Refusing to perform…

I’ve been saying for the past couple of weeks that I would try and get a video of Wilfie ‘playing football’, but he must have overheard me, because he is refusing to ‘play ball’! So, rather than a photo of him now, I thought I would change things up a bit by having a throwback picture of him.

This was taken in November 2013 when he was only a few months old, but he still prefers to drink his water from a human glass rather than a cat bowl. We can’t risk leaving glasses around because we never know if he’s helped himself. I wonder if any of you have cats who prefer vessels other than their cat bowls to drink out of? I will keep trying to get the elusive football video though, as it is funny to watch!

I do have a video for you this week. Wednesday was International Dance Day and we’d been asked to film ourselves ‘throwing some moves’ that could be edited together for your amusement – I hope you saw it as it was very good. I’m rather immobile at present, so decided to do a ballet ‘port de bras’ video – anyone who did ballet when they were little will recognise the arm positions, I’m sure… the jazz hands at the end were thrown in for good measure!

Last week’s blog featured a photo of the cookies my son made, but this week’s baking photo is all my own work. I haven’t made fruit scones for years, so I was pretty pleased with the way they looked, but they tasted even better.

The big question is, how do you have yours? Are you a cream or jam first advocate? Honestly, I’m not fussed, it’s the combination of all three elements that is so delicious.

We treated ourselves to one each at the halfway point of last night’s virtual pub quiz – it must have fuelled us up nicely, as we scored a whopping 44 points out of 50, our best yet!

As well as quiz night, we now have a dedicated ‘Lockdown Movie Night’. Wednesday was our first one and I took a photo, including a scene from the beginning of the movie – do any of you know what film we were watching? I’ll reveal all next week.

So here is the update on the tree fern – as you can see, it has grown a huge amount in just seven days, but probably the rain has helped with that.

I’m looking forward to getting my Thompson & Morgan bedding plants in this weekend as I’m not in at QVC.
I am in later this afternoon though, with Ultrasun at 4 p.m. As well as the Today’s Special Value, I’m delighted to say the beauty supersize for May is the Tan Activator SPF 30 for the body – my favourite Ultrasun product! I also recognise these legs modelling so beautifully… no, not mine, they belong to my daughter, Sophie! We really are an Ultrasun loving family.

Can you believe we are already in May, which means publication date for my next novel is four weeks away – I did the final proofread this week, so I hope I’ve caught all the typos and missed punctuation. It’s had some really positive early reviews from book bloggers, so fingers crossed it will be well-received when it comes out on the 29th. In the meantime, my last free kindle offering starts tomorrow for Carol’s Singing – if you love a wedding, this could be right up your street and again, it’s only a short read.

Hope you have a good weekend, whatever you’re doing to keep yourselves amused during lockdown, and I’ll see you on QVC, (after today) next Thursday.

Much love,
Julia xx

27 Responses

  1. Wonderful to hear from you, as usual, however, the jam goes first, only mentioning in passing! Sophie has wonderful legs, oh to be that age again, just turned 72 last week. Always great to read your news, I feel as though you are one of the family since i’ve been with you from the beginning. Do take care and may you and your family be safe.

    1. Hi Denise
      There has been a lot of comment on my Instagram about the Cornish way and the Devon way – cream first is the Devon way apparently – I don’t mind either way!
      So great to hear you’ve been with QVC since the beginning – lovely to be part of your family! I’ll pass the compliment on to Sophie.
      Julia x

    2. Dear Julia,

      Lovely to see you back on QVC, Wondering if you offer any skin care advice just recently I have been wearing a face mask for my long shifts I work as a HCA in my local hospital.
      Unfortunately the mask as left the side of my nose red and inflamed I use all of the good skin care range from Elemis,
      Judith Williams, also Declor but the creams are stinging my skin .

  2. Noticed you were back presenting on QVC and as I too have a blood cancer (lymphoma) wondered why you were not shielding at home for 12 weeks as I have been told to do by my GP and The Government. My daughters do my food shopping and leave it on my doorstep, they have not entered my home since the middle of March. You do not seem to be adhering to this advice and are still going outside to travel to QVC. Does it not worry you that you are in the highest risk category for serious illness from Covid 19 and not taking the medical advice suggested.

    1. Hi Margaret,
      Thanks for your concern, but I’m adhering to the advice of my professor who is best placed to judge my individual case. I consulted with my GP who thought I should probably be classified as high risk, but said I should follow my consultant’s guidance as I did not receive a government letter. He categorically told me (I emailed him twice just to be certain) that I was okay to return to work after my absence for ankle surgery.
      I don’t go out apart from driving to QVC, where we practice social distancing, just to be as safe as possible. So to answer your question, I’m not worried any more than anyone else is because I am taking the specific medical advice of my specialist.
      As I said though, thanks for your concern for my well-being, much appreciated
      Julia x

  3. Hi Julia
    Just finished your Liberty Sands trilogy, I read them back to back and loved your characters. They really do stay with you long after you finish reading ❤️
    Great to see you back on our screens, looking so well.

