QVC podcast, soothing SBC and remembering Joy…

Hello and thanks for reading my final blog of 2020. Thank you for your support this year, it is much appreciated, and I hope my positivity both on QVC TV and here have been a welcome break in a difficult year.

So, a few things to end the year on…

Firstly, be sure to check out this week’s episode of Inside QVC – the QVC Podcast hosted by Will Gowing. I am the guest this week and I share many aspects of my life including my early years, how I got into QVC and what life is like for me outside of work. I was a little nervous about doing it but am really happy with how it’s come out, it’s only 30 minutes and a good listen.

Secondly, do join me on Boxing Day and 27th December as I take you through the final SBC Today’s Special Value of the year. It’s a soothing collection containing a salon size Arnica Gel Moisturising Gel and Arnica & Sandalwood Muscle Soak, a new supersize 300ml Arnica & Wintergreen Thermal Rub and a brand new Arnica & Sandalwood Hand & Foot Rescue. Keep an eye on my Instagram @craigroweTV for an IGTV showing you the collection.

Finally, I’d like to remember a dear friend who I lost this year. Her name is Joy and we met back in 2008 after she introduced herself to me in a restaurant from recognising me from QVC.

Joy was a brilliant natural therapist and from going to see her initially for treatments we became great friends and kindred spirits. Joy passed away in early April after contracting Covid-19, I hadn’t known she was poorly until after her passing.

I never got a chance to say goodbye and as I write this, I can feel my eyes filling with tears. I think about her every day and have her photo along with a flower arrangement she made for me in my kitchen.

Joy was exactly that: uplifting, loving and kind. I am so glad we always told each other how dear we were to each other and that brings me comfort in the moments where I feel such sadness that I never had a chance to see her before she passed away.

If you are remembering someone this year then my heart goes out to you and for all of us. Let’s all make sure we tell the ones we love just how important they are.

Much love, stay safe and best wishes for Christmas.

Craig xx

43 Responses

  1. Awww I feel your pain Craig. I lost five people this year, the most recent a close friend and it was very unexpectedly. Such a sad year for us all and I join you in remembering them all. Lovely pic of you and Joy. Have a safe and healthy xmas. Sending you love xx

    1. Hi Craig how lovely to remember a dear friend. It looks like you spent happy times together. Whoever thought this time last year … Sometimes it is a good thing we don’t know what is ahead of us.
      I lost my beloved husband seven weeks ago. He lost his very brave battle with cancer. We miss him more than words can say. My son in law was in intensive care at the same time with covid (thankfully he did recover but with long term lung damage so my eldest daughter couldn’t see her Dad or her husband. My middle daughter got covid after returning to work in a primary school she has some long covid issues still. But worse than that she and my two grandchildren could not attend the funeral so we drove past her house and stopped but no one could console each other & we could only have 10 people there.Then I was due to go to London last Monday to spend a week with my youngest daughter and 4 year old granddaughter then tier 4 was enforced ..
      But throughout this devastating time I have been surrounded by love and kindness. As a family the love helps us to grieve. But our neighbours and people we have had to deal with all the paperwork have been overwhelmingly kind. The hospice nurse phones me every week too. Hope is a small word but it says so much giving us hope for the future and we all certainly need it. Hope we can beat this disease and all get vaccinated and what could be seen as trivial like meeting a friend for coffee will be seen as joyous and it’s significance will be looked at in a way we have never before. Because all this has taught us is what’s important and that is love and kindness and thankfully it is out there in spades and together we can support each other throughout these unprecedented times.
      Take care Craig and a Merry Christmas to you and yours and all who read this best wishes Julia

      1. Dear Julia,

        Apologies for the delay in my reply. Reading your words has brought a tear to my eye, its truly inspiring how you can still find the strength and positive thoughts after all you have been through in this last year.

        I am so sorry for your loss Julia and I will never forget these words you have send me.

        Best wishes for 2021,
        Craig xx

    2. hi Karen

      Apologies for the delay in my reply.

      So very sorry to hear of you losses and like you, I am sending kind words and hugs back to you.

      Much love, Craig x

  2. A sad story, Craig – and there are so many this year. I’m just recovering from COVID myself and it really is a horrible virus. Wishing you the best Christmas possible, and then lets all look ahead to better times in 2021. Stay safe and well, lots of love xxx

    1. hi Cherry

      I do hope since you wrote to me you have continued to recover.
      sending you love and best wishes for 2021.

      Craig xx

  3. Craig. I understand only too well the feeling of sadness whatever time of year you lose a loved one or someone very special. I hope you can think of the happy times with Joy and all that you did together. I will think of her now as well as my loved ones and you are right that we need to tell our friends and family how much we think of them and how much they mean to us. God bless you Craig xx

  4. Have a lovely Xmas s Craig, I enjoy watching you on QVC yiu make me smile and laugh. You have a uplifting spirit.

  5. Hi Craig I know how you feel I lost my mum two years ago and still feel it hard, this is only my second christmas without her, I cannot go and see my dad because he is in a care home with dementia, my aunty died this year, just cannot wait till this year is over. Merry Christmas and a happy new year . Nidiwaz

    1. Dear Nidiwaz

      Oh, gosh what a diffictult time you have been through and so sad you are not able to see your dad.

      I do hope you got through Christmas and New Year ok and I send you my very best wishes for 2021.

