As the bunnies say, happy Easter….

There’s no denying that it’s going to be a very different Easter for most of us this year in lots of ways, but particularly not being able to see our families in person unless we’re living with them. My lovely mum sent us a card and £20 to spend on Easter eggs, some of which you’ll see pictured below.

To be honest, I don’t normally put up decorations as we do at Christmas, but Dan’s girlfriend, Katie, bought this string of rabbits wishing a Happy Easter, which I thought were really cute.

We decided to put them up above the photo of Chris and I, secretly snapped by our daughter Sophie, the day after our wedding in Mauritius last August. I’m not going to lie, that seems like a lifetime ago, but it’s good to have the memories of such a special day to look back on, particularly in these unprecedented times.

Putting the Easter bunnies up also prompted us (well, Chris, actually) to put the black and white wedding photos on the wall that Sophie and Reece had framed as our Christmas present. With our holiday in January, followed by my operation, we simply hadn’t got around to it, but I couldn’t bear the thought of reaching Easter with them still propped up against our bedroom wall. We’ve put one by the bed in our room and the one pictured at the top of this blog is in the family room. It was such a thoughtful Christmas gift idea, as was the wind spinner my sister Lynda bought us, also now in position in the garden. This one wasn’t from QVC, but we do sell them from time to time and they make a great addition to the garden as they twinkle and sparkle.

This is the time of year when those of us who are lucky enough to have outdoor space start to think about plants and you will be spoilt for choice this weekend on QVC. We have lots of gardening shows and two garden-related Today’s Special Values.

Tomorrow we have a collection of Whetman Pinks from Plants2Gardens – such pretty flowers and with a beautiful perfume, then on Easter Monday we have a cordless lawnmower and grass trimmer from Yard Force. It’s a good weekend to be shopping with us as we have a SHOP3Z code available from 9 p.m. tonight for the whole of the Easter weekend if you want to take advantage of great offers on three interest-free instalments. Check the website for full terms and conditions, but just to say, the code can’t be applied when shopping on the app or on QCut.

I wonder if you are planning a special menu to cook at home for Easter? I’m not sure we’ll be that hungry if we tuck into this chocfest, but I think we’ll be pacing ourselves with the chocolate as Katie is making ‘toad in the hole’ and I’m doing Eton mess for dessert when I get home from work. We’ll probably try and have another video call with Sophie, Reece and his children after dinner, as Pictionary last Saturday was hilarious, particularly with my terrible drawing! The first thing I had to draw was a canon – think about it for a minute and you’ll understand why I was in hysterics!!!

On Sunday we had our Fawlty Towers ‘event’ evening as the real one had been cancelled.

We watched four episodes of the classic comedy series on Netflix over the course of the evening. Our dinner started with Waldorf salad, which Dan and I made following Jamie Oliver’s recipe.

It was absolutely delicious, but was easily enough for eight people as a starter, so if you find it online, adjust the proportions accordingly. We didn’t waste what we didn’t eat – I picked out the lettuce which had gone soggy and put in fresh for us to finish on Monday lunchtime.

Our main course was courgette and chargrilled pepper risotto, which seemed to go down well with Katie and Dan – I didn’t realise there was a reflection of Chris in the mirror when I took the photo – and then we finished off with trifle.

I’m so glad we made the effort and hopefully we’ll have the real ‘experience’ later in the year when everything is up and running again.

Talking of classic television, what could be more classic than Dr Who? Many years ago when I used to do extra work and small parts in television shows, I was booked for an episode of Dr Who where an old lady was transformed into being young again. As it was filmed, I assumed it had been shown, but apparently not according to @doctorwho1980’s on Twitter, who posted a short video from which this still was grabbed.

The funny thing is, I look exactly like my daughter Sophie and I’m not the only one to say it. Apparently, I filmed this nine days after appearing live on A Song for Europe in a group with Cheryl Baker the year before she joined Buck’s Fizz – the variety in the life of a freelancer in 1980!!!

So this week’s picture of Wilfie, aimed at bringing a smile to your faces, is him behind the Venetian blinds in our family room – apparently he had heard a fly buzzing around and was trying to catch it.

I’ll try and capture a video of him playing football with his mini foam basketball next week – he’s quite good at intercepting!

Well, I need to be heading into work shortly, but before I finish I wanted to let you know about the Giving Back Campaign. QVC has always been passionate about supporting charitable causes and you may have already seen on-air that we’ve launched an appeal with the National Emergencies Trust (NET). The company have pledged £50,000 to the NET’s Covid-19 appeal and have further committed to donating £2 for every £1 donation up to a further £50,000, making a total potential donation of £125,000. Please check our website for full details of how you can help us raise these vitally-needed funds to help support those most in need.

