The road to recovery… was being resurfaced!

For me personally, this week has been a bit of a landmark. As I mentioned on last week’s blog, I had my X-ray booked for Monday to check whether my bones had healed in their new position… fantastic news, they have and my consultant is very pleased with my progress so far, although to be honest we hadn’t had the best start to the day.

As we were about to leave for the appointment, Chris discovered that his car had a puncture, not ideal, but at least we had my car that we could use and to be be fair, she was due a bit of a run out as she hadn’t been used in almost six weeks. We had a great drive in to central London, but when we were about half a mile away from the clinic the traffic ground to a halt. No problem, I rang to warn we may be a little late and it did eventually start to move so I was still going to be on time. That was until we got to the road where the clinic is and it was closed for resurfacing! It’s a good job I had become more confident on my crutches! I was starting to wonder if it was just going to be ‘one of those days’ but fortunately, as already mentioned, things took an upturn from there. I cannot begin to express how happy I was when the consultant said I could start to leave the air boot off, although I can wear it if my leg feels tired. I know some people really get on with air boots but I think I must have the wrong shaped feet because it constantly pressed down on my high instep and contributed to the distorted shape.

My physiotherapist, Brutal Brittany, wasted no time during my Monday afternoon session in getting me back on the Alter G treadmill minus the air boot. It was still taking a percentage of my weight and was so much easier than the first time we tried it. I must confess to feeling a little shocked at just how thin my left calf is now in comparison to my right, but it’s only to be expected. Apparently, you start to lose muscle tone after just three days of inactivity and it’s been six weeks since my operation, although I have been doing some exercises every day since my cast came off. Armed with some new exercises to add to the ones I was already doing, one of which has me standing in the ‘naughty corner’ to transfer 100% of my weight on to my left side using the walls for support, I headed home tired but happy.

I had also popped in to QVC briefly to attend to some essential business, as it is just a five minute drive from the physiotherapist. It felt a little strange to be back in the building and not going on air but it shouldn’t be too long now. I’ve been signed off for another three weeks, but hoping to be back by or just after the end of the month. While I was at QVC, I saw Charlie and Dale and also Ali Young, who was able to offer some helpful advice for my broken wrist as she’s experienced a few broken bones falling off horses over the years. I see the doctor on Tuesday to make sure the bones are properly healed and then it’s goodbye to the splint too, hopefully.

I paid for the euphoria of being out of the air boot on Tuesday when I was mentally and physically exhausted, but bounced back on Wednesday. It was a gorgeous sunny afternoon so we decided to go for a short walk to the end of our lane and back with only one crutch as an aid – it was quite exhilarating.

We had also put away the sofa bed in our lounge as I can now manage the stairs quite safely. I can’t tell you how good it felt to sleep on my fabulous Sealy mattress after six weeks on a sofa bed. All my lotions and potions were moved from the downstairs shower room too so everything is more or less back to normal.

Speaking of lotions and potions, I thought I’d share this photo of my L’Occitane Foot Cream. Far be it for me to complain because Chris has been immense for the past six weeks, but why does he have to squeeze a tube like that? He does it with toothpaste too! I’m a squeeze it from the bottom kinda girl – how about you?

As I said, I’m not complaining because he has been using the foot cream to massage my foot, as instructed by Brittany, to flush away all the damaged stuff and help reduce swelling, which has really helped. He has also been applying Bio Oil to the operation site since the cast came off… he is a SAINT!!

So, a fantastic week for me in terms of recovery. I can now walk a short way without a crutch and am hoping I will be allowed to go on my own treadmill soon for short periods to rebuild my stamina. By the way, if you’re wondering about the ‘odd’ shoes, the ankle brace is quite bulky so I need a more generous fit on my left foot than my right at the moment. Could create a new fashion trend?

So while I’ve been managing a few steps, my son and his girlfriend were doing rather more at the beginning of this week. He had treated her to a trip to Paris for her birthday and while sightseeing they were wracking up in excess of 25,000 steps a day! It’s quite funny really, as Katie has committed to 10,000 steps every day of March to raise money for a cancer charity. I’ll put the link on my social media this week should you feel inclined to support her and the charity. They really enjoyed Paris and I love this little soap dish I got as a present – a timely reminder to keep washing my hands, although I must admit that we are currently using ABC Skinwash rather than soaps on the hand basins. The dish will remain on the bath – quite appropriate really.

Speaking of Paris, there is a fabulous Gatineau Today’s Special Value coming up on Sunday, and do have a listen to this week’s Inside QVC podcast which features Andrew Bagley, who brought the brand into the country and onto QVC twenty-six years ago.

Prior to that, we have a twenty-four hour Love Your Garden event tomorrow. If we are going to be spending a bit more time in our own home surroundings, getting out in the garden will help lift our spirits. I’m one of those that does virtually nothing in the garden in the winter, apart from feeding the birds, and then panics at the start of spring. If you’re the same, you are going to love tomorrow. The Today’s Special Value is a set of ten LED solar lights from Luxform at a really great price. I don’t have these actual ones, but I do have a couple of previous sets dotted around my garden and in planters and when they come on at dusk, even if they haven’t had much sunshine, they look so pretty.

