The birds, the bees… and amazing beauty offers!

Another little sit down accompanied by the delightful birdsong. It’s crazy, but I never actually ‘heard’ or differentiated between all the changing sounds they make. Robins are a favourite and make a kind of click-clack sound I think.

And oh my goodness, having watched a blackbird tirelessly collect worms and take them into the hedge for his family – I am in awe! We think we work hard, but it’s been seriously constant for little Mr Blackbird! He is adorable to watch.

It’s been ALL about the birds and the bees this week. Paprika, one of our newest chickens, escaped and found her way into the school playing field behind us, and I think the school children got a little more than they bargained for! They were delighted and so very excited when she shimmied down and laid her very first egg, whilst they watched. Bless her… can you imagine having an audience at such an intimate moment?

I should imagine the teachers had quite a challenge on their hands answering all the inevitable questions!

The trouble is, Paprika has now got a taste for freedom and she’s leading Chilli astray. They are somehow climbing up and out, trashing the flowerbeds and are constantly being retrieved and -I hate to say it – put in ‘lockdown’, whilst we try to work out how they are managing it!

Speaking of birds and bees this week, my foxgloves were the source of buzzing business with huge and fluffy bees relentlessly seeking out the pollen. Back and forth they go all day long, it’s such a pleasure to watch and listen to, in what’s felt like a simple week with minimal big achievements  – but it’s another week closer to us all experiencing a new version of life again.

Actually, it’s been a big old reminiscing kind of week as I recorded a podcast with Will Gowing for Inside QVC. We discussed my childhood, my school life, dancing and all sorts of things! I could see Will on the screen so I did chat to him as such, but I think if we had been together and not recording remotely we would have laughed all the way through and it would have probably taken twice as long to record!

Afterwards, I replayed in my head all the things I had said didn’t say and I started to feel incredibly anxious. I was even debating about calling Will and saying STOP! Scrap the whole thing!!

I didn’t, and instead I sat with the feelings during my mindful practice and realise I’m so judgmental on myself. I’m my own worst critic, which is actually unkind and terribly unhelpful, isn’t it? So, you’ll be pleased to know I’m now at the ‘I did it and what I said is ok because it comes from my heart’ stage! I hope you enjoy listening to it when it’s released, because I truly enjoyed recording it.

In this delightful weather my garden is blooming gloriously, if I do say so myself!

I’m joining some of the other presenters in a Lily competition, although my bulbs were late arrivals, so I’m hoping with my watering, combined with Richard Jackson’s Flower Power, that they will catch up and be in the race! How they have now ended up nestling together when I gave each of them growing space, I do not know!

I have just fed our poorly Olive Trees with a rather interesting formula… having dosed them with Flower Power I thankfully started to see some green shoots appear, then my eye was caught by an article about Llamas and olive trees ! So now my olive trees are being fed with… Llama poo!!! I will let you know if it works… perhaps Richard can look to tweak his formulations with it!!

Talking of formulations and delightful weather, Ultrasun has a TSV offer on Monday! The four-piece collection (241043) will include a choice between Glimmer SPF 20 in the Glamour option or the Family SPF 30 in the – you guessed it – Family option, plus After Sun Tan Booster, Sports Spray SPF 30 and Lip Protection SPF 30.

The set is designed to care for us both during and, very importantly, after sun exposure. Having listened to Abi Cleeve on the Inside QVC podcast, I was most impressed with her passion and knowledge.I feel even educated and therefore even more aware.

The After Sun Tan Booster is a new formula for me and beautifully cooling to use, plus I love the idea that it’s boosting my colour. The Lip Protection included is always a repeat order for me as I use it every single night as well as in the sunshine.

I’m interested to see if I can get my boys out in the sun with the ease of the Sport formula, which is light and mist-like, so the ‘I hate the application of sun cream’ will no longer be an excuse for not getting outside! Pale, pasty, spotty and probably lacking in Vitamin D… that’s my boys. Maddie, on the other hand, is regularly basking in her bikini with the Family SPF 30 safely applied and her freckles looking beautiful.