And if you’ve been downloading my ebooks to help while away the long hours of isolation, the final part of my Liberty Sands trilogy, It’s Never Too Late to Say… will be free for five days from this Saturday.

Stay home and stay safe.
Much love,
Julia xx

24 Responses

  1. Lovely to have you back Julia. I enjoyed the Accessories by Kipling with you and Marie Francoise this afternoon. I also watched the Beauty Loves show and I’ve ordered the SBC TSV as I use Propolis products every day and I want my husband to try the Arnica muscle soak after he’s had a day in the garden. The set is terrific value and I’m looking forward to trying the Aloe Vera and Vitamin E products.

    I’m very interested to know what nail varnish you were wearing while presenting these shows this afternoon. It was a lovely pale neutral colour with a subtle pearlescent sheen and gave your nails a natural, well-groomed appearance.

    Wishing you and your lovely family a very Happy Easter.

    Take care and stay safe.
    Linda x

    1. Hi Linda
      So pleased to hear you are enjoying watching and shopping with us. Such strange times, I think a bit of normality is a must for us all.
      I was wearing the OPI Nail Envy in the bubble bath colour – a favourite of mine.
      We were able to enjoy some happy family moments over Easter as I hope you did too
      Julia x

  2. Hi julia another great blog hope you chris sophie and daniel are are gettin on alright i am not bad.

  3. Hello Julia
    I am a forever and ever shopper and watcher of QVC, and in particular have always been a fan of yours.
    I tuned in this afternoon and found you presenting the Earth Spirit footwear show. I hardly ever see you now as I only watch in the evenings, and not sure but guess you don’t do many evenings? (Of course I may be wrong!)
    I wondered what you had done to your leg/foot, you say on your write up you’ve had an operation, wishing you better asap 😊.
    I must say your hair is looking better than ever, I know it’s naturally curly, but what do you do to it to make its so smooth and frizz free please? I would love to send a pic on Twitter but I haven’t got the foggiest clue how to do it haha! (I’m 55! So not quite past it!!)
    I hope you reply, take lots of care your my favourite presenter 😊
    My best wishes, Lynda xx
    Ps I have a review on Bobbie Brown, regarding last Bobbi Brown set I bought last week, for some reason it says my nickname is Toby!! Which it isn’t! But anyhow you can see my photo and my frizzy hair!!

    1. Hi Lynda.
      Since my diagnosis with CML a few years back, I don’t do many slots beyond 7 pm as I get quite tired, but I still do my four days a week.
      I had an ankle operation at the end of January to move my heel into a better position to prevent it rolling outwards as a result of my polio as a child and it progressively weakening. The operation has been a success, but still lots of physiotherapy to come of 12 – 18 months.
      I use AVEDA leave-in conditioner and Nexxus hair oil but also the amazing Dyson supersonic hairdryer – hope that helps.
      Thanks for your kind comments
      Julia x

  4. Hi Julia, Nice to see back on air. Hope you and your family, and all the QVC family are keeping safe and well in these difficult times. Lets hope we’ll soon be on the road back to normality. The weather has been absolutely beautiful. Lets hope though people took the advice and stayed at home. We really don’t need all the good being undone by going out too soon and risking the virus being passed on. Our thought are with the hero’s keeping the vital services running and of course those who have contracted this terrible virus. I’m so glad I am no longer nursing as I don’t know how they are coping!
    Well the weather is bound to change now as I sorted out my clothes and put away most of my winter woollies. I haven’t put everything away though as I always get caught out by being to previous. I was totally shattered afterwards. There were clothes I had forgotten all about. I lost count of how many black trousers and leggings I have. I should have burnt some of the calories off from eating too much chocolate over Easter at least.
    The BBC showed a rugby game today from 2005 when Wales won the Grand Slam so it cheered me up after the suspension of all the games of late.
    Love seeing the photo’s of Wilfie by the way.
    Take care and stay safe. Am praying the end is in sight. At least Boris is on the mend.
    Love and good wishes, Tina S. xx

    1. Hi Tina
      Apologies for the delay in replying to you, but at least the weather has stayed good and looks set fair for a few more days. We now know that lockdown is extended of course so I hope you are managing okay – I can only agree with your comments about the brave key workers working to keep the country going in these difficult times, especially all hospital staff.
      Stay safe
      Julia x

