Merry Christmas one and all!

Here I am on the shortest day of the year contemplating what feels like, to me anyway, the shortest year of the century so far. Others may feel differently, and indeed a straw poll amongst my colleagues would suggest some have found it a very long year. Perhaps you feel the same, but to me, it feels like just last week it was summer and last month I was worrying about whether or not I was going to get home to see my family, and quite frankly, for a whole year nothing has changed. Here I am still in the same state of concern and worry that I know many of us are experiencing.

It’s been another rough year for us all, but I am focusing on the positive where I can. I am still alive, and I still have a lot to be thankful for. That said, I can’t help feeling a little nostalgic for times gone by. Nevermore so than when I put my Christmas tree up. Every year for the last seven years my mum and various members of my family have come to London to spend Christmas with me and every year I have bought a Christmas decoration for everyone in attendance. Each year as I dress the tree and hang these decorations it is a reminder to reflect and remember those lovely times we have shared.

You see each decoration has the names of everyone who was present for the big day so all I have to do is look at my tree and all the memories come flooding back from all those Christmases past and it’s a lovely feeling.

There is no decoration to commemorate last Christmas as we couldn’t be together. I did think about doubling up this year and getting a decoration to mark last year and maintaining the continuity, but, I decided not to. My rationale was that, in years to come, as each of my family members hangs their decorations they will remember that there is no decoration for 2020 and they will remember that was the year we couldn’t be together. But my hope is that in remembering we couldn’t be together we will all remember to be thankful for the years we have been able to share some Christmas spirit together.

This year there is a decoration but each one just has the individual’s name on it rather than everyone’s name, as this year, all being well, I will get to be home with everyone, but it won’t be a gathering here in London. But still, at least the tradition continues. How about you, what traditions have you started or upheld from years gone by? Apart from my annual family decorations I usually have some kind of a theme to my tree decoration. I can’t be alone in this, surely?

This year I chose velvet and sparkle in a pallet of teal, burgundy, blue and grey. I was trying something new. I also put less on my tree than I normally do. To be honest, I was trimming my tree after a few busy days at work and I got tired and decided I’d finish it later, however, later never arrived so I left it as it was! If anyone asks, however, the pared-back decorating was always my plan! Sshh, don’t tell anyone!

I have jazz music playing in the background as I write this, Christmas jazz mind you, and I’m playing it through the Bose Soundbar TV Speaker with Blue Tooth Connectivity. I treated myself to it for Christmas. It’s so good, it’s making me feel jolly. I do love the nostalgia and escapism of Christmas.

I’ve been watching loads of Christmas movies and have gone through the electronic planner (like I used to go through the Radio Times and the TV Times when I was a child), marking all the TV Shows and movies I wanted to record. Every year I record so much that it is my birthday in June and I still have Christmas recordings to get through, lol. What will you guys be watching this year? I love all the classics like Holiday Inn, It’s A Wonderful Life, Meet Me in St. Louis but also the newer ones like Elf, The Holiday and The Family Stone (highly recommend this one). Dark nights, movies and mince pies and chocolate – what more could you want?

I can’t help noticing it’s a little milder here in London at the moment, so much so that I have seen Cherry Blossom trees in bloom and I’ve seen Michael Perry, our resident gardening expert, posting on social media pictures of daffodils in full bloom!

I was also noticing all the berries that are out and thinking of the birds and the wildlife. We really need to spare them a thought this winter. We may be having a milder winter at the moment, but we all know what it’s like here in the UK, our weather is never predictable. If you do want to be kind to the birds this year I will be ringing in the new year on QVC with the very lovely Richard Jackson who will be bringing us a Today’s Special Value of his Richard Jackson’s 10th Anniversary Vitality Mix High Energy Bird Food (724841).

It has been specially designed and formulated to give the birds the optimum in nutrition, which not only helps them see out the winter but also helps them into prime condition for the breeding season come spring. So it has far-reaching benefits beyond the immediate one of keeping them from going hungry.

So, if you are at home on New Year’s Eve and looking for some company, do come and join me as personally, I have never been a fan of the night and would much prefer to spend it with you guys. I’d love you to get in touch with your stories of your Christmas and what you got up to, or even your plans or hopes for the New Year.

Speaking of which, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you a peaceful and safe Christmas and may your New Year be one filled with hope and joy.

Festive felicitations to you all.

Until next year, stay safe and stay well,

Miceal. Xx

8 Responses

  1. Happy Christmas Miceal, I love the Christmas decorations. I hope you get to see your family for Christmas. Such a wonderful time for families to be together.
    I put a Santa tree topper that one of my children made when the first started school. They’re now 40 and 38, but I wouldn’t put anything else on the top of the tree. I also get one of my grandchildren to pick a new tree decoration every year, another traditional. Like making the Christmas cake and everyone has a stir and a wish.
    Happy Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year to you.

  2. Your tree looks beautiful, Miceal. My tree is a hotch potch of colour and sparkle, but I love it. There are decorations that my children made at nursery (very fragile now as the ‘children’ are in their 40s) and decorations bought on wonderful trips … hand-blown glass from Malta and angels from Bruges. Every cheone has a special memory.
    I hope you have fantastic Christmas with your family and send very best wishes for peace, good health and happiness in the New Year. With love xxx

  3. Happy Christmas Micael, love and best wishes for a healthy new year. I think your tree looks beautiful. Love Karen x

  4. Felicitations to you too . Let’s hope next Christmas will be as before and these two will be in the past .We miss our Dalkey fix but surely a visit in 2022 – slainte ☘️and love to you from Scotland .

  5. Hi Miceal, I think your christmas tree is beautiful and the decorations with your family’s names are such a lovely idea. Merry Christmas to you and a happy, healthy New Year x

  6. Hi Miceal, I think your personalised decorations are beautiful, and also very cute. I agree, it is very poignant not to have one for 2020. I hate parties full stop, so will be at home New Year’s Eve and will definitely join you and Richard as I am a prolific bird feeder and a very amateur gardener. I hope you were able to have a lovely Christmas with your family. x

  7. hi miceal hope you are able to join your family for christmas and you have a wonderful time ps your tree is gorgeous

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