Hello to you all,
I don’t know where the year is going? It seems like only a short while ago that it was last summer and I was heavily pregnant, now Beau has started eating solid food! It would be fair to say a lot has happened in the last six months.
I always like to add a bit of fashion into my blogs so I’ll get to that later, plus the Beauty Big Deal from Orly. By the way if you want to get to the current Big Deal then just click here.
Coming up, we have MarlaWynne, Orly and a fantastic spinny mop. But before we get into all that, let me fill you in what’s new in my world.
Last blog I mentioned that I was doing a play. We had a wonderful time performing last week at The Vaults Festival in London, which is now likened to Edinburgh Fringe.
The venue is a super place with so many interesting performances, comedians, talks and full to the brim with talent. Our show, “Hidden” was on for three nights and went down really well and I loved playing Morag in the show.

People ask me which job I prefer being an actress or a presenter. I always say you can’t compare the two. When I am acting I play someone else with words that somebody else has written which is brilliantly fun. When I present I am Eilidh, saying my own words and being me. I love that I can do both jobs with authenticity and passion.

News update with Beau. He has really turned a corner in the last week as he approaches six months old on March 19th. This week he tried solid food for the first time. We had to laugh as all the books said ‘they may not like it’ and ‘be patient if they don’t take to it for a while’.

Not Beau, he literally grabbed the spoon and shovelled the baby rice in his mouth! It’s safe to say that so far the boy loves his grub! I must admit this photo of him doesn’t quite say that haha. I don’t think he wanted to be disturbed while eating – fair do’s.

Here comes the fashion bit. I mentioned MarlaWynne earlier on. This week’s Style Big Deal is from the wonderful designer herself.

We are calling it a luxe crepe side drape colour block dress (here is the link). I love that the colour-blocking gives the wearer a very flattering look as the darker of the tones is used on the lower half and at a draped asymmetric angle. Choose between Desert Sand, Black, Light Olive or Nutmeg.
We also have an incredible seven-piece set from Orly to get your nails looking spring-ready. The price is fantastic, here’s what you get:
- 1 x Nailtrition 9ml (treatment)
- 1 x Cuticle Oil+ 9ml (treatment)
- 1 x Cutique 9ml (treatment)
- 1 x Paradise Rich Renewal Creme 44ml (hand cream)
- 1 x Mirage Nail Lacquer 18ml (pink/lilac shimmer)
- 1 x Country Club Khaki Nail Lacquer 18ml (nude creme)
- 1 x Cuticle Pusher (nail tool)

Remember the Big Deals only last for seven days at these low prices!
Before I go I have one more sweet pic from Beau. He has also discovered the joy of swings.

I hope you have a good week and please feel free to drop me a line on Twitter or my Instagram both are @eilidhnairntv x
8 Responses
Oh! He is growing so fast, he will definitely break so hearts when he is older. Make the most of these early months.xxxxxxxxxx
Good morning Brenda,I hope you’re okay I’m this time. Sorry I’m late in replying.Beau has just started to crawl so suddenly time is vanishing before my eyes and you’re so right about the time going fast!.Ive written a new blog with more Beau pics if you’d like to see the little fella.Sending you best wishes Eilidh xx
Hi Eilidh your little Beau is adorable, thanks for sharing the photos x
Morning Susan, hope you’re okay I’m this time. Sorry I’m late in replying.Ive written a new blog with more Beau pics if you’d like to see the little fella. He has just discovered the joys of crawling!Sending you best wishes Eilidh xx
Wow what a beautiful baby so happy always got a smile just a joy now I bet you wonder how your life was like when he was not part of family. ha-ha so back to helping us all again with your wonderful advice thank-you .
Good morning Pamela,I hope you’re okay I’m this time.im Sorry I’ve not got back before now. You’re right I do wonder what I did with so much time before? I just can’t believe he’s 7 months now.Ive written a new blog with more Beau pics if you’d like to see the little fella.And it’s
Lovely to be back and in touch with you all .Sending you best wishes and love Eilidh xx
Hi Eilidh, thank you for sharing your lovely blogs. Beau is absolutely gorgeous. I can’t believe he is almost 6 months. You are looking lovely as well. Keep up the good work and good for the future. Love reading your blog. God bless you and your family. Antoinette x
Good morning Antoinette,I hope you’re okay I’m this time. It’s always so lovely to hear from you and Sorry I’m late in replying and now little ( not so little ) baby Beau is nearly 7 months and has just started to crawl so suddenly time is vanishing before my eyes.Ive written a new blog with more Beau pics if you’d like to see the little fella.Sending you best wishes and love Eilidh xx