Over the past few weeks I’ve been trying to get the house ready for Christmas! It’s quite a chore, but one of the things I like to try and make sure of is that the decks are cleared of all the washing, so that’s at least ones we don’t have to worry about. Luckily I was given a sample of the Nellie’s all natural laundry powder with a refill bag too.
The Nellie’s brand was inspired by – you guessed it – Nellie! That’s right – she was a real person with real values, who believed in honesty and simplicity and was going ‘green’ LONG before the colour was cool. This set contains enough powder for 150 washes and as it’s free from fragrance and all the nasties that washing powders so often have, (and it’s certified for high efficiency machines and really good for septic tanks), I thought it would be ideal for me to try.

We’ve always been very conscious of which detergents and laundry powders we’ve used and I’ve always tried to find something that was as environmentally friendly as possible. However I’m a gardener a DIYer, we’ve got two dogs, two cats, two kids and the laundry powder needs to get the clothes clean! Quite often these natural systems leave the laundry a little grey and often not exactly smelling nice. I have tried lots of washing balls, to be honest the Ecozone one is the best, so I thought I was in a good position to really put Nellies laundry system to the test.

Does it get the laundry clean? Yes it does. I put it to the test on my work jeans which were absolutely filthy with what is a stubborn dirt that really is hard to lift. Although the jeans are pretty worn out, you can see that the grime has disappeared.
The laundry smells good when it’s finished! I know that this is for some people a bit of a surprising point but when you remove a lot of the chemicals from the laundry powders and liquids you remove a lot of the chemical fragrances in the laundry can smell a bit… well, like wet dog! The laundry smelt fine, not heavily fragranced, but just fresh and clean – so, tick! Handy as I just received my Kelly Hoppen TSV and wanted the new sheets to be…well, nice!
Let’s talk packaging for a second. Normally 150 washes would be quite a few plastic bottles of liquid or a few big cardboard boxes with powder. With Nellie’s laundry powder you only use a tiny scoop and that means it’s concentrated, so requires far less packaging. The reusable tin box is a great idea and I like the retro look of it but apart from that it’s reusable – so that’s got to be better for the environment, surely!
In terms of value, you simply couldn’t get better up to 150 washes, which would normally be an enormous box of washing powder, in a small reusable metal box is simply fantastic value, especially with a TSV price. With a 60 day money back guarantee I’m sure there will be plenty of opportunity for you to try it, but I’ve got a feeling we’re going to see a lot more from this Nellie’s brand as I’ve been reading up on them and they have a lot more irons in the fire in terms of tackling this household chores. Join us on the 23rd December for the launch of the Nellie’s TSV and to see what else is in store.
We’ve got a few new brands appearing at QVC in the very near future people, like Olaplex. I had to say I had never heard of them before but I know Pipa has been using them for years and loves them and a lot of people are very excited about it. Some of the products are already on the website, so have a little look! You can also read all about the launch here.
I hope you manage to get all your Christmas presents sorted out – not long until the big day, because I’ll be back at work first thing Boxing Day!
Simon xx
2 Responses
Hi Simon Nice to See Nellie ! at work ha-ha I am now very Tempted to give it a Go ! QVC are great bringing us all these New Brands during these Strange Times! Hope you and your Wonderful Family have A Merry Christmas look forward to seeing you in the Garden with Richard in the segment always great ideas!! love my Garden xx
Thank you Mary
Can’t wait fir the gardening to start again!
Merry Christmas!