    1. Hi Zoey-Anne
      I’m so pleased to hear that you enjoyed the Liberty Sands trilogy and loved my characters – they felt so real to me by the end of three books.
      It’s good to be back at QVC
      Julia x

  4. Hi Julia. Would it be possible for you to post the details for your scone recipe next week? I have several scone recipes but I’ve never been a 100% happy with any of them and I absolutely love home made ones. As for your question, the order just HAS to be jam first then cream on top! Thanks

    1. Hi Eileen
      Yes of course, no problem in posting the recipe on my next blog. Jam first is the Cornish wayI hear, whereas cream first is the Devon way – both equally scrumptious in my opinion!
      Julia x

  5. My cat Sweep will also only drink from a human glass!
    The glass is situated on the upstairs landing.
    I do put out water in a cat bowl next to her food downstairs ( just in case), but never see her using it!
    We have had her 10 years, and she is an absolute joy!

    1. Hi Helen,
      I LOVE cats – they just do their own thing! Wilfie very occasionally drinks from his bowl if there are no ‘human’ glasses around.
      By the way, if you are interested in short stories, there is one on my author website that features a cat called Sweep.
      Julia x

  6. Love the photo of Wilfie, yes my cats try and drink from glasses, cup, dripping taps, anything but the cat bowl! Your scones look lovely, jam on first then cream for me. Haven’t a clue about the film but your fireplace looks nice and

    1. Hi Sandra
      I have loads of gorgeous kitten photos of Wilfie – just LOVE cats! The scones were delicious, nice and light in the middle – jam first is the Cornish way apparently.
      I love our fireplace too…. one of the reasons we bought the house actually 😊 Nobody has guessed the film yet
      Julia x

  7. Hi Julia, I absolutely loved your short story Christmas at Carol’s, another enjoyable book of yours. So uplifting and a feel good book in this strange world we are now living in. I have just finished it as I drink a glass of wine. My husband says its lovely to see me sitting relaxing and reading I only usually do it when we are on holiday and I’m lying on the sunbed. Great to see you back at QVC. Hope you are well. Much love Karen xx

    1. Hi Karen
      So pleased to hear you enjoyed Christmas at Carol’s, it was such a joy to write! I hope you’ve downloaded the sequel, Carol’s Singing which is free until Wednesday midnight.
      It’s good to be back at QVC helping my colleagues in keeping everything going
      Julia x

  8. scones look lovely I am good at pastry but rubbish at scones oh well can’t be good at everything !!

    1. Hi Anne
      I’m posting the recipe for the scones on my next blog so maybe give them a go? I hadn’t made fruit ones for years and was pleasantly surprised
      Julia x

  9. Hi Julia,
    Cats are so funny. I just love them. There was a story in one of the papers last week of a cat that would only drink from the spout of a watering can. It refused point blank to bowl from a dish! I can look at clips of cute cats (or dogs) for ages. There are couple of really funny ones of 2 cats that look as if they are talking to each other. Another one where a dog wants a kitten. Its really clever the way its been done. It really looks as though the dog is talking. You can google it by putting in ” dog wants a kitty”. It cheered me up no end.
    Well another week of lockdown over and still no sign of what restrictions are going to be lifted as yet. I think QVC should start selling wigs again. I have seriously been thinking about getting one as I was due for a hair cut 7 weeks ago. Either that or I will end up taking the clippers to it.
    Hubby has ordered some books on line for me so can’t wait for them to arrive. At least the weather has stayed ok for us to go for a walk.
    My sister-in-law likes baking but was unable to get any flour. I told her she’d have to cheat like I do, and get the cake mixes !
    My speed awareness course has been put back again for the 3rd time. So hopefully its 3rd time lucky. They said that they were going to be done via video link instead of classroom based because of the current situation but I explained that I don’t have the facilities for that so another date was arranged towards the end of July. As long as the restrictions have been lifted of course.
    Well stay safe, take care.
    From Tina S.xx

  10. Hi Tina
    I love cat and dog videos too – have you seen the one where the cat is barking and when it realises it has been seen changes it to a miaow- hilarious!
    Have you ever read mine or Jackie Kabler’s books? I just started her new one, The Perfect Couple, and really enjoying it so far.
    At least you have a good reason for the delay on attending the speed awareness course – you’ll have to do it eventually though 😉
    Julia x

  11. I have a cockapoo who thinks he is human . Every night h e drinks out of my mug which i have next to my bed , It is hilarious

    1. Hi Tina
      It’s so funny when our animals seem to try and mimic us – I haven’t got the heart to stop him!
      Julia x

  12. Hello Julia, my cat Jason (who is sadly no longer with me) used to love drinking my (homemade) soup out of a bowl! When I realised this, I used to leave a bit at the bottom for him to finish. He loved it!! He also used to like drinking fresh orange juice! Strange I know!

    1. Hi Montse
      Now that is weird – I’ve never heard of a cat enjoying soup before …. any particular flavour? And as for orange juice…. good old Jason!
      Julia x

  13. Pleased to see your friendly face back again. Your scones look lovely. Looked at the picture of your tree fern and I wonder if you know the name of the white flower behind it. I ask because it seems to have spread quite quickly in my garden and it has very deep roots. Haven’t read any your books yet. What is the title of your first one please. Stay safe and keep well

  14. Hi Judith
    Thanks for your kind words, it’s good to be back. The scones were pretty good – I’m putting the recipe I used on this week’s blog. I don’t know the name of the plant I’m afraid, but I do agree it spreads quickly.
    Re my books (and thanks for your interest) the first ones were emotional romance- The Liberty Sands trilogy, the first of which was Life’s a Beach and Then. If crime/thriller is more your thing, the first in my Detective Rachel Hart series is Little Girl Missing. Hope that helps.
    Julia x

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