Some of you may remember George from de Jager visiting my garden last spring with planting suggestions. Lots of the gorgeous bulbs he recommended are now blooming, as is the white cherry bush my mum bought me and the beautiful pink camellia bush. The white camellias have been out for a while but the pink are just starting – they are so lovely with their waxy, shiny leaves.

Back to de Jager, watch out for special deals on some highly-scented begonias, and also some double Primula Belarina in vibrant colours, which are scented too. Before I finish, I wonder how many of you remember the presenter lily-growing challenge from a few years ago? Well it’s back! This time we’ll be growing Richard Jackson lilies, which will be on some shows tomorrow – can I just say Ali Young REALLY wants to win this time!!

Please look after yourselves.
Much love,
Julia xx

42 Responses

  1. Hi Julia so glad that you are making such good progress,once the progress starts it’s amazing how quickly you improve,well done!! I’m the same as you re gardening i’m so glad the weather is starting to brighten up as I have loads to catch-up on as i wasn’t able to empty pots or clear garden due to being off my feet. Hope you continue to be able to do more and stay well. Take care love Debbie. X

    1. Hi Debbie
      We’ve been very lucky with the weather this past week – good for people with gardens and balconies to escape the confines of the house with minimum contact.
      Still heading in the right direction with my recovery – mostly walking without my crutch now
      Julia x

  2. Dear Julie
    I am so sorry you are poorly
    I tend to follow you as Crystal Palace are my team too

    The letter you wrote was very interesting and I will be watching all

    Please look after yourself get back soon
    Love Ann xx

    1. Hi Ann
      Weekends feel so strange I thought football – almost like it’s summer. Shame for our team as we were just putting a run together. I think they should finish this season’s fixtures whenever that might be – do you?
      My ankle & wrist are much better now thanks
      Julia x

    2. Hi Julie so glad you are finally on the road to recovery. Have missed your presence on qvc. Well back. You’ve been missed

  3. Hi Julia
    Lovely to hear you are doing so well …. Really well Infact. Go steady though. Don’t run before you can walk. Ha ha😀
    Love to catch up with your blogs each week. You’ll soon be back on the Pilates machine. Looking forward to seeing u back on air. Missed you. Funny Sealy beds are actually on QVC as I’m typing this out.
    Stay safe & all the best with your speedy recovery
    Love Julie xxxxxx

    1. Hi Julie
      Funny you should mention Pilates – I’ve done a few gentle exercises on my machine this week which is good. Not so good is my physio has had to close so I won’t know if I’m doing the next exercises she sets me right – hopefully I will
      Julia x

  4. Glad to see you out and about Julia. I left my boot off completely as soon as the dr said I could. I fell over a couple of times with it and couldn’t wait to get it off! Your muscle will soon build back up again. I took several months for my foot to stop swelling. I had some Skechers I wore all the time as they were the only ones wide enough. Two years on I get the occasional twinge but have made a full recovery. Just as you will x

    1. Hi Jane
      Thanks for your words of encouragement- I think the air boot suits some people better than others & I definitely wasn’t a fan. Still, it served its purpose & was better than being in a cast for the whole six weeks. My muscles are already starting to build but my issue is to try and get them on par with my other leg or it will just try and take over as it has always done. Glad you made a good recovery
      Julia x

  5. It is great news that you are on the mends and everything is healing nicely. I have missed watching you on QVC as you are more than just a presenter you come across as if you are a friend with your warm fun loving personality and snippets of what is happening with you and your family. That’s what makes QVC more than just a shopping channel you get to know the presenters and guests which makes it entertaining not just a hard sell. I love your relationship you have with Simon Wilson. You are an inspiration with the way you make things happen in your life and don’t let anything hold you back. Bless you. I hope you have a speedy recovery.

    1. Hi Elaine
      Thanks so much for your lovely comments. I’ve been so disappointed not to be on QVC in the current situation affecting us all, but the good news is I should be back on Thursday 2nd April. I hope I will be able to bring a smile to faces when there isn’t too much to smile about.
      Again thank you for your kind words
      Julia x

  6. Wonderful you will be back and fit as a fiddle. your plants are blooming and a feast for your eyes.

    1. Hi Pamela
      It will take a while to get back to full fitness but I’ll get there. My garden looks so cheery with all the beautiful DeJager bulbs I planted in the autumn now in flower
      Julia x

  7. Hi Julia, glad to see you are on the mend, hope to see you back on QVC soon. What is it with men and squeezing tubes? My husband is the same with toothpaste, it’s so wasteful. I always squeeze from the bottom!

