In my last blog I mentioned how Ellie and Toby like to create dugouts to escape the heat, so I couldn’t resist taking this picture – it’s this week’s “Spot The Dog Contest!” Ellie relaxing under our ageing but glorious Californian Lilac (Ceanothus) in full bloom and a haven for all our essential pollinators, especially the bees!

It’s not just humans who are struggling without professional haircuts, but also our four-legged friends, as the dog grooming parlour is also understandably closed. We decided to be brave and tackle the job ourselves, so out came the grooming table and the clipper box at which both dogs did a rapid escape into the bushes.
With the rattle of the biscuit tin we coaxed them out and set to the task. They were extremely suspicious at first but in the end came round and although they look a little lop sided, they are now ready for this mini heatwave that is supposed to be on its way (I say that with confidence because Richard Jackson said it would rain 🙂 ).
It’s no secret that I love my food and really enjoy presenting the various food shows at The Q. I’m delighted to be presenting an hour of The Real Pie Company treats tomorrow at 2pm and then on Wednesday Andi Peters and I will be with you for two hours from 5pm, causing total mayhem as usual…

So please do join us even if you’re not planning to buy, as we love to have your company and are always so grateful for the lovely feedback we get. Weather-permitting the plan is to film the show outside in the charming QVC garden – a first for Andi Peters’ Food Fest!
Whilst on that note, Mr Peters is the focus of this week’s QVC Podcast, brilliantly presented and edited by Will Gowing. Obviously, at the time of writing, I haven’t listened to it yet so I really can’t tell you what they spoke about – all will be revealed! You can listen to the Podcast on your usual Podcast apps by searching QVC or follow the link here.
Although the previously mentioned presenter lily growing competition has unfortunately been postponed this year, I’m happy to report that the weather and Flower Power seems to agree with my Richard Jackson Giant Scented Lilies! They’re “romping on” as Richard would say – competition or no competition. 🙂

In fact, I’ve been super busy in the garden. I’ve fed the lawn with Richard’s Lawn Magic (much needed), put down his Slug Pellets as they’re partial to our magnificent ten year old Hosta and of course, I am constantly refilling the bird feeders as we are blessed with the most amazing variety of birds in the garden at the moment. The sight and sound of the Goldfinches in particular is a real treat and reminds me of many happy family holidays spent on the Spanish island of Menorca. We haven’t been back there for some years now and their melodious chattering takes me back to the poolside – happy days.

Finally, I don’t know if any of you have seen Sheila Hancock’s promotion on TV, encouraging folk of all ages to learn new technology. It’s so important for everyone to be able to stay in touch, especially during these trying times – it certainly “rung” a chord with me, as my mum has recently upgraded her old mobile phone to a Nokia Smartphone. I’ll admit she didn’t find it easy at first with its touchscreen etc. – but now there’s no stopping her! She now sends emails and video calls her children, grandchildren and now her great grandchildren.
If that “rings” a cord with you too – an affordable tool for the job might be the Nokia 7.2 Android 6.3 Sim Free 64GB Smartphone. It is our Today’s Special Value (TSV) that I’ll be showcasing in Today’s Top Tech at 2pm this Saturday.

So until next time… stay slug free and connected!
My outro’s don’t get any better…
Stay well,
2 Responses
Your garden looks beautiful, Dale.
We have also enjoyed many happy holidays on Menorca – it’s my favourite of the Spanish islands. I do like Majorca and Ibiza, but the pace of life is slower on Menorca; it’s green and pretty and we’ve always loved swimming in the beautiful little coves. We had booked to return this summer but it’s not looking hopeful at the moment!
yourself and andi peters food fest brilliant i think qvc should let him present all kinds of shows.what do you think