In this together…

It is so frustrating for me to not be part of the on-air team at QVC who are currently trying to take your mind off the constant updates that are affecting us all surrounding ‘the virus’. Having been with the channel for such a long time, I know how important just having a friendly face or voice in your living room can be during times of national crisis and it saddens me that I’m not able to help out my fellow presenters at this time.

I am hoping to be back on April 1st, as my ankle and wrist recovery is going well (more on that later), but I’m currently waiting to hear if my CML places me in the high-risk category. I do hope not, but if it does I will still keep in touch on here and I’m also thinking of doing some Facebook Live chats on my JuliaRobertsTV Facebook page. It is a space normally reserved for bookish things, however in these extraordinary times I think we can just ’chat’ about anything to keep each other company and entertained. Let me know if it’s something you would be interested in.

It’s good to see so many community spirited people taking actions to help their neighbours. I’m a bit restricted as to what I can do at the moment, but I’ve put some copies of my books in our village ’telephone box lending library’ and I’m trying to sort out making my self-published novels free for short periods to provide a bit of escapism for those people who like to read. Keep an eye on my social media platforms for updates on that, although if you already subscribe to Kindle Unlimited, you will be able to download them for nothing anyway.

Like most of you I’m sure, we have experienced some difficulty in getting certain food items in our local supermarket, so I went on to our QVC website last weekend to order some cheese that we’ve had before and some Hotel Chocolat replacement sachets for the Velvetiser.  While I was there, I discovered that we sell Secret Sausages and this selection of Chunk of Devon pies, both of which are for veggies!

We had the Cumberland sausages from the selection with mashed potato, broccoli and gravy on Tuesday night for dinner and pies last night.

Chris and I had Butternut Squash & Goats Cheese, which I can confirm were delicious, and our son had ’Spicy Jack’. Having found them, we’ll definitely be re-ordering. If you’re unaware of the range of food we sell, have a look on our website.

The aforementioned Velvetiser featured on-air yesterday as part of the Your Spring Home event, as did the Silentnight Orthopaedic Pet Bed, which is back in stock. I know I’ve mentioned before how much Wilfie the cat loves his, but in case you thought he might have gone off it, this photo shows he hasn’t. He completely ignored every other pet bed we ever got him but he spends hours every day in this one – he LOVES it.

So, time for my broken bones update. It’s seven weeks to the day that I came home from hospital and although it was really tough for the first few weeks, progress is definitely speeding up now. I visited ‘Brutal Brittany’ (my physio) earlier in the week and she gave me the all clear to leave the splint off my wrist. She also gave me a ’strong’ massage to help reduce the swelling and some exercises for strength and mobility. It is surprising how much it has stiffened up through lack of use. I am now wearing a tubular support bandage, again for swelling, but also to remind me that it’s not completely fixed yet.

One thing I have noticed is that the nails on my left hand are sooooooo long compared with my right hand. Maybe the reason I usually struggle to grow long nails is that I’m always busy doing housework and stuff? – at least that’s what I’m going to tell Chris!

Anyway, I now have those exercises to add to my ever-increasing physio regime for my ankle – it’s a good job I’m not at work or I don’t know when I’d have the time to do everything. I’m also trying to make sure that I walk continuously for 15 – 20 minutes a day, either in my kitchen/family room or on the treadmill in our home gym. This short video was taken on my second attempt at the treadmill and although my gait is a long way from perfect, I’m really pleased with how far I’ve come.

That was when I was still wearing odd shoes, because I couldn’t get my matching athletic trainer on, but today I have got it on for the first time, another sign that the swelling is starting to go down. I guess many of you will be joining me in home exercise now that we are being encouraged to stay away from crowded places, which of course includes gyms.

Well, that’s about it from me for this week. It’s going to be a funny old Mothering Sunday this weekend with a lot of planned family lunch get-togethers cancelled, but maybe some of you will be able to cook and deliver to your mums’ if you live close enough. My mum at 93 is being very pragmatic about the whole situation. As well as upping our number of phone calls to her, she is also speaking to Audrey, my mum-in-law regularly. We may not be able to be in physical contact with people at the moment but phones, FaceTime, Skype, listening to the radio and watching TV are all ways of stopping that feeling of being alone… which brings me full circle really. Keep watching QVC – we’re here for you.

