Glorious weather and good news

I hope all’s well and indeed you are keeping well and have enjoyed this recent glorious extension of summer that has taken us all by surprise. As you know, I love my garden and normally this time of year all the colours seem to fade a little but this year everything seems to be having a second bloom and with the help of a warm jumper, we have even been able to enjoy sitting outside in the cooler evenings.

With this fabulous Indian summer weather I am still barbecuing, however, I know that the dreaded “winterising” of the barbecue is just around the corner (forget or pretend to forget to do this at your peril!). We have a great new range now called the Sunny Valley Apple Cider Vinegar cleaning range and I may have to give it a try on the old “barbie” before long!

Tomorrow (the 24th) at 3pm and again at 6pm, I’ll be on air with lots of great products to help you get ‘clean and tidy ‘ for the coming months, including an innovative way to keep your mobile phone fresh!

I am happy to report that following his recent surgery on his foot Toby has received the all clear and with the help of his “protective silver bootie”, is back to walking at the park on soft ground with Ellie. I think the novelty of walking on her own had started to wear off and she is delighted to have his company once again, she’s missed their play-wrestling antics – any passers-by might think they’re tearing each other apart but it’s a game they’ve played for years that usually ends up with Toby on his back and Ellie jumping back and forth over him!

Ellie is really nosey and inquisitive and the other day I was walking in Windsor Great Park with her and Ali, when I looked out over a parapet wall and she couldn’t resist copying me – hilarious! She never wants to miss out.

Whilst we are enjoying this warm weather, dare I mention it’s Christmas gifts ideas all day this coming Friday the 25th. I’m delighted to say I’ll be with my old foodie mucker Andi Peters between 4pm and 6pm, perhaps tempting you with plenty of luxury festive food ideas from brands such as Lambertz, Churchills, Althams Butchers, Wilfreds Pies, Snaffling Pig, Joe & Seph’s and more! We promise not to bring out the Christmas jumpers just yet though… 😂

Sadly, it probably won’t be long before the heating is on again and if like us you have radiator covers or perhaps electric heaters, the change in temperature can make drying the washing a nightmare. A couple of years ago we purchased a heated clothes airer from Lakeland and Mrs F is constantly singing its praises.

Wednesday the 30th sees Lakeland return with their very popular Dry:Soon 3-Tier Heated Airer. It’s back by popular demand as a Today’s Special Value (pictured with Lakeland guest Wendy) and is on pre-sell from Monday the 28th. It comes with two removable mesh shelves for delicates, plus four useful wash bags and of course the ingenious cover, which transforms it into a sort of “airing cupboard” as it helps retain the drying heat and then doubles up as a dust cover when not in use.

As I mentioned, although we do have a tumble dryer we regularly use our Dry:Soon Airer as it’s more economical and gentler on our clothes compared to a tumble dryer, costing under 6p an hour (on average) to run. It’s lightweight too and can hold up to 15kg of damp clothes on 21m of drying space, yet it packs away flat so you can store it out of the way – behind a door or under a sofa perhaps? You can also use it set at half its expanded size to free up space if needs be.

Finally, just a quick reminder that we are again broadcasting live on QVC Style weekdays between 3pm and 7pm – you can find us on the following channel numbers; SKY 677, Virgin 742 and on Freeview channels 16 and 35 via the “red button” on internet connected TV’s.

It’ll be great to have your company at any time on our Main QVC channel and/or QVC Style 🙂

So until next time… stay well, well fed and well aired!


13 Responses

  1. hi Dale , i love reading the presenters blogs but have never replyed to any befor , but i’m so pleased that Toby is on the mend and enjoying his walks again. i had to respond. your doggies are so cute and adorable
    also last winter we got a Dry-soon airer( We don’t have a tumble dryer) i just couldn’t manage without it now.
    i put a wash on in the morning and its all dry by teatime or befor i go to bed and its dry by morning.i’m so pleased its coming back to qvc, for me its 1 of my top 10 buys from qvc
    we have 2 cats and they are often found under it too!!!!

    1. Hi Pauline, lovely to hear from you – yes it’s brilliant isn’t it ! Hot house for cats – love it ! x

  2. Glad your doggy is on the mend, they are beautiful looking dogs. Great to see you and Andy back, you’re the Morcambe and Wise of the home shopping channel, not sure which one is wise!!!!

  3. Dear Dale, love your shows, especially the ones with you and Andi Peters you cheer me up no end, I know this might seem old fashioned but have you two got a signed photo I could have? I would really love that, (have phoned in for one but hasn’t arrived just yet). Love Ruth but she doesn’t let you get a word in and I only tune in to see you, can someone have a word with Ruth and ask her to play nicely?

    1. I’m glad you enjoy the Food Fests Mandy – I’d be delighted to arrange a signed photo – you wouldn’t believe how unnecessarily complicated it is to arrange that these days – due to the new Data protection etc etc – so you’ll need to request it via an email to the address below and please mention that I’ve said I’m delighted to sign one and ask them to forward it to my work email address – please remember to include your postal address !

      Although we have all your details I still need your permission to send it to you 🙂

      Dale x

  4. Hi dale as we say in aberdeen fit like which means how are you iam well congratulations on your 35th wedding anniversary

  5. Dear Dale, thank you I will do that. Wish you and Andi Peters were the new presenters on Bake Off, move over Noel&Matt, make way for the professionals with the looks, charm and humour. I wonder how many QVCers would agree with me on that one. I feel a suggestion letter to C4 coming on!!! All the very best, mandy.

  6. Enjoyed reading that your dogs are beautiful glad your dog is getting better now I have 4 cats. All my flowers are still looking good in my garden geraniums and begonias and my hanging baskets still look good and it’s October just ordered the Molton Brown TSV great Christmas present idea love QVC keep safe and happy

  7. Looking forward to you and your partner in crime on a Monday evening. One for you ,my grandson Ben age 13 inserts chocolate can be counted as one of your five a day because it comes from a berry and that’s a fruit. That’s his excuse and he is sticking to it☺

  8. Awwww Dale your dogs are absolutely beautiful!! Cuteness overload !! I’m So glad your dog is getting better ! I’m absolutely loving your pic above, it’s made my heart smile ! Dogs truly are amazing and our soul mates – forever ❤️🐾❤️🐾❤️🐾 Xx

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