  5. Hi Julia glad you are all well thank you so much for the books I will download the latest one and enjoy
    Have a lovely easter 🐣🐰and continue to make good progress
    Stay safe gayle xx

    1. Hi Gayle
      You are most welcome – just trying to do all I can to keep people’s minds off the situation. I hope you will enjoy Why She Died – I have the final proofread to do this weekend before moving on to the next book.
      Stay safe too
      Julia x

  6. Hi Julia

    Lovely interesting blog as ever.
    Beautiful wedding pic of you & Chris! Sooo enjoy all your pics, especially of Wilfie…. our cats give us so much pleasure.
    Glad you’re recovering from your traumas! Love having you back on our screens as you are my favourite presenter.

    Take care everyone

    Love Lindy Lou xx

    1. Hi Lindy Lou
      Thank you so much for your kind remarks – I’m glad to be back too. Good to hear you enjoy my blogs – I enjoy writing them! I still haven’t managed to video Wilfie playing football – he does that whole bunny-kicking thing with his back legs! I’ll keep trying
      Julia x

  7. Hi Julia ,just looking at your lovely wedding photo.Is Chris formerly from Spalding? I think I went to the same school as him.Hope I am not being to intrusive Thank you

    1. Hi Nigel
      Yes, Chris is from Spalding originally – his mum still lives there. How funny if you do know him especially as your surname is Roberts, the same as me!
      Julia x

  8. Hi Julia its lovely to see you back, now I will be able to have you read out the sizes of the fashion you are selling I don’t want to moan but so many presenters these days will say go on line for the sizes which can be very annoying as they seem to assume everyone is on line all the time. That’s not the only reason I and several of my friends are glad to have you back we like your honesty about all the products you are showing. Your wedding photo is beautiful you both look so happy. So I hope your recovery continues, try not to do too much too quickly as we have just got you back. Take care of yourself

    1. Thanks for your lovely comments- it’s so nice to be welcomed back in this way. To be honest, I give the measurements because my mum is one of the people who would not be able to look them up on line and I think of others like her.
      Our wedding seems so long ago, but how lucky are we that we weren’t planning it for this summer.
      My recovery is going well – still away to go but getting there
      Julia x

  9. It is so lovely to see you, your son is so like his dad.You take it a little at a time.Hope you have had a lovely Easter.xx

    1. Hi Ann
      We had a lovely Easter despite all the restrictions – I hope you did too?
      Actually, Dan looks a lot like my late dad particularly around the mouth.
      I’m trying to pace myself, but I do get a little impatient with myself.
      Julia x

  10. LIKE so many of your fans, delighted to have you back, been worried not seeing you…..I can always guarantee that when products are aired, I frequently, have no idea what is being aired…..the idea to take one item, wax lyrically about it, go off on a tangent and have no idea what is being presented to us…… Julia, you ensure, the products are introduced properly, … you tell us what it is, what is special about it and don’t do a Cloe and tell us about her sausages, no idea what she’s on most times…. ….. you just focus on the task in hand…….so great to the utimate professional in my living room. God Bless and many thanks…… loved loved wedding pictures….. thank you Julia

    1. Hi Sylvia
      It’s so good to be welcome in your living room and to be appreciated- thank you.
      I’m glad to be back to help my colleagues out and also to try and take everyone’s mind of the worrying times we’re living through.
      Julia x

  11. It’s great to have you back on our screens. You’ve returned at the right time, to help get everyone through this horrible situation. Even if your not buying it’s nice having friendly face son TV in the background. I must admit, how do you do it all? You’re back and looking as fresh as daisy, all be it for your choice of footwear, nobody could tell you’ve been away for so long. I know my OH is happy your back, you’re the only shows he watches with me. I make him blush sometimes, as I’m sure he fancies you, especially a certain area jiggling around. When will you able to be free of the foot brace? Hope you all keep safe. Take care, Gina

    1. Hi Gina,
      I don’t know about your husband blushing, you just made me blush! Seriously though, it’s good to be back at work and provide distraction from this weird time we’re all living in.
      The foot brace will be with me for a while yet, but I may be able to start leaving it off on air in shows where I don’t have to walk around – we’ll see.
      Julia x

  12. Hi Julia,.

    Don’t allow your gardener to cut the fronds off your fern till they are brown. The green fronds feed the knuckles for next year.

    1. Hi Kate,
      Thanks for your comment – Dennis doesn’t cut the fronds until just before the new ones are pushing through… see my latest blog.
      Julia s

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