Sunshine and flowers


What lovely weather it’s been over the past couple of weeks – well, certainly at home in Gloucestershire and here in London. I can’t believe that in my last blog I was showing you pictures of the snow we had during our week away in Yorkshire, and yet now spring really is here and the garden is absolutely blooming. You’ve probably already seen these incredible tulips on air if you watch the gardening shows on QVC, but I just had to show them to you; I have never seen tulips quite like them. They are the Gudoshnik double tulips from Plants2Gardens, and they are the biggest and most spectacular I’ve ever seen. Just amazing!

Unfortunately, one of our resident squirrels has also taken a fancy to them and keeps biting their heads off! In despair, I’ve now bought him his own little squirrel café in the form of a feeding station attached to one of the trees in the garden, in an attempt to stop him tasting the flowers. He dug up so many bulbs over the autumn and winter I’m amazed we actually have any spring flowers at all, but the squirrels are so entertaining to watch in the garden – I do love them really and I don’t want to hurt them or drive them away so hopefully the little squirrel café will work! I’ll try and get some pictures for my next blog.

I don’t really have much else to tell you this week – I haven’t been doing much except working, writing, gardening and running! My next book, The Murder List, is coming out next month (it was due to come out on 3rd June but the date has now been changed to 31st May, so a few days earlier) but I’m now working on my 2023 book with a December deadline. And running-wise, I’m currently in training for another ultramarathon event which is happening in June. It’s the biggest one I’ve ever attempted and I’m a little bit nervous (why do I put myself through these things? I must be mad!), but so far training is going well (I hope I’m not tempting fate by saying that – fingers crossed!). I’m just trying very hard not to get injured – watch this space, I’ll tell you more about it in May.

I hope you’re enjoying the spring – I always love to hear from you so do get in touch, either by leaving a comment under this blog or by following me on social media. On Twitter I’m @jackiekabler and on Instagram I’m @officialjackiekabler.

See you soon!

Love Jackie x

10 Responses

    1. Hi Anne, yes they really are amazing! I can’t believe how big and dramatic they are. Definitely a good buy.

  1. Hi Jackie great blog. Cant wait until your next book. I love your style of writing and look forward to it. Fab pic of you – your skin looks great. Loving your shows with Ruth as ever xx

    1. Hi Karen, oh that’s very kind of you, thank you so much. Really glad you enjoy the shows with Ruth too, we do have fun! Have a good week.

  2. I feed the squirrels with monkey nuts every day even through winter they dont eat my bulbs so maybe it works but they bury them in the planters and often throw my pansies etc out in the process so maybe it’s the price we have to pay for their visits lol

    1. Oh gosh, Janet, I suspect that is probably what will happen with my squirrels too! They are so cute and entertaining though so I agree, that is probably the price we have to pay! Never mind!

  3. Hi Jackie I’ve loved the tulips as well mine are 2nd year blooms even bigger. Wish I knew how to send photos to Michael I’m not very good with technology. Loved your programme with Aimee cosmetics ordered several for my granddaughter just starting out with her beauty training. Lots of useful tips. Have just ordered the rocking chair you have been sitting in. Enjoy your weekend . Sue xxx

    1. Hi Susan,
      I don’t know if you’re on any social media but Micheal is on all of them (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) so you could send him a photo on one of those; he may have an email address you could use too, I will try to find out! I hope your granddaughter loves the cosmetics and that you enjoy your chair! Have a good week.

  4. Hi Jackie, those tulips are gorgeous. I pre-ordered some during the garden event recently and cannot wait. The very best of good luck for the ultramarathon event I am sure you will be a star and have my fingers crossed for you xxx

    1. Hi Tracey, yes they are amazing, hope you love them. And thanks so much for the kind wishes – fingers crossed indeed! Much appreciated.

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