Let your true self shine

This week, we celebrate the 25th anniversary of having the Liz Earle range on QVC, an amazing achievement for any brand to reach this silver anniversary milestone. The picture above of myself and brand ambassador, Caroline Archer, was taken a couple of years ago and although that particular collection doesn’t feature in our anniversary shows, I loved the message on the bag: “Let your true self shine,” so chose it for the title of this blog. Of course, Cleanse & Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser lets your skin truly shine by removing dead skin cells with the muslin cloth. Those of you who love it already know that, but if you haven’t tried it, there is a chance to win a collection of the original four products that I presented live on air twenty-five years ago later in this blog.

My mum is a huge fan of the Liz Earle range, which leads me nicely into Mother’s Day. Like a lot of people, I was unable to visit with Mum because of the pandemic restrictions, but we had a lovely chat before I left for work, and I showed this photo of her, taken on her 90th birthday, while I was presenting a fountain in one of my gardening shows that day.

Mum loves her fountain, in fact, she loves her garden, which has been something of a sanctuary for her over the past year. How appropriate then that this cherry blossom bush, which she bought us a couple of years ago, came into bloom a couple of days before Mother’s Day.

I was also unable to meet up with my daughter, Sophie, on the day, although we are planning a catch-up in our back garden on Tuesday of next week, weather permitting, as the restrictions we’ve been adhering to are being relaxed slightly from Monday. It hardly seems possible that the first lockdown began just over a year ago. My thoughts are with everyone who has suffered personally during this time and it felt appropriate to mark this with a minute’s silence on Tuesday, remembering those we have lost during this particular battle.

I was treated to some lovely Mother’s Day cards, including one from Chris, as I’m the mother of his children, and also flowers from both of our offspring and a primrose plant from Chris. My main present though was these framed front covers of all of the books I’ve written.

They’re not on the wall yet, but they will have pride of place on my writing room wall very soon.  We were able to have a celebration dinner of my favourite veggie lasagne, made by my husband Chris, with our son and his girlfriend who are currently living with us. They are coming up to eighteen months of ‘being a couple’ this Sunday and, thanks to the pandemic, have been living under our roof for about eight months out of the past year… quite an achievement I’d say, no matter how easy-going Chris and I think we are!  They are hoping to move into their first home together fairly soon, hot on the heels of our daughter, who moved just over a month ago.

Funnily enough, I’d been wondering what to get them as a house-warming present, when I received a text from Sophie asking for my opinion on the Dyson V8. We have that model, so I was able to give her my honest opinion, which is that it is excellent, particularly as she, like us, has cat fur to contend with. I asked her if she would like one as their house-warming present and she said a resounding YES! So, I ordered it without realising we had a Today’s Special Value coming up so soon – this weekend to be precise – so you will be getting a better deal than me!!! The TSV is the V8 Animal Extra and is specifically engineered for homes with pets. It comes with eight tools and accessories, including the Stubborn Dirt Brush and the Mini Motorhead – really effective for use on your pet’s favourite sleeping place. Don’t miss out on the great price if you’ve been thinking of getting a Dyson and remember you can use your 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee to give it a go.

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That is the TSV on Saturday, and if there’s any stock left, I will have it in my 2pm Top Offers show, and then on Sunday we have a great offer from Gatineau, one of our longest-standing beauty brands on QVC – even longer than Liz Earle! The Gatineau TSVs always offer great value, but this one sees the launch of not one, but two new products, Contouring Overnight Serum and Contouring Eye Cream. It is the relaunch of Defi Lift 3D, which we know many of you love, with a brand new type of hyaluronic acid and new BioPeptide complex. As well as the two new products, there are also two favourites, Collagene Expert Serum and the Firming Neck and Decolletage Gel. I’m looking forward to my two shows with Andrew at 2pm and 5pm.

