Let’s all clap hands…

As we head towards the end of yet another extraordinary week, I’m sure ours wasn’t the only family to take to our doorstep last night at 8pm to ‘Clap for the NHS’. We really do owe them a debt of gratitude for what they are having to face on a daily basis. We live on a quiet lane but we could still hear the applause ringing out and the flash of the torch. At the end of my little video was our neighbours who joined in, despite both being quite elderly. Thank goodness my wrist is sufficiently healed to allow me to join in and well done to Jilly for leading the appreciation live on air on QVC.

It has been very difficult for me cheering my colleagues on from the sidelines while I’ve been recuperating from my ankle operation and broken wrist, but I’m pleased to say that I should be back to join my ‘team’ next Thursday April 2nd, which means I hope to be presenting Fashion on Friday next week for the first time since January 10th. I feel it is so important at this time to be able to turn on a channel you are familiar with and see smiling faces trying to put a smile on yours. You don’t need to be shopping with us but of course you can, as I’ve been doing over the past few weeks in particular since my operation. I now have a greater understanding of those of you who regard QVC as a lifeline because you are housebound and not just for the independence of being able to choose things for yourself rather than relying on other people but also in terms of the company in your home.

Talking of QVC shopping, I ordered some Churchill’s biscuits in pretty daffodil decorated tins for both our mums for Mother’s Day. Like all the other mums, it wasn’t celebrated in quite the same way as usual with the family coming around for dinner or all of us going out for lunch. In fact, I discouraged Chris from getting me my usual bouquet of flowers so that he didn’t need to make an unnecessary trip out. Instead he picked these gorgeous daffodils from the garden, which are beautifully fragrant incidentally, courtesy of the de Jager bulbs I planted last autumn. Our garden is filled with daffodils, grape hyacinth and some early miniature tulips and the weather has been so sunny over the past few days our lawn has had its first mow of the season.

I did have a bouquet of flowers from Sophie and her family. She came round to give them to me but didn’t come into the house, instead leaving them on the decking along with her card for me. We had a chat from a distance, as I’m sure a lot of you did, before she headed home with a table and chairs we had been storing for her as she needed them for her step children’s home schooling, and also a piece of exercise equipment to set up in her garden. I’ve had to arrange the photo of my cards carefully so as not to offend anyone with one of the words on my son’s card – I found it very amusing and accurate actually! I also had this beautiful heart-shaped candle with a fragrance of coconut and sandalwood.

Along with watching QVC and maybe binge-watching a few box sets, I wonder what else you are doing to keep yourselves busy? We did an online pub quiz last night, which was actually great fun and showed great initiative from the guy who hosted it from his front room. I won’t reveal our actual score but we did manage to get more than half the questions right, which is something I guess. I hope some of you took advantage of me making Time for a Short Story free for five days from last weekend. As promised, I’m going to make all my self-published books free on ebook for five days continuing with Life’s a Beach and Then from tomorrow, if you haven’t already read it. I was also reading on Instagram that Jackie Kabler has started a virtual book club if you’re interested in all things bookish.

Last week I shared a photo of Wilfie basking in the sunshine, his favourite thing to do, and I thought you might like to see his version of self-isolating in a drawer.

Unfortunately, because of the latest restrictions my physiotherapist has had to close for the time being. We are planning on hooking up via email or phone so that she can give me the next stage of rehab exercises. I have very tentatively been on my Aeropilates machine this week – just a few exercises to start with but it has really helped me feel as though I am getting ‘back to normal’, at least in regard to general fitness, although there is a long way to go for my ankle.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who is struggling to remember what day of the week it is at the moment, and something else to remember is that the clocks go forward this weekend. I’ve seen some people suggest that we put them forward four months – it would be great if we could, but unfortunately it’s not going to be that easy. Stay safe, and if all goes to plan I’ll see you on QVC next Thursday.

