Brightening up February


Well finally a little hint of spring… a few snowdrops peeking their heads above the grass in the garden, a touch more daylight to make those long winter days a tad brighter. I don’t mind the cold at all – in fact I generally prefer winter clothes to summer clothes! But the darkness does get me down after a while and I’m starting to crave a bit of sunshine. At home in Gloucestershire, February has been brightened by a great month-long event called Light Up Cheltenham, where prominent buildings all over town are lit up with multi-coloured lights, and rides on a big wheel allow you to enjoy the spectacle from up high. They’re even going to turn everything red for Valentine’s Day, which will be fun!

And at work we’ve had some laughs as usual, which always brightens up the day. In my next blog, I’ll share a very fun video of myself and Dale, filmed by our social media team last week that’ll be popping up on QVC’s Facebook page and elsewhere on Valentine’s Day, so look out for that. And the lovely Evey, one of our regular fashion guests, posted this photo on her Instagram page of us both giggling helplessly in the studio. I’m so lucky to work with people who make me laugh every single day.

I have some annual leave due, so I’m taking next week off, which means that sadly I won’t be around for the latest fashion Today’s Special Value offer from Ruth Langsford, someone else I always have great fun on air with. This time Ruth’s bringing us a long-sleeved jersey shirt in a choice of six colours – black print, white print, red print, navy, cobalt and pink. It’s got stretch (always important to Ruth), is machine washable and comes in sizes XS to 3XL. I’m sure it will fly out when it airs on Saturday 15th. You will also be able to get ahead and buy it early if you want to from Wednesday 12th, so don’t miss out.

Something else to look out for is the Diamonique design of the month. As I type this, I am wearing three Diamonique rings (all stacked on the same finger!) that I’ve had for at least five years and still look as sparkly and lovely as they did on day one, which shows the quality and durability of this range of simulated diamonds. The February design of the month is an Omega Bezel Set Necklace in gold-plated or rhodium-plated sterling silver, with a row of round cut stones set into the chain. It’s elegant, understated and rather lovely.

I hope you can find some bright spots in your February… see you soon! And don’t forget you can also follow me and chat to me on Twitter (@jackiekabler) and Instagram (@officialjackiekabler). I always love to hear from you.

Love Jackie x



14 Responses

  1. Hi Jackie,
    Great photo at the top! And great to see you on fashion on Friday. You’re a great fashionista. I thought glen was a bit mean to you the other day!? Maybe it was ok but I thought it was a bit mean!
    I just read Julia’s blog and someone asked about Kathy. Is she still pretty poorly? Please give her our best. She’s had a horrible time. Hope Julia’s op is a success too. I was surprised she said she had no idea how awful it is to be housebound though? Hope you’re family are all doing ok.
    Take care,

    1. Hi Susan
      Thanks, I do enjoy fashion hours! And Glen and I are great pals so it’s all just banter, don’t worry! We’re hoping Kathy and Julia will both be fighting fit and back at work soon. Hope you’re well too…lots of bugs around at the moment! Have a lovely weekend.

      1. Hi Jackie,
        That’s good. You never know how things are taken and I sometimes don’t know how to take certain people! But that’s good!
        I really hope Kathy shakes her illness soon especially with her daughter being pregnant.
        Stay well yourself and don’t be slipping in this ice and snow again! Or gales for that matter!! How’s your own back these days?x

        1. Hi,
          Yes trying hard not to fall over this year! My back is manageable thanks, trying to keep on top of things with regular physio and stretching. Just a part of getting older I suppose!

  2. Hi , can you tell me where I can buy the pink shirt with dog outline on .
    It was while you were presenting cosi home on Friday evening. You looked amazing in it 😊

    Many thanks
    Ginnie x

    1. Hi, Thank you! It was a Joules shirt but pretty much sold out as soon as it went on air unfortunately…if you check the QVC website there may be one or two left!

  3. hi great to see that spring is here I love seeing the first spring daff and then watching you and Ruth bet you have loads more fun ha=ha off screen fly on the wall feeling,, also all the great advice you give I feel I have got a bit of my mo jo back and I am looking forward to my niece’s wedding on 15 feb2020 and I an wearing all q. v. c. from head to toe plus all my beauty form Alison and Keeley thanks again xpamla

    1. Hi Pamela,
      How lovely to have a wedding to look forward to, and really glad you have found your mojo, that’s a great start to the year! Have a great time.

  4. Hello Jackie. Thank you for your lovely blog. You are such good fun, you always make me laugh so much. Great presenter enjoy you week off. God bless. Antoinette x

  5. Hiya bab,loverly blog as per,ta.As above i really really enjoy when you are on qvc you do make me laugh,glad you got some time off but hurry up back,lol,im keeping busy with the prep for baby shower for my second great grandbabby…photo attached
    Take care bab,much love Jillian x

    1. Hi Jillian, awww what a shame I couldn’t see your photo as they don’t work here on the blogs but how very exciting, congratulations! Hope the baby shower is/was fantastic!
      Love Jxx

  6. Jillian here again bab,sorry but i cant find how to send me photo…and ive just joined twitter,aint got a clue🤔(i am 68,in my defence lol) much love x

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