So, while we are on the subject of beauty, how would you like to win this Liz Earle collection? These were the original four products that featured in the very first show in March 1996, a show that was a complete sell-out in around forty minutes. There have been a couple of tweaks to the products since then, but they still deliver great results, as those of you who have voted Cleanse & Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser your favourite cleanser in the QVC Customer Beauty Awards every year since the awards began can attest to. All you need to do to enter is leave the answer to the simple question below in the comments section before midday on Monday 29th March and Caroline and I will announce the winner live on air in the 2pm show. You will also need to state your preference of moisturiser; Gel, Light or Rich. And the question relates to that:

What is the name of the original Liz Earle Moisturiser?

  1. Skin Rescue
  2. Skin Repair
  3. Skin Revive

Go here to see Terms & Conditions.

Remember to leave your preference of moisturiser, as well as your answer. If you are on Instagram, Caroline and I will be having a chat live at some point on Sunday on my Instagram, juliagroberts, which should be good fun.

That will be in addition to this week’s Permission to Pry, featuring diamond diva, Laurie Wickwire. I presented Laurie’s first ever show on QVC back in 2008, but I don’t know a huge amount about her, so I’m delighted to have been given Permission to Pry – if you miss the live, it’s always up as a video afterwards.

Twenty five years is a very long time, but thirty seven is even longer and I could hardly believe when this picture popped up on my Twitter feed on Wednesday. Apparently, March 24th 1984 was when the first The Price is Right show was broadcast in the UK. Funnily enough, I had it in my head that it was June, because I remember going to a party at William G Stewart’s house, the show’s producer, and it was definitely warm and sunny… maybe that was the wrap party.

Just before I finish, two things. Can I wish a belated Happy St Patrick’s Day to all our Irish viewers? I wore green on air on the day to mark the occasion and June, who heads up our hair and make-up team at QVC and is Irish herself, took this photo of me backstage.

If you like the jewellery I’m wearing, they are some of the Diamonique pieces that have been selected for me to wear this month. I love the double layering of the butterfly and the initial pendant and if you do too, check out our whole range on the website.

And, although there won’t be a blog from me on here next week, there will be a blog about my ‘love affair’ with my AeroPilates machine going live on the Health and Wellbeing page on April 1st, if you fancy giving it a read.

But, that’s all from me for now, good luck if you enter the competition and have a great weekend

Much love,

Julia xx


523 Responses

  1. Hi Julia the answer to the Liz earle question is skin repair I have used it from day one.l use the rich one.

    1. The answer is No 2 Skin Repair. I use the Light, Love Love Love it, Thankyou Julia for the chance to enter the comp,Stay safe everyone Best Wishes Xx

    1. The answer is skin repair number 2 if I win I’d love the rich one for my mum has she loves all things Liz ..I can’t use it because of of mass cell issues..I’m allergic to so much it’s silly …

  2. Hello,
    Answer is no 2 – Skin Repair
    I would be happy to have a light moisturizer.
    Kind Regards
    Donna Fenn

  3. Hi Julia, I don’t think the name has changed from the beginning so the answer is 2 – Skin Repair. My preference would be Gel. Take care. X

  4. Hi Julia it’s skin repair and if lucky I would like the rich. Lovely blog as usual what a lovely family you have x

  5. Answer: Skin repair
    Preferred option: Rich
    I’ve used Liz Earle since she launched on QVC can’t believe it’s 25 years and I’m now a nanny to three grandkids and have introduced Liz Earle to DIL who can’t live without her cleanse and polish now!

    1. Answer is Skin Repair
      I would love the Gel moisturiser if I was lucky enough to win.
      Love it!! Thanx

  6. Hello Julia
    2.Skin repair
    I so look forward to both yours and Debbie’s posts on Friday. It’s a shame you are doing them alternative Fridays now x

    1. Hi Julia, been using Liz Earl since it first aired on QVC. My moisturiser choice has changed over the years and I now use the richest one. Wouldn’t be without it!

  7. The original moisturiser was called 2)skin repair. If I win could I get rich please?
    Treasure your Mum, lost mine over 12 years ago, thumbs up to companies who allow you to opt out of Mother’s Day emails

  8. Name of the original Liz Earl moisturiser was

    2. Skin repair.

    My preference of moisturiser is the rich.

