Wildlife, books and running for heroes


How is everyone? I’m writing this as the sun streams in through the window on another beautiful day… at least the weather has been behaving itself, eh? And the wildlife family in our back garden keeps on growing, which is rather wonderful. I’ve mentioned the birds before – we get so many, attracted mainly by Richard Jackson’s bird food I think – and we’ve now added the lovely little nesting box from Wildlife World which I’m hoping will have some inhabitants soon. We always had a blue tit family nesting in our old garden so I really want one in our new garden too!

That nesting box is currently on waitlist for the pink version on the QVC website by the way; I was lucky enough to nab the grey one before it sold out. We do have some other cute nesting boxes though if you need one. Anyway, our garden wildlife family also includes two very fat wood pigeons we call Jack and Vera (I’m a die-hard Corrie fan), two cheeky squirrels (yes I know they’re technically vermin but they are so entertaining to watch), a fox (also cute to look at although I did find a big pile of feathers in the garden the other day which wasn’t very cute at all), and now, very excitingly, a HEDGEHOG!

I kept finding droppings on the lawn and wasn’t sure what was leaving them so I looked it up on a “wildlife poo identification” website (yes, I’m having wild times during lockdown!) and realised it was a hedgehog. Then my husband spotted him/her on the patio the other night. I now might have to buy some dog food, despite not having a dog, as that’s what they like to eat, don’t they? I might even get a hedgehog house. There are fewer than a million hedgehogs left in the UK and their numbers have declined significantly in recent years so it’s wonderful to have one living nearby.My new book The Perfect Couple came out last Friday and to my joy and astonishment went careering up the Amazon charts… as I write this it’s at number 22 on the Kindle chart and number one on many of the crime charts so I’m absolutely thrilled to bits! Of course I haven’t been able to do any book events but technology came to the rescue again and I was able to do a Facebook live event on my publisher’s page with my editor Kathryn and marketing manager Melanie, all sitting at home in different parts of the country, which was great fun!I’ve still been trying to get my running in too, and am so lucky to live right on the edge of the Cotswolds which means that five minutes from my house there are empty fields, hills and woods where I can run and not bump into a single person. This is quite fortunate, as last week I was nominated not once but THREE times for the “Run5Donate5Nominate5” Run for Heroes challenge – that’s run 5km, donate £5, nominate 5 more people.

It’s to raise money for NHS Charities Together, which is paying for things like travel, car parking, accommodation and well-being packs for NHS staff working on the frontline. That meant I had to run 15km in total so I did just over 6km on the Friday and another 10km on the Saturday which covered it – DONE, Julia Roberts and Carly from Together fashion, who were two of the three who nominated me!

Don’t forget too that QVC is raising money for the National Emergencies Trust, with an initial donation of £50,000 and then a further £2 for every £1 you donate – you can find more information here.

Until next week, lots of love,

Jackie x

22 Responses

  1. Hi Jackie I’m half way through your new book. Wow! Well done you. I didn’t get to sleep until 3am last night though! Really entertaining. Stay well. Stay safe. And stay writing!! Xx

    1. Thanks so much Jo, glad you’re enjoying it! And yes, I’m still writing…plenty of time at the moment! Stay safe.

  2. Hi Jackie lovely to hear from you and be able to respond. I hope you and all your family are well. Yes the weather is wonderful and I have my garden prepared for all the plants that I’be ordered from Qvc, not long to wait now I hope 🤞. Well done on your run,it must have been a bit of a shock when three people nominated you! I go out for a walk everyday but it’s only round the streets as I would have to go out in the car for some countryside and I don’t think that is the right thing to do at the moment. It will be a great relief when things improve and i’ve already warned my three grandchildren that I’m going to be kissing them like mad once it’s allowed!!😀 Take care,enjoy your garden and thanks for cheering us up on Qvc. Debbie Xx

    1. Hi Debbie, oh my goodness yes, the thing I miss the most is hugs and kisses so can’t wait for that to return to normal! Even at work we hug a lot and it’s so strange not being able to go near anyone. I hope you enjoy your plants when they arrive and that you’re enjoying your garden too, lovely to hear from you.

  3. Hi Jackie, I had you new book on pre order, I have now finished reading it, really enjoyed it . Without spoiling it for anyone, can imagine your next book as a follow on to this one.

    1. So glad to hear that Elaine! Actually I’m not planning a follow on book but you’re not the first to say that so maybe it’s something I should think about! Stay safe.

  4. Hi Jackie, well done on the run.Love the colour on your fence panel,do you know the name and make of it please? Jo x

    1. Hi Joanne, it was one of the Cuprinol Garden Shades paints, in Fresh Rosemary if I remember correctly!

  5. Hi Jackie hope you and family are well, can you tell me where you got the top you wore Thursday 23rd it was navy and white stripes thank you x

    1. All good Heather thank you! I think the top you mean was actually black and white…it was by Baukjen, item number 176035 and currently at a sale price!

  6. Hi Jackie.., A lovely uplifting blog, especially as we are all appreciating Nature that little bit more these days! We have a Hedgehog that visit our garden too.

    I am watching QVC a lot more over the past few weeks and really enjoy seeing you and your funny sayings, you’re hilarious at times!! We need this in these crazy times!
    Keep up the good work and stay safe…

    Karen xx

    1. Hi Karen, I’ve actually bought a little hedgehog house online now so he/she will have somewhere to hibernate safely come the winter, can’t wait for it to arrive! And thank you for the kind words, much appreciated. You stay safe too.

  7. Hello lovely Jackie! If you have a look on line or even in your local pet store (they’re still open) or supermarket, you’ll find hedgehog food. Don’t forget water for them!

    1. Oh I didn’t know you could buy actual hedgehog food! Thank you SheMag, I’ll see if I can find some at some point. And we have a bird bath with water in it on the ground so I’m hoping the hedgehog will share that! I’ll try and get some photos at some point – my hubby did take a couple but they’re not very clear. Thanks for the advice!

  8. Morning
    I ordered and read your new book within a day absolutely gripping tale can’t wait for the next one

  9. Hi Jackie we also found hedgehog poo ( we think ) although we havent seen it and at the same time im a bit worried about putting food out as we get cats in our garden ( not mine ) cats are not my favourite sorry to all the cat lovers Julia and Katherine and also worry about my little birds that are just finding our garden we have been enjoying seeing them in all this beautiful weather even have a couple of nests in the trees … i havent tried Richard Jacksons bird food yet but Im very tempted… got my Miracle gro compost yesterday and have started potting up just waiting for my geraniums now anyway Jackie congratulations on your new book i promise to check it out im sure its great xx stay safe and well love Pam xx

    1. Hi Pam, how lovely that you have nests, it’s such a joy isn’t it, watching the birds flying in and out! Richard’s food is fantastic, I won’t use anything else, I highly recommend it. And thank you so much, very kind. Take care.

  10. Hi Jackie
    Just finished The Perfect Couple. What a fantastic read. I couldn’t put it down. Have already recommended it to my friends. Can’t wait for your next one but at the moment reading the Cora Baxter trilogy.
    Keep safe and well to you and your husband.

    1. Thank you so much Jilly, that’s so kind of you! Hope you and your family are safe and well too.

  11. I have just finished The Perfect Couple, brilliant, I couldn’t put it down. It was gripping to the very last page and occupied me for two days of Coronavirus lockdown in the best possible way . Thank you

    1. Denny that’s so kind of you to say, thank you! Reading is a great help, isn’t it? I’m getting through a lot of books at the moment. Stay safe.

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