    1. Hi Sand
      You did make me smile… you always squeeze from the bottom!! Dare I say, I think men do the squeeze from anywhere thing more than us girls but I could be wrong. I should be back on QVC on Thursday 2nd
      Julia x

  8. Good morning Julia, first of all I am so happy you are getting stronger every day. Wishing you a speedy recovery. My husband is the same squeezes the toothpaste and hand creams. We all have a laugh when I mention it to him. Thank you so much for your lovely blog. God bless you and your lovely family. Antoinette x

    1. Hi Antoinette
      Glad you’re enjoying my blog – it’s been a great way of staying in touch while I’ve been off. I’m glad your husband can laugh about it…. some would get a bit ‘huffy’ mentioning no names.
      Julia x

  9. I have been in the same position as you since November so I know what you are going through. Do you think you could send me a picture of your ankle air cast you are wearing in the photograph. It looks very interesting at this stage of your recovery . Thank you Julia speedy recovery. From Sue someone who knows!!!

    1. Hi Sue
      We can share each other’s pain – quite literally. The air cast ankle brace is the A60 as worn by Andy Murray (I bought mine online) and was recommended by my surgeon. It’s the same one I was wearing pre surgery and offers good support while I’m strengthening my muscles with physio – hope that helps. Speedy recovery
      Julia x

  10. so pleased that your op has been a success good timing too as you should be out and about soon in your garden I have the solar lights too and they are really good, looking forward to seeing you back on screen take care

    1. Hi Anne
      It will be a while before we really know how successful the surgery has been and I won’t be wearing flip flops anytime soon but getting stronger every day. Should be back on QVC Thursday 2nd all being well
      Julia x

  11. So Pleased you are doing well, having a good attitude to life really helps, and lets hope you have a wonderful 2020 to look forward to as much as you did in 2019, not that you will be getting married again but you know what I mean!!
    Keep doing well Julia enjoy every day even if sometimes it can be challenging.
    Sandra Sheppard

    1. Hi Sandra
      Certainly no plans to get married again – it took me nearly 42 years the first time round! I don’t think 2020 will go down as a good year for anyone sadly but we all have to have a positive attitude in the face of this crisis.
      Julia x

  12. Julia

    So sorry to hear that you haven’t been well. Hope that you have found time to write. Look forward to watching Friday Fashion with Julia. Take care and I hope that you and yours will not be affected by this terrible virus that is upon us.

    1. Hi Deborah
      To be honest, I haven’t felt very creative while I’ve been recovering from surgery but I have been able to do some editing for the next book (albeit one-handed!) I’m hoping to be back for Fashion on Friday next week
      Julia x

  13. Hi Julia,great to see you on the road to recovery.Its amazing what a little bit of sunshine and fresh air can do when you’ve spent so much time indoors.The spring flowers in your garden look beautiful.

    1. Hi Rachel
      I think we all need the sunshine and fresh air at the moment – it really does lift the spirits when you’ve been stuck indoors. A fabulous display of spring flowers this year thanks to the De Jager bulbs I planted last autumn
      Julia x

  14. Hiya Julia
    So glad you are getting better, had a horrible time of it recently with hurting your wrist on top of everything else.
    Like you Julia I push the toothpaste from the bottom.
    Starting a new fashion with your shoes, love it.
    You take care and so glad you are getting better with all your physio.
    You are so lucky to have Chris to help you, definitely a saint
    Much love
    Elizabeth 💖

    1. Hi Elizabeth
      We’re all having a bit of a difficult time at the moment aren’t we – we just have to stay positive. A bit of a hiccup with physio as she’s had to close for the moment but hopefully she can email be instructions for the next phase of rehab.
      I couldn’t have managed without Chris
      Julia x

  15. Hi , julia , glad to hear you are making good progress on you’re recovery and you’re bones have healed in there new position . Hope you continue to get better . Have missed seeing you on qvc . Love anne .

    1. Hello Anne
      Funnily enough, my wrist is giving me more trouble than my ankle at the moment but then the healing is about 3 weeks behind. I just need the tendons, ligaments & muscles to settle down now and I’ll be laughing. Should be back on April 2nd
      Julia x

  16. Hi Julia,

    So pleased to see you looking so well and sounding so.positive : ). There is so little good news at the moment, so I’m really pleased I read your blog.

    Looking forward to seeing you back on screen soon. Take care and don’t rush back!

    With love,

    Joanna xx

    1. Hi Joanna
      I’m really pleased you find my blog uplifting – as you say so little else to keep our spirits up at the moment, but we all have to stay positive. I’m hoping to be back on screen next Thursday – I may be a bit rusty after 11 weeks away 😉
      Julia x

  17. Amazing Julia!
    Hope you feel better soon!
    First presenter we watched on QVC …at the beginning all those years ago grandma , mum and me …amazing lady … sending lots of love 💕☀️
    Deborah Tochel xxx

    1. Hi Deborah
      How fantastic that you are still watching after all these years… thank you!
      Feeling loads better and hoping to be back on screen next Thursday – be gentle with me 😂
      Julia x

    1. Hi Margaret
      I’m definitely on the mend and hoping to be back on QVC next Thursday April 2nd
      Julia x

  18. I know how you feel Julia ,broke my wrist to add to this awful time ,it’s so difficult without your other hand ,let’s stay positive xx

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