Izzy wizzy, let’s get busy

Wasn’t that the catchphrase from “The Sooty Show”? Just writing it sent me down memory lane, Grotbags and “there’s somebody at the door”, Miss Piggy “..take THAT!” and of course the immortal “I don’t believe it” from the lips of Victor Meldrew. We could just keep going, but I won’t, because it’s time to get busy! I’m smelling spring (I know, wishful thinking) but we are approaching the season for sorting and cleaning, and with lockdown upon us, it’s a great way to not go out of our minds looking at the same four walls!

So, first up, if you need to stow things away that aren’t being used all the time, grab the Big Deal vacuum storage bags while you can, as they are absolutely brilliant for storing away bedding, clothing, kids paintings and work (that you know you’re going to hang on to), teddies and cushions etc. Every year we change the cushions in December for the Christmas ones and in January, they go back in to the bags, stowed away safely ready to come out next time. I also use them for sleeping bags, duvets, extra pillows, my wedding dress, loads of things – they are just brilliant in so many ways! We’ve got loads of exciting TSVs and new products coming your way, both for in the home and the garden so keep your eyes peeled!

Talking of the garden, mine is definitely looking a bit ropey so this Sunday’s Today’s Special Value, the Block Blitz Paving Kit (look out for item number 715054), is going to be put to the test to spruce up the pathways and patio. I’ve not used it before, however it looks super easy, you just add to water in your watering can and pour, then walk away. Fabulous! It’s a unique biodegradable mineral and plant-based detergent, which will not only clean, but also protect so I am looking forward to seeing the results 🙂

Finally, while the kids are doing their best to keep their heads above water with GCSEs and A Levels, the pets are still doing their best to sabotage all forms of study. Last blog it was the dog and Myles, this time it’s Moonface and Beely!

And then there’s me, running supplies up and down to the spare room on the top floor where Brian is currently self-isolating having been in contact with someone who tested positive the next day – keeps me fit at least, I should put my Fitbit on!

So izzy whizzy folks, and most importantly, I hope you continue to stay safe and well!

See you soon, much love as always

Pipa xx

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5 Responses

  1. Hi Pipa glad your ok in these strange times do you mind me asking you which eyeliner you have on in the picture your eyes look lovely. Hope you continue to stay safe with your family best wishes. Loraine

  2. My son had covid just before Christmas, he was self isolating in his room, and yes I know what that stair malarkey is like, 😂stay safe 🙏😘❤

  3. Pipa i enjoy reading your blog you are very bubbly caring person i like the photo of your cat helping your daughter Beely with her home school work what a lovely name For your cat Moonface our tabby cat Mr Pip who we rescue 3 years ago he has a fan club with the Residents at the nursing home i work at i tell them what he been up to qvc as been amazing to people who are on their own and keeping them company in difficult times you don’t always have to buy something thing i have been with qvc since day one what your dog name? we had a black Labrador called Georgie and a golden retriever called Mayor hope your husband Brian get better soon and stay safe xxx Lyn and Mr Pip the cat 🐱

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