Our blooming studio! And sneaky peeks with Lola Rose!

It was all about colour this week, including a lovely garden show. I ended up buying several items as usual, and was very happy to wear this pretty flowery dress by Nina Leonard – with pockeeeeets! The garden back home in Devon is pretty dull at the moment, so I went and got a lot of little primroses to give it a more vibrant cover. If I can, I will always look for something that lasts, not just one season, with a few exceptions. Lilies are some of my favourites and Richard Jackson’s tree lilies are phenomenal, I think! How are you brightening up your garden at the moment, if at all? Looking forward to my garden being in full bloom later in the week. At least the daffodils are out in Sheepwash!

Another highlight for me this week was going to my annual health scan at Nuffield, and being told that many of my measurements were really good, plus my heart was apparently several years younger than my age. Good to know, as I was a little bit concerned, considering the last three years since I’ve been running my place down in Devon, including a tearoom with cakes and more cakes!

Particularly pleasing was my cholesterol, which had a higher than average reading of good HDL and no other signs of anything to be concerned about. I’m very grateful for the scan. One thing that came out of it (apart from the usual needing to lose weight) was to make sure I do more meditation and relaxation. So if that means more trips to my lovely friend Pam to do reflexology on me, then so be it!

All the “letting the train take the strain” lately has meant lots more steps and my waist measurement had gone down, which surprised me. Plus, she said it was clear from my blood etc measurements that my eating must have been better, inevitably helped by my no sugar January. Considering I have my holiday coming up to the Caribbean in May, I will continue this regime – less driving is definitely having some knock-on benefits for sure!


Train mishap

Oops. Going to my health scan on the train, my poor morning brain could not cope and I ended up getting off the train a stop early, when I did not need to! Then they announced that the following one was cancelled. What a nitwit. Oh well, at least it meant more steps!


I’ve got a real thing for navy at the moment. I’ve chosen some lovely outfits of late. Like that Together shirt I wore the other day with Jenny on the Style channel.

So much so, that I saw a collection of the tops I had worn lately on my dressing room chair – anyone would think I had a thing for navy! Just have to get some smart navy shoes now to go with them, alongside my smart navy boots!

Tree down

The UK has had some shocking weather obviously, including in Devon. One of the roads was blocked into my village, when I had my big gang here last week, caused by this tree suddenly keeling over. It was very rotten and dry, and blocked the whole road. Here’s the vlog on Facebook that I did at the time, if you want to see it more clearly.

(Don’t forget to follow my social media to see more updates as they happen)

Ask an agent

How proud was I this week!  My group of guests met up with two London agents who were visiting us for the day and they expressed an interest in the work of nearly half of the group! Excellent news! If you watch the Facebook video above you will hear how I coped on my own … cooking for nine! It was quite an achievement – in all respects and I was completely wiped out on my way back on Sunday ha ha. A good time was definitely had by all.

Podcasts – Paul Percival and Inspirational Women’s week

Go here to listen to our wonderful Will Gowing’s elongated podcast interviews with several of our guests and presenters. The latest is Percy & Reed haircare’s founder Paul Percival. You can discover how he ended up being one of the top hairdressers in the business! Also, the latest one that is being uploaded on Monday 2nd March, commemorates Inspirational Women’s Week and it is a highlights show featuring some of the top female guests. How marvellous.


Went to see the most brilliant production of Emma at the cinema, this week. Oh my goodness it was so good. I will definitely be watching it again. From Miranda Hart playing her usual twee comedy supporting role, to Bill Nighy (one of my favourites) being, well, Bill Nighy, but in high white collar and frock suit. And some brilliantly cast young lovers. Beautifully directed, really well acted, and thoroughly enjoyable. 8.75 out of 10. It gained an extra quarter based on the climactic scene between the two main characters that was so tender and believable. Loved every minute of it. Highly recommended.

Book of the week

I am currently helping to organise a business event on March 28 in Exeter, helping young ladies get into some kind of business or making a difference in the community. One person who will be coming to speak is Theresa Bulford-Cooper. This inspirational author, speaker and coach has written “Ladies, let’s get going! Starting and growing your dream business”. It’s a subject close to my own heart, since one of the big growth areas in the future will be women becoming “mum-trepreneurs”.


To be honest, if you could just watch the whole of the Andi Peters food fest show with Dale and Andi on Monday night, you will be bowled over with hilarity. From Lance Forman accidentally putting salmon on Andi’s iPad, to spills and trips and  a mouth malfunction…! Just watch the demonstration during the sale of this product, the current video has the funniest blooper – poor ‘brownies’ lady! LOL. Click on the video on this link – with Andy in his yellow polo shirt – before it’s replaced with a different airing! So funny.

The week on QVC

Today (Friday 28th Feb) – very exciting weekend for earlybird links! Go here to see and buy the five-piece Eau My Goodness Volume haircare collection from Percy & Reed.

