Our NHS heroes

Hi everyone,

I pray that you are all well and staying safe. Hopefully having us on air with you is offering a bit of light relief throughout he madness we all find ourselves in at the moment. Who would have ever thought that 2020 would be like this. I keep thinking that I’m going to wake up one morning and find it has all been some dreadful dream, a bit like Bobby Ewing did in the shower in Dallas!  Does anyone remember that?

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Sending love and thanks to all of the incredible NHS workers across Great Britain #ClapForNHS https://t.co/pLVfFBi1IG

Anyway, I was so proud to be part of the clap for our carers campaign last week. I do honestly feel that all the key workers of this country are doing an amazing job including all the shop assistants, drivers and delivery people that are keeping us feed at the moment too. The NHS though are utterly amazing, I’ve heard some truly incredible stories of how staff are not only putting their lives on the line but also living away from their own families in order to keep working and looking after people, truly remarkable.

After the tribute, I began an hour of fashion with the lovely Evie Kurlander and we both felt quite emotional and I said to her, please don’t set me off, but it was such a poignant moment in the studio.

So as we are unsure how long we are isolating for, I thought I’d come up with some ideas and tips to keep us going.

So I’m guessing that there are lots of you out there, like me, who were due at the hairdressers this week to deal with those pesky grey hairs?

Well it looks like we are going to be stuck with them for a good while yet. So let me recommend Color Wow and their incredible Root Cover Up!

If there was ever a time to snap this product up it’s now. We usually sell it on its own, although it is only available at moment in this three-piece collection – I’d still grab it while you can!

The shampoo and conditioner in the collection are colour preserving, so they will try and hold your colour for as long as possible, and then you choose your shade of root cover. All the shades are very forgiving and the coverage you get is immense. Nothing sticky or chalky, just natural-looking colour coverage that will last in the rain, at the gym, you can even swim in it! The coverage stays until you shampoo it out. I’d hurry though, I can’t see the collection staying in stock for long.

Another idea I had to cheer us up was to have a gourmet food night at home. This could be anything from a family dinner, to date night! Why not just all dress up at home, as if you were on holiday and let QVC cater to your every need as we take you on a gastronomic adventure.

If you love fish, how about some H Forman & Son gourmet salmon fish fingers, or you could try the delicious gin and tonic smoked salmon fillets?

Don’t forget our award-winning pies from The Real Pie Company that offer both sweet and savoury collections that melt in your mouth. This is my favourite the steak selection pack, if you love steak you will devour this sumptuous offer of 10 steak pies, with two of each of five varieties including steak and stilton, steak and stout, steak and mushroom, steak and kidney and peppered steak, delicious!

There are lots of sweet treats in our QVC pantry for dessert included our beloved Gower Cottage Brownies that simply have to be eaten to be believed, and it can all be washed down with some Laithwaite’s wine  or even better, Laithwaite’s Prosecco!

Alternatively you could have a film night and treat yourself to some of Joe and Seph’s gourmet popcorn, but be warned you’ll be hooked. Popcorn will never be the same again! QVC has so many tantalising tasty titbits on offer which is just what we need to give ourselves a boost and help get us through another week. Don’t forget our Easter Eggs too, we have some luxury eggs by Hotel Chocolat that are made of really thick and decadent chocolate, they look heavenly.

Well after all that talk of food, I’m off to pedal away some calories on my exercise bike but I’ll be back with you on Tuesday for a great fashion Today’s Special Value offer!

Centigrade are bringing us a faux suede biker jacket. Available in five gorgeous colours, including a beautiful blush pink, the jacket comes in sizes XS to 3XL and is the perfect outer piece to take us into spring and right the way through the summer and beyond!

See you there and stay safe,

Jilly x

7 Responses

  1. I clapped for my son / a doc dealing with the virus daily ; his wife :also a doctor and my new daughter in law ; a gp – May they all stay safe ; they go out to work to allow us to stay in – that’s all we need to do for our NHS . We are glad QVC brings normality to our days which are long and boring + Thank you all .

  2. Hi Jilly

    I don’t normally leave a comment after reading the presenters blogs (which I love as I’m not on social media) but you look absolutely beautiful in your photo and I must say the dinner table with food doesn’t look bad either!

    I trust you and your family are staying safe & well and look forward to seeing you on the Q.

  3. Hi jilly,
    How are you four? Is your son back with your from uni? It’s terrible all this but mostly for keyworker staff. I’m sure some of the scenes could call significant mental damage.
    Hope you keep well x

  4. Lovely post Jilly. I too found Thursday night very emotional, I started to cry it was such a massive moment for everyone of us who appreciate the NHS. I was like Alison and went through breast cancer so know just how much they mean to me and how grateful I will be for their care forever. It was lovely to hear some of your hints and tips during this weird time. I am so glad we can shop with you until further notice. It is always nice to treat yourself for your own mental health and wellbeing. Take care love Serena, x

  5. Hi jilly

    Lovely thoughtful blog… Moved again by seeing you all clapping for the nhs. We did it in our road and it was so special. Me and my husband did our tribute through the window as we’re isolating for 12 wks.. The next day, 4 of my neighbours all decided that we d sit on our garden walls at 11 am and have coffee and a chat.. Sharing happy stories and updates…
    weather has been kind so that s helped..

    I was able to join in by sitting on my window ledge with the window open!!!

    Jilly, you look so lovely on your photo. Is the top a qvc one??

    It s been a pleasant distraction to read all your blogs and We appreciate you taking the time in these strange days.. We keep praying for you and your family and all your colleagues. Been grateful for the superb soaps and hand creams you sell which I ‘ve bought for many years.. Now more needed than ever.. Propolis s b c set is lovely just now!!
    thank you!!!
    Do Take care and stay safe til all this passes. And it will!!!!!

    Lots of love and hugs

    Christine xxx

  6. Hi Jilly,
    Your profile picture is so lovely hope you are keeping well.
    Thank-you for praising the NHS I am a health care worker in a children’s homes working closely with the nurses i support.
    Being a Mum myself I have daughter who is in her final year at kings college university she is working hard on her exams and deadlines in becoming an adult Nurse.
    And very soon she will be in London supporting her fellow colleagues in the fight against Coronavirus we appreciated the support of everyone last week with clapping and support all of the NHS , care workers , Porters, Cleaners , All do an amazing job.

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