      Craig x

  6. Hi Craig,
    I just wanted to say I enjoy watching you very much on QVC and was sorry to read about your sadness. You are always so cheery on TV and I hear, a pleasure to work with. Yes I am that ‘ Mrs Trim’ !
    Happy Christmas Craig. Love Pamela x

    1. hello Mrs Trim!

      lovely to hear from you and thank you for your kind words.

      I hope you and Matt had a good festive season and best wishes for 2021.

      Give that hubby of yours a hug from me too,
      Craig xx

  7. O Bless your heart Craig I have just read about you losing your dear friend, what caught my eye initially was the fact that I thought you were leaving as it said last podcast and I thought O no that cannot be true what would we do without out as you are so genuine and charming and also I would miss that very slight Bristol accent, (please correct me if I am wrong about accent) I am originally from Gloucestershire near the Forest of Dean which is a slightly different accent but I have never lost it and I wish you had never lost Joy, I read your sad news out to my Husband and I cried, what a Blessing that was though when you met her and could have reacted in a different way and she might have not been brave enough to speak to you, it reminds me of a poem-
    Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are just waiting to see us act, Just once!
    With beauty and courage, Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in it’s deepest essence, Something helpless that wants our love.
    By Rainer Maria Rilke
    Another poems comes to my mind remembering Joy as she was a therapist and loved nature.
    Unable to perceive the shape of you, I find you all around me, Your presence fills my eyes with your love, it humbles my heart, For you are everywhere.
    By Rumi
    I am sorry for rambling on Craig but I felt so sad for you but I think you said Joy by nature and that is where she will be.
    Do have a good Christmas and a happy new year and stay well, warm and dry.

    1. Dear Claire

      thank you so much for your wonderfully kind, caring message and sorry its taken so long to reply.

      Yes you are right about the accent, Bristol boy born and bred and you come from a lovely place in the West Country.

      I really enjoyed the Rumi and Rilke quotes.

      Stay well, stay safe and again Claire, thank you.
      Much love,
      Craig xx

  8. Awe. Wishing you a lovely Christmas and a better year next year …it’s been such a strange and tragic year ….I love watching you on QVC …I remember the time you were chosen ….what a great team you all are …keep smiling and keep up the good work ..regards and best wishes Glenda xx

  9. I craig sorry for loss..i know what your going through i lost my brother in 1997 on christmas eve its hard for me every year its a you on qvc keep smiling bless you…what a year its been hopefully its gonna be good in 2021 xx

    1. hi Diane

      so sorry to hear about your brother, particularly losing him on Christmas Eve. I can imagine even though its many year ago it always rather taints your Christmas.

      sending you love and best wishes for 2021,

      Craig xx

  10. So sad Craig my thoughts are with you it’s been a terrible year remember the good times you are such a lovely person I watch you on QVC always smiling and positive happy thank you you brighten my day.

    1. hi Christina

      thank you! I am glad I brighten your day, that is a lovely compliment and makes my job worthwhile.

      best wishes for 2021, stay well.
      Craig x

    1. hi Erica

      thank you for your message and I am really glad, even if in a small way I am helping 🙂

      Best wishes for 2021,
      Craig xx

  11. Yeah it’s been a horrible year my dad is 82 @ staying in to isolate for health reasons he is slowly going down hill sometimes he can’t even remember who I am 😭

    1. Dear Chris

      thanks for your message, sending you hugs and best wishes for 2021 and much love to your dad too.

      Craig xx

  12. Well done Craig such lovely thoughts you have shared with your viewers.
    Love watching the show yourself and the other presenters are fab, great entertainment everytime I tune in after work there’s always something new haa 😉
    Best wishes for a cosy Christmas & Happy New Year X

  13. Sorry to hear about the loss of your dear friend at this difficult time we always enjoy watching your presentations on qvc. always cheerful. Have a merry christmas and a happy new year.

    1. hi Catherine

      thanks for your kind words.

      hope you had a good Christmas and new year and best wishes for 2021.

      Craig x

  14. Dear Craig, so sorry to hear of your lost. Seems like we have all experienced loss this year. Love watching you on QVC. You’re a real tonic and always make me smile, you exude warmth and kindness. Wishing you all good things and a peaceful Christmas. Xx

  15. Hi Craig sorry for your loss
    This has been a terrible year I hope next year is better
    I love watching you on qvc you are always so happy especially when you are presenting Yankee candles i hope you have a lovely Christmas 🎄 and best wishes for the New year Tracey

    1. Hi Tracey

      yes, you know how much I like my Yankee Candles- haha!

      thanks for your kind words and sentiments, they are much appreciated.

      best wishes for 2021,

      Craig xx

  16. Craig I’ve watched you on QVC and I have to say you can feel the warm of just being “you” I have no words to say for the loss of a dear friend but I’m sure she’s around you in spirit!! Please stay safe and always be yourself.

  17. Hi Craig Iam with you in your mourning for you dear friend, however you know that she would have wished you to go on being you lovely bubbly self giving so much by way of joy to all us ladies who Watch your shows I always walk away with a smile on my face thank you

    1. hi Lesley

      that was a really wonderful message, thank you for those kind words.

      sending you best wishes for 2021,
      Craig xx

  18. It’s always sad when someone dies too young. In my line of work I see a lot of death and it’s always dreadful when someone young dies. It’s ok to care but we have to learn not to care too much else we are not caring for our own mental health.

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