Dog walks, fruitcake and diamonds!

Hello Everyone!

How are you doing? Well, I hope, despite some of the craziness that is going on right now. I’m missing joining you on-air at QVC but following advice and staying home as I know many of you will be. But I’ll still be here blogging and will try and show my face a bit more on social media too. I’ll put all my accounts at the end of the blog as a reminder if you don’t already follow me. I’m most active on Instagram so that’s a good one to follow.

As you will know if you’ve read any of my previous blogs, I love walking with my dog Monty and right now that is the highlight of my day. To be honest, it often was anyway, but now I feel especially lucky to live in the countryside and have lots of lovely open fields and footpaths to walk with him. My husband is also working from home so we can all go together which is lovely. I’m getting a bit slower now being six months pregnant but I’m determined to keep the strength in my legs up and the fresh air does wonders for my mood.

I bought my husband Lawrence a camera for Christmas and we have taken it with us on a couple of walks. The photo at the top was us having a play around with it. It makes me laugh because it looks like I’m home schooling Monty which, of course, lots of people are tasked with at the moment. Here’s another one he took of Monty in the garden during the lovely sunny weather we had. He looks unusually serious but I’m told there was a biscuit just out of shot!

I do believe Monty is rather enjoying himself with both of us home all the time and he is getting even more spoilt than he usually is but goodness, he is good company and makes sure we have a good laugh at least once a day. He’s currently asleep on the sofa next to me as I write this – he doesn’t have a care in the world!

Something else I’ve always loved is baking but I confess, in the hustle and bustle (and the house renovations) I’ve rather neglected it of late so now has been the perfect time to get the oven back on and fire my trusty KitchenAid up! We haven’t been able to get any plain flour here, so quiche and biscuits will have to wait until we can but I have self-raising, so cakes it is! I thought I’d share a recipe with you in case you fancy a go too. I was looking in the cupboards and pulled out an alarming amount of dried fruit that had been in there goodness knows how long and thought now is the time to use it up! Well, some of it at least. So I decided on fruit cake. Great for two reasons: one, it uses up said dried fruit which I’m sure lots of you have hanging round too and two, it lasts ages once its cooked and with only two of us in the house to eat it we don’t want something that’s stale after a day.

This recipe was sent to me by my lovely godmother, Aunty Angie, a few years ago now and it is so easy but very tasty and, as I say, stays moist for days. Here it is:

You will need:

  • 1lb Mixed Fruit (I used a bit of everything – raisins, currants, apricots, sultanas, cranberries…whatever was in the cupboard!
  • If you only have one type that’ll be fine)
  • 8oz Margarine (I always use marge but reckon butter would be okay if that’s all you have)
  • 5oz Sugar (I use Caster but again, if you only have granulated I reckon you’ll be okay)
  • 9oz Self-Raising Flour
  • 3 Eggs, lightly beaten

This is a boiled fruit cake so, obviously, the first thing you need to do is boil your fruit! Put it all in a big saucepan and cover generously with water. Bring this to the boil and simmer for about 20 minutes or a bit longer. You want the fruit to have puffed up nicely. If you’re using mixed fruit, some will plump before others… my very old currants took a while, but the apricots went straight away… just use your judgment and don’t panic too much about timing here.

Pre-heat your oven to 160C and then drain the fruit through a colander or sieve to get rid of the water. Pop the fruit back in the pan, add the margarine and let it melt. If you’re impatient like me then giving it a little stir will speed things up. 
I then transfer this mix into my KitchenAid so if you have one too, do that, or you can use a big bowl and a wooden spoon.
 Add the sugar and eggs and beat really well.
 Then add the flour and beat that in well too until everything is combined. It’ll be much runnier than a normal fruitcake because of the melted marge and juicy fruit so don’t panic.

Pour the batter into a lined 8-inch cake tin (will need to be a deep one) and put it in the oven for about 1 hour 30 mins. My oven runs quite hot, so it was done at 1 hour 20 mins so do have a check on yours – the top should spring back if you touch it and a skewer poked in the middle should come out clean (although might get some fruit on it). 
Leave on a wire rack to cool and then enjoy with a cuppa! As I say, it lasts a good few days as it’s so moist, so it’s perfect even if there’s only a couple of you at home.

