Getting away and getting sorted

Hello!! As you know from my last blog or perhaps the one before that, we have been knee deep in a new kitchen over the last few weeks.  I’ve never “done” a kitchen before and we have saved and talked about it since moving in five years ago, so the build-up has been quite exciting. It was planned for the spring, but then lockdown happened, so finally, on September 1st, work started… and then the great unravelling began, as everything that could go wrong started to do so! I won’t go into detail here (I reckon there’s a whole book in it if I’m honest!) but suffice to say, it’s been a testing time but we are nearly there! 🙂 I’ll take photos once we are done completely, but in celebration of our nearly done-ness, and in desperate need of a change of scenery and a belated anniversary get away, Brian and I booked ourselves into a hotel in London last weekend. I thought we would get there and fall asleep until it was time to come home but actually, we managed to walk our feet off, masked up of course, and have a perfect weekend together!

We are slowly transitioning to a plant-based diet and were delighted with all the different food choices that were available to us. My office has been a makeshift kitchen for the last two months, so we have pretty much been eating from the microwave and a camping stove, which with the best will in the world, becomes quite dull after a while! We were like kids in a sweet shop every time we went to get food over the weekend, it was hilarious! Even the delights of sitting and having coffee brought to us felt like a real treat. It’s amazing how the creature comforts of life can make all the difference. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune either, our favourite meal was a shared falafel wrap from Portobello Market. It was delicious, I even appreciated the aubergine!

Back to work on Monday was quite a shock to the system after such a lovely break away, especially with the alarm set at 4:40, but how chuffed was I to arrive at my dressing room to discover the Laura Geller five-piece Holiday Collection waiting for me! It’s a Today’s Special Value for this weekend coming, already available now and as if she knew, it has my favourite eyeliner in it!! I was delighted!

It’s a fantastic collection with mascara, eyeliner, blush and the Balance ‘n’ Glow foundation that we love so much AND (drum roll) a BRAND NEW, beautiful cream eyeshadow, which ordinarily I wouldn’t jump up and down about as my eye lids are quite crepey so I tend to avoid shimmer there, but this just seems to sit perfectly and really modernise your look. It’s amazing how little tweaks can either date or make our face!

I’ve got a feeling this weekend is going to be super busy. We are kicking off with a huge two hour gift show (possibly not gifts as huge as these ones behind me, but you know what I mean!) on Saturday morning, which is going to be jam-packed with great ideas for you! I hope you can join me for that and then on Sunday, our second weekend Today’s Special Value is from Bose – I think people wait all year to take advantage of this when it comes and it doesn’t disappoint. Once again, we get the entire iconic sound system with all bells and whistles for a ridiculous price in comparison to the rest of the year round, so again, tune in and join me for the show. Be sure to look out for it’s launch Saturday at 9pm, it’s item number 519905.

So between now and the weekend, I hope you and your loved ones continue to stay safe and well.

Much love as always,

Pipa xx

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7 Responses

  1. Hi pipa,
    Lovely that you and brian got away and min so delighted you have finally got the kitchen you dreamed of. Such a massive expense so I hope you enjoy it when it’s in. You’ve waited for it!x

  2. Hi Pippa,

    Can you please let me know who represents philosophy QVC UK, I saw the last airing of the philosophy spray, the rep for philosophy you said her name is ST or Este? I wanted some info on philosophy products and thought I message them directly xx

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