Much love,
Julia xx

30 Responses

  1. Hi Julia i’m so pleased to hear that you will be back in work next week as you say it’s a good sign that you are on the mend! I had a physiotherapist appointment over the phone on Monday and good news he signed me off, quite a relief as I have been doing them since last September. Although I was told to carry on at home as going out for walks is restricted at the moment. As you say last Sunday was a strange day it was my husband birthday as well as mother’s day. I missed seeing the grandchildren more than my two daughters, only I didn’t tell them that. Ha ha. One of my granddaughters has her birthday next week,we are going to leave her presents on the doorstep and wave to her through the glass porch,won’t be the same but needs must. Loved the picture of Wilfie. Take care and look forward to seeing you soon. Love Debbie Xx

    1. Hi Debbie
      Good news that you are signed off from your physiotherapist, do keep doing the exercises though. We are so lucky to have my little gym at the bottom of the garden so I have been able to use my treadmill and Aeropilates alongside my physio exercises.
      I hope your granddaughter has a lovely birthday – not the one you had planned a I’m sure but there will be lots of others to come.
      I’ll keep posting the pictures of Wilfie
      Julia x

  2. Can not wait to see you next week yes you are so right familiar faces are the key to escaping at least for a few hours each day x

    1. Hi Helen,
      Thank you – I now limit myself with the virus coverage to just one update a day. I want to know what’s going on but I don’t want to be overwhelmed by it.
      See you midday Thursday
      Julia x

  3. Your pictures of Wilfie are always a delight, will be glad to see you back.
    I would like to say thanks to all at QVC, on screen and behind the scenes,
    for bringing cheer in these very strange days.
    Keep well

    1. Hi Madeline
      I’ll keep posting photos of Wilfie – he’s always lolling in the sunshine somewhere.
      I’m very proud of all my colleagues who’ve continued to go in to work despite being pretty nervous about the whole situation. QVC have acted quickly to minimise risk and so I feel okay about going back on Thursday.
      Julia x

  4. So pleased you will be back with us soon . Are you able to drive don’t over do things you have summer to look forward to and a lovely family I envy you take care x

    1. Hi Heather
      I haven’t actually driven since my operation so Chris will probably ferry me for the first few shifts.
      See you Thursday at midday
      Julia x

  5. Hi Julia glad you are good be nice to see you back on qvc . I think most people’s mothers day plans changed but at least I saw Clare and Geoff Gary and Lamis and our two granddaughters such strange times I have been sending messages to you on Twitter but have been having trouble with it for some reason. Les and I have been having our once a day walk at least the weather has been kind so far and the garden looks nice . Anyway will look forward to seeing you back on tv. Best wishes love Loraine xx😀

    1. Hi Loraine
      I’m glad you were able to see your family on Mother’s Day. I think some people are probably exercising more now than they normally do and like you, my garden is looking lovely so we just need some warm weather to enjoy it.
      See you Thursday at midday with Andrew from Gatineau
      Julia x

  6. Hi Julia,

    It’s great news that you are coming back to Qvc to do your Friday shows. I really enjoy them, and if for some reason I have to miss them, I record them. You have a great personality, and along with Debbie Flint, you are the best presenter and bring your own ideas to the shows.

    Remember to now over do it.

    1. Hi Beverley,
      Thanks for your kind remarks. The last show I presented on QVC was Fashion on Friday on January 10th – it seems years ago! This week’s show is Skechers – I don’t know what I would have done without my Skechers when the air boot first came off as my foot was badly swollen – it still is but nowhere near as bad now. I’ll try not to overdo it
      Julia x

    1. Hi Margaret
      I’m not 100% yet but certainly we’ll enough to come back to work and do my bit. See you Thursday at midday
      Julia x

  7. Hi Julia looking forward to your return as long as you are well enough ///its hard being away from family we had to postpone seeing our family on March 21st our 61st wedding anniversary but decided we have had plenty of other lovely days so we were quite happy sitting this one out in fact we just asked Alexa to play us some music we liked and had a little boogie around the kitchen Im soo pleased no one could see us but we enjoyed ourselves ..Julia please stay safe and well and look forward to seeing you soon love Pam xx

    1. Hi Pam
      I’m sorry you missed out on celebrating your 61st wedding anniversary with your family, but sounds like you found ways to make it special 😉 Congratulations by the way – amazing achievement in this day and age.
      I’m feeling ready to come back to work – funnily enough, my wrist hurts more than my ankle! See you Thursday at midday
      Julia x

  8. Hi Julia ,you say you are going back to work next week ,have you not received your letter saying us CML ers are in the high risk category and can’t go out for 3 months .I am not taking the chance and staying in.