I’ve been prepping in the garden this week for the forthcoming Liz Earle shows. As always, it’s such a great offering currently on pre-launch with new launches of the lightweight Brightening Eye Cream and a new and supersized edition of the iconic Cleanse and Polish, but infused with neroli. It is simply wonderful and creates an utter pleasure out of the ordinary, yet necessary ritual of cleansing.

And never underestimate the power of Instant Boost Skin Tonic applied before the also neroli-infused Superskin Moisturiser, which is always my choice. The result is softer, happy and clear skin.

Even though we may be wearing less make-up and maybe yes, there’s a little less pollution in the air, it’s still super important to get rid of the toxins from the day (and night) and of course the sun protection we are using… if not, why not?!

Order the collection now, so you can beat the rush and retain the calm, mindful Zen-like approach to life that we are trying to cultivate… or is it just me??!!

Ok, I have a chicken house to escape-proof and then a 2.30pm prep call from the States (get me!) with Korres, yet another amazing and fabulous offer this weekend and then… a day bed to lie on because today, inside the house can just jolly well wait!


Oh my word… I’ve just come off the prep call and had to add this to my blog, as there is such excitement from Liz and the Korres team… the last two of their TSVs sold out early! So it’s definitely one to look at super quickly.

This Saturday’s TSV from them is fabulously priced and there are two of the incredible Body Butter Sprays, which are not available on the high street.

The founder Lena Korres created these formulas in a kitchen! She has the ability to turn thick, unctuous Shea butter into a liquid and crystallise it, so MORE of the Shea can be incorporated. This results in more fabulous hydration and firmness being so lightly delivered, with no stickiness.

The choices of the fragrances are absolutely stunning. I’ve been loving the Greek Sea Lavender scent – it’s seriously fulfilling the holiday dream with the Agean breeze being captured incredibly well. That being said, choose away as there are 7 wonderful options.

And heads-up menopausal skin… the White Pine Concentrate due on my show at 11am on Saturday had initially SOLD OUT – before Liz even spoke! The story is amazing. I won’t share now but suffice to say… I’m ordering it!

There, I’m happy now as I needed to share!

Huge love and a virtual hug (because I know so many of you are missing them so).

Claire xx

14 Responses

  1. Hi claire,
    I just had to say how stunning your garden is. You are so so lucky to have it. So many of you seem to have gorgeous big gardens and added a stunning sunny May by the looks of it in the south. Also just to say don’t be hard on yourself though I know we all are guilty of it. Life is so hard for so many of us that we need to try somehow to be nicer to ourselves. And lastly, I just told pipa how gorgeous her daughter is with her red hair and skin tone and I just hope that pale and pasty dies out! I hate that term. I think it’s so offensive! Who cares what colour we are! We’re all different. I hope the boys are ok. It’s tough being a teen at any point let alone now. Take care claire x

    1. Hi Susan,
      Lovely to hear from and Thankyou , I’m very grateful and lucky with my garden, it does require a lot of love and care , but as Dan is a landscaper it sort of goes with the territory!!
      Pale is so beautiful, I agree putting the two together implies unhealthy , pale can be healthy so good point , I shall try and refrain from the two words together in future .
      Looks as though June will continue with the sunshine, up I hope you get a little where you are, my boys are coping ok, as you say teens is hard enough without adding all this difficulty to them , Thankyou for asking.
      Take Care Susan

      1. Hi claire,
        I’m sure your garden does take a lot of care! How beautiful though. The photos are stunning! I hope you’re feeling ok yourself and that maddie is ok too. Good to hear the boys are not too bad. I think you do an amazing job for Tom. I meant to ask about gus too?! He’s probably loving you all at home! Take care x

        1. Gus is loving it – though was terribly discombobulated the other day when we went to visit my Momie- first time left in ages …
          take care Susan
          Claire xx