    1. Hello, the answer is Skin Repair. My choice if I were lucky enough to win I would love the Gel cream.

  9. The answer is Skin Repair. I use the rich formula.

    I’ve just finished reading My Mother’s Secret which I thoroughly enjoyed. It made me laugh that your heroine can’t see the point in football – so not at all autobiographical at all! Also interested that they get a cavapoo called Teddy – does Chloe know you have appropriated her dog?

  10. Hi Julia, The answer is number 2, skin repair and if I were lucky enough to win can I request the rich moisturiser please. Thank you so much.

  11. Hello It’s Skin repair nothing else has been on my face apart from super skin and all the other Liz Earle treatments for 25 years !

    Due to that being the length of time I now use Rich 🤣 as I am just a wee bit older now !

  12. Hi Julia, The answer is 2-Skin Repair and if I am lucky enough to be chosen I use rich. Many thanks.

  13. Hi Julia,I believe the answer is Skin Repair.If I’m a lucky winner I would choose the light moisturiser please.Love the photos you have posted,I have the same cherry blossom tree in my garden too.Mine belonged to my dear mum who passed away 4 years ago.

  14. Hello Julia
    The answer is no 2) Skin Repair.
    If I was lucky enough to win I would like the gel moisturiser.
    Thank you.

    1. The answer is Skin Repair. If I am lucky enough to win I would like the light skin repair. Fingers crossed x

  15. Hi Julia, the answer is Skin Repair, I would love the Rich formula please if I’m chosen. Thank you x x x

  16. Hi Julia the answer is skin repair. If I am lucky enough to win I would like the light version please.

  17. Hi Julia. The answer is 2) skin repair. I use all the liz Earle products and would like the rich moisturiser if I am lucky enough to win. Thank you

  18. Hi Julia the answer is Skin Repair and I like the light option. Always enjoy your blogs and pictures x

  19. The answer is skin repair – if I won I would like the gel for my daughter as I have moved on to super skin.

  20. Hi Julia I hope I’m doing this right
    The answer is Skin Repair
    I would love to have the Rich if I am lucky enough to win 💋

  21. Hi Julia & Caroline

    The answer is Skin Repair.
    I would love to try the rich if I was lucky enough to win.
    Thank you to you both and everyone at QVC for helping me and others get through the last very difficult year.
    Keep up all the good work

    Best wishes


  22. Hi Julia the answer to the question is – Skin Repair. If I am lucky enough to win my choice would be the Rich Formula.
    Great prize to win. My favourite product of Liz Earle is instant Skin Tonic great value it last ages and is definitely an all year round product especially in hot weather
    Best wishes Julia

  23. Lovely to hear from you Julia. The answer is Liz Earle Skin Repair and because I have mature skin I would prefer the rich moisture although I would be very grateful for any one of them.
    Love Karen x

  24. Skin repair. I worked with you & Liz Earle in 2002/2003 when Liz was on maternity leave on QVC as in house beauty therapist. Brings back amazing memories. Happy memories with Caroline on QVC & Isle of Wight.
    Skin repair rich formula

  25. The answer is 2. Skin repair and I love the gel version.
    Incidentally Cleanse and polish seems to be the only thing which calms my “mask rash” around my nose and upper lip😍

  26. B Skin Repair

    I love Liz Earle, used since 2004 after discovering QVC following losing my Mum. At the time I had no concentration but found QVC, even if I wasn’t watching, could listen to the the presenters who made me feel that I wasn’t alone.

  27. Hi Julia
    The answer is : 2 – skin repair.
    My choice would be rich please, if I was fortunate to win!
    Many thanks.

  28. Good afternoon Julia, the answer is Skin repair. I use the rich.

    Thank you, keep well , keep safe and keep smiling x

  29. Hi Julia,

    The answer is skin repair.
    I have used it since it launched, I would love a light please

    Thank you x

  30. The answer is skin repair. I use Super Skin Moisturiser. Would like the rich one. Have used Liz Earle since first on QVC. and I am 78 years young.

