Hello everyone,
I hope you are all well and have been enjoying February so far. Well, apart from all these storms we are having! They certainly make the dog walk interesting! I’ve been staying at my parents’ this week as I’ve been at QVC a few days in a row and it’s a bit closer and our lovely cat, Wotsit, has been sleeping on the bed with me at night. The photo at the top is her the other morning snuggled up on my bed after I had to get up. Oh, to be a cat! She is a tiny little thing and very much has her own mind but I love her very dearly.
Now, this is just a quick blog to let you know that there’s a fashion event coming up starting this weekend here on QVC. As part of the event there will be a Today’s Special Value from MarlaWynne on the 18th. It is this Luxe Crepe Shirt. Marla does shirts so well and they are perfect for people who thought that shirts didn’t suit them or wouldn’t fit right on their shape. It is a premium brand so it is always a popular choice for a Today’s Special Value and worth catching the launch show so you don’t miss out on sizes and colours.

Of course, as usual, we have a Big Deal for the week on the Style channel but this being part of our special fashion event, we have an extra special one for you. It is from Monsoon and is a special collaboration – a dress that will only be available here at QVC – the print is just for us! If, like me, you’ve worn Monsoon clothes for a long time, you’ll know that they are clothes made to last and very flattering too. The Big Deal launches, as always, at midnight on Sunday but you can start shopping it early if you watch the Style channel at 6 p.m. on Sunday.

We also have some shows from Phase Eight and Monsoon that are not to be missed so I really suggest you tune in for them, as well as the rest of the wonderful fashion brands we have. If you haven’t looked online lately then you might not have seen that there’ a lot of new spring fashion on there. If you go to the fashion section it is very easy to find on there and worth a browse because there’s lots of lovely new stuff! I’ve my eye on a few of the new J by Jolie Moi dresses for sure.
That’s it – public service announcement for fashion lovers over! HA! I hope you manage to get some lovely new bits for your wardrobe over the event – let me know what you’ve got your eye on. I love shopping and I love vicariously shopping through other people too!
Have a great couple of weeks… until next time.
Kathryn x