SaturdaySkechers ArchFit engineered mesh lace up trainers

Go here, already available, to see and buy Molton Brown’s six-piece Luxury Home and Away BUMPER collection – a superb way to stock up. (Also look out for the Sleep Soundly show at 8pm with me plus my lovely pal Antthony Designs at 5pm Sunday.)

Big Deals old and new

Phase Eight spot overlay top

L’Occitane supersize Eco Refill shower oil

Le Creuset set of two toughened non-stick frying pans

Thigh Perfect exerciser

Go here to see and shop them all

J by Jolie Moi printed wrap front maxi dress

Lakeland Dry Soon drying pod

Ultrasun three-piece Essential SPF30 Collection

Tili metallic make-up organiser vanity case

Monday – really useful adjustable-shape multi-use support cushion by Just Right, I think this will be popular!

Tuesday – discover the latest innovation from Gtech!

Wednesday – Guest Jenny Blackhurst brings us the long-awaited Phase Eight jersey top Today’s Special Value

And join me that night for ‘Beauty loves with Decleor’ at midnight Wednesday, and a big super-sized one litre Gradual Glow… ONE Litre!!

In addition, on Thursday night join me and lovely June for the Frank Usher TSV at 9pm – and midnight Thursday – the 3/4 sleeve scattered crystal jumper at a really good price!

On Friday at 9pm we will see the beautiful Lola Rose heart pendant that goes on early bird link earlier in the week. On air all day Saturday while stocks last!!

Another great week on QVC!

Next week – A conference in Ilminster, my son’s 33rd birthday – yes I don’t know how that happened either – and some exciting trips up London!

Have a great week

Best wishes,


PS – Keep in touch on TwitterFacebook or Instagram

9 Responses

  1. Hi Debbie,
    Glad your health check went fine. Can I ask do you get this through qvc? I can’t imagine it’s cheap if you choose to pay for it yourself? I think we’d all love one of these for peace of mind but couldn’t afford them which is a real shame.
    Well done on your book event. Know you like to feel proud but if it’s exhausting you maybe you should pace yourself more like the test said!
    Happy birthday to Bradley. Enjoy the birthday cake!x

  2. Deb’s, for some reason I have stopped getting your weekly blog, I really miss it, can you get me put back on the list please. Wendy x

  3. Hi Deb

    So glad your health check came back as good.

    I have regular cholesterol checkups for my diabetes. I also have arthritis now in both knees which is very painful at times. I’m lucky to have a niece who is a physio, she very politely told me to see if I could lose a little weight, the pressure taken off of my knees might help. I did as she suggested, I joined a gym just so I could cycle and do exercises that didn’t hurt too much. From August 2018 to December 2018 I cut out all chocolate, booze, snacks, eating more healthily, I did have a big binge over the first Christmas but then got back into the swing of smaller portions and eating more sensibly. The weight started to come off. It’s been about 18 months now, I have the odd glass of wine, Sunday is my spoil me day, I do have the odd cake if I really fancy it, even though I have type 2 diabetes, in total I have lost three and a half stone, I’m made up. I went down 2-3 dress sizes, depending on style of clothing I purchase, I had to buy a complete new wardrobe. I’ve even brought a few of the exercise machines from QVC, the Cubii Jnr, the JML plate, a slide machine a bit like a ski but you go side to side on it, I’ve got my own little mini gym at home. I haven’t at all been tempted to go back to my old ways of huge dinners, eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I even feel fitter. The Athriitis won’t go away but it’s certainly helped.

    I love the gardening shows on QVC, anything Elemis, Philosophy and Philip Kingsley to mention a few.

    When the presenters are showing items, it’s as if we’re all one big happy family listening to friends. Such a nice bunch of people you have at QVC, I’ve been a viewer from the word go, spent a fortune along the way, lol.

    Keep up the good work, stay healthy, and enjoy your upcoming holiday.

    Theresa xx

  4. Deb, one thing I did forget to say, for anybody reading your blog wanting to lose weight sensibly, I drink 2 litres of water a day and for my lunch I make my own healthy salad box up, even in the winter months. I eat very little bread now or potatoes, every little helps.


  5. Hi Debbie l love reading your blog. I, too have stopped receiving your blog & could you put me back on the list. I feel exhausted just reading about your activities! But it is all very life affirming & your book and film recommendations are really appreciated.
    Unfortunately I am going in hospital tomorrow for surgery that is long overdue (on the waiting list for over 3 years!!) Can’t say I am not nervous but onwards and upwards.
    Thank you for the info on tsv if I am not able can ask one of my daughters to hopefully order the Lola Rose necklace if the budget allows, take care love Julia xx

  6. Since qvc changed their format and call your blogs Stories I no longer get email with your current blog. Will we be getting them again.

  7. Hi Debbie
    What’s happened to your weekly blog? The email that used to come in weekly on a Friday just hasn’t happened for a while now and I used to enjoy it! ☹️

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