A new year and a great offer for wildlife

I hope you enjoyed the New Year celebrations…

I enjoyed a relatively quiet but very pleasant Christmas and a special birthday at home with my family, returning to The Q on the 30th to see in the new year and indeed decade!

I managed three days back before succumbing to winter lurgy and a loss of voice! Hooray! I hear you cheer 😉

Oh well… once again there was no white Christmas for us at home (other than the West End musical version we went to see – excellent cast! We also went to a panto for the first time in years to see Aladdin at Woking). But once we’d tidied away the decorations for another year, we turned our attentions to what 2020 would bring us.

For our wildlife though, their thoughts are focused on surviving the colder months and staying fit enough to start another family in the spring. We of course can help them out here – as well as receiving a huge amount of enjoyment in return by welcoming them into our gardens and onto our balconies.

Choosing the right food for wildlife can be tricky for the average person, how many of us thought we were being kind leaving a saucer of milk out for the hedgehogs? And indeed, when did you last see one of those lovely little creatures? In my childhood they were a very common sight and I can honestly say that we haven’t had one in our garden for many a year now and we’ve left gaps under our garden fences large enough for them to get under. 🙁

Despite their shocking decline there are some amazing hedgehog charities working hard to help these incredible creatures – so with our help such charities may turn their plight around, let’s hope so.

There are many things we can do to encourage wildlife into our gardens and one of the easiest and quickest ways is to feed our beautiful UK birds. For a few winters now I’ve been using Richard Jackson’s Premium High Energy Bird Food – developed, of course by my pal and gardening expert, Richard Jackson.

The good news is that’s it’s our Gardening Pick of The Month for January and this Premium High Energy Bird Food is packed with fantastic ingredients, including whole sunflower hearts, kibbled peanuts, oat hearts and oyster grit, plus new recipe suet pellets – a key high-energy ingredient much loved by birds throughout the year.

Richard told me he worked with leading bird food specialists to develop his premium feed. Other ingredients include red and white dari, kibbled peanuts, canary seed, hempseed, nyger seed and dried mealworms.

Although developed for all-year-round nutrition, the inclusion of suet pellets can help birds survive cold winters and whilst looking after their young during fledgling season in spring and summer.

Chosen with care, Richard’s bird food is free from wheat flakes, a cheap filler used in many bird foods, which offers no nutritional benefit. The kibbled peanuts attract robins, blackbirds and blue tits, naked oats attract song thrushes, sunflower hearts attract many birds including green finches and woodpeckers, and nyger seed attracts goldfinches – all stunning birds which I’m pleased to say returned to our garden last summer.

There is an Auto Delivery option available too, which allows you to receive Richard’s Premium Bird Food every 60 days for five additional deliveries, at the same great price and with nothing to pay on postage and packaging.

I set up my camera to record the activity around my feeders, having first thoroughly washed out our bird feeders and re-filled with Richard’s bird food. Immediately the bush telegraph did its job and the usual suspects started to enjoy the welcome goodness. As is often the case, other bird varieties made an appearance, which I missed on camera, including long tailed tits and a great spotted woodpecker early one morning. If you continue to feed through the spring and summer you’ll probably see many more varieties appearing on your feeders, hungry after a long flight from the sunnier climes.

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This Gardening Pick of The Month is delivered directly from Richard Jackson, so please allow seven to ten working days.

You’ll also notice in the video a Nut Pecker wooden feeding station from Grumpy Gardener, which we are featuring this Thursday as a Today’s Special Value. It comes complete with four jars of differing flavoured peanut butter and there’s an Auto Delivery option on the jars!

Until next time… enjoy our wild creatures and have a great 2020!

Dale x


Remember if you’re on Facebook you can now join me on my QVC page cunningly called Dale Franklin QVC! Or, follow on Twitter and Instagram @dalefranklinTV.

6 Responses

  1. Happy New Year Dale!
    When you said you were off from the Q and we’re going to be celebrating a ‘special’ birthday, I thought ‘Oh it must be the big 50’.
    I must say you don’t look anywhere near your age, so whatever you are doing to stay looking so young is obviously working!
    Health and happiness for 2020.
    Love and light, Lisa x

  2. Hello Dale, Happy New year, and a very happy belated birthday to you. Hope you are keeping well. Thank you for sharing your lovely blog. You are a very inspirational and lovely presenter. Me and my husband always watched your shows you and Charlie makes us laugh so much. Keep up the good work. Wishing you a happy and healthy new year. God bless you. Antoinette x

  3. Already stocked up on Richard Jackson excellent birdfood offer which I buy for our ‘pet’ pheasant Boris – 6 years old and counting – it’s still shooting season but he is still a daily visitor to us in the forest!
    So looking forward to Nutpecker tsv!

  4. Belated happy birthday Dale and happy new year to u and yours…me and me 7yr old grandboy Jaxen saw a hedgehog just casualy scurring down our road last summer…actually in the road!we got vidio of it… then it went into my neighbours drive then he ended up going down my path under my back gate to bottom of my garden sooo sweet and very surreal dont you think bab…take care me babbie,live Jillian x

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