are loved and how very very much all of us will miss you. I do realise how hard it is to “juggle” when you have a family but particularly when you have a “special” family. It’s always been good to share your triumphs and to think this is what we may have to conquer in about yeah years. I do hope you find true happiness and peace in anything you do in the future. Thanks for everything you have given to all of us over the past 22 years. Stay safe. Denise x

  62. Oh Claire what a loss to qvc but good luck to you and your beautiful family been watching you from the start of your career always so happy enjoy your pastures new
    Hefina xx❤️

  63. Am I the only man replying!!! Sorry to see you go but family must come first.always remember claire you will always be the most feminine woman on the planet.god bless. Colin

  64. Dear Claire, so sorry to see you go. I remember when you first joined QVC, you was and still is a Ray of sunshine when your on. You will be missed. All the best for the future for you and your family.

    Jenease. 🍾🥂

  65. Claire.

    I will miss your happy bubbly smiling face, you light up the TV. I wish you all the very best for the future. You will be a great loss to QVC
    Hope you can put your feet up take a rest and enjoy your lovely family.

    Good Luck

  66. So sorry to hear you have left QVC, you are a beautiful person inside and out. But family is the most important thing in this strange world we are living in, so i hope you and your lovely family have a very happy future together. Take care jayne xx

  67. On Claire first time I have written to you best of luck and happiness for the future take care and God Blessx

  68. I feel numb, will miss watching you Claire, u are so lovely and it’s sad to know you wont be bringing that enthusiasm to our screens. I have never left a comment before but couldn’t miss this one. Good luck for the future Claire you will be missed.💋💝

  69. I am so sorry you are leaving there will be a void in presenters and viewers lives.
    I do hope you have something to look forward to but I do wish you every success In whatever you do in the future.
    Good luck claire xx

  70. You are so lovely Claire shall miss you so much and such a wonderful presenter good luck to you enjoy your 👪 family xx

  71. Angela says

    Claire you always put a smile on my face when you was presenting, you was a ray of sunshine on QVC, you will be sadly missed. Best wishes for the future for you and your family. 🌻🌻🌻

  72. Wishing you well in whatever you do. I have been a qvc customer for a long time and remember some of my favourite presenters. However I did once actually meet you at my place of work. I remember you came in for some curtain fabric and i served you. I knew, I knew your face !? It was your smile that I recognised and lovely bubbly personality. May you and your family always be happy.

  73. Hello Claire
    Such a sad day for QVC and us followers. You have been a breath of fresh air and will be sadly missed. I wish you all the very best for the future for you and your family whatever it holds for you. You are a lovely person inside and out.
    Fondest wishes Judith xx

  74. I will really miss Claire Sutton, so bubbly, warm, vivacious, joyful. She’s always been a
    pleasure to watch – sometimes I’d watch her just because she cheered me up, even though I wasn’t interested in the product she was demonstrating! The very best of luck & joy in your next chapter. You will be missed xxxx

  75. Aww cant believe that you have decided to leave qvc, I loved watching you, your so bubbly and a joy to watch, your going to be missed so much. Take care claire good look for the future 😘

  76. Oh just seen this Claire,,we will certainly miss your cheery smile and presentations ,,,hope you enjoy your life Claire along with your lovely family,,take care and stay safe,,Cora and Susan x

  77. Good luck Claire hubby and family, wishing you all good health and happiness, you have been a ray of sunshine , happy and positive always looking so glam. Kind Regards Jan

  78. Hi Claire sorry to see you go but then again 22 years is a long time and sometimes it’s time for a change – speaking from experience – it is refreshing to have a change. I worked in the same department at NHS for many years and then was transferred to another department and I now temp for them. What it has taught me is to go and find new experiences.

    Well you will be missed I’m sure but then again – do something new.

