Well, wasn’t that a lovely snowy weekend? I really do love the snow and it was even better because I had nowhere to be, so no worrying about navigating the road out of our village. On Sunday morning when it was really snowing hard, I left the baby with my husband all cosy indoors eating porridge for breakfast and I took Monty dog out for a walk.

He was just so excited he couldn’t contain himself! He was frolicking about and eating lots of the snow and I was making snowballs and throwing them for him. I’m so glad I went out with him because I smiled for the entire walk, it was wonderful! The pictures are more “actions shots” because he literally couldn’t sit still he was so excited!

Beatrice is obviously too little to really enjoy snow but I stood her up against the french windows and she watched Monty tearing round the garden a few times which she happily giggled at. I feel like a bit of snow was just what we needed right now to cheer us all up a bit and, as I said before, lots of people could probably enjoy it more knowing that they didn’t have to worry about the commute. I do hope you were able to enjoy it if you had some.
Now, if you have been reading my blog for a while, you will know that my husband and I have been slowly (veerrryyy slowly) renovating our house over the past couple of years. What we’ve discovered about ourselves during this process is that we aren’t very good at completely finishing rooms. Even the kitchen, which on first inspection looks finished, is missing skirting boards and the living room needs some exposed pipes painting… I could go on. Well, with the carpet fitting in Beatrice’s nursery the other week, I realised that we have actually completely finished that room! It’s a miracle!
I’m feeling very chuffed about it too. She has shelves up, pictures, painting and bunting from talented friends and godparents and even her very own washing basket (it has a bear face on it, very cute), which I only ordered a few weeks ago. Safe to say it’s given me the bug. I want to get things finished as soon as we can. This isn’t our forever home and I hate the idea of just finishing it to sell it without enjoying it properly ourselves.
So, in a bid to do what I can straight away, I’ve finally ordered a curtain pole and curtains for our dining room. We painted it a vibrant blue over a year ago and I adore the colour but it has remained unfinished as we had to do the bathroom before baby arrived. It may still not have a proper floor, but it’s going to have curtains soon! Hooray! Here’s the swatch of fabric I’ve gone for… I had to resist the gorgeous William Morris fabrics as they were just too much money, but one day, in our forever home I might treat myself. What do you think? I know the colour isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but I blooming well love it!

Now, onto other exciting things in the pipeline. This weekend at QVC it’s Beauty Weekend and it’s set to be a smasher. There are going to be lots of special things going on and amazing deals from our beauty brands as well as new launches.
Speaking of new things… I’ve been trying something out from new brand Wrinkles Schminkles (yes, you read that right!). These are an innovative little wrinkle smoothing patches made from medical grade silicone. So you can reuse them multiple times which I think is great.

You just take them off the sheet they come on, peel off the backing and stick them on. I’ve been trying out the eye wrinkle patches, wearing them for a while when Bea naps, although they are designed so that they can be worn while you sleep because they really stick and stay on. It’s targeting wrinkles in a seriously easy way. There are various patches for different places, including forehead and lips, so have a look this beauty weekend and maybe give them a go.
I want to mention also that we have the new Dyson Supersonic in red now available on the website and it’s already proving quite popular. It would make a really special gift for someone (Valentine’s?) or perhaps a treat for yourself. I love how quickly my hair dries with the supersonic and how smooth it makes my flyaway locks and I think the red just looks fab!
Our Big Deal from Elemis is also still running (you might recognise the person in the video online) and it’s a really great collection for this time of year as it’s all about skin recovery. So if the cold weather plus stressful world we currently live in is getting to you and your skin, then this could be a fab set for you.
Another Big Deal that we’ve launched this week in the Finishing Touch Flawless Brows precision hair remover. If you’ve watched lots of QVC, you may have caught the original hair remover before but this is a more precise version with a smaller head made perfectly for your brows.

Now, I don’t know about you, but my brows have not been looking great lately because I normally get them waxed but obviously that’s not an option right now. Well, this has been my saviour! It’s as easy to use as a crayon, doesn’t hurt or turn my skin red (I used it minutes before going live on air the other day and with my skin I could not do that with tweezers) and it’s a really handy size for when we are allowed back out and about.

I’ve got the leopard print option and that was the first to sell out when we did the Today’s Special Value of the original size, so if you want it too, be quick!
Right, that’s it from me for now. I hope you’ve got something to look forward to this week and that you can watch a bit of beauty weekend, I know I will be!
See you soon,
Kathryn x
8 Responses
Hi Kathryn
What lovely pictures of Monty in the snow – it looks like he really enjoyed himself 😀☃️
It sounds like you and your husband have done really well with renovating your house. It probably feels like a never ending task at times, but will be worth all the hard work when you’ve finished 🙂
With best wishes
Jules x
Thanks for reading Jules. It certainly does feel never ending but hopefully in a few month we might be able to just sit back and enjoy it! X
Hi Kathryn
Great blog and the snow looks so beautiful and brightens everywhere and then glistens like glitter , added to which, you and Monty looked to have loads of fun while Beatrice had bonding time with her daddy and baby bear porridge!! Aw, so lovely. X
I personally agree with your choice of cobalt blue. I remember in the 70 s , we did our bathroom and the walls were done in a gorgeous navy and pale blue pear print, tiles not dissimilar to your curtain fabric and wait for it, the bathroom suite in Sorrento blue to match the tiles.. I LOVED IT !!! So yes, I think your choice is amazing. Could it be something to do with us being redheads. I think we always seem to go towards the same colour pallette..
Can’t wait to see it finished.
I love Laura geller and am gutted I can’t get any of my gelato highlighter as I ‘ve run out but the one in the tsv is too pink for me personally.. I just love the honey and ballerina gelato.. Also, Lulu s Time fragrance is another discontinued favourite. Just loved it.. Willing it to return.. Hopefully …
Well Kathryn, take care, lots of love and blessings and hugs to you all..Keep spreading your sunshine.
Christine x x
Thanks for reading and taking the time to leave such a lovely comment Christine. The bathroom soumds right up my street! We did our with navy blue tiles last year and I love it. I just love colour on the walls. I want to get some nice dark green in somewhere too. Us redheads definitely do lile blues and greens!
Hope you’re well x
Hi Kathryn,
I really enjoy your blogs and enjoy seeing you on air too. You are a wonderfully spontaneous breath of fresh air. You’re blessed with a great sense of humour and fun! Thank you for the lovely blend of personal and professional that you share so generously with us (especially in these difficult times).
Wishing you, your husband, beautiful baby Beatrice and Monty all the very best always!
Thank you again,
PS love your dining room choices!
Oh Moya, what a lovely comment to leave, thank you so much, you’re too kind. Glad to spread a little laughter and smiles if I can…I try not to take things to seriously of I can help it!! X
Hi there
Can you help
I wore my diamonique Rhodium plated ring in the jacuzzi (my fault)
Now it is dull
Will silver polish bring back the shine
Recommendations please I have nothing to lose
Katherine xx
Hi Kathryn, Monty is gorgeous is he a Flatcoat? I used to look after a flatcoat called Dinah, she was very affectionate and very obedient despite being batty! we have 3 black labs Madge, Nell and Merle! love watching you on your shows.
Best Wishes EricaXXX