The jewel in the Alpha-H crown

I’ve known Michelle since she brought Alpha-H to QVC, some fifteen years ago. She was one of the kindest, funniest most generous ladies I have ever met. Her laughter and kindness was beyond infectious. Michelle often referred to Liquid Gold as the crown jewel of the Alpha-H range, but it was Michelle that was the most magical, rare sacred gem of them all.

Michelle will always be a true inspiration to us all and will be sadly missed.

Michelle founded Alpha-H after battling for over 14 years with chronic acne. She tried everything in an attempt to help it, from prescription medications to even putting toothpaste on each and every spot! Nothing seemed to work and some of the harsher treatments actually made her skin worse. I remember her telling me, her self-esteem was affected as the acne persisted from 14 years of age to nearly 28. Not easy for any young person during formative years. And beginning a career in cosmetics made her feel even more self-conscious, as the focus and results are based on seamless, beautiful skin. Typical of Michelle, forever the unconventional thinker, she wanted to provide a place of haven for people with problem skin, to help them feel more confident with their appearance. She discovered glycolic acid, an ingredient derived from sugar cane that helped clear blemishes by acting as a exfoliator. Many brands use it today, but in the early 90s, it was very much in its infancy.

Michelle and her husband decided to move to the Gold Coast in Australia and launch her own brand Alpha-H, featuring glycolic acid, one of a group of alpha hydroxy acids.

It became a global success.

From her humble garage to a multi-million pound business, loved by so many.

I will be joined by Tom Ogden on Saturday 15th August who will be bringing you the Alpha-H latest Today’s Special Value collection (242298). We will be sprinkling some fairy dust and continuing to share Michelle’s passion for skincare and sharing it with the world.

I will miss her naughty laugh and beautiful smile. She had so many more thoughts and ideas, beyond the world of beauty, that will sadly stay with her. My love and thoughts go out to her beautiful family and dearest friends.

We are never ready to say goodbye,

My beautiful friend

Forever love



27 Responses

  1. Oh man, it’s too early to be crying but Jill, what a lovely and clearly heartfelt memorial.

    Speaking of tears, I will never forget Michelle breaking down on air when someone called in to tell her how her products had changed the caller’s life. Michelle was clearly a very modest genius! She will be missed by those of us who never even knew her.

  2. I went on google on my phone and saw the story i was in shock when saw it couidnt get my head round it wouidnt sink in im so sorry for michelle family i lost my dad to cancer i watch alpha H on qvc all the time never miss a show she is one beautifull lady inside and out who will be mist so much all my love go’s out to her family.

  3. Such a great loss. Alpha H has been a big part of my skincare routine, thanks to Michelle (you too Tom!). I’ll miss seeing her on QVC, loved her sense of humor, she was so down to earth and honest.
    You will be missed💕

  4. Jill, what a glowing and fitting tribute to Michelle, bless you for that. I first saw the sad news tagged onto the end of Debbie Flint’s blog and then Will’s podcast where he was joined by the wonderful Tom. I will be watching both you and Tom on Saturday with a heavy heart. I’m sure this will be a difficult presentation for both of you, but ever the pro, you will take Tom under your wing and you will both do Michelle proud. In tribute to Michelle I will be buying in Saturday. Regards, Tanya xxx

  5. Such sad news, always lovely to Michelle on QVC, she will be sadly missed xx
    Loving thoughts to family and friends xx

  6. What beautiful words about a beautiful lady. I think all of us will miss her lovely smile. I am sure you and Tom will deliver a truly wonderful show on Saturday and I’m sure there will be many lovely memories shared. Thank you for such a lovely tribute, somehow you always seem so very sincere. 💕

  7. Hi Jill, lovely tribute to Michelle. She was a joy to watch and i loved her passion for her products. Lovely woman taken way too soon. Im sure Tom will carry on bringing us these great products and memories of Michelle xx

  8. You’ve given me goose bumps such lovely words about Michelle how sad to have lost her at such a young age. Xx

  9. JILL, I hope you get to read this message. I am so sorry to hear of the passing of the lovely Michelle. My heart goes out to her family. She will be missed by all of us qvc viewers. Antoinette

  10. Beautifully written Jill, with appreciation and respect for all of her achievements. Kindness, compassion and genuine love for the wonderful lady she was.
    Rest in peace lovely lady, you will be solely missed xx

  11. Lovely tribute to a lovely lady. She will be missed by so many especially her QVC family. I for one am delighted she started Alpha H to keep my skin in tip top condition.
    Thanks Jill. xxx

  12. What a wonderful tribute Jill to the lovely Michelle, who has very sadly left us all too soon. I agree she was a very special lady who radiated warmth and beauty, which literally shone though our TV screens. I have been watching her (and you !) for years on QVC and was very saddened and shocked to hear about her passing. My condolences to all her family and friends, including you and Tom . I always enjoyed watching Tom and Michelle together. They made a lovely working partnership. You could imagine them having a good old gossip though after work with a bottle of wine ! You could just tell they a very special relationship and I imagine he must be devastated. Michelle will be very much missed by myself and many QVC viewers I am sure. RIP lovely lady.

  13. Beautiful words for a beautiful lady! So very sad Michelle is no longer with us. Have watched the Alpha h shows since they first came on QVC and use lots of their products. So sad will never see Michelle again.

  14. I was touched by your beautiful tribute Jill, I was shocked when I first read about Michelle’s death as I had no idea she was ill.
    She will be missed. xx

  15. I only learned of Michelle’s death when the TSV was introduced yesterday and was shocked to hear the news as I never knew she was ill. Too young to die. Love to her family.

  16. Such a lovely lady who will be sorely missed. I would also like to remember the lovely Roberto Faraone Menelle of RFM jewellery who has also passed away. Such a lovely man. Nobody on QVC seems to have mentioned his passing, yet his jewellery was so beautiful.

  17. What a lovely tribute Jill to a very talented lady- it’s so very sad she lost her life so young, there seems to be so many tragedies lately with people becoming poorly ( I also wish Alison O’Reilly a speedy recovery) and also QVC need to do a tribute to mark the loss far too young, of Roberto Faraone Mennella from RFM Jewellery, he also sadly lost his life to Cancer a few months ago… all of these lovely presenters become part of your every day lives and it’s very important they are remembered and not forgotten as part of the QVC family…. x

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