  79. A momentous decision for you to take – very best wishes to you and your family – I hope the future is filled with good things for you all. I’m sure there were plenty of times on air when you didn’t feel ‘sparkly’ but it never showed. I’ll miss your smiling face on QVC. xx

  80. Im so sorry you’re leaving QVC, Ive been watching since 2007 and you’ve always been so lovely, positive and warm.
    But its lovely that you will be able to spend more time with your family and I wish you all the best for the future….and maybe one day in the future when family life is a little less chaotic you may return to our screens 🙂 Im holding onto that thought. Warmest wishes to you and your loved ones. x x x

  81. I just can’t believe your leaving Claire, such a shame, you are such a warm and beautiful lady.
    Your a brilliant presenter with a beautiful smile and always been very jealous of your hair.
    You will be sadly missed.
    Take care of yourself and beautiful family and good luck in whatever new adventure you choose to do.
    Loads of love.
    Angie xx

  82. Dear Claire , Been with you since day one . Doesn’t seem long since you were arranging your wedding ! Time goes by so quickly . Your children now all grown . It has been such a pleasure following your stories . You were always a breath of fresh air & cheery . You will be sadly missed at QVC. Lots of love to you & your family, Good luck in your next chapter .xxx


    1. Dear Claire, So sorry you have left QVC; you have always been one of my favourite presenters and I always felt as if a friend had come to visit when you were on! Lots and lots of love to you and your family and God Bless for the future. xxxx

  84. Oh Claire I will miss your positivity and ability to brighten up my day. You can’t imagine how much you will be missed. Good luck with everything you have planned and I hope that one day we will see you again. Thank you for being a warm ray of sunshine. xxxxx

  85. Awh bless you Claire so sad your going but pastures new. Your bubbling personality will be missed a lovely girl Good luck in your future xx

  86. darling claire, i,ve just heard your leaving !!!! so many nice memories , i always think of the time we were in the bahamas doing qvc shows , you brought dan and we had such an amazing time !!!! your leaving qvc but i hope you and your AMAZING hair will stay in touch and come and see me , so i,m not saying goodbye , lots of love simon x

  87. Dear Claire , so sorry that you are leaving QVC. Wishing you and your family all the very best for the future. Good Luck.
    Love Alison xxx

  88. Dear Claire
    thank you for bring a happy face always to our screens, you will be missed so much, best wishes to you and your family, God Bless

  89. Dear Claire,

    You really are such a very lovely lady, over the many years that I have been a QVC Customer you quickly became my favourite Presenter, always so warm and friendly and I felt that I knew you. Good Luck to you and your family, I will miss you, and in my opinion some of the other Presenters can learn alot from you.

    Take care of yourself and stay safe.


  90. How sad to hear that you are leaving QVC. I have been a customer for over 20 years and have followed your highs and lows. You always made us feel part of the QVC family and we shall miss following Thomas, Joseph and Maddie growing up. I sat next to you at a lunch in an Italian restaurant that was hosted by Viva las Vegas (I am still in touch with John Peters) and we chatted at a Beauty Bash when you were very anxious about Thom changing schools. I shall treasure happy memories and wish you and your lovely family health and happiness in the future.

  91. Claire sorry that you will be leaving the qvc family ….and no longer be on our tv
    Best wishes for your next chapter in your life ….

    Good luck x

  92. Hi Claire

    So sorry you are leaving you were always a breath of fresh air. I remember watching your first appearance on QVC 22 years ago god I was 37 then.

    All the best in the future for you and your family. May x

  93. Dear Claire
    I am so so sad you are leaving QVC. You are my favourite presenter and always make me smile with your lovely bubbly nature and your loving genuine personality.
    I wish you all the love good health and happiness for you and your gorgeous families future.
    Love Linda xxxxx

  94. So sorry to hear the news Claire…. You truly sparkle on air. As a guest, you hosted my first ever live Show on Qvc style and made it a very special and memorable evening on air (fashion outlet). You bring sunshine to our screens and will be truly missed. Many, many best wishes in your next chapter.. Love Margherita Xx

  95. Claire, this must have been a very tough decision to make and as much as I will miss you ( which seems such a strange statement to make, given you don’t know me and I don’t really know the real everyday you ). But I thank you for being a friendly presence in my life for so many years. For helping me realise life goes on, when I started grieving the loss of my beloved mum. I wish you and your family good health, good fortune and the strength to face whatever life unfolds. Keep spreading joy and sunshine, very best wishes, Dawn xxx.

