London sights and garden sounds – plus Doll 10 returns!

The sounds of birds fill the garden and I’m loving Richard Jackson’s products, as they return this weekend on our fabulous new Gardening Day! My show with our top garden guy’s range is this Saturday night at 8pm. Can’t wait!

I don’t know about you but I’ve just about had enough of the rain! (Apart from it making the grass green – isn’t the above a lovely shot, thank you to Mark the fabulous gardener!). It’s one of the reasons I haven’t done many vlogs this week, out and about recording my thoughts… too blooming miserable! I did get one vlog done on Saturday though – go here to wonder at my idiocy!

I would say roll on spring, but my holidays are obviously now in jeopardy, as are many peoples. My trip to France at the end of April and to the Caribbean for my cruise may need to be postponed, but I will hold on ’til the bitter end before I do anything to change it! Hope you are okay in all this toilet roll-hoarding, sanitiser-stocking mayhem!

To be honest London seems to carry on, at the time of writing anyway, much as normal. One of the big things I did this week was to go to a lovely one-day writing event, all about self-publishing.

My lovely friend Carolyn and I went to Queen Elizabeth Hall, the day after my mishap on the train when I left my tote bag with my Mother’s Day present in it (new Kipling bag, damn it) and still haven’t recovered it. We were back at Waterloo listening to a stream of people talking about their success with online books sales. In the early days of my writing career I self-published my steamy novels, but nowadays it’s very different and certain advertising really works. I actually use Facebook for my Devon businesses, and find it is very effective actually. So who knows, maybe I will do some other books in the future. Jackie and Julia both have publishers now (Julia’s latest crime book is now on pre-order) and of course I would like to get a big book deal, who wouldn’t? But after an inspirational day like this one, who knows!

Anyway, after the all-day event we attended despite coronavirus doing its best, Carolyn and I went off on a river boat cruise and did a bit of sightseeing. A little tifft (try it for the first time club) – I stood on the Thames river bank for the first time, just like the mudlarks of old. Another lovely day with my writing buddy, and very inspirational too.


Books of the Week: fireside inspiration

More inspiration this week when I got back to Devon as five writing guests were there, and we discussed our stories around the roaring wood burner! Janet Gover, Alison May and Bella Osborne were all there to meet deadlines for their publishers, along with fab writers Paula Fleming and Paula Dallison. Do check out their work – especially if you like prolific authors who write really well! The topic of my French or Dutch came up again, and I said this year for sure! It had better be!

Amber from Arizona

I have a houseguest! Lovely Amber from Arizona, who called me and asked if I wanted an intern to come and work with me. Ya-hah! She stays until the end of May and Daisy already loves her. 🙂


I took a quick trip back to Devon on Saturday to be at our AGM, where my association made me deputy chair of membership and fundraising! I love it with a passion, it’s my hobby, but you know what they say about if you want something done give it to a busy person! So now I am arranging an event on Saturday the 28th of March, with the aim of helping young women into business, in Exeter centre in the afternoon. But… that assumes nothing changes between now and then regarding meetings being held! It’s mostly for young people so hopefully it will be okay! Fingers crossed.


The Military Wives at the cinema. Just go. I have to say Kristen Scott-Thomas has never been better and Sharon Horgan was outstanding. Anyone remember the military wives appearing on QVC with their first ever CD? Well this film is based on the story of their beginnings. A lot of embellishments as well I’m sure, but well worth going to see. Just go! I will absolutely see it again, that’s for sure. I would actually give it 9 out of 10, if not 9.25 and I just thought very hard about that. Regulars will know that’s a really high mark for me! Maybe partly because of my military connection – I was a forces sweetheart for 10 years as they called it, reading out birthday cards. In fact, Tommy Cross was six when I read out his birthday card at one point when he lived on an army base in Germany! Which he proudly told me when he first met me. That took the wind out of my sails having just been told ‘I couldn’t wait to meet you!’ Lol. Anyway take tissues, prepare to laugh, there’s a bit of a love story theme in it as well – heartache, and happiness, it really has everything. In fact 9.25 out of ten. Fabulous movie.

This week on QVC

Today, Friday 13thMarc Fisher Wynter Wedge Sandal, great for er… spring (!)

Saturday – running with the gardening theme, Gill Gauntlett is back with another set of 10 LED path lights from Luxform with five lumen filament, very good value.

Sunday – one of my key brands, Gatineau, are here with a three-piece firm and glow super-size body collection.

Then watch out at 9pm when I have the launch of…

Monday – Attitudes by Renee fashion – join me at midnight Sunday as well for Renee’s famous Como Jersey two-piece set of maxi dresses in different lengths.

Big Deals old and new

Michele Hope daisy print lace dip-hemline shirt

Shay & Blue Fragrance Layering trio

Neom three-piece Luxury Candle collection

Bell and Howell Flip Support Pillow and pillowcase

Go here to see and shop them all

And from Sunday midnight, here are the new ones…

Orly seven-piece Cuticles, Colour and Care collection

Silentnight six-piece reversible duvet set

Clean Spin 360 Spin Mop with wheels

MarlaWynne luxe crepe side drape colour-block dress

Tuesday – join me at midnight Monday for the Mr Christmas set of five glasses. Also watch out for the Quacker Factory fashion mini-series early this week as well. I just love Patrick don’t you?

Wednesday – watch out for the early bird order link for the Perricone five-piece Face Firming Anti-Age Collection, going on sale online about three days before.

Thursday – Silentnight return with a Comfort Control Anti Allergy Mattress Topper. We have been completely blown away with the success of these. Get yours while it is a Today’s Special Value.

Friday – The Heys Duraflex three-piece luggage set is here, plus look out at 9pm for a two hour beauty special with me, featuring Saturday’s new Doll 10 five-piece Today’s Special Value collection. Looking forward to it.

Next week – cannot wait, I mean seriously cannot wait, for Sunday the 15th when I am having my (early) Mother’s Day celebration with my children. We’re meeting halfway between where Lauren lives in Wales, and where Bradley lives in Chiswick, so I get to see my babies and my big babies! Have a lovely time yourself.

Best wishes,


PS – Keep in touch on TwitterFacebook or Instagram

4 Responses

  1. Welcome back on the correct day 😂 glad to see you again 😂 Hope you managed to retrieve your tote bag. Hope you have a fantastic weekend xx

    1. Did you manage to get your Tote bag back? It’s the first time I have managed to find your blog! I have heard you talk about it, but not being very good with my mobile, I T, maybe you can understand my dilemma. I was wondering do you have any idea when OPI will be back on QVC again? Since I have decided that I need to re stock I have not seen them advertised. Hope to hear from you soon, many thanks Gill. Xx

  2. Hello lovely Debbie, Thank you for sharing your stories I really enjoy reading your blog. I also love to see the updates of the sneaky peaks, I wait patiently every Friday for you to upload your story. You certainly have a busy week. You are my favourite presenter, love Alison xx

  3. Hi Debbie,
    Just wanted to say I hope your family stay well during these uncertain times. I was thinking particularly about your mum but your sister who had sepsis. Take care. I hope you have a nice mother’s day. I also wanted to say for all those ladies who find it difficul my, for various reasons, Next are actually allowing you to opt out of Mother’s Day emails. I hope others follow suit with such days x

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