Meet Beatrice…

Hello everyone!

How on Earth are you? It has been a while. I know the news hasn’t brought much joy recently but I hope you’re all doing well.

As you probably know, I have been off on maternity leave, so I suppose a little introduction is required if you don’t follow me on social media:

This is my baby girl Beatrice…she was born on her due date, 10th July, weighing in at 8lb 15oz.

She never lost any birth weight and her cheeks just keep getting chubbier… lovely! I am also absolutely loving buying all the cute clothes for her… I have to reign myself in a lot of the time.

The first few weeks were tough but things have been pretty good since then. She is now teething, though, so that’s presenting some challenges for sure!

I know lots of you asked on social how Monty dog was finding life now and I’m happy to say he’s been pretty good. He’s had to get used to a bit less attention that he got when he was an only child but so far he’s been very gentle with Bea and wants to know where she is all the time. Also Bea absolutely loves him and her face lights up when we come down to see him in the morning or when he is playing with us in the living room…it makes me very happy to see it.

I promise he’s happier than he looks in the photo… he was half asleep!

Anyway, what with staying at home since March to keep us both safe whilst I was pregnant, it’s been around 8 months since I last entered QVC towers, so I am really pleased to say I will be returning in just 2 weeks’ time! My first shows back will be on Wednesday 18th November so I hope you can join me then. I am so excited to be back on your screens… I’ve missed you all!

Now, onto a few things I’ve been using and loving recently. Imagine this time last year if you told me I’d be recommending a hand sanitiser on the blog! Anyway, that’s what I’m doing. I’ve obviously had a lot of appointments over the past few months and, more recently, have been going to a few safe baby classes (Bea’s absolute favourite is swimming… she adores it) and so I’ve tested a fair few sanitisers out and I’m not surprised that the lovely folk at SBC have risen to the top of the pile. I really like this Lemon Myrtle & Thyme Hand Cleansing Gel, firstly because it smells divine, but also because it doesn’t make my hands flaky. I have very dry hands and most of these gels make my hands so sore with lots of use, but this one doesn’t do that because of the macadamia oil and glycerin that SBC have included in the ingredients. Very handy to have a duo with a bigger one for home and a smaller one to take out and about and top up too.

Another thing that I have tried many versions of is face coverings. They are certainly going to be part of our “normal” for a while to come, so I think it is important to find some that are comfortable and that you don’t dread wearing. We’ve got a set of 5 from Smug that come in a storage bag, which I think is a great idea because let’s face it, a mask that’s been floating around the bottom of your handbag or glove box isn’t exactly hygienic.

These feel lovely and silky against your skin and can be adjusted for a snug fit around the ears and that means they stay put so you don’t keep having to mess around with them.

Lastly, something that’s been really great for me recently is this Pill-o-Pad. I have always Facetimed my Mum pretty much every day and now she wants to talk even more… not to me, but to her granddaughter! In a household with a baby and a big dog, lots of iPad cases with built-in stands just aren’t steady enough so this is great because it is very stable but super lightweight. The design is really clever, so there are 3 different angles without any adjustment and even a pocket for your phone on the side.

Great for Facetiming anywhere but also perfect for watching catch-up TV in bed because it is so light. It has helped me get through the night feeds in the rocking chair watching trashy telly too!! Sorry to mention Christmas again (not really, I love Christmas!) But I do think this is a great gift for those hard-to-buy-for types. I have found it even more useful than I originally thought.

So, that’s it from me for now. I’m finishing writing this while Bea is asleep in her cot next to the bed and I must get some shut eye too. I am so excited to be back on screen on the 18th and look forward to lots of fun shows leading up to Christmas.

Take care,
Kathryn x

29 Responses

    1. Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby girl.
      So glad to see you back in style today, looking as gorgeous as ever

  1. Oh Kathryn,

    Your little Beatrice is a little beauty and so, so cute.

    Enjoy this precious time as before you know it she will be 18!

    Looking forward to seeing you back on screen on the 18th November.

  2. Well!! Your lovely Beatrice has given all who read your blog something to smile about.
    She is beautiful – well done.

  3. So lovely to read this from you .your babe is beautiful.look forward to seeing you back onqvc. Take care best wishes and good luck

  4. Great to see you both, look forward to seeing you back at work. Feel sure you will find it more restful than looking after a teething baby. Lovely to see Monty too!