  96. Aww Claire very sad news will miss you good luck and lots of love to you and your lovely family take care love di xxx

  97. Darling Claire,

    I have watched you for years and think you are a fab presenter. I have noticed over the past year your eyes don’t have the sparkle and your blogs allude to a certain sadness within you.

    Take more care of you, make more time for you please, please, please.

    Wishing you much joy and laughter, away from QVC .

    Victoria x

  98. Dear Claire, you will be greatly missed on QVC, love your bubbly personality and fabulous hair. Wishing your and your family all the very best. Alison xx

  99. I always remember meeting you at the auditions all those years ago! You were so lovely to me. Sadly I only got through to see the panel, who thought I would be great fun on a night out , but perhaps not believable enough!
    At the time I was going through a very rough patch but, life happiness and maturity, perhaps too much age! has brought me to my request. My Mum, Marjorie Robinson buys on my behalf so I don’t have an account. If you can help me in any way to become a presenter , I know Have so much to offer. I am an avid viewer of QVC, my husband says I m addicted!
    Will miss your bubbly presentations, but family has to come first. Take care and your wonderful eldest.

  100. When I told my sister you were leaving , she said oh no Claire with the beautiful hair. I have watched you from day one. You have such an enormous personality that brings great energy to the TV screen. Wishing you all the very best for the future. I know decisions like this are never made overnight. Your wonderful smile will be truly missed by everyone Best wishes for the future. Love Jackie xxx

  101. What a special lady you are. I started watching QVC 21 years ago after the birth of my daughter Celia who had Trisomy 18 and sadly no longer with us. Due to her condition, I spent many an hour, late at night, in the wee small hours, or very early morning pacing up and down trying to sooth her. Watching you on QVC was like a life line. Thank you. Sending much love to you and your beautiful family. Will miss your bright effervescent smile. Anne Michelle xx

  102. Oh Claire just seen this. Your bubbly enthusiasm will be sadly missed – you brightened up the screen, especially during these difficult times. I wish you and your family everything you would wish for yourselves. Be happy and stay well.
    Love from Lyn.

  103. Morning Claire,
    So sad to hear you are leaving the show after such a long time, we have watched you over the years and listen to you about your wonderful family.
    What is your next plan is it T.V? Or something completely new? This must have been a difficult decision to make at such uncertain times.
    I had a tears in my eyes when I read your blog.
    Take care, when is your last day with QVC?
    Love Rose xx

  104. Claire so sorry to hear that you are leaving QVC , it was always a pleasure to watch you with your bubbly personality and fabulous hair you are a great presenter. I always enjoyed reading your blogs you let us into your family life , it always came across how proud you are of your family and why shouldn’t you . I wish you well in whatever path you take next and may you be happy xxx

  105. Aww so sorry you are leaving you have a pleasure to watch. Good luck & best wishes for your future. Love Deb’s xx

  106. From you first appeared on screen & in all the years since you’ve been the most lovely, good-natured, down to earth presenter on QVC & I’m sad you’re no longer there keeping me company. You’ve gone from the newly engaged girl who married Dan & is now mum to your 3 beautiful children & I’d like to thank you for sharing the ups & downs of your life(s) & being so honest in doing so. I don’t think you realise how many of us will miss you but no-one can blame or begrudge you wanting to have more time for you & your family – so many, many thanks & lots of love & happiness Claire xxxx

  107. I remember you Claire are in the early days you’ve come on in leaps and bounds since then and enjoy your shows and I’ll miss you you all the best for the future

  108. Sorry to hear you are hanging up your ear piece Claire, wishing you every happiness in the future, good luck to you and your family, you will be greatly missed love from Marilyn xx

  109. I am so so sorry to see that you have left QVC. You are a breath of fresh air, with a smile that lights up the screen and such a lovely way of connecting with all your QVC friends. I wish you joy in everything you do. Lots of love to you and your lovely family Judexxx

  110. So very sorry you have left QVC I remember when you first came on air and where so very nervous I send you and your beautiful family much love for the future I wish you all the best of health and a wonderful future please don’t forget all the people out here who love you .Much happiness my love and prayers are with you all.Linda xxx

  111. How sad to find Claire was leaving her smile and happy look will be missed. You never showed viewer anything other than joy.
    We will miss you.
    Good luck for your future.
    Wendy xxx

  112. Thank you for sharing your time , your joy , your family even with certainly problems ,but special children are sent to special people. Good luck in the next stage in your family life ,you have brought many a smile to us on down days ,one very special lady ,and presenter…….