Let me know if you give it a go – I’d love to hear if you like it. We’ve been enjoying it as an afternoon treat with tea. Surely fruit cake counts as one of your five a day, right?

Anyway, just a couple of things to tell you about at QVC before I go. There’s going to be an IT Cosmetics Today’s Special Value on 2nd April, which includes the Illumination version of their fabulous CC cream, which I swear by, and their Bye-Bye Under Eye Concealer as well as a really fab star-shaped brush which is just for us at QVC. It will be a great deal and if, like me, you love the CC Cream, it is certainly one not to miss!

The other exciting thing that I am very sad not to be able to bring to you on-air myself is the launch of a new jewellery range. It’s called Fire Light Diamonds and is a range of lab-grown diamond jewellery. How exciting! Big name jewellers have been bringing lab-grown diamonds for a little while now and we’re starting to see more and more of them in the industry. They have the same physical, chemical and optical properties as a naturally-mined diamond, but are a fraction of the price. So this is an exciting new way to own diamonds at carat weights and colours (hello pink!) that might have been out of your price range otherwise. We have some pieces on the web already for you to look at, but I really encourage you to watch the launch show at 8 p.m. on 3rd April as the lovely Hannah Clemmow will be able to talk you through them and tell you much more about why the Fire Light range is so fabulous. Tell me what you think afterwards, I’d love to know your opinions.

Right, that’s it from me for now. Please do stay in touch and, as promised, here are my social media accounts so you can follow me:

Twitter : @kathryngoldsmit

Instagram: @Kathryn_Goldsmith

Facebook: /kathryngoldsmithpresenter

I’ll be back in a couple of weeks with another blog and maybe another bake to share! In the meantime, stay safe and well – I’m sending love to you all.

Take care,
Kathryn x

39 Responses

  1. Thanks for recipe. Love your dog. I took my border collie into work with me and she was much appreciated though she did not like me on the phone! Take good care of yourself and let’s hope things get back to normal soon.

    1. Oh Anne I bet everyone loved you bringingyou dog to work! I could never imagine taking Monty in with me…he’d be mad!! You take care too x

  2. Hi Kathryn great blog as ever. So glad you are staying at home. Wow cant believe you are now six months! Fantastic pic of you and Monty. Is gorgeous and yes it does look like you are home schooling him! Ah bless him he obviously adores you! Take care and enjoy your lovely walks with Monty xx

    1. Thank you for your kind comments Karen. I can’t believe I’m six month gone either…time has flown a bit! You take care too x

  3. Hi Kathryn, thank you for your blog. Enjoy all your lovely walks with Monty and your husband. I will definitely try your recipe
    Take care and God bless you. Antoinette x

  4. Congratulations on baby bump looking like a joy for all the boiled cake looks yummy I do one with a small tin of ideal milk prepare the night before and leave to cool and the fruit just yummy and then the add to all the rest take care of all and doggy is my best friend too haha xx pamela

  5. Hi Catherine I didn’t know you were expecting a baby until this morning while watching QVC when Katharine Huntley mentioned it, congratulations and I hope you are keeping well, all of you, and your beautiful dogs x x x take care

    Lots of hugs 🤗

  6. Hi Kathryn. Made your cake today. Just enjoying a slice with a cup of tea! Look after yourself and baby bump! xx

  7. Hi Kathryn.

    I’ve never left a message before but felt I had to tell you how good the fruitcake is ! 😋
    I made it yesterday afternoon , I used sultanas & cranberries & my husband says it’s the best he’s ever tasted !
    Praise indeed as my Lemon drizzle is usually a winner.
    Stay safe & enjoy your free time whilst you have it 😊


    1. Julie! I am so pleased you made the cake and it turned out so well. And praise indeed from your husband…mine can never wait till it is fully cold to tuck in haha! Take care x

  8. Hi Kathryn.

    I’ve never left a message before but felt I had to tell you how good the fruitcake is ! 😋
    I made it yesterday afternoon , I used sultanas & cranberries & my husband says it’s the best he’s ever tasted !
    Praise indeed as my Lemon drizzle is usually a winner.
    Stay safe & enjoy your free time whilst you have it 😊


  9. Hi Kathryne

    You can use self raising flour to make pastry it is lighter but slightly more difficult to handle as it is more delicate and can tear more easily.. Just be careful not to add too much water.