  31. The answer is Skin Repair. I have been using Liz Earle for 25 years after buying it from QVC all those years ago. If I am lucky enough to win I use the rich.

  32. hi Julia – the correct answer to the LIz Earle competition is Skin Repair – i’m a massive fan of Liz Earle – use everyday.

  33. Hi Julia

    The answer to your question is – skin repair and my preference is light.

    Liz Earle is my chosen skin care brand as well as fragrance and shampoo

    Thank you.

  34. The answer Julia is Skin Repair, love Liz Earle, there is nothing quite like it, such a treat when I have it and i do need the rich as being 71 years old, I need it ha! ha! and I have a rescue cat called” Monty Don” who is all black and gorgeous age is 18months and loves to hide, usually in a large carrier bag or cardboard box.

  35. Hi. It’s is Skin Repair. Please may I have the rich formula if I am lucky enough to win. Thanks so much. Have a great day.

  36. Hi Julia,

    The correct answer is – 2. Skin Repair

    If I’m the lucky winner I’d like the Rich option please! I love the Liz Earle range, in fact I’m a bit obsessed truth be told ☺

  37. Skin Repair!! I love Liz Earle and currently use the light moisturiser but if I’m the lucky winner I would love to try the gel version for the warmer weather we will hopefully be coming into. Thank You .

  38. The original Liz Earle moisturiser is Skin Repair which l have used since you launched with Liz herself

  39. Hi Julia the answer is skin repair I use the light one I sent Caroline a photo Christmas of my suitcase full of liz earle just have to keep buying it😀

  40. Hi Julia..the answer is Skin Repair..I use rich..I bought the set you show in your first picture & use Liz Earle products every day .. wonderful products .. fingers crossed you choose me to win 🤞

  41. SKIN REPAIR is the answer… and thankyou very much for giving us all the opportunity to enter this competition!!

    The RICH formula would be my preferred choice thankyou.

    Warmest wishes. X

  42. Hi the answer is skin repair! I’ve used for over 20 yrs and I’d like the gel version to get my teenage daughter started on it too xx

  43. Hi Julia
    The answer is Skin Repair . Been a huge fan of Liz Earle products for the 25 years it been on QVC . Even remember the pink packaging & the vanity case I got on a TSV!

  44. Hi Julia, hope you’re well , the answer is Skin Repair, I would like the gel formula if I should win this wonderful collection. Thank You.

  45. Hi Julia, the original name was 2. Skin Repair
    If I’m lucky enough to win I would like the Rich version,

  46. Answer is skin repair. Love the light formulation.
    First purchase from qvc in 2006 was liz earle products. Never looked back.
    Here’s to next 25 years.

  47. Skin Repair is the original name of Liz Earle’s moisturiser. If I should win I would like the rich formula, thank you

  48. Hi Julia The Answer is Skin Repair if I’m lucky enough to win I’d love the rich thank you for the chance to win x

  49. Hi Julia the answer is skin repair if I’m lucky enough to win I would like the rich thanks for the chance to win x

  50. Hi Julia , another interesting blog.
    The answer is skin repair, I like the rich formula.Remember the original basic packaging can’t believe it was that long ago.

  51. Hi x the answer is Skin Repair.
    I would like the Gel Moisturiser please if I should be lucky enough to win.
    Thank you xx

  52. Hi Julia. SKIN REPAIR is the answer. Have been using it for the last 10 years and love it.
    If i am lucky enough to win i use the Light version. Thanks

  53. The answer is skin repair and if l was lucky enough to win, my preference would be the rich option- thank you.

  54. Hello Julia
    The answer is ‘Skin Repair’.
    If I am lucky enough to win, I usually order the light moisturiser however I would like to try the gel please.

  55. Hello Julia the original Liz Earle moisturiser was called Skin Repair. If I am lucky enough to win I now use the rich moisturiser. Thanks.

