Baking at 7am!

Hello and thanks for stopping by to read my blog again, or perhaps for the first time. I write a blog twice a month and before beginning to write this one, I began thinking about what has been of note, or indeed interesting, to share about my life in the last two weeks. Especially as life is very much the same from day to day in lock down. I have decided, therefore, to share some of the smaller occurrences from my home life, including baking at 7am and trying to crack Beau’s sleep training! I also have a few little suggestions for some Today’s Special Values that will be happening this week at QVC, should you be interested.

Let’s start with the biggest and most fun subject in my life, baby Beau Fox. He is really growing fast now, so much so that his big toe has popped through his pyjama nightgown! In an act of quick DIY tailoring, we cut the feet off of the bottom to release his not-so-little feet. It was actually good timing with the hot nights. Speaking of hot, we have a little sun-worshipper. He absolutely loves being outside in the sun, so we have to make sure he is well covered up. Ultrasun is the only sun protection we use in our house and we now use SPF 50 Extreme. Its easy to apply and has no scent, plus I love the fact that it lasts all day with no need to reapply.

Now Beau is eating solids and has an appetite like a his dad’s (both large and appreciative), I am doing lots of cooking, which I love, and he is yet to turn his nose up at anything.

Recently, I made him poached chicken with ginger, mango and coconut milk, which he devoured, and on another day he had sweet potato and chickpea hummus with cumin and ginger.

I have also found a new way to entertain us both in those very early mornings. He likes to wake between 5am/5.30am …groan… and after what felt like quite a long morning, I decided to put him in the sling and bake him some little muffins with carrot, banana and apple. So there I am at 7am, weighing flour and cooking apples and carrots, chatting away to Beau and after a short while I felt like my baking buddy had gone quiet, I looked down to find Beau fast asleep. This was very good and I popped him back in bed, however I now found myself alone in the kitchen waiting for muffins to bake and a whole lot of mess to clear up. It was only 7am. The rest of the house slept on in bliss!

We are trying to crack Beau’s sleep training as the little fella hasn’t been sleeping for longer than about two and half hours in a row since he was born. We just bought him a proper big boys bed and so far (night two) it has really helped. I do, of course, get tired and the lack of sleep can play havoc on health and wellbeing for even the fittest. I do take supplements and was recently speaking to lovely Dr Max from Prime Fifty about the Fighting Fatigue supplements, there is a TSV (look out for product number 402016) this Wednesday 29th April with Ali Keenan, if you are free to tune in. Its always so interesting hearing from Dr Max about the science and biology behind these things, and there with be a great deal on this four-month supply of supplements

In my blogs, I normally dedicate a part of it to fashion, beauty or jewellery, but I haven’t done that recently because of the current situation we are all living in. Recently, however I have started to see the importance of still making a little effort, despite not going anywhere. It feels good to put on a little make-up and a top that isn’t used for nursing Beau, and even a splash of perfume. I also discovered the new range Escape by Melissa Odabash, which will be featured by our lovely Charlie on Thursday 30th April. The TSV will be her droplet necklace (look out for product number 344282). Its really pretty and been created using simulated diamonds, hence why its part of our Diamonique day. For me, her range is stylish, fresh and very 2020. I like it a lot!

Just before I sign off ,I want to give you an update on The National Emergencies Trust that QVC joined with on April 8th, to help those most at risk at this time. Our initial target was £125,000 (a donation of £50,000 from QVC, plus a pledge of £2 for every £1 donated by you) but thanks to your generosity, we have now increased that target to £200,000 – please see the message from His Royal Highness Prince William on our website for more information – together we can make a difference. Thank you so much to everyone who has been able to donate.

Take the very best of care of yourselves.



6 Responses

  1. Hi Eilidh great blog as ever and ahhhhh what a cute and handsome little lad Beau is. So adorable! Is a fun time getting them started on solids and watching their little faces with the different textures and tastes. Great idea about the 7am cooking! Muffins look great xx

    1. Hi Karen,thanks for your positive response to my early baking antics :-)Since then I’ve made flapjack at 7am. Beau is currently in love with spinach though! i hope you’re keeping well.Eilidhxx

  2. Hi Eilidh , what a lovely blog ! You have such a handsome baby in Beau ! He is certainly going to break a good few hearts when he grows up ! Make the most of this very special time as before you know it they are all grown up !

    1. Morning Helen, lovely to hear from you. I said the very same myself about him the other day, I think he’ll be a real charmer. He certainly charms the socks of me and his daddy. I also think he’ll be a cheeky wee monkey…uhoh! take care and thanks for getting in touch.Exx

    1. Ah thanks Sandra, yes 5am is very early indeed. Hopefully he’ll grow out of that before he is a teenager haha Exx

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