Making and remaking memories!

Like many others, we have found ourselves going through the photo albums recently, and what a blast from the past it has been! It’s been really fun to not just look back at photos, but all of the “remember when …” conversations that follow have been a blast! Sometimes life can go by at such a pace, that these memories gather dust in the recess of our minds, so it’s been so very enjoyable taking trips down memory lane. Here’s Brian and I at our university ball (in the Frank Usher dress that I often refer to!) and then 30 years later.

I absolutely love seeing how we have changed.

Then this one is me with my little sister… there are just a handful from back then, so not many to share – I’d forgotten how dark my natural hair colour is!!

Of course, we had the ultimate trip down memory lane last weekend with all the VE celebrations that took place, what a wonderful day that turned out to be! We couldn’t find our bunting, so instead ended up cutting up a couple of pillow cases and raiding the garage for acrylic paints.

They did end up looking more like French bunting, but still, we were happy with the fact that we at least had something for the garden, and of course another great memory to bank!

And then we’ve been re-creating photos too, which has been just super funny! We found this one of me and Beely immediately realised that she has the same t-shirt now nearly 30 years later, they do say fashion comes around in circles, don’t they?

As for how dark my hair was, I don’t know about you, but so far I’m managing to cheat the roots with the help of Color Wow. I was very lucky in as much as my last hair appointment was the week before lockdown, but even so, nine weeks later and with hair that grows really fast, my “sparkly” bits are evident!

I think I’m about 50% grey these days, but when I wear a middle parting they aren’t too bad so I’m cheating that way too – and I treated myself to the new Dyson Corrale, which I have found to be BRILLIANT!! I secretly hoped that it wouldn’t be that good so I could send it back, but it really is. It even passed the test on Beely’s very strong curly hair, which even a professional hair stylist struggles to straighten effectively so we are keeping it!

I am loving using it to twist as well as straighten in order to create a beachy wave, and the fact that it is cordless makes it sooo much easier, as I used to get in such a tangle before!

Finally, we have a wonderful Today’s Special Value from Gatineau this week, so if you’ve been enjoying the sunshine and getting a good dose of Vitamin D and a bit of colour on your skin, this is a must have for you, as it’s all about getting your body ready for the summer… and I’m hoping for a sunny one!!
Thank you for all your comments on the last blog, and for those of you who sent me the flourless roulade recipe, you’re wonderful online detectives, thank you – I will let you know how I get on! In the meantime, I hope that you and your loved ones continue to stay well.

Much love as always,
Pipa x
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14 Responses

  1. Hi Pips, thank you for sharing your lovely blog
    You and Brian still look fabulous after all those years together. Stay safe. Antoinette

    1. Thanks Antoinette – we actually haven’t been together the whole time. He asked me to marry him when we were together at University and I ran a mile – we reconnected in our 40s and married in 2014! xx

  2. Hi Pippa,just watching your lux jewellery show with Mark when u mentioned you /daughter photo …..great xx

  3. Hi Pipa
    Seriously you do not look 30 years older now, you must have a picture in the attic!!!
    Could you possibly share the make of the beautiful pink top you wore for the luxury jewellery show, it looked so good on you.
    Best regards and stay safe

    1. Watched you 2day the 16th of May.. what is the colour of your hair lively light brown I have light Mousey brown hair which is going a bit grey… have put a rince in that says light brown and a slight red coming through which I hate… and comes out dark brown… please help. Thank you.

  4. Watched you 2day the 16th of May.. what is the colour of your hair lively light brown I have light Mousey brown hair which is going a bit grey… have put a rince in that says light brown and a slight red coming through which I hate… and comes out dark brown… please help. Thank you.

    1. Hi Elizabeth, believe it or not the colour falls under the dark blonde bracket so maybe it might help if you go that direction? We also put some highlight streaks in it last time for the sun to lift so it’s a concoction of sorts created by my lovely hair dresser. Good luck xx

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