  56. The answer is:-
    2) skin repair.
    My choice would be gel if I am chosen to win this wonderful prize.
    Thank you

  57. Hi Julia

    The answer is skin repair.

    I love the gel option. Love Liz earle has made a big difference to my skin.

  58. The answer is Number 2 – skin repair.

    My whole family use and have been using LE products for around 20years I recommend to friends all the time – totally love and trust them all.
    My choice for moisturiser would be light please.

  59. Hi Julia I’ve used skin repair for years since it first aired on QVC. My favourite is the rich as my skin now needs the extra moisture.

  60. Hi Julia, the answer is Skin Repair, and if I’m lucky enough to win this competition, I would love the gel formula as I have oily skin. I absolutely love Liz Earle! It’s my favourite skincare brand ever!! 😊 x

  61. The answer is Skin Repair and my preference is the Rich.They are all beautiful.Have been with you since day 1 of Liz Earle in 1996 and also day 1 of QVC 1st October 1993 xx

  62. Hi Julia the answer is Skin Repair and my preference is the Rich although all are beautiful.Have been with Liz Earle since the beginning so that’s 25 yrs and have been a QVC customer since the very 1st show on 1st October 1993. Xx

  63. Hi julia i remember you in 2984 on my loclal itv grampian you looked os young when itv was friendly and independet you would of been thames tv london weekend tv you would of bee still off eok on furlogh

  64. Skin rescue
    Love cleanse and polish cleanser it’s my favourite would love to try the other products I am 69 and think my skins pretty good for an old bird

  65. Hiya Julia the answer is skin repair. If I win I would love the gel. Thankyou we share the same birthday 10th June I will be 58 this year. Let’s hope we can go out and celebrate this year Paula. Xx

  66. Liz Earle skin repair, and my choice would be the light. If I were to win it would be the perfect boost before I begin chemotherapy again x

  67. Hi Julia,
    Love, love, love Liz Earle, it has been a staple in my bathroom cabinet for many, many years, thank you QVC for continuing to stock it – never stop please.
    The answer is 2, Skin repair
    I’ve love the new formulation and use the gel

  68. Hi Julia, the answer is skin repair. If I am lucky enough to win I would like the rich. Sending much love x

  69. Hi Julia,
    Love, love, love Liz Earle, it has been a staple in my bathroom cabinet for many, many years, thank you QVC for continuing to stock it – never stop please.
    The answer is 2, Skin repair
    I’ve love the new formulation and use the gel
    Thank you

  70. Great blog as usual.
    The answer is skin repair. I would like rich if I was lucky enough to win.
    Thank you x

  71. Hi Julia,

    Love reading your blogs as much as I love reading your books xx

    My answer is SKIN REPAIR and I would like the light, please. I would gift this to my bestie who has been through so much recently including the loss of her father and this set would help to lift her spirits. Thank you.

    Best wishes
    Tracey xxxxx

  72. Hi Julia, I have been with you since day one, and remember all the presenters. Much bigger now, but still with a family feel. I would like to enter the Liz Earle comp please, The answer is Skin Repair. And i would like the rich formula please, if i’m lucky enough to win. Take care, Thank you.

  73. Hi Julia & Caroline
    The answer is skin repair and I use the rich. I love Liz Earle and get comments on my complexion all the time, no need for make up, I think that’s a pretty good advert, for a fantastic brand. My daughter is hooked too, it’s seen her through nasty teenage skin into clear skin. Thank you so much from us both.

  74. The Liz Earle moisturiser was Skin Repair, I have been using Liz Earle for about 18 years and introduced my daughter as well. I use the Gel . Thank you.

  75. Hello Julia – The answer is Skin Repair. I would like the Rich option please.
    Thank You & I wish everyone a very happy Easter.

  76. Hello Julia
    It’s skin repair, Liz Earle is a wonderful product, I celebrate my 70th birthday in a couple of weeks and I feel my skin is so nourished. I use the light.

