Hi there!
I hope you are all doing well and have been enjoying whatever glimmers of summer you are managing to get. It’s been rather lovely this week and I have to admit I treated myself to a day off. The kids were at a summer camp for a few days each week and one of the days landed on my day off, promise it wasn’t planned haha! I could have spent it painting and decorating but I was feeling in need of a beach day and quite frankly I needed a break from DIY. So, I met a friend for a walk and then had lunch at our beach hut and just chilled out. Did I feel guilty? Nope, not one little bit. Sometimes you just need a day to yourself to recharge.
At the weekend I got up and carried on with working on Ivy’s bedroom decorating. She chose a rather nice shade of pink, which wasn’t as garish as I had anticipated. Fred did a great job of stripping the old wallpaper. We then sanded it down. I filled any holes and dinks and then primed the walls the day before and it was all ready to get rolling with the paint. It’s turned out rather beautifully and once everything is in, I shall show you a proper before and after. We have ordered her a new bed so we need to wait a little longer for the finished look.
After that we decided we needed to get some fresh air so we headed out to a favourite place of ours called The Blue Pool, a nature reserve with tea rooms. It’s called the Blue Pool because the fine clay particles in the water plays with the light and at certain points in the season can look really blue or turquoise.

It wasn’t particularly blue that day but it’s always beautiful and there is a nature trail for the kids to follow. If you are ever in Dorset it’s worth a trip and there’s a lovely tea room to enjoy, and a gift shop. The kids will always moan when we try to ‘drag’ them off for a day trip like this but as always they love it once we are out and never want to go home!
Fashion Fix
Last week I ordered a few pieces for my on-air wardrobe and I decided to do a reveal of the pieces over on my Instagram and played around with matching the jackets with the dress and jumpsuit that I chose.

It caused a divide in whether or not the Helene Berman navy checked blazer went with the leopard print J by Jolie Moi jumpsuit. I love a print-on-print clash but I will hold my hands up and say I lost the vote. The majority were not up for it! Oh well, I like it and that’s what is so fun about fashion, it’s very subjective. Along with those two items I also showed the Monsoon Heritage Embroidered Maxi Shirt Dress and a Phase Eight bomber jacket which looks like it has since sold out. If you want to watch the video, head to my Instagram here.

Today’s Special Value – WynneLayers Viscose Butterfly shirt with Tank. Launches Thursday 12th at 9pm and all-day Friday, while stocks last.

Wynne Layers is still proving to be one of our most popular fashion brands and so it was only right that we brought you another Today’s Special Value offer from Marla and her team. This is a good one too because you are getting two items! A rather lovely viscose button-through shirt and a tank top with chiffon hem.

Marla’s butterfly shirts and T-shirts are a favourite for her fans because of the way they fall away from the body and hang so nicely. We have a choice of Mink, which I am wearing here and also Black, Storm Blue, Basil, Rose and Cloud. It’s an easy piece to style and will go with so much you already have but you will also be able to split the pieces to use separately. I am a fan of a shirt buttoned to the top as seen in the pictures so that’s how I would most likely wear it, but it will also be nice left open over a T shirt or camisole as well as the matching tank. Make sure to get in early to secure your favourite colour!

That’s it from me for a while as I am heading off to Ireland with the kids on Monday. Fred is joining us later as he can’t take all the time off. I’m looking forward to lazy days and blustery walks and of course spending time with my family. I hope you have a lovely end to August and I will see you in September when we will be getting ready for a new school year. One last thing to say is that my Richard Jackson Lilies finally burst into bloom just in time for me to enjoy them before we head off, they really are gorgeous.
Lots of love,
Katy xxx
2 Responses
Lovely lilies! Oops😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃
Hi Katy, a lovely blog as usual with lovely pictures of your home and your lovely family.
Please can you tell me where you got your Black Jacket and is it waterproof.