  113. You will definitely be missed Claire. I remember when you were pregnant with your daughter and now look at her, beautiful and all grown up. Time really does fly when you get older. Wishing you everything you wish for yourself and thank you for enlightening us re the specialness of Downs Syndrome 😘😘😘. I hope you remain on Twitter where we can follow you and see what you are all up to. Lots of love, Gail xxx

  114. Claire just seen that your leaving, so sorry I’m late to the party as they say thank you for your Qvc style of presenting I’ve bought a few items After seeing you wearing them one such item a Raspberry dress by Jules you looked lovely wearing it so I purchased.
    Good luck for your future and hope one day to perhaps see you back take care and enjoy your family

  115. Hi Claire, I don’t know if you still remember me, it only seems like yesterday that I was Tom’s nursery teacher! Sending lots of love to you and the rest of your family. I wish you well in your new venture. xx

  116. Claire you will be missed , but there is a time when one has to take a Leap , and I wish you Happy Days in all that you and your Wonderful Family next Adventure xx Pamela p.s I love your Hair !!

  117. OMG you are so beautiful inside and out and you will be missed so much. I have watched you as others have from your first day on air, you are a great presenter definately one of the best and I hope you will enjoy your precious time with your family. Good luck and much love. XX

  118. To Claire, the lovliest girl in the world. Your beautiful smile used to brighten my day and that infectious laugh of yours oh how lovely. I do hope to see you again someday in the future. I wish you all the joy in the world for you and your beautiful hubby and children.. Be lucky Claire in whatever your new adventure brings. I shall miss you terribly. Thank you so much Claire darling for 22 gorgeous years. It’s really been an absolute privilege.

  119. Dear Claire…soooooo sad that you’ve left QVC your bubbly personality will be sadly missed! Good luck in all you do and to your family. X

  120. Awe Claire, so sorry to hear you are leaving QVC, you will be missed always so lovely & bubbly.
    Wishing you well, be happy Claire with Dan & your lovely family. Love & hugs.

    Elizabeth 💖

  121. My dearest Claire, you are such a beautiful soul, you brighten me up even on the toughest and challenging times
    I hope you and your beautiful family enjoy your new venture
    Much much love and take care

  122. Hi Claire, you will be missed from the days when I sit here, frumpy, can’t be bothered, still in my pjs and thinking “oh no it’s that woman again is she never in a bad mood ?” to by the end of your presentation when your smile, giggle and breezy chatter made me feel that it is actually worth taking a shower and going outside for a few minutes!
    All the very best to you and your family for your future and hope that this will just be au revoir and that you’ll appear back on tv in the not too distant future

  123. I have only just seen you have left Clare. I have loved watching you. Best presenter on QVC. Good luck. You will be greatly missed. Xxx

  124. Hi Clare I wondered why I had not seen you on QVC for a while and was really sad to see that you had left. You were always bright and bubbly a joy to watch. I wish you and your family all the very best for the future whatever you choose to do. Lots of love XX 💗

  125. Claire I have only just realised that you aren’t on our screen anymore. I had to Google you to see what was happening. I do so hope that you are o.k. Good wishes for the future with your family x x x

  126. Claire so sorry to see that you have left QVC
    You was a wonderful presenter and will be greatly missed. May I wish you a lot of luck in your new venture & hope you will be very happy in whatever you may decide to do.
    Best wishes to both you & your family xxxx

  127. I have only just found this, hence the very late reply. I had a break from watching QVC following the sudden death of my beloved husband. It was only when I started to tune in again I started to wonder when you were actually on as I never seemed to see you.

    What a shock to learn you had left QVC after all the years we had watched you together. I would like to wish you and your family all the happiness in the world, and the best for the future. You so deserve it after being such a professional and cheerful presenter, who always brightened our day. How the years have flown by, it doesn’t seem that long ago since you were planning your wedding.

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