  77. Hi Julia,
    Answer: Skin Repair
    I would like to choose rich if lucky enough to win.
    Your mother is looking remarkable.
    I lost my mother in October 2019 who lived to the ripe old age of 89, but I am mother to 3 teenage boys.

  78. Hi Julia
    The answer is Skin Repair and my choice (if I was to win) would be the light option.
    Thank you.

  79. The answer is Skin repair – I would use rich. Thank you Julia! Have been using Liz Earle products for many years now. Cannot beat Cleanse and polish and I love the superskin products 🌸

  80. Hi Julia and Caroline – the answer is 2. Skin Repair. If I am lucky enough to win I have not tried the new gel formula yet and would love to xx

  81. Hi Julia
    The answer is Skin Repair my choice would be Light.
    I ordered from that very first show and wish that I had kept the original packaging
    of the pale Pink containers with the Burgundy bows!

  82. Hi Julia,

    The correct answer is: 2. Skin Repair

    If I’m the lucky winner I’d like the Rich option please!

    I love the Liz Earle range, in fact I’m a bit obsessed 🙂

  83. Hello Julia,
    My answer is… no 2, SKIN REPAIR. My choice would be dry / sensative.
    The book 📙 you mentioned was my mother’s secret. For a bonus. 📖🌼🤞

  84. Hi Julia,
    Answer: Skin Repair, would love to try the rich formula I’m sixty six in April and I know my skin is parched due to lockdown neglect.

  85. Hi Julia,
    My answer is 2. Skin Repair.
    If I’m fortunate to be selected please may I have light option.
    Thank you
    Alethea x

  86. Hi Julia loved the live this morning with Caroline and yourself many thanks as I remembered watching the first qvc show with you and Liz making my first purchase box with pink labels
    Answer Skin Repair I use superskin with neroli now

  87. The answer is Skin Repair and my choice would be light! Thank you for introducing me to LE many years ago, it totally changed my skin and I’ve never looked back! xx

  88. The answer is skin repair. My personal favourite is the rich. I have been using Liz Earle products for 20 years. I couldn’t be without cleanse and polish best cleanser ever.

  89. Hi Julia, the answer is Skin Repair – I’d love either the gel or the Light formula (I alternate according to how my skin feels, and the weather!)

  90. Hi Julia,
    Answer: Skin Repair and I use the light moisturiser.
    I love Liz Earle products and, though I often try other brands, I always return to Liz Earle.

  91. The answer is:
    2. Skin Repair

    I use ‘light’ as my skin is combination-oily but dehydrated so this is perfect for me 🥰

    Kind regards

  92. Hi Julia,
    The answer is skin repair and if I’m lucky enough to be chosen I would like the rich.
    (P.S. not sure if my previous entry was submitted correctly)maybe second time lucky?

  93. Hello there. The answer is No.2 Sin Repair. My preference is Gel Moisturiser please.
    Thank you 😀

  94. The answer is Skin Repair (I remember the first show and a lovely one which you did live from the Isle of Wight!).
    My preference would be rich.

    Thank you.

  95. Hi Julia

    The Liz Earle answer is Skin Repair.

    If I am lucky enough to win I prefer the Rich please.

    Thank you to all at Liz Earle!


  96. Hi. Julia,
    The answer is skin repair and I always had the normal /combination.
    I remember those old days with the pink packaging.
    Thank you. 😊

  97. The Answer to the Question is…….Skin Repair

    If I was lucky enough to win The Competition ….I would love any of the Creams….They are all Wonderful…

  98. The answer is skin repair which is my favourite moisturiser in the whole world the texture the smell , even the look of the jar I love it. I also love Liz Earle have got years myself husband and 15 year old son loves it . Cannot get enough of it. Looking forward to your shows much love

  99. Hi all,
    Thanks to everyone who entered and Congratulations to Norma who was the winner.
    I have read all your comments but won’t be able to respond to them individually on this occasion, so if there was anything in particular please leave a comment on my latest blog post
    Julia x

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