Time to get back in the garden

It’s coming, it is, it is! Spring, I mean. With all the doom and gloom and bad news out there in the world, sometimes you just need to escape for a while, and for me it’s either a) go for a run, or b) get out into the garden and get my hands mucky! Now that the weather is improving just a tad, our thoughts are returning to getting our back garden sorted out. Those who’ve followed these blogs for a while may remember that we moved house almost a year ago.

The house is pretty much done inside now, just a few little touches left to finish, like building a cupboard under the stairs. But the garden was a big overgrown mess which is going to take at least another year to sort out, bit by bit. I thought I’d share another couple of “before and after” photos with you, as we’ve just cleared another area. These shrubs were so overgrown that you couldn’t even see the lovely trees hiding inside them! Now the clearing has been done and some edging laid for our new border; the next steps are to dig out the border properly, re-turf the bare patches and then the fun bit – planting! I’ll show you the end result later in the year.

My old wellies were starting to leak so when I saw these super cute but very practical mini wellies from Joules at QVC I decided to treat myself. The name swung it for me – they’re called Wellibobs! Love it. I also loved the star pattern on this navy pair, and I’m sure they’ll accompany me for many happy hours of gardening this year.

I just wanted to draw your attention too to a brilliant offer from Skinsense coming up on Sunday 8th. This Today’s Special Value collection from lovely skin care expert Abi Cleeve includes the already very popular day, night, eye, and neck and décolleté creams (all full sizes), but what caught my eye was the brand new Retinol Booster Night Drops. I do go on about retinol a lot (sorry not sorry!) because for me it’s one of the best things in skincare.

These drops are such a good idea: they can be added to your favourite night cream whenever you feel your skin needs a boost, and at a level to suit you. One drop gives you up to 0.3% retinol (great for sensitive skin), two drops up to 0.6% and three drops up to 0.9%. Abi will explain more during her presentations on Sunday (I’ll be with her at 2pm and 4pm) but I think this is such a great addition to the range.

See you soon.
Love Jackie x

4 Responses

  1. Hi Jackie I remember you move just about same time we moved end of March I don’t know where that went. We doing same as you hubby put new fence up himself then new plants, think they have rotted away with rains do more rain. Think spring around the corner.
    Take Care

    1. Hi Christine, yes I remember you saying you moved around the same time! It’s really flown. I’m looking forward to getting the garden done gradually this year although there’s so much still to do! Hope you’re loving your new home.
      Love Jx

  2. Jackie [ love the garden and I think you are making great strides in only a year I feel you need to not to rush to complete it all in one go and sit in different areas at different times of the day and the garden looks so different and gives you great ideas and spend .ha-ha

    1. Hi Pamela, agreed! I think it’s good to live with a space for a while so you can really work out what will look and feel best. I’ll keep you posted as it progresses!
      Love Jx

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