As I haven’t written a blog yet this year I will start by saying happy new year to you! I hope it has started off well for you although I know that times continue to be hard for many. I wrote a post on Instagram the other week after spending most of the New Year’s Eve week working and it was about how lucky I feel to work where I do with such great people. Here at QVC the people I am surrounded with day to day are so much fun and it makes it such a lovely place to work and I just wanted to share on that post how grateful I feel to have that amongst what can be fairly gloomy times. I should also add a special mention to our wonderful team on floor who currently always have a seat and a fan waiting for this wearing pregnant lady in every studio… what stars they are!
On that note, as the title suggests, this will be my last blog for a good few months as I’m off on my maternity leave with my last two days at QVC being this week (Wednesday and Thursday). It feels strange because I never had an end date like this last time, because of covid and shielding etc I just left work one day just over half way through my pregnancy and then didn’t come back to the building until after maternity leave. So this feels a little momentous to me this time and also quite nice to have a normal experience for once. I mean, what kind of mad woman had TWO babies during a pandemic?!
I shall miss everyone at QVC but I’m definitely ready as I’m feeling pretty tired now and I’m sure any of you that have been pregnant can understand that a two hour car journey isn’t so comfy at 8 months along! I’m looking forward to spending a little more time one-on-one with Beatrice before her new sibling makes an appearance and I have to share my attention. She is just full of life and fun at the moment and saying new words/animal sounds all the time. It is so much fun to watch her personality come out and to see her learn so many new things. Can’t say I’m not slightly nervous about managing two under twos though… yikes!

Before I go, I want to chat about my Jewellery Insider role with you. We have put it on pause for while I am going off on leave, but it is going to be coming back when I do. So there’ll still be Knowledge and Style posts on my Instagram, a monthly live to chat about what’s coming up in the jewellery department each month and hopefully some more exciting things too. I have had a few chats with some of our teams behind the scenes and I’m so looking forward to what I could be bringing you with Jewellery Insider once I’m back. As always, please let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see.
I also quickly want to mention a new-to-QVC brand that will be featuring on air for the first time on 29th January. The brand is called Sea Magik and I recently had the pleasure of meeting their founder, Kate, via video call. It was great to hear from her about the brand as it started because her father used to visit the natural salt lakes where he grew up in Hungary and their passion and beliefs as a brand all stem from that. They will be bringing all sort of goodies, including shampoo and conditioner (yes, you read that right), masks, mists and, of course, bathing salts. I have tried the magnesium baths salts, which have been a wonderful treat for my aching muscles and what’s lovely is that there is also going to be a pack of three different types of bath salts so you’ve got the right ones for the right moments. I really, really recommend tuning into the show to hear Kate talk you through all the fab items on offer as she has such a passion and amazing understanding of them. It’s all about getting a true spa experience at home and getting back to the power of nature to do that.

Right, that’s it from me really. I will just say a quick thank you before I go for all of your lovely messages to me about the pregnancy here and on social media – you’re very kind and I really appreciate them. It’s time for me to put these puffy feet up and relax as much as a toddler and mad Flatcoat retriever will let me! I’ll probably be a bit scarce on social media for a while but I’ll share a little announcement when the new family member arrives so follow me on Instagram if you’d like to see that… if it’s a girl, I’ll be able to announce a name too, but if it’s a boy there is currently a strong chance that it’ll just be called “baby” for a while as we really can’t agree on any boys’ names!
I hope the first half of 2022 for you is healthy, happy and enjoyable and I’m hoping to be back with you on QVC for the second half of it.
Best wishes to you and take care,
Kathryn x
17 Responses
Hi. Lovely to read all the info. You are such a lovely person and a nice personality. Hope all goes well with the birth of your new arrival. Hope you can still keep in touch and photos as well. Lots of love and take care. Anitaxx
My e-mail address is the names of my two beautiful grand daughters they were both born 3 months between them they are Now 15yrs old. I havelooked after them both up to now ,they are too grown up now to have nan all the time. Other interest are more important xxx
good luck to you all. will miss you on qvc take care . Lots of love.
I hope things will go well when is baby number 2 arriving looking forward to the photos in time
Good luck and hope everything goes to plan. Have been worried about you wondering when your mat leave starts so I can relax a bit now! Take care. See you on QVC soon.
Wishing you all the best Kathryn as you go on your maternity leave. Take care, good luck with the birth and sending you lots of love xx
Hi Katherine, Good Luck with the new baby. Can’t wait to hear if it’s a boy or girl! 😍🍼👣💕X
Hi Kathryn, I will miss your wonderful English Rose beauty, you are a breath of fresh air. I wish you, your husband and beautiful Beatrix all the best when you have your new arrival. God bless you all. Please keep us all posted. Take care love Claire xx
Hi Kathryn, we will all miss you at QVC. Enjoy this special time with Beatrice and look forward to seeing a pic of your new little bundle of joy! Lots of love xxx
Good luck to you and enjoy your time with your little girl before her sibling comes along. Will miss you , take care .
Lovely Kathryn – a breath of fresh air . You know about jewellery and it’s so informative . Good luck and enjoy your new darling .
We will miss you on QVC, but wish you a safe delivery……… and enjoy your newborn whilst at home………..but hurry back. 🥰
Good luck Kathryn for the birth hope all goes well. I am sure you will manage with the two of them. I shall look forward to seeing you back on screen at QVC.
Love and Best Wishes
First time I’ve done this ,scary ,wishing you all the love and best wishes with you’re new baby ,,you’re an amazing lady and I for one are going to miss you xxxx
Good luck Kathryn , all the best and really hope everything goes well, can’t wait to hear if you have a girl or boy 😁😁…… Take care and see you on our screen soon…… Xx
Wishing you good luck and lots of love for the impending birth. Enjoy the time you have with your children. Will miss seeing you on screen at QVC xx
Just wanted to wish you and your family well. Do not know if your wonderful event has taken place yet but sending love and best wishes to you all..xx
Good Luck Kathryn, must be close now before the baby is born, good luck with everything, let us know the news !
Best Wishes
Erica 🐽🍼🍼🍼🎠🚂