Much love,
Julia xx

34 Responses

  1. Hello Julia, thank you for sharing your lovely blog. I am so happy that you are on the mend. Just to let you know we are missing you on the channel. On Fridays don’t feel the same. Please do keep the blogs coming. I am not on Facebook and would miss them very much. Happy mothers day in advance. Antoinette

    1. Hi Antoinette
      It’s nice to be missed – I’m hoping to be back on QVC this coming Thursday 2nd April. I’m also glad you enjoy reading my blog… it’s been a great way to stay in touch with you all while I’ve been recovering from my broken bones. Mother’s Day was ‘different’ but still good
      Julia x

  2. Hi Julia, lovely blog as usual and pleased that your recovery is speeding up. Looking forward to seeing you back on our screens next month and fingers crossed your CML does not delay that return.

    1. Hi Maureen
      The progress over the past 2 weeks has been astonishing- the body is incredible. Because a couple of you mentioned my CML on your comments, I’m just waiting for confirmation that I’m okay to return to QVC this week – the NHS advice seems at odds with my professor so I need a definitive answer. Hopefully I’ll be back on Thursday
      Julia x

  3. I too agree with Antoinette. My husband and I are both “on the at risk list” and have been isolating since last Saturday. I am so desperately depressed about the whole situation for the whole world but particularly for the UK. I live only 10 mins away from my darling grandchildren but cannot cuddle or kiss them, it’s all so difficult. Sadly Cornwall is full of people from up-country now as well since people have decided to come down here to “sit it out” all so very selfish. Anyway you are sadly missed at QVC, but thank you for all you do and there is no doubt all of You make life such fun, however I hope all of you keep safe and well. Keep safe.

    1. Hi Denise
      Such difficult times for all of us but necessary measures to keep us all as safe as possible – think how good that first hug with your grandchildren will be. I’m hoping to be rejoining my ‘team’ at QVC this Thursday – it’s going to feel very strange.
      Julia x

  4. Hi Julia so pleased your doing so well loved your blog like you said strange times indeed hopefully you will be back soon have a lovely mothers day in sure I will even though it’s going to be very different much love Loraine xxxx

    1. Hi Loraine
      I really feel like I’ve turned a corner with my recovery now – still lots of physio ahead but I can see the results already. Like you thought, Mother’s Day was ‘different’ but still enjoyable
      Julia x

  5. Dear Julia, Thank you for the books on behalf of the village. I am one of the ladies that looks after the box. It is so well supported. Pleased to hear you are making progress, stay safe, regards Meryl Clarke.

    1. Hi Meryl
      My absolute pleasure, anything to help with boredom as more people are spending time at home – I’ll pop a couple of my other books in there too at some point.
      Julia x

  6. Hi Julia it’s great how you are recovering, well done, I do hope your CML results come back clear. I think everyone at Qvc are doing a stirling job but I still miss you. At least the weather seems to be improving so that is something to look forward to in this worrying time. Take care and hope you and your family stay healthy. Love Debbie. X

    1. Hi Debbie
      My CML is at a very low level but it is still there – I know the NHS guidelines said leukaemia was high risk but waiting to hear from my professor – hopefully back on Thursday.
      Weather is cold today after a glorious week of sunshine – hoping it’s just a glitch
      Julia x

  7. Julia wise words as always I look forward to seeing you back on QVC in April keep up the good work the body is an amazing thing x

    1. Hi Helen
      The body is amazing if we treat it right – the increase in muscle in my left calf in just a few weeks is incredible! Should be back on Thursday
      Julia x

  8. Hi Julia, Glad you’re making progress and thinking of you all at this time of uncertainty. The phone book library is a really good idea. We had a scheme at my local Tesco where people donated books for charity and I have picked up some good books there. Unfortunately it has now been stopped due to the current outbreak! So am trawling through the books I have. Also been watching the old films on the Talking Pictures channel. We watched “To Sir With Love” yesterday with a very young Lulu in it. I really enjoyed it as I hadn’t watched it before.
    I’ve not been on the Speed Awareness Course yet as it is next month. I’m just hoping it won’t be cancelled. Will have to see nearer the time.
    Well I was reminded of the old adage yesterday, ” It’s always darkest before the dawn,” and “these things too shall pass.” I send my good wishes to everyone and to stay positive . We WILL get through this and come out the other side as long as we pull together!! .
    I was so touched when I received a little not from one of our neighbours ,who I haven’t even met, saying if we needed any help with anything to get in touch , leaving us his mobile number. It certainly restores my faith in mankind , and gives you reassurance that if the worse case scenario came there is someone out there willing to help strangers.
    All the very best wishes, and keep safe. Tina S. xx

    1. Hi Tina
      I think reading is helping a lot of people at the moment – I’m trying to do my bit by making the ebooks of all my self-published books free for five days at a time – the maximum that is permitted. Sadly I think I may run out of books before this lockdown is over 😕
      As you say, it has certainly brought out the kind side of a lot of people – Chris’s mum’s neighbour over the road, who she had never spoken to previously, has been getting her bits of shopping in. Accept offers of help if you need them
      Julia x