    1. Hi Denise
      For whatever reason I haven’t received an NHS letter so am acting on the advice of my consultant- I guess he knows my situation the best so I have to trust his opinion.
      Julia x

  9. Hi Julia
    Wow! Your recovery is brilliant with both your ankle and wrist, obviously you have some good strong bones there Julia, must be with the exercise you have done over the years. I was very impressed with the video of you on your treadmill and how straight your ankle now looks…your Surgeon has done a sterling job and not forgetting you for all the hard work with the physio exercises.

    We also applauded the NHS staff, they do a brilliant job and looked after me twice last year, everyone may need them sometime and people would do well to remember that.

    Being Asthmatic and having Pneumonia and Pleurisy last year I am staying put at the moment, not been out for weeks as I can still remember the pain in my lungs with every breath and this would be much much worse I would imagine. Chris is able to work from home as an Engineer, which is a good thing, although Bailey is more naughtier when he’s here, runs off with his slippers and because we weren’t taking any notice of him yesterday, he decided to tear the pad out of his comfy bed to shreds, it was all over the living room carpet…the little tinker. I suppose that’s a Westie for you, never a dull moment!

    Looking forward to seeing you on Q again, but please don’t overdo things, it’s so easily done. The 2nd April is Chris’ Birthday and I usually have a chocolate cake made for him covered in truffles, but will make it myself for the first time in years. Has to be chocolate fudge of course.

    Looking forward to seeing you and glad you got my naughty card, had such a giggle making it!

    love Annette x

    1. Hi Annette
      I’m hoping I’ll look back on that video in a couple of months and wonder at how far I’ve come since – don’t get me wrong, the progress since ditching the air boot has been huge but still a way to go, although I managed to walk one and a half kilometres on my treadmill yesterday! My wrist is actually causing me more problems if I’m honest.
      You definitely should stay put at home with your breathing issues – my sister is asthmatic and is older than me so I’m hoping she is staying away from people too.
      So I’m back at work on your Chris’s birthday – I hope he enjoys his cake. My son made his girlfriend a chocolate cake for her birthday and a coffee and walnut cake for their sixmonthiversary – both cakes absolutely delicious.
      Julia x

  10. Hi Julia I am so pleased that you are now feeling well enough to start back at work you have been missed.
    Take care and look forward to seeing you on TV on Thursday and fashion on Friday Yipeeeee. Love Linda xxxx

    1. Hi Linda
      I’ve said it a few times but genuinely, it is nice to be missed. I’m looking forward to my first Fashion on Friday since January 10th – it’s Skechers this week with a TSV sandal.
      See you Thursday at midday
      Julia x

  11. Hi julia look forward to you being back on qvc .
    Hope chris youself and dan are well iam now off work dont know how long for wth this coronovirus but i still have ajob acording to my franchise boss where i woek in mcodnalds in aberdeen and still getting paid now at moment from the government.

    1. Hi Martin
      Nice to hear from you and good that your boss is intending to keep your job open for you when this is all over – such unchartered waters we are in!
      Julia x

  12. It will be lovely to have you back on air Julia. Fashion on Friday is not the same without you. Hope your ankle continues to progress well. Hope you and your family stay safe and well. Xx

    1. Hi Julie
      Thank you – I’m looking forward to taking back the reins of Fashion on Friday – hopefully it won’t be too long before it’s back on the Style Channel live too once things start to return to normal.
      I just managed 25 minutes on the treadmill- well chuffed
      Julia x

  13. Hi Julia
    It’s great to hear that you’re doing so well post op. Keep up the good work, I’m sure you will you’re such a determined lady.
    I’m waiting(impatiently) for the new DI Rachel Hart book to arrive, I’ve loved the first two, please don’t let this be the last.
    Look forward to seeing you back on QVC but don’t do too much, take care of yourself

    1. Hi Pam
      As I’ve just replied to Julie, I managed 25 minutes on my treadmill this morning – moderate pace but my ankle felt really good- very pleased with myself. Physio exercises later!
      I’m so pleased you like my Rachel Hart books and hope you’ll enjoy Why She Died too. I was only contracted for three, but might be persuaded to do more, although I have a couple of other ideas I’m quite keen to explore … we’ll see.
      You take care too
      Julia x

  14. glad to hear your on the mend, but remember a day at a time , be nice to see you back at work, and why do cats love an open drawer, or cupboard lol spent pounds on mine over the years but give them a cardboard box and they happy as larry bless them x

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