    Take care

  10. Congratulations on the baby stay safe and well. I make a similar cake but I put the marg and sugar in the pan bring to the boil simmer for 20 minutes leave to cool over night next day I add flour and eggs mixed spice all in the saucepan everyone loves it as it is so moist and 1 pan to wash.
    I have a Bichon frise a white fluffy dog great company you take care and keep well.

    1. Thank Mavis. Oh I might try your method one day…I like the sound of the mixed spice with the fruit too. And yes, dogs are just the best company aren’t they? Keep us sane in trying times I think. Take care x

  11. Hi Kathryne
    So pleased you are taking things easy. I have a similar fruit cake recipe but my fruit is boiled in 1 cup of cold tea, it is absorbed after around twenty minutes and makes the cake more moist. I also am soo pleased to have Oscar my bernese mountain dog as company and it does make me get out and not vegetate on sofa though qvc is always on and I have to ration the credit cards.
    Regards sue

    1. Hi Sue. Like the idea of doing it with tea…think I might give that a go one of these days, thank you. Oh I LOVE bernese mountain dogs…gorgeous! And I know what you mean about stopping you staying on the sofa all day…Monty certainly helps me with that too. Take care x

  12. Hello Kathryn,
    Just made your cake today using raisins, cranberries, figs & dates from my store cupboard.
    I mixed in some chopped walnuts & sprinkled some on the top too before baking.
    Its just come out of the oven & it looks & smells divine. Can’t wait for it to cool down so my husband & I can have a slice with a cuppa!
    Looking forward to more recipes please.
    Thank you very much and take care.
    Dee xxx

    1. Hi Dee, so glad you gave it a go. I like the idea of adding walnuts in too…I’ve never thought of that myself and I bet it is yummy. Hope you and your husband are enjoying it. We’ve finished ours now so I think its time I got back in the kitchen and baked something else! You take care too x

  13. Hi Kathryn, thanks so much for sharing this recepie, made mine today, it’s easy to make but tastes amazing. I had loads of sultanas and raisins left from making fruit cake last Christmas. Genius idea of boiling the fruit saves the lengthy process of soaking them. Thanks again, I look forward to reading your blog.

    1. Lovely to hear that Natasha! I always buy dried fruit for the christmas cake, forgetting that I already have some left over so this helps me use it all up too. Glad you liked it xx

  14. Hi Kathryn
    I made your fruit cake with the only dried fruit that was in the cupboard which was 14oz sultanas. I also used 8oz butter. The result was delicious, the butter kept it moist I think for longer. a very good cake spread with butter & a cup of tea. Definitely will make again.
    Keep well & safe.

    1. So glad it turned out well Laraine and thanks for letting me know it workswith butter too…I’ve just always used marge! Also glad to hear I’m not the only one who liles to spread fruitcake with butter!! X

  15. Well darling I am going to have a go at the boiled fruit cake will let you know how it goes( hate trying to line a cake tin never goes smoothly!) love Auntie Shez xx

    1. Hope it worked!! I hate lining the cake tin too…I have non stick spray stuff I normally use but its not great for things that take longer than about 40mins xxxx

  16. Hi Kathryn
    Cake has just come out of the oven and OMG, it smells amazing!
    Trying to stop my husband from tucking in until it has cooled down. Looking forward to our afternoon cuppa with a slice (or two!).
    Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    1. Hope it was lovely with your cuppa Julie. My husband can never wait until its cooled to eat either. I baked biscuits today and he nearly ate one right out of the oven!! X

  17. Thanks for your recipe. I only had sultanas, granulated sugar and butter. The only alteration was a tsp of vanilla extract. It was very much appreciated by my husband and next time I will try cinnamon for a change. Take care and keep safe.

    1. You’re welcome Karen. Glad to hear the substitutions worked…cinnamon would be yummy in it too I think. You take care too x

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