A very Happy New Year to you all from me and my family! I hope you all managed to have some sort of Christmas even if it was smaller or even delayed. It feels like everyone was dropping like flies over the festive period and plans being cancelled and postponed left right and centre. We got through ours without too many problems, perhaps because we kept it small and was just us and my mother in law.
We had a nice time and plenty of outdoor walks. We went out for lunch on Christmas Day which was eventful as the restaurant was totally unprepared and it took hours to get any food. There were plenty of people getting very annoyed and complaining at staff but we figured, you know what, it’s their Christmas too and they are having a terrible day at work so let’s just open the wine and go with the flow. So we still had a lovely day and then headed home for presents and Christmas Movies. The kids had a brilliant time and that’s what mattered the most!
Whizz forward to New Year and this week and it’s all a different story. Fred started getting cold like symptoms yesterday and has just done a flow test and tested positive! He’s ok, just feels a little rotten. It does mean a juggle this week with work and school drop offs but we will make it work. I will obviously be testing myself and the kids every day and keeping to myself at work while being masked (other than on air) and socially distanced at all times. It’s not ideal but it’s following the guidelines so let’s hope all is OK.
On that note, Morning Style with Katy kicks off again tomorrow. I can’t wait to get back to it and bring you all the new lovely fashion that will be coming in this year. We have been working behind the scenes with meetings to plan for the year ahead and make sure it’s a show that you will want to tune in for each week.

We are hoping to bring you first looks at some of the fashion on this show and as always give suggestions on how to make current trends work with your style and also how to build that capsule wardrobe and to buy well rather than often. So make sure to tune in every Wednesday at 10am when I will be joined by our fantastic fashion guests to talk all things fashion!
Today’s Special Value – Twist & Shape Exercise Machine
Well January wouldn’t be January without lots of chat about getting fit, healthy and dare I say losing some Christmas pounds. Personally I find it a bit overwhelming, however I am someone who does see January as a fresh slate. However, if you have been following me for a while on blogs or social media, you will know that this isn’t the only time of year I try and kick-start myself on a health trip. For me it’s a continuous journey throughout the year that I re-boot whenever possible. It’s not always about losing pounds either, sometimes I just want to make sure I am doing all I can to feel strong and healthy and not be out of breath carrying laundry upstairs!

So with that in mind, if you are looking for something that could be easy to do at home that’s not daunting and intimidating then we will be bringing you a few exercise solutions. This one is the Twist & Shape Exercise Machine which is a clever piece of kit that allows you to move up to 240 degrees to help tone your waist, sculpt your shoulders and arms and activate your core. Core strength is my number one goal this year. My back is giving me trouble again and I know I need to work on my core muscle to help support it. If this machine is something that sounds good to you it will be launching tonight at 9pm (Tuesday 4th) and on all day tomorrow.
Sorry that it’s a quick one this week, but I have to go and sort the kids out and get everything ready for school, get a food order in to make sure we are stocked for the covid patient in the house and work out how I’m going to get them to school and back while I’m at work! What a time eh?!
So Happy New Year, let’s hope this is going to be the year that life gets back to normal.
Lots of love
Katy xx
As always you’ll find me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.