Blueberries for Mum and looking forward to a Food Fest

I hope all’s as well as can be expected … over the years I have started my blog with these sincere words and in these uncertain times they take on even more poignancy and sincerity.

We continue to be inspired by the incredible efforts of our brave and  dedicated NHS and emergency heroes who continue to work so hard for the rest of us. I felt the emotion in the studio when QVC staff joined the nation in an applause of thanks and appreciation led by Jilly.

Last Thursday, I was at home for the second event and joined in with our neighbours on our respective doorsteps with pots and pans to show our appreciation. I don’t know if any NHS heroes heard us but it was symbolic and certainly raised morale and emotion in those that did.

My mum never thought she would hear herself say the words “thank goodness for technology”. But using her smartphone, she has been able to both speak to and see her sons, grandchildren and great grandchildren and this has been so beneficial to both her wellbeing and ours too. Mum loves to sprinkle blueberries onto her cereal each morning and I couldn’t resist ordering her a blueberry bush that I presented whilst on with Michael Perry – she should be receiving it any day now and I know it will put a huge smile on her face and eventually berries on her cereal 🙂 – it’s a good point to remember that you can order an item for a loved one or friend and have it delivered directly to them for a birthday, anniversary or simply as a nice surprise.

Easter weekend promises to be another warm one and I count myself fortunate to be able to enjoy my garden – our gardening shows are always so popular and we’ve plenty for you enjoy over the whole weekend. If you do venture out into the sun for your daily walk or gardening, please make sure you protect yourselves. I’ve had a couple of issues with sun damage myself and so I always slap on my Ultrasun SPF 50 and wear a Ppnama hat, that I try unsuccessfully to convince myself makes me look debonair!

I think Toby and Ellie have enjoyed having the extra company as you can see from this short video – I wish I had half Ellie’s energy !

Looking at her shaggy coat reminds me that it’s been several weeks now since I had my hair cut – Ali and Jack think my burgeoning bouffant is hilarious – as I look like “Nanny” – perhaps it’s time to reach for the pudding basin!

Talking of haircuts reminded me to share this picture I took a while back, whilst having my haircut – look carefully at what looks like my beautiful pedicure? This picture certainly messes with your brain doesn’t it!

Although sadly, I won’t be presenting any gardening shows this weekend, I’m delighted to say that on Saturday I will be hoping to bring you lots of laughs and certainly plenty of tasty treats with my pal Andi Peters between 7pm and 9pm for an extra Andi Peters Food Fest.

As I say on-air please don’t feel you have to be buying to enjoy our shows – it’s lovely to have your company and feel a part of the show – we love it when you tweet us @andipeters @dalefranklintv @qvcuk during the show and we try to read out as many as possible…

And please feel free to browse  our website where you’ll find plenty of Easter offers and Spring suggestions to peruse.

Well that’s all from me at the moment, but please try and keep smiling,  stay safe and well during these most testing of times and let’s all keep up calling friends and relatives, especially those living alone…

Until next time… I send my love and best wishes to you all.

Dale x

13 Responses

    1. OK – so I’m sitting infront of a mirror that’s double sided and a lady with pedicured feet is doing the same on the other side of the mirror – so the picture I took shows my upper half and then where the mirror stops it shows her feet – good isn’t it ! Dale x

  1. I have been watching during these difficult times. You have been so entertaining especially with Andi and the vegan food 😂
    It’s lovely to watch and hear you say don’t feel pressured to buy. Sending warm wishes 🌈

    1. Thank you Jillian that’s great to hear ! I don’t think I’ll ever forget his “well… it’s not awful !” 🙂 Dale x

  2. Hello Dale, what a lovely video of Toby and Ellie; animals bring so much pleasure into our lives especially at this time. Hope you and your family stay safe and well. Thank you.

    1. Thank you Susan – they’re blissfully unaware of what’s going on other than we’re around a whole lot more ! I hope both you and your family, along with us all can stay safe and well Dale x

  3. I wanted to write to you, to thank you for still presenting shows. Me and mum and grandma love to see you as your presence has been really calming. We watch qvc day and night, I have been poorly since last year and mum is disabled, so we can’t get out of the house. We have been qvc addicts for many years. You are our favourite presenter, though we do love all the presenters. I wanted to say thank you for making us feel like we don’t have to be afraid of everything outside. We can’t wait for Andi Peters’ food fest ! We never miss it ! We’ve been looking forward to it all week !! Thank you again for all that you do and huge thanks to all at qvc. You all bring such comfort to us. Stay safe lots of love Elise, mum & grandma xxx

    1. Hi Elise, thank you for such a kind message – I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your words – I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been poorly for so long – It’s so rewarding for all us Presenters to know we are considered as friends. Please give Mum and Grandma a big hug for me and then ask them to give you one back from me ! (assuming you’re living together of course)If not there’s lots of hugs to look forward to 🙂 Keep your spirits high and Andi and I will try and keep you smiling !

      Talking of Andi – We’re back on-air together this Sunday at 3pm for 2 hours !

      Dale xx

    1. They certainly are Sylvia, although Toby has slowed up quite a bit these days – Ellie keeps him on his toes 🙂
      Please stay well yourself too Sylvia.
      Dale x

  4. Hope you and your lady and children are wekll will be glad when lockdown is over and get back to work.

    1. Thank you Martin – I hope you’ll able to get back to work soon – in the meantime stay well my friend !
      Cheers for now … Dale 🙂

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