  9. Hope you will be back soon it’s not the same without you .Cannot believe it’s seven weeks since your operation.Hope you have a lovely mothers day wish I still had mine take care x

    1. Hi Heather,
      I’m back this coming Thursday at midday with Gatineau – it will seem very strange as I’ve actually been off air since January 10th. Mother’s Day was different but good – we both spoke to our mums on the phone
      Julia x

  10. Hi Julia, so glad you are on the road to recovery don’t rush it tho give it time .We do miss your smiling face tho .Unfortunately us CML ers are on the highest risk group even those of us who have it under control .Just before Christmas I finally got my row of big fat zeros yippee undetectable after 2 years.Cant believe what’s going on in the world it’s like a horror movie but we are in it .Mothers day without seeing our kids and grand kids is so upsetting .My daughter in law is a critical illness nurse ,my son supplies medical kits so has to visit hospitals ,my other daughter in law is a teacher and my son has diabetes,so I can’t see any of them .All of them had holidays booked abroad so will be cancelled .But we have to keep busy don’t want to let boredom or depression set in do we .Thank god for grocery deliveries what would we do without them .So Keep well Julia and your family ,hope the sun shines soon and we can get out in the garden to take our minds off things .Think I will go and order the Ultrasun TSV now the bronzing one ,as I know you use it and recommend it ,I will give it a go .Have it ready in anticipation of nice weather .Much love ,Denise.

    1. Hi Denise
      Interesting scenario with my CML – my GP didn’t think I should be going to work, but my professor says it’s okay… I checked with him twice just to be certain and he was adamant even though I don’t have a row of zeros at the moment. He’s the expert so I’m trusting his judgement on it and returning to QVC this coming Thursday.
      Sophie delivered my card and flowers in person but from a safe 2 metre distance and Dan lives with us at the moment so I was quite lucky.
      Stay well
      Julia x

  11. Do you really think it is wise considering the spread of the Coronavirus virus that we should be sharing item i.e. books etc when we don’t know who has handled them or we don’t know where they’ve been. I sanatised all my groceries before putting them away.

    1. Hi Joanne
      You make a valid point, but presumably people could sanitise books in the same way you do your groceries, after all you don’t know who may have handled them. I was just trying to do something nice
      Stay safe
      Julia x

  12. So glad you are getting better, will be glad to see you back when the time is right for you.
    Isn’t it ironic – we have all had months of awful weather, as soon as spring appears we are
    all told to stay indoors!!!!! Here on Hayling Island today is glorious sunshine and warm. Hope
    you are enjoying the same.
    Keep getting better.

    1. Hi Madeleine
      We had some lovely weather last week but it’s been much colder so far this week. I’m back on QVC this coming Thursday at midday with lovely Andrew from Gatineau
      Julia x

  13. Hi Julia
    Great to hear you are on the mend. I enjoyed reading your blog and looking forward to seeing you back on Q xx

    1. Hi Carol
      It’s been good to stay in touch with everyone via my blog – I’ve felt really out of the loop. I’m back on QVC this Thursday, April 2nd at midday
      Julia x

    1. Hi Sue
      I can’t believe it’s only two weeks since I ditched the air boot – I’ve come on in leaps & bounds since then…. metaphorically speaking 😉Back at QVC on Thursday
      Julia x

  14. Hi Julia.
    I am so pleased to hear that you are well on the mend. QVC is not the same without you.
    I am so looking forward to the release of your next book. It is already ordered for my kindle.
    Hope you and your family all stay well and look forward to seeing you back on air as soon as possible.xx

    1. Hi Julie
      What a kind thing to say – I’m back this Thursday at midday.
      Thanks for ordering Why She Died – I’ve just finished the copyedit stage and I am so looking forward to sharing the story.
      Julia x

  15. Hi Julia
    You must get your trooper spirit from your mum. Glad you are coming on so well and lovely that you are able to connect and uplift so many in this strange time we are all coming through
    Your job is what you’re paid for, but your Gift 🎁 is what you’re made for xx

    1. Hi Marie
      I think we are all having to rise to this particular challenge. There is plenty to occupy us if we choose to do it even though we are in lockdown and most people are being so kind, particularly to the elderly. The blog has certainly kept me feeling more in touch with you all.
      Thanks for your kind comment
      Julia x

  16. Hi Julia, missing seeing you as you are one of my favourite presenters. Glad you are on the mend but keep safe, Wendy

    1. Hi Wendy
      What a nice thing to say – I’m back on QVC this coming Thursday, April 2nd, at midday.
      Julia x

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