I have hosted many a garden programme over the years but never really considered myself blessed with green fingers to grow my own – I’ve always just enjoyed the ones from the florist, like these ones that Brian sent me last week. If I’m honest, I’ve often wondered, as I cast my eye upon my garden that looks more structural than bursting with floral delights, if I had missed the boat entirely, or if at some stage in later life it might come and get me. I think however, with a combination of lockdown and success, the gardening bug has bitten! Earlier in the summer, I jumped on the gardening Pick of the Month from Thompson & Morgan when I saw the amazing colours on display and hey presto, we have enjoyed weeks of colour and the flowers just keep flowering!

Now, I know many of you have way more flower heads to boast and post, but I’m pretty pleased with these!

I’ve always shied away from florals, I just don’t really see myself as a flowery girl, but now I’m hooked. I’ve even ordered spring bulbs and it’s only September! I know, get me!!

Talking of planning, something that has been in the planning stages for what seems like EVER, is our new kitchen, which finally is going in at the moment! I’ve never done a kitchen fully before, I’ve replaced bits, but never had the whole thing gutted and designed it from the ground up. It’s been loads of fun and I can’t wait to see it all come together. There are still the last few bits to find, but we are pretty much sorted – even though it doesn’t look like it in this picture!

Finally, something else that’s rather seasonal. I’m definitely feeling my skin getting a bit bumpy and showing the signs both of season and hormone change. We obviously try a lot of products that come through our doors, but when my skin gets tetchy, I scale right back to a simplified routine and bang in time, we have a perfect Today’s Special Value from Elemis WITH the brand new cleanser, which I have absolutely loved using since it was launched a few weeks ago! It’s not only available at a ridiculous price, it’s also available on Auto Delivery, which means you will get it five more times in 60 day intervals at the special price that is only available until midnight on Sunday night. How great is that?!

OK, the new kitchen is coming in through the doors as I type – I’ve gotta go!! I’ll post some before and after pics soon but in the meantime, you can see the action over on social media!
Much love as always
Pipa x
3 Responses
Do keep us posted on how your kitchen comes along Pipa.
Hope the kitchen is going well. Where can I get the GORGEOUS scarf you have been wearing recently?
Hello Pippa, Cant wait to see the finished result , new kitchen time for us too. Can’t decide what to have.
Hope it all goes to plan and you are pleased with the result.
Kathy. x