  2. Hi Claire,
    Your garden looks beautiful. I bet the bees are happy. You mention the birds, yes I love to sit early in the morning or late evening listening to the Blackbirds singing, they all have their own little song. We get the Woodpeckers in the garden they are funny to watch, and the lovely nuthatch, they are all after Richard Jackson’s bird food. And yes they do work so hard feeding their young.
    I laughed about your Chicken, reminds me of the Wallace and Gromit film Chicken Run. They soon work out an escape route don’t they.
    Continue enjoying your garden and the bird songs.
    Take care.
    Love Jean X

  3. Jean- the chicken run is exactly what I think of with them!!! One esaped again yesterday and I just imagined her regailing the others with her story !!!
    My robins have quietened – maybe they are growing so less activity ??
    Take care Jean xx

  4. Hi Claire
    Just seen the QVC The Morning Show today 30 June and such a surprise to hear that you are leaving. It was obviously a very emotional moment for you to announce this, and I felt for you, but you handled it amazingly with your lovely smile and breath of fresh air countenance. You said it was a very important time in your life just now, and I wish you the very best for the future and the extra time you can share with your family. You will be sorely missed by us your customers and viewers, as well as your QVC colleagues. Your presentations were always a delight and wonderful to watch. With very best wishes for the future, and many thanks for the past.

  5. Oh Claire, I have just seen this morning on Tuesday 30th and just caught the fact that you are leaving. You have always been a joy to have in the room with me and your bubbly sparkly nature as really helped through my ups and downs especially at the moment with all the madness that is going on in the world. You have been honest in your descriptions of things and have been a presenter I have trusted. You will be sadly missed but may your future be a happy and peaceful one. Blessings Janetx

  6. Hi Claire what a shock. To hear you are leaving. QVC you will be so sadly missed. You. We’re always my favourite presenter Do you have a new job I missed your departure so I don’t know what’s what . But I do wish you every happiness in whatever you do … please do keep in touch on instagram as we wouldn’t like to lose you completely Sending you and your family. My love xx

  7. Hi Claire. So sad to hear you are leaving QVC. I missed your departure on the morning show …Do you have a new job if so I wish you every happiness and wish you all the luck In The world you were my favourite presenter You are going to be really missed Claire please do keep in. Touch on Instagram if you have the time that is as we don’t want to lose you altogether sending my love and a virtual. Hug. Xx

  8. Hi Claire,
    I will so miss your l company on QVC, you are a very special lady who oozes warmth, loveliness & compassion..
    Whatever you do in the future I am sure it will be a success, keep smiling and spreading your positiveness in this strange unpredictable world out there….

    Big hugs
    Lisa x

  9. Ah lovely Claire so very sorry to hear today that you are leaving QVC after all this time. I have been a customer for nearly 20 years and you have always been one of my favourite presenters. Down to earth, great at describing products and always very honest. I have always had serious hair envy as of your gorgeous hair! Wishing you all the best for the future and Dan and your lovely children. Im sure they will love you having more time with them. Lots of love and best wishes and sending you a big virtual hug. You really will be missed xx

  10. Hi Claire I have just heard that you are leaving QVC – you will be much missed by colleagues and viewers alike.
    I have just listened to your podcast and it was lovely to hear the stories from your life. I like your genuine honesty and reflecting on your past and present. Sometimes I think it is therapeutic to stop and talk and listen to your life in your own words. At times we are so busy living life that we don’t have time to take a breath.
    The lockdown has given us all time to reflect. My next door neighbour was always running in and out two children and working full time. She has been working from home and said she is enjoying the much slower pace.
    I think whatever your plans (or not as the case maybe) you will be surrounded by your loving family and friends. I wish you every happiness with lots of love from Julia xxx

    1. Hi Claire, just heard you are leaving qvc. I would like to wish you all the very best whatever you will be doing in the future. I will miss your enthusiasm and your happy smiling face. Best of luck, and hope the next chapter goes well for Tom as well, best wishes to you and the family x x

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