  5. Kathryn, it will be wonderful to have you back on our screens. You have been missed. Your little one is beautiful, I have a feeling she might end up onscreen at some point. 😂😂

  6. Awwww lovely Kathryn so lovely to hear that you will be back soon. We have missed you. As for Bea shes adorable and so like you. What an absolute cutie and so lovely to see that Monty has adjusted to life with a new baby in the house. Bless him wanting to know where she is all the time! Lovely! Will look out for you on screen. Big hug for Bea and of course Monty xx

  7. Hi Kathryn your little girl is beautiful and you look so well….. Look forward to seeing you on QVC soon… Take care stay safe

  8. Awww Kathryn, we’ve missed you! What lovely photos, and is it just me or does Bea and Beau have a lovely ring to it…poor kid, I’m matchmaking for her already! There’s something about her little face which says she’s going to have a lovely sense of humour, so hopefully she’ll let me off! Congratulations to you both on such a beautiful addition to your family.

  9. So happy for you both and Bea is adorable I was wondering i you had had your baby(I don’t do social media) and Ihave been wondering for ages, you have been missed on QVC and I will be watching when you return, when I had my son many years ago I had a cocker spaniel who had been my lie line during my pregnancy(husband did a flit) and all my friends said I would have to get rid of him when baby was born, but I included him in everything and he was wonderful and if I wanted to know where he was just look for the dog. Take care and love to you allxx

  10. What a beautiful baby Beatrice is, she’s so cute. It takes me back a few years to when my boys were babies. My youngest has just left for University so I’m suffering a bit from empty nest syndrome, Covid has put the brakes on all the things I had planned to do with my time, for now. One thing I want to ask, how do you still manage to look so glamorous, I remember looking like a bag lady!!! Well done you!!! X

  11. Hi Catherine, you must both be so proud. What a coincidence I have just made 3 boiled fruit cakes From your recipe and I wondered how you were doing. Then I saw your blog. Make the most of the time left till you return, look forward to your shows.

  12. I have been wondering when something would appear about your news, she looks delightful and I wish all three of you all the best

  13. Hi Kathryn and baby Bea, what a beautiful photo that is of you and baby, absolutely gorgeous. Only one word sprung to mind on seeing Bea – SCRUMPTIOUS! She is soooo adorable and gorgeous, congratulations to you all. Take care and keep safe xx

  14. Hi Kathryn, what a shock. I’d been wondering where you’d gone! I’m so delighted for you & your husband. I guess you fell lucky with C-19, that you didn’t have to do tv in your latter stages of pregnancy. You look absolutely amazing. It’s great to see Monty. It won’t be long before Beatrice is up & running after him. Your beautiful little cherub looks so like you. Your mom must be feeling so very proud of you all. I can’t wait to see you back on our screens very soon. Well done Kathryn. Big hug. Stay safe. xx

  15. Your little daughter looks such a character,that face has been here before! No messing with her in the future😍 Your first Christmas and back on Q busy Mom,take care👍⭐

  16. Little Beatrice is absolutely gorgeous and so healthy looking too. What beautiful chubby cheeks she has. Congratulations. Enjoy every minute with her.

  17. Your daughter is beautiful, lovely chubby cheeks, she looks so healthy, not forgetting her mum. You look gorgeous – motherhood suits you. I adore the name Beatrice, or Bea as she will be called. Best wishes to you all, including her daddy.

  18. Kathryn, your little girl is absolutely gorgeous, congratulations! May she always be blessed and bring you much joy. She shares my birthday, too! I am glad you’re keeping well and being careful by using hand sanitizer. You mention using a sanitizer that contains macadamia nut ingredients. Can I just please ask that people with severe allergies be very careful when using any products, toiletries/ cosmetics containing nuts/nut oils. Even though these oils may be refined (and they aren’t always, either, so that really increases the risk) there may still be traces or minute amounts of the protein present, which can theoretically cause an allergic reaction. My own daughter has anaphylaxis to nuts, sesame, all dairy and eggs and we have to be extremely careful what she uses (and also what we, ourselves, use), as we don’t want to put her at risk of a reaction of any kind. If someone wearing a body lotion sat on a chair and she then sat on the same chair and she came into contact with the allergens, she would have a reaction. That’s how sensitive some people are. Thank you for sharing that this product has macadamia nut ingredients in it. Perhaps manufacturers could also bear in mind that it helps to have clear ingredients listed, warnings and if possible, to try use products that are not allergenic like olive oil. Sadly, nut oils are often used, like almond etc. because of cost. Stay safe and blessings to your little girl. TP-C

  19. When you went on maternity leave my advice to you was “ just do it your way Kathryn you’ll be a brilliant mum “. Well, I rest my case and the gorgeous photos are the proof. Beautiful,happy mum and beautiful, happy baby.
    Well done Kathryn. Your family must be so proud of you. Enjoy!

  20. Lovely to see you back at QVC looking so glam! Many congratulations on the arrival of your gorgeous little one. She is such a cute! 😍😍 Enjoy this amazing time with Bea